ISSN 1232-5309 SOLTAN INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES INSTYTUT PROBLEMdW JADROWYCH im. A. SOtTANA PL9701895 ANNUAL REPORT 1995 Otwock - Swierk 19 9 6 ISSN 1232-5309 SOLTAN INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT 1995 Editors: E. Infeld M. Jaskdla P. Zuprariski PL-05-400 OTWOCK-SWIERK, POLAND Tel: 048-22-779 8948 Telex: 813244 IBJ swpl Fax: 048-22-779 3481 E-mail: [email protected] Otwock - Swierk 1996 Technical Editor: Krystyna Traczyk Technical Staff: Jolanta Falkowska Danuta Szczepaniak The Report was printed using a Word Perfect 6,0 word processor on a PC 486/40 and a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 5P SINS Annual Report 1995 1 ABSTRACT: This report surveys our activities in the following fields: nuclear, particle and cosmic ray physics, plasma and thermonuclear research and techniques, nuclear electronics, accelerator techniques and physics, as well as ionizing radiation detection and spectrometry techniques, developmental work and implementations resulting from chosen trends in nuclear physics* 1. STRESZCZENIE: Raport roczny Instytutu Problemdw Jqdrowych im. A.Sottana przedstawia zwi$zfy przeglqd badan teoretycznych, doswiadczalnych, technologicznych i technicznych z dziedziny fizyki jqdrowej, promieniowania kosmicznego, fizyki czqstek elementarnych, fizyki plazmy, elektroniki jqdrowej, detektorow gazowych i pdfprzewodnikowych, fizyki i techniki akceleratorow, fizyki oslon przed promieniowaniem i mikrodozymetrii" 1. *) This work was supported in part by the State Committee for Scientific Research in Poland, Decision Nr 621/E-78/S/95 **) Badania byiy finansowane glownie przez Komitet Badan Naukowych w Polsce wedfug Decyzji Nr 621/E-78/S/95 2 SINS Annual Report 1995 CONTENTS FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................. 3 I. GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 5 II. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE............................... 5 III. LIST OF PROFESSORS, ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS, ASSISTANT PROFESSORS AND SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL OF THE SOLTAN INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES___ 7 IV. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 10 V. PROGRESS REPORT BY DISCIPLINE .................................................................................. 11 A. NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS ................................................................... 11 1. THEORY............................................................................................................................ 11 2. EXPERIMENT ................................................................................................................. 14 3. APPLIED NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES . 28 B. PARTICLE PHYSICS AND COSMIC RAY PHYSICS..................................................... 44 1. PARTICLE AND HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS.............................................................. 44 2. COSMIC RAY PHYSICS.................................................................................................. 56 C. ACCELERATORS ................................................................................................................. 59 1. ELECTRON ACCELERATORS .................................................................................... 59 2. PROTON AND ION ACCELERATORS....................................................................... 71 D. ELECTRONICS AND DETECTORS.................................................................................. 80 1. NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS ........................................................................................... 80 2. SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTORS .............................................................................. 92 E. PLASMA PHYSICS................................................................................................................. 94 1. THEORY AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS.......................................................... 94 2. EXPERIMENT ................................................................................................................. 96 3. TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 103 VI. PUBLICATIONS, PATENTS, SEMINARS, RESEARCH PROJECTS ............................... 106 a. ARTICLES (PUBLISHED IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS, BOOKS), REPORTS ............................... 106 b. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONFERENCES (PRESENTED AT conferences , symposia , INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS, WORKSHOPS etc.) ........................................................................... 118 c. REVIEWS AND GENERAL, OTHER PAPERS...................................................................126 d. PATENTS...................................................................................................................................128 e. SEMINARS AT OTHER INSTITUTES ................................................................................ 128 f. SEMINARS AT SINS ...............................................................................................................131 g. LIST OF RESEARCH PROJECT (GRANTS) REALIZED BY SINS IN 1995 ...................... 133 h. LIST OF RESEARCH PROJECTS GRANTED BY INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS................................................................................................................... 134 VII. PhD and DSc THESES................................................................................................................... 135 VIII. VISITORS, MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS .................................................................................... 136 IX. OUR VISITS ABROAD................................................................................................................. 144 X. OBITUARIES...................................................................................................................................149 XI. AUTHOR INDEX .......................................................................................................................... 151 SINS Annual Report 1995 3 FOREWORD The Institute for Nuclear Studies was founded on January 1,1983. It was previously a part of the former Institute of Nuclear Research which had been engaged in work on atomic physics since 1955. On October 10,1987 the Institute was named the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS) in memory of Professor Andrzej SOLTAN, a pioneer of nuclear science in Poland, who in 1958 (together with Leopold Infeld) also initiated plasma physics studies in Warsaw. According to its statutes, the Institute is involved in basic research like: nuclear physics, particle and high energy physics, cosmic ray physics, plasma physics as well as developmental work and implementations resulting from chosen trends in nuclear physics, nuclear electronics, accelerator technology, radiation detection, radiation transport, instrumentation and plasma physics technology. Many essential results have been obtained by the Institutes scientific staff in fundamental research. Among them the most worthy of mention are: the long halflife predicted theoretically for isotopes of the elements with proton number Z=110 and 111 and neutron number around N=162 by A.Sobiczewski group of the SINS (prize of the Polish Science Foundation); a new improved formula for the Coulomb corrections to Bose - Einstein correlations; importance of collective excitation in the description of multistep direct reactions; determination of nuclear friction in strongly damped reactions from precision neutron multiplicities; importance of multi-electron effects in the K plus M shell ionization by energetics projectiles and electron beam; soliton breakup in plasmas and other classical media; complex studies of the emission of X-ray, charged particle beams and neutrons from plasma-focus facilities; determination of the spin structure of the nucleon; the results obtained by the SINS Warsaw group in the DELPHI experiment at CERN, achievements in heavy quark physics, the spectroscopy of excited b - mesons B , B , B" ; Several constructions and development projects showed considerable progress during the year: pulse-shape discrimination for particle identification in "EuroSiB" - a 4ir Si-ball for charge particle detection; studies of the properties of the new LuAP:Ce scintillator the method and results obtained in modification of the surface properties of nitrogen- alloyed steells; dosimetry for radiotherapy and radiological protection; optimation of HRSi detectors technology for X-ray spectrometry design of the accelerating structure for 6-15 MeV medical accelerator. In our Experimental Establishment for Nuclear Equipment (ZDAJ) several construction and development projects showed considerable progress. Among them are: the therapeutical accelerator "Co-Line" 4 MeV, designed and constructed during 1993-1994. They have X-ray beam parameters close to Co-Unit beam parameters. Co-Line 4 SINS Annual Report 1995 accelerators have been working since December 1994 in the Regional Oncological Centre in Lodz, and since Dec. 1995 in Lublin Oncological Centre; the development and testing of a fully computerized system of medical accelerator parameter control and steering ("NEPTUN" and "Co-Line"); In spite of financial difficulties over the last years we were able to publish about 360 scientific papers during 1995, more than half
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