ENGLISH SEVERN & WYE REGIONAL FLOOD COASTAL COMMITTEE TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2020 THE COURT HOUSE (Tourist Information building also) JURY STREET, WARWICK CV34 4EW Below is some useful information regarding the venue. Contact Details The Court House Warwick, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW 01926 830808 www.thecourthousewarwick.co.uk Location They are situated in the heart of Warwick on Jury St overlooking St Mary’s Church and with the beautiful Pageant gardens and Warwick Castle Stables carpark directly behind them. They are located above the Yeomanry museum and above Warwick Tourist Information Centre. Parking There are various carparks in Warwick just a few minutes’ walk from The Court House which you can see from the useful link below: https://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/locations/warwick_warwickshire_england_united _kingdom_gcqc7v61n66/?arriving=201810191330&leaving=201810191530 West Gate, New Street, Linen Street, Castle Lane, St Marys- all have carparks. Disability access The Court House is a fully accessible building and have a lift outside gaining access into the building and a lift inside gaining access to the ballroom. They also have disabled toilets on both ground level and ballroom level. Members of English Severn and Wye Regional Flood and Coastal Committee Members of the English Severn and Wye Regional Flood and Coastal Committee are invited to attend a meeting of the Committee on Tuesday 21 January 2020. 09:30 am – Coffee meet and greet 10:00 am – RFCC meeting The meeting will be held at The Court House, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW Attached is a map of Warwick showing where The Court House is and where the Car Parks are close by, which are pay and display. Refreshments will be available from 9:30hrs and a buffet lunch will be provided. All members are strongly encouraged to read the papers in advance of the meeting. LLFA members are also encouraged to liaise with their Local Flood Risk Management Officers to ensure that they are fully briefed on any issues particularly relevant to their area. Kind regards Mike Grimes Area Director, West Midlands AGENDA English Severn and Wye Regional Flood & Coastal Committee Tuesday 21 January 2020 Arrivals – Tea / Coffee from 09:30hrs 10:00hrs Main Meeting (lunch included) The Court House, (Ballroom) Jury Street, Warwick CV34 4EW Item Time Item Lead Page No. Chair 1 Welcome and Introductions - Cllr Andy Crump 2 Apologies for Absence Chair - 3 10:00 Chair’s Announcements Chair - to 4 Declarations of Interest Chair - 10:15 Members to declare interests relating to any of the Agenda items 5 Minutes/Action of Previous Meeting Chair To approve the minutes of the meeting held in April 1-5 6 Matters Arising from the Minutes Chair Items for Approval/Decision 10:15 7 to OM2 Task and Finish Group Will Shaw 10:45 8 10:45 English Severn & Wye RFCC In Year Programme 6-61 9 to Refresh & Pipeline Programme Rhys McCarthy 62-66 10 11:15 IDB Precept & Foreign Water Contribution Endorsement 67-68 BREAK 11:30 Severn Estuary/Shoreline Management Programme Dan Trewin 11 to Refresh John Buttivant 12:00 12:00 Mark Bowers 12 to Incident Response Update Harriet 12:45 Templar-Vasey 12:45 13 to Severn Rivers Trust – A whole catchment approach Mike Winstanley 13:30 13:30 14 to Key Issues/Forward look Ian Jones 13:45 13:45 Matters Arising from Information Papers 15 to Any Other Business Chair 14:00 Closing Remarks LUNCH & FINISH Information Papers Members are asked to raise any matters arising from the Information Papers on the Agenda or directly with Environment Agency staff. Contact for Item Page further details 2020/21 FCRM GiA allocation for Capital & Revenue John Russon A 69-78 funding. Ken Allison B National FCRM Update John Russon 79-85 C Flood Forecasting & Flood Resilience Daniel Williamson 86-109 Dates of future RFCC Meetings Date Venue 21 April Shirehall - Hereford 21 July Telford & Wrekin 27 October Worcestershire Members’ Expenses Members are reminded that expense claims should be submitted within one month of being incurred. Claims covering a period in excess of one month should be avoided. Members’ expense claim forms should be returned to: Michele (Shell) Dutson/Lucy Evans – Hafren House, Welshpool Road, Shrewsbury SY3 8BB [email protected] MINUTES English Severn and Wye Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) Meeting held on 15 October 2019 at Dudley Canal Trust, Birmingham New Road, Dudley DY1 4SB ATTENDEES Chair: Shirel Stedman Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) Members: Neal Thomas (Deputising) Coventry City Council Cllr David Vickers Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Cllr Philip Awford Gloucestershire County Council Steve Hodges (Deputising) Herefordshire Council John Bellis Shropshire Council Lucinda Lycett (Deputising) Telford & Wrekin Council Mahal Jagjit (Deputising) Warwickshire County Council Cllr Tony Miller Worcestershire County Council Environment Agency (EA) Appointees: Dr John Adams Peter Jones OBE John Moverley OBE Heather Shepherd MBE Will Shaw Ex-officio member Tim Smith (Severn Trent Water) Environment Agency (EA) Officers in attendance: Mike Grimes Area Director Ian Jones Area Flood Risk Manager Rhys McCarthy Programme Manager for West Midlands Area Shell Dutson ES&W RFCC Secretariat David Boston Area Flood & Coastal Risk Programme Advisor Observers: Richard Bentley – EA, Peter Clarke – EA, Carl Cording – EA, Adam Lines – EA, Rob Lunt EA, Garry Brown – EA, Roger Owen-Morgan – Dudley MBC, Graham Hodgson – Dudley MBC, Kevin Blount – Warwickshire CC, Hannah Hobson – JBA Coventry, Matt Maginnis – Worcestershire CC 1 MINUTES 1. Welcome and Introductions 1.1 The Chair welcomed all Committee members and observers. 1.2 Cllr David Vickers gave a welcome speech and a brief history of Dudley and flood risk to Committee. 2. Apologies for Absence 2.1 Apologies were received from: Cllr Patricia Hetherton Coventry City Council Cllr John Harrington Herefordshire Council Cllr David Wright Telford & Wrekin Council Cllr Andy Crump Warwickshire County Council Cllr Robert Macey Shropshire Council Richard MacDonald Agency Board Member Robert Pearce EA Appointee 3. Chair’s Announcements & Newsletter 3.1 The Chair highlighted the Anglian (Central) RFCC have now changed their name to Anglian (Great Ouse) RFCC. 3.2 The Chair also gave an update on the recent RFCC’s Chairs meeting. 4. Declarations of Interest 4.1 The Chair confirmed that all DOI’s have now been signed but if there are any conflicts of interest to notify Shell Dutson. 5/6 Minutes/Actions of Previous Meeting – 16 July 2019 5/6.1 The Chair confirmed that all previous actions have been completed with 2 still ongoing, and as there were no issues raised the minutes were approved and signed off from 16 July 2019. 7. English Severn and Wye RFCC in Year Programme 7.1 Rhys McCarthy introduced the paper ‘English Severn & Wye RFCC Capital and Local Levy Programme 2019/20’ and went through the variations to the programme. He went on to give a brief update on Homes Better Protected (OM2s). 7.2 Rhys stated Will Shaw will be leading on the next Task & Finish Group in November 2019 and will be looking at the OM2 review of the programme and confidence ratings. Anyone wishing to attend please contact Rhys and he will send through meeting details. 7.3 The Chair asked the Committee to note that the programme is a collective programme and everyone is responsible for the OM2 outcomes, so if any support is needed in pushing forward delivery deadlines to please ask for help. 2 MINUTES 7.4 Variations to Grant in Aid (GiA), Local Levy and Outcome Measures as outlined in Appendix 2 were reviewed. 7.5 One addition to the papers was the inclusion of the RFCC / Severn Trent Water co-funded Partnership Post. This Local Levy funded post had been discussed at the July RFCC and a paper had been emailed out during August. 7.6 The Chair asked the Committee if there were any objections to approve and endorse the variations to the programme, which there were none. Decision: The Committee approved the appendix 2 variations. 7.7 Rhys McCarthy continued on updating the Committee on the Revenue Programme. 7.8 Rhys ran through the Efficiencies paper stating that the ES&W RFCC have achieved their 6 year target however, would like to see more efficiencies coming through and is happy to discuss this further with any local Authority should they wish. 7.9 Rhys gave a brief update around Asset Management informing the Committee that National Target for maintained assets is to achieve 98% and the ES&W RFCC are currently achieving this. 8. English Severn & Wye RFCC Programme Refresh 8.1 Dave Boston briefly ran through the Refresh Programme paper for Year 6 with the Committee. 8.2 Dave confirmed that the projects on the Refresh had previously been endorsed at the July meeting by the Committee, and there will be another opportunity for endorsement in January 2019. 8.3 The Chair asked the Committee if there were any objections to endorse the Programme to which there were none. Decision: The committee approved the refresh programme. 9. Local Levy Vote 9.1 The Chair discussed the approved/proposed increases for RFCC Local Levy 2019/20 nationally. 9.2 The chair invited each Local Authority member to vote on the proposed 2% increase in Local Levy. 9.3 All LLFA members went through individually and gave the reasons for their decision and there was overall agreement to support a Local Levy increase of 2%. Decision: Members voted for a 2% Local Levy increase. 3 MINUTES 10. Partnership Funding Rules 10.1 Ian Jones gave a brief introduction around Partnership Funding and stated that the aim of this presentation was to make everyone aware of the current work going on looking Partnership Funding for the next programme.
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