Saint Ita-Saint Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church May 19, 2019 • Fifth Sunday of Easter Saint Ita Saint Thomas of Canterbury 5500 North Broadway 4827 N Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 Chicago, IL 60640 www.saintita.org • 773-561-5343 www.stcuptown.com• 773-878-5507 Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Weekday Mass Monday-Saturday: 8:00 am Monday-Thursday: 5:30 pm Monday –Saturday at 8:00 am Sunday Mass Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm 8:00 am Vietnamese/Laotian/English Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am 10:00 am English 12:00 pm Spanish 12:30 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm 3:00 pm Eritrean (1st Sunday of the month) Burmese (monthly in school):10:30 am Daily Confessions Daily Confessions Monday-Saturday: 8:30 am Monday -Saturday following the 8:00 am Mass Saturday-Sunday: 4:30 pm Coming Events DivineSaturday. Mercy May Sunday, 18: SATURDAY May 5: NIGHTRICA • 10WITH am in THE the Rectory SAINTS (SI): LIFE • Needle FOR Crafters LIFE • 7 pm• 3 pmin Jubilee in the Recory Hall (SI) (SI) Sunday, ChicagoMay 19: Chamber RICA • 10 Choir am in Concert: the Rectory All •- NightNEEDLE Vigil CRAFTERS • 3 pm in the • 3Church pm in (SI)the Rectory (SI) CONCERTCoffee Hour OF EASTERafter the 10 MU amSIC and • 123 pm pm in masses the Church • STC (SI) Tuesday, May 21: ADORATIONWednesday, OF THE BLE MaySSED 8: YoungSACRAMENT Adults :Meeting After the • 8 7 am pm Mass in the concluding Rectory with Benediction at 7 pm (STC) VOLUNTEERTuesday, AT April THE SOU 30:P RCIA KITCHEN • 7 pm at in 3:30 the Rectory pm (STC) Thursday, Adoration of May the Blessed 23: TAIZE Sacrament: HOLY HOUR After the FOR 8 IMMIGRANTSam Mass concluding AND REFUGEES with Benediction • 7 pm atin the7 pm Church (STC) (SI) • Volunteer BUILDINGat the Soup ANDKitchen GROUNDS at 3:30 pm MEETING • Dinners: • 7 pm5:30 in pmthe Rectoryto 6:30 pm (STC) Friday, May 24: VOLUNTEER AT THE SOUP KITCHEN • 3:30 pm (STC) Thursday, May 2: PPC Meeting • 7 pm in the Rectory (SI) Friday, May 31: PROGRESSIVE CELEBRATION OF THE CREATION OF SAINTS ITA AND THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PARISH Friday,6:00 May pm VESPERS3: First Friday AND EUCHARIS DevotionTIC to thePROCESSION Sacred Heart from of JesusSaint Thomas• Mass at of7 pm Canterbury in the Church (SI) Volunteer at the Soup7:15 MASSKitchen AND at 3:30 RECEPTION pm • Dinners:5:30 at Saint Ita pm -6:30 pm (STC) Saturday, May 4; Eritrean Annual St. Mary’s Celebration • 9:30 am (STC) 2 • SAINT ITA -SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY CATHOLIC CHURCH • CHICAGO, IL ST ITA-SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY CATHOLIC CHURCH Saint Ita Saint Thomas of Canterbury Office: 1220 W Catalpa. Chicago, IL 60640 4827 N Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 773-561-5343 • www.saintita.org 773-878-5507 • www.stcuptown.com Office Hours Office Hours Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am—8:00 pm Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:00 pm Friday-Sunday: 9:00 am—5:00 pm Conventual Franciscan Friars Fr. Robert Cook, OFM Conv., Pastor Fr. Simon Minyati, OFM Conv., Associate Pastor Fr. Arturo Felix, OFM Conv., Associate Pastor Bro. Ayub Mwenda, OFM Conv., Pastoral Associate Bro. Joe Schenk, OFM Conv., STC Director of Outreach Bro. Don Thielsen, OFM Conv. STC Soup Kitchen Fr. Robert Melnick, OFM Conv., In Residence Saint Thomas of Canterbury School • Ms. Christine Boyd, Principal 5525 N Magnolia Ave. • Tel: (773)271-8655 www.stmary-stthomas.org Parish Staff Deacon/Pastoral Associate Rev. Mr. Jaime Ríos Deacon Rev. Mr. Tony Rodríguez Deacon Rev. Mr. Ronald B. Stricker Pastoral Associate Sister Mary Jeanne Hayes, SND de N Director of Religious Education Mr. Cándido Reyna Director of Music Mr. Dan Lagacy Business Manager (St. Ita) Mrs. Dorothy W. Julian Business Manager (Saint Thomas of Canterbury) Ms. Christine Pao Temporary Director of the Soup Kitchen Mr. Jim Eder Food Pantry/Clothing Room Manager Ms. Nancy Martínez St Thomas of Canterbury Outreach Ministries: Soup Kitchen—Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:30 pm Food Pantry– Tuesdays, 2nd & 5th Friday of the month : 9:30 am -12 noon Clothing Room—Thursdays 9:30 am—12 noon (Please call ahead) Food/clothing donations may be dropped off at the rectory (STC) during office hours. Volunteers welcome! FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER• May 19, 2019 • 3 Pope Francis Issues Global Mandatory Reporting Law El Papa Francisco emite La Ley de Información Obligatoria Global FROM THE CARDINAL: DEL CARDENAL: Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: Blessings to you in this joyful season of Easter. In keep- Bendiciones a ustedes en esta temporada jubilosa (alegre) de ing with muy pledge to update you on the Church’s ef- Pascua. Manteniendo mi promesa de informarlos acerca de los forts regarding safeguardibng of children. I want to esfuerzos de la Iglesia para proteger (salvaguardar) a los ni- share an important step taken by Pope Francis. This ños/as, quiero compartir con ustedes un paso importante to- past Friday he published an executive order mandating mado por el Papa Francisco. El viernes pasado él publicó una that all the bishops implement a new universal law re- orden ejecutiva mandando a todos los obispos a implementar quiring all dioceses and religious order to report abuse una ley universal nueva requiriendo a todas las diócesis y ór- of minors and vulnerable adults. The new law provides denes religiosas a denunciar el abuso de menores y adultos a process for investigating abuse by any member of the vulnerables. Esta ley nueva provee un proceso para investigar el abuso por parte de cualquier miembro de la jerarquía, inclu- hierarchy, including cardinals, bishops and priests as yendo los cardenales, los obispos y los sacerdotes así como los well as religious men and women. There is a process for hombres y mujeres religiosos. También hay un proceso para investigating the mishandling of such cases by bishops. investigar la conducción equivocada de estos casos por los Now, all bishops’ conferences and religious congrega- obispos. Ahora, todas las conferencias de obispos y congrega- tions in every country around the world will have to ciones religiosas de cada país alrededor del mundo tendrán meet more rigorous standards. que satisfacer (cumplir) requisitos más rigurosos. This unprecedented development comes less than Este proceso sin precedente ocurre en menos de 3 meses des- three months after the Holy father’s meeting in Rome pués de la reunión, en Roma, del Santo Padre con todos los superiores de las órdenes religiosas y los presidentes de las with all religious superiors and presidents of bishops’ conferencias de obispos de todos partes del mundo. En esa conferences from around the world. On that occasion ocasión el Papa prometió una acción concreta (específica). El the Pope promised concrete action. The announcement anuncio de hoy, junto con las normas que él publicó anterior- today, along with the norms he published earlier for the mente para El Vaticano, demuestran su resolución (decisión) Vatican City State, demonstrate his resolve to put an de poner un fin a los encubrimientos y de tomar una acción end to cover ups and take decisive action to rid the decisiva (decidida) para librar a la Iglesia del dolor del abuso Church of the scourge of abuse of minors. For your con- de menores. Para su conveniencia (comodidad) usted puede venience, you can read the full statement the archdio- leer el comunicado completo que la Arquidiócesis publicó cese released on the law at our website: (emitió) sobre esta ley en nuestro sitio Web: www.archchicago.org. Yo lo invito a compartir esta informa- www.archchicago.org. I invite you to share this infor- ción con sus familiares y amigos. Como yo noté en ese comuni- mation with your family members and friends. As I not- cado: “Mientras que esta ley nueva corrobora (valida) muchos ed in that statement: “While this new law validates de los procedimientos ya establecidos en la Arquidiócesis de many of the procedures already in place in the Archdi- Chicago y en Los Estados Unidos, provee una estructura para ocese of Chicago and in the United States, it provides a que los obispos de este país adopten (tomen) medidas en framework for the bishops in this country to adopt nuestra reunión de Junio en la cual se va a implementar la measures at our June meeting that will both implement orden ejecutiva del Papa y se va a tratar el asunto (tema) de the Pope’s executive order and address the issue of hacer responsable a todo el mundo en la Iglesia.” holding everyone in the Church accountable.” Mientras nuestros obispos auxiliares y yo nos preparamos para asistir a esta reunión en varias semanas, yo me compro- As our auxiliary bishops and I prepare to attend that meto una vez más a hacer lo mejor posible para que nuestra meeting in a few weeks, I pledge to you once again that respuesta en Junio, así como nuestros esfuerzos en este asun- I will do my best to see that our response in June, as to, estén marcados de responsabilidad, contabilidad y transpa- well as our ongoing efforts in this regard, are marked by rencia. responsibility, accountability and transparency. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Sincerely yours in Christ, Arzobispo de Chicago Archbishop of Chicago 4 • SAINT ITA -SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY CATHOLIC CHURCH VOLUNTEER AT SAINT THOMAS OF CANTERBURY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Soup Kitchen The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8 am Mass through the We need volunteers at the Soup Kitchen on Tuesdays and Fri- entire day and concluding with Benediction at 7 pm.
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