HOMOTOPY COHERENT STRUCTURES EMILY RIEHL Abstract. Naturally occurring diagrams in algebraic topology are commuta- tive up to homotopy, but not on the nose. It was quickly realized that very little can be done with this information. Homotopy coherent category theory arose out of a desire to catalog the higher homotopical information required to restore constructibility (or more precisely, functoriality) in such “up to homo- topy” settings. The first lecture will survey the classical theory of homotopy coherent diagrams of topological spaces. The second lecture will revisit the free resolutions used to define homotopy coherent diagrams and prove that they can also be understood as homotopy coherent realizations. This explains why diagrams valued in homotopy coherent nerves or more general 1-categories are automatically homotopy coherent. The final lecture will venture into ho- motopy coherent algebra, connecting the newly discovered notion of homotopy coherent adjunction to the classical cobar and bar resolutions for homotopy coherent algebras. Contents Part I. Homotopy coherent diagrams 2 I.1. Historical motivation 2 I.2. The shape of a homotopy coherent diagram 3 I.3. Homotopy coherent diagrams and homotopy coherent natural transformations 7 Part II. Homotopy coherent realization and the homotopy coherent nerve 10 II.1. Free resolutions are simplicial computads 11 II.2. Homotopy coherent realization and the homotopy coherent nerve 13 II.3. Further applications 17 Part III. Homotopy coherent algebra 17 III.1. From coherent homotopy theory to coherent category theory 17 III.2. Monads in category theory 19 III.3. Homotopy coherent monads 19 III.4. Homotopy coherent adjunctions 21 Date: July 12-14, 2017. These lecture notes were prepared to accompany a three-hour mini course entitled “Homotopy coherent structures” delivered at the summer school accompanying the “Floer homology and homotopy theory” conference at UCLA supported by NSF Grant DMS-1563615. I am grateful to the organizers for this opportunity to speak, to the members of the Australian Category Seminar who suffered through a preliminary version of these talks, and also for additional support fromthe National Science Foundation provided by the grant DMS-1551129 while these notes were being written. 1 2 EMILY RIEHL III.5. Algebras for a homotopy coherent monad 24 References 25 Part I. Homotopy coherent diagrams I.1. Historical motivation If X is a G-space, for G a discrete group, and Y is homotopy equivalent to X, then is Y a G-space? The action of a group element g 2 G on Y can be defined by transporting along the maps f : X ! Y and f −1 : Y ! X of the homotopy equivalence: f −1 Y X g∗ g∗ Y X f This defines a continuous endomorphism of Y for every g 2 G, as required by a G-action, but these maps are not necessarily automorphisms (since f and f −1 need not be homeomorphisms) nor is the composite of the actions associated to a pair of elements g; h 2 G equal to the action by their product: instead −1 −1 −1 −1 g∗ ◦ h∗ = (f ◦ g∗ ◦ f ) ◦ (f ◦ h∗ ◦ f ) = f ◦ g∗ ◦ (f ◦ f) ◦ h∗ ◦ f and −1 (gh)∗ = f ◦ (gh)∗ ◦ f −1 are homotopic via the homotopy f ◦ f ' idX . So if Y is not a G-space, then what is it? The main aim of Part I is to develop language to describe this sort of situation. A G-space X may be productively considered as a diagram in the category of topological spaces indexed by a category BG with a single object and with an endomorphism corresponding to each element in the group.1 By contrast the “up to homotopy G-space” Y is instead a homotopy commutative diagram. Modulo point-set topological considerations that we sweep under the rug using a technique that will be described below, the category of topological spaces is self-enriched, meaning that the set of continuous functions between any pair of spaces X and Y is itself a space, which we denote by Map(X; Y ). The points in Map(X; Y ) are the continuous functions f : X ! Y while a path in Map(X; Y ) between points f and g is a homotopy. Two parallel maps f; g : X ! Y are homotopic — in symbols “f ' g” — just when they are in the same path component in π0Map(X; Y ). Importantly, composition of continuous functions itself defines a continuous function between mapping spaces Map(Y; Z) × Map(X; Y ) ◦ Map(X; Z) so this relation of taking homotopy classes of maps is preserved by pre- and post- composition with another continuous function. This defines the category hSpace of spaces and homotopy classes of continuous functions as a quotient of the enriched category Space of spaces and mapping spaces Map(X; Y ), the points in which are 1Here “diagram” is synonymous with “functor”: to define a functor whose domain is the category BG is to specify an image for the single object together with and endomorphism g∗ for each g 2 G so that (gh)∗ = g∗h∗ and e∗ = id. HOMOTOPY COHERENT STRUCTURES 3 continuous functions, the paths in which are homotopies, and the paths between paths in which are higher homotopies. Definition I.1.1. If A is an ordinary category then • a diagram of spaces is just a functor A ! Space • a homotopy commutative diagram of spaces is a functor A ! hSpace Thus, the G-space X defines a diagram X : BG ! Space while the “up-to- homotopy” G-space Y defines a homotopy commutative diagram Y : BG ! hSpace. This terminology suggests a related question: is every “up-to-homotopy” G-space realized by a homotopy equivalent G-space? Or more generally, when does a ho- motopy commutative diagram F : A ! hSpace admit a realization, i.e., a diagram F 0 : A ! Space together with homotopy equivalences F a ' F 0a that define a nat- ural transformation2 in hSpace. Theorem I.1.2 ([DKS, 2.5]). A homotopy commutative diagram has a realization if and only if it may be lifted to a homotopy coherent diagram. Moreover, equivalence classes of realizations correspond bijectively with equivalences classes of homotopy coherent diagrams. Proof. This result is proven as a corollary of [DKS, 2.4] which demonstrates that appropriately defined spaces of homotopy coherent diagrams and realizations (de- fined slightly differently than above) are weak homotopy equivalent. In particular, since the homotopy commutative G-space Y is realized by the G-space X, it must underlie a homotopy coherent diagram of shape BG. Our task is now to work out what exactly the phrase homotopy coherent diagram means. I.2. The shape of a homotopy coherent diagram To build intuition for the general notion of a homotopy coherent diagram, it is helpful to consider a special case. To that end, let ω := 0 1 2 3 ··· denote the category whose objects are finite ordinals and with a morphism j ! k if and only if j ≤ k. A ω-shaped graph in Space is comprised of spaces Xk for each k 2 ω together 3 with morphisms fj;k : Xj ! Xk whenever j < k. This data defines a homotopy commutative diagram ω ! hSpace just when fi;k ' fj;k ◦ fi;j whenever i < j < k. To extend this data to a homotopy coherent diagram ω ! Space requires: • Chosen homotopies hi;j;k : fi;k ' fj;k ◦ fi;j whenever i < j < k. This amounts to specifying a path in Map(Xi;Xk) from the vertex fi;k to the vertex fj;k ◦ fi;j, which is obtained as the composite of the two vertices fi;j 2 Map(Xi;Xj) and fj;k 2 Map(Xj;Xk). 2See Definition I.3.5. 3 To simplify somewhat we adopt the convention that fj;j is the identity, making this data into a reflexive directed graph with implicitly designated identities. 4 EMILY RIEHL • For i < j < k < `, the chosen homotopies provide four paths in Map(Xi;X`) hi;k;` fi;` fk;` ◦ fi;k hi;j;` fk;`◦hi;j;k fj;` ◦ fi;j fk;` ◦ fj;k ◦ fi;j hj;k;`◦fi;j We then specify a higher homotopy — a 2-homotopy — filling in this square. • For i < j < k < ` < m, the previous choices provide 12 paths and six 2-homotopies in Map(Xi;Xm) that assemble into the boundary of a cube. We then specify a 3-homotopy, a homotopy between homotopies between homo- topies, filling in this cube. • Etc. Even in this simple case of the category ω, this data is a bit unwieldy. Our task is to define a category to index this homotopy coherent data arising from ω: the objects Xi, the functions Xi ! Xj, the 1-homotopies hi;j;k, the 2-homotopies, and so on. This data will assemble into a simplicial category whose objects are the same as the objects of ω but which will have n-morphisms in each dimension n ≥ 0, to index the n-homotopies. Because of the convenience of the mechanism of simplicial categories, and to avoid the point-set topology considerations alluded to above, we should now come clean and admit that we prefer to assume that our “mapping spaces” are really simplicial sets, or more precisely Kan complexes in the case of Space and similar categories, about more which below. Digression I.2.1 (a crash course on simplicial sets). There is a convenient category whose objects model topological spaces (at least up to weak homotopy type): the category sSet of simplicial sets. A simplicial set X is a graded set (Xn)n≥0 of n-simplices together with maps (I.2.2) X := X0 X1 X2 X3 ··· that fulfill two functions: • The n + 1 face maps Xn Xn−1 identify the faces of an n-simplex.
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