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Minstrel Show EVery dog may have his day, USUAL SPLENDID TALKS ON SEWAGE Miss Myra Barden of the town SAFETY MONTH TO but some of the local canines' welfare department has discov­ NEXT THREE DAYS days are numbered or nearly so ered several needy families in life' if their owners do not bestir ENTERTAINMENT DISPOSAL PLAN themselves and have them li­ town, in the course of her inves­ OPEN TOMORROW censed. The time limit for this tigations that are badly in want M———• 1" Emblem to be Worn On Members of Washing­ of beds and bedding. Miss Bar­ job expires tomorrow evening Diversion Problem Dis­ den states that in her long ex­ A Novel Campaign Has u Memorial Day Placed at 9 o'clock. All day tomorrow, and until that zero hour tomor­ ton Irving Council Pro­ cussed by Sewer Com­ perience in this work she has Been Organized in Lo­ WM| On Sale Today by Mem- row night, Town Clerk Timothy never found such a wretched duction Play to Crowd­ missioner Before Local condition as the families are in cal Plant And Will Be m$ Ibers of the Patrick F. J. Sullivan will be at his office to which she refers. The situa­ for the purpose of issuing dog ed House at Auditor­ Rotary Club at Weekly tion, Miss Barden states, is ac­ Energetically Pushed |triggs Post, V. F. W. licenses. Up to last evening, ium Monday Night. tually unbelievable. She feels slightly oyer 300 licenses had Luncheon Yesterday. that there are many people in During Entire Month. •fr' . been issued out of an approxi­ Beginning today and continuing un­ mately 550 dogs in the town. From the opening overture, "Hits the community who could help til Saturday evening, the Buddy Pop­ A comprehensive and informative out in this deplorable state of As announced over the radio Tues­ Dog owners failing to secure a of Others Day" to the grand finale, pies are on sale on the streets of the license before the closing hour explanation of the problem confront­ affairs. What she wants is beds day evening by Superintendent Elliott town under the direction of the Pat­ tomorrow night will be called "Heading for Better Times," the an­ ing the town of Enfield in the matter and bedding, and she urgently I. Petersen, the local plant of the Big­ rick P. Triggs Post, Veterans of For­ upon to pay a penalty of $1.00 nual minstrel show of Washington Ir­ appeals to any who have any elow-Sanford Carpet Company will eign Wars. of diverting its sewage from the Con­ household furnishings of this begin its sixth annual "No-Accident in addition to the regular fee. ving Council, Knights of Columbus, necticut River, was given to the mem­ particular kind on hand that The name of the Buddy Poppy is In addition to that, unlicensed May" campaign tomorrow, Friday registeredJjy the V. F. W. and no one at the high school auditorium Monday bers of the Rotary Club by Martin E. they would be willing to let her May 1. Following out the plan oi dogs come under the ban of the night, came up to the highest stand­ have, to communicate with her s not authorized by the local post will law and are likely to be picked Brodrick at the weekly luncheon yes­ previous campaigns, a special shop be permitted to sell them. Each flow­ ard of what is expected of this or­ at the town building. Tel. 144. safety committee has been appointed, up and eventually destroyed by ganization, and what it has invariably terday. Mr. Brodrick, who has served er is labeled, and as further precau­ the dog warden. comprising employes of every depart­ tion, V. F. W. poppy sellers will bear provided. The Knights have had the as a member of the sewer board of ment in the mill yard. Similar .com­ credentials of identification, it was faculty for years of gathering togeth­ the Thompsonville Fire and Sewer mittees have been of incalculable er for this annual entertainment ex­ District for over a quarter of a cen­ announced yesterday by Leon R. Col­ \ HAROLD D. RICHARDS value during previous campaigns, and by, chairman of the V. F. W. Buddy ceptional talent, and this year was no tury, gave the club members the ben­ OFFICIALS WILL to the efforts of the 1930 group much Poppy committee in charge"of the lo­ NO DECREASE IN exception. efit of this close contact with that civ­ credit must be given for the estab­ cal poppy sale plans. The lyric numbers, comic songs and ic project and his knowledge gained APPLY FOR THE lishment of the splendid record of " 'Pack up your troubles in your old hits of the first part of the program CLEAN-UP WEEK of the impending sewage disposal forty-two days without accident. This kit bag and smile, smile, smile,' that's TOBACCO ACREAGE were all well rendered. The cast of problem. year's committee is determined to the keynote of the spirit in which principals in this part of the program The act creating the State Water APPROPRIATION break that record if at all possible. throughout the United States disabled consisted of the following: Interlocu­ ENDS SATURDAY Commission was explained by him and Plans for the campaign have been and needy ex-service men, crippled DUE TfflS SEASON tor, "Bill" Hughes, end ladies, Mrs. the legislation giving the board au- underway for some time and several heroes of Chateau Thierry and the Tessie Furey, Miss Evelyn Dineen, thority to compel all civic and indus- pn A clr novelty features will be presented in Argonne, of St. Mihiel and Verdun, Miss Margaret Shaughnessy and Miss Annual Civic Event Has trial sewage to be diverted from the Will /\»1V r Ox order to maintain everyone's interest are working these days to make the Survey Indicates That at Anna O'Connor; end men, William A. live streams of the state. He told of Town's Share of Rural and attention day by day. First in thousands on thousands of scarlet Furey, Jr., J. Frank Hassett, Theo­ Been Successful So Far the various conferences with the state order of importance is the engage­ poppies which will gleam in signifi­ Least as Large a Crop dore Lockwood and George Maylo; water board that have been held, and Roads Appropriation— ment of a band of capable musicians soloists, Mrs. Daniel A. Garvey, Miss —Next the moderate policy of the state rep­ cant tribute in the buttonholes of all as Last Year Will be Two Days Will Town Meeting Will De­ to render band concerts. These con­ America on Memorial Day," said Mr. Geraldine Dowd, Sylvester Bourque, Be the Most Active. resentatives on the question. certs will start on Friday, May 1, and Colby. Grown — Early Plant­ Francis A. Burke and John Broderick. The development of this project in cide On Its Use. continue daily excepting Saturdays Each genuine Buddy Poppy carries Part two of the show was unusual­ the past year or two, according to Mr. and Sundays until such time as some­ a copyright green label which iden­ ing Plans Underway. ly entertaining with several fine spe­ With two more day§ to go before Brodrick, had indicated that it would one becomes injured to such an extent cialty numbers in which George May­ not be as big a financial problem as Formal action will be taken by the thatujat hene or shesne can notn, resume work tifies it as the genuine handiwork of it ends, the annual clean-up week un­ board of selectmen at the regular May n . disabled or needy ex-service men. The There is every indication that just lo, Mrs. Daniel A. Garvey, Miss Ger­ der the direction of the board of se­ it was originally feared it would be. on the fo owing day aldine Dowd, Miss Bernice Young, Wherein it was thought at the outset e 0ra0 T n ral majority are made in government as large, if not a larger, tobacco crop lectmen and the town street depart­ lappropriation.^;i ' r^°By th adoptionr of the An attractive band stand has beenj hospitals through an arrangement "Jackie" Dineen, Charles A. Furey, that an expensive filtering plant e erected on the lot f nd t will be grown in the Connecticut Val­ ment, will come to a close Saturday r S lut 0n t e b0 rd W 11 with the U. S. Veterans Bureau, and ley this year, according to inquiries Bobby and Eileen McCarthy, Irene would have to be set up somewhere ? f° ,- ? ,v. ? I west of the Bigelow-Sanford cafeter- Gautreau, Sylvester Bourque and Earl in the south end of the town, it was intention of the town to ja an(j point the band will a total of 6,000,000 will be completed made regarding the plans of growers evening. So far, according to Chair­ a rtl0 m n in readiness for the opening of the in this section for the present season.
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