July 10 2015 / 23 Tammuz 5775 Volume 19 – Number 25 Who are the Jewish south african Report’s board members? Read all about them on page 8 & 9. Jewish Report www.sajr.co.za Photo: David Fleminger Photo: Meiri’s mischievous murals light up drab city walls Famous Israeli street artist Rami Meiri is pictured with his wife Rachel in front of a wall of an orphanage on the corner of Nelson Mandela Drive and Stanza Bopape Street in Pretoria, with second year students from the Tshwane University of Technology and some staff members of City Property. Meiri, who also painted another wall in Pretoria (see page 3), conducted a workshop with his young university charges this week. Meiri was brought to South Africa as a joint collaboration between the Israeli Embassy and the Wapnick family through their company, City Property. “I’m an urban artist. My language is visual. I have been giving gifts to cities through murals for 35 years,” the erudite Meiri said. He has plied his art as far afield as China. He will also grace some walls in Cape Town with his quirky designs and characters. Keeping kosher in the UK, Street artist Meiri gives joy The US and Iran: What Sir Nicholas Winton, Happy 80th birthday, Canada and Australia to Pretoria walls happens once a deal is in rescuer of WWII Jewish community stalwart Herby place children, passes on Rosenberg Jewish Report puts 3 major cities Meiri’s artworks have been with large Jewish populations bringing cheer and laughter to A nuclear deal between Iran and Sir Nicholas Winton, the British A veritable feast of family, friends, under the spotlight to see what passersby around the world. the major powers could unleash stockbroker who saved the lives felicitations and fine food - fitting kosher products are available far-reaching changes in the of more than 600 Jewish children tribute to a gentleman and scholar. there - and at what price. region. Much depends on what the from the Nazis, has died at the final deal will look like. age of 106. 2 3 6 7 10 YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION TO A PRESTIGIOUS AND MOST SECURE CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT LAUNCH IN MORNINGSIDE LAUNCHING Sunday 12 July from 12-5pm CHIC AND REFINED ONLY 12 EXCLUSIVE CLUSTERS ON ±1000m2 STANDS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED Joan Richter 082 552 7323 19 BRIAN is the epitome of elegant and sophisticated cluster living, located in the heart [email protected] of Morningside, designed to maximise light and space, featuring contemporary finishes Limor Zino 082 888 7561 designed to reflect your personal style. [email protected] Directions from Rivonia Road into Centre Road, left into Middle Road past boom gate, 011 731 0300 | www.firzt.co.za Artist Impression right into Gail Road, right into Pillemer Road at T-Junction left into Brian Road. 2 SA JEWISH REPORT News 10 – 17 July 2015 Keeping kosher in the UK, Canada & Australia SHIRA DRUION our trip so much more enjoyable! We could not and then in the non-kosher aisles, you just number of kosher restaurants available,” says LONDON believe what was on offer.” have to look on the packaging to find products Durbach from Toronto. “But it seems that not The United Kingdom has a Jewish com- with kosher stamps. Kosher meat is about two too many of them make it for longer than a In times gone by, kashrut was a challenging munity of approximately 300 000. Rabbi Eli thirds more expensive than non-kosher meat few years because going out to eat with bigger mitzvah to undertake because of the many Schoeman who grew up in Johannesburg, and dairy products are also more expensive.” families becomes a very expensive outing. intricacies that came as part of the package. is the rabbinical co-ordinator of the kashrut Former King Davidian, Rabbi Myron Sacher, “We have a Mexican eatery, lots of Chinese However, it is interesting to note that it did department at the London Beth Din. currently lives in Bondi, Sydney where he is take-outs, lots of pizza places, a fancy dairy not deter many from upholding the complex He says that for those fortunate enough to a teacher at The Jewish Learning Centre and place and my personal favourite, called Bistro laws that obligate Jews to adhere to the Torah be living in a “Jewish area”, keeping kosher is Kesser Torah College. Grand on Eglington. But we don’t even really commandments pertaining to diet. easy. There are kosher products from all over “Kosher food is very accessible in the Jewish have a good steak house! There are also many Twenty-first century life has advanced the world which are imported to the UK and areas. The supermarkets in these areas stock places where you can buy all kinds of ready- Jewish diets too and presently, there are there are many bakeries available to supply the many products, but finding them outside of made deli stuff.” thousands of kosher products readily avail- community with a choice of kosher goods. these areas will prove a little tricky. Some of London has a very wide assortment of able the world over, with these product ranges Schoeman adds: “For those living outside the products bear a kosher logo (KA, Kosher kosher restaurants servicing the thousands of expanding weekly. the typically Jewish areas, there is a ko- Australia, and Adass). strictly kosher customers. There are many milk SA Jewish Report put three major cities sher guide produced annually by the KLBD “Others are found in the kosher directory or restaurants, steak houses, Chinese and even with large Jewish populations under the spot- (Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din) online. Kosher meat is also more expensive,” an Ottelenghi restaurant which has become a light to see what they have to offer, in com- as well as very efficient online searches with says Rabbi Sacher, which confirms that kosher real tourist attraction for authentic Mediter- parison to what is available in South Africa. updated information (see www.isitkosher.uk ). products are more expensive the world over ranean food lovers. The South African Jewish community “Meat and dairy products are difficult to as a result of the intensive stages of kashrut “We have a few kosher restaurants avail- numbers some 70 000 and its members are come by and people have to make different involved with the entire process. able,” says Sacher from Sydney. “There is Katzys fortunate to choose from an impressive selec- arrangements for how they get these delivered In a price comparison of a whole kosher (meat), Bondi Pizza, Savion, Pita Mix and three tion of kosher products available at all local to their area.” chicken across the continents, Jewish Report branches of Glicks (kosher supermarket).” supermarkets. “There are approximately 270 000 Jews liv- ascertained that kosher chicken comes out South Africa has a good selection of kosher Kosher butcheries, fisheries and bakeries ing in Toronto,” says Sharon Durbach, a South cheapest in Johannesburg at R77.30 per kilo restaurants, some of which have even become provide the community with fresh and deli- African expat living in the city who is a kosher as opposed to the United Kingdom at R80 per a favourite of overseas visitors who return cious goods and overseas visitors often remark caterer. “There is a lot of kosher food available kilo, Toronto R90 per kilo and Melbourne at to foreign shores raving about, “Frangelica’s that keeping kosher in South Africa could not here. There are large allocated areas in super- R88 per kilo. dreamy muffins and cheesecake or Next Door’s be easier. “The kosher delis in Cape Town made markets where there are only kosher products For those looking to eat out, “There are a many sumptuous delights!” Berland flees Holland, Self-control not hospitalised - reports G-d grants him a covenant of peace and Self-control is the ability to control ANT KATZ Parshat Pinchas the priesthood. Why is Aharon, Pinchas’ oneself, in particular one’s emotions and paternal grandfather mentioned as Pin- desires, especially in difficult situations. After the Dutch Supreme Court chas’ grandfather in the Torah and not The Torah is teaching us that we must rejected his appeal and author- Rabbi Yoni Lipschitz his maternal grandfather? be prepared to step outside our comfort ised his extradition to Israel on Mizrachi Shul Rashi comments that this is because zone and extend ourselves and exercise Tuesday, Chassidic leader, Rabbi people were mocking Pinchas that he self-control and discipline in our daily Eliezer Berland (pictured), has We are currently in the Bein Hamet- was the descendant of an idol worship- lives. This applies equally to what we put been rumoured to have abscond- zarim (between the straits), the three per and that is why he acted in the in our mouths as to what comes out of ed from Holland before he could weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and manner in which he did. Rabbi Avraham our mouths. be extradited. Tisha B’Av. These days have historically Sofer, the Kesav Sofer, writes on Parshat According to the Talmud, in Masechet, The rabbi who is accused been days of misfortune and calamity Pinchas that it seemed to people that Gittin (55a-56b), lashon harah was the of having indecently assaulted for the Jewish people. the zealotry of Pinchas was based on cause of the destruction of the second women in Israel and who had During this time, both the First and traits that he inherited from his mater- Beit Hamikdash. South African Jewry following Second Temples were destroyed, among nal grandfather rather than his paternal During this time period we should act his every move last year after other great catastrophes occuring in grandfather who was a “lover of peace, a like Pinchas by stepping outside of our arriving with a whole entourage, was widely reported to have been Jewish history.
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