DIVESTMENTACTION ON SOUTH AFRICA BY US AD CANADIANCOLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SCHOOL I AMOUNTAFFECTED SCHOOL $ AMOUNTAFFECTED YEAR 0 AMHERST COLLEGE 38,000,000 1978-86 I MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. FOUNDATION 500,000 1000 2 ANTIOCH COLLEGE NA 1978 2 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 7,200,000 1970-85197 8 1 ARIZONASTATE UNIVERSITY 3.300.000 1985 0 MICHIGAN.UNIVERSITY OF 41,506,117 1 BARNARDCOLLEGE 045,000 1985 S MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE 13.so0.000 1986 1984 1 SATES COLLEGE 5.000.000 1985 O MILLS COLLEGE 1.025.000 1000 0 BEREA COLLEGE NA 1986 0 MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITYOF 35,000.000 INS 0 BOSTON UNIVERSITY 19.480 1985 0 MINNESOTAFOUNDATION, UNIV. OF 5000000 1900 0 BOWOOIhCOLLEGE 1.800,000 1985 0 MISSOURI,UNIVERSITY OF 80.000.000 1985-88 1 BRANDEISUNIVERSITY 21 50.000 98-0 0 MOMAVIANCOLLEGE NA 1 986 0 OROWN UNIVERSITY 20.Soo000 0 MORAVIANTHEOLOGICAL SEMINARY MA 1986 O BRYN MAAR 700,000 S MOUNT HOLYOKECOLLEGE 22.339.487 1601 -00 15966 a CALIFORNIAPOLYTECH FOUNDATION NA 1985 0 NRE BRUNSICK THEOLOGICALSEMINARY NA S982 1 CALIFORNIASTATE UNIV.- NORTHRIOGE2,300,000 0 NEWHAMPSHIRE. UNIVERSITY OF 5,40000 1085-00 O CALIFORNIA.UNIVERSITY OF 4,112,000,000 1986 1 RED YORK. STATE UNIV. OF 14000000 1005 0070 U CARLETON COLLEGE 3.59000 1979-87 O SEW YORK, STATE USIV. OF, AT ONEATA 90000 1985 0 CENTRAL COLLEGE 210,000 I SEW YORK,STATE UNIV. OF 80.000 1985 I CRICO STATE UNIVERSITY Z00o000 (STONYBROOKFOUNDATION) 1985-86 I CITY UNIVERSITYOF NEW YORK 10.OUA8,00 19114 S NORTHEASTERNUNIVERSITY 21.000,000 1986 1981000 A CLAREMONTCOLLEGE 4,000.000 0 NORTHWESTERNUNIVERSITY 3.500.000 1985 0 CLARK UNIVERSITY 5.000.000 1986 19A.-8 0 NORTH CAROLINA,UHIVERSITY OF 1.00.0000 1986 I COLBY COLLAGE 9100.000 O NOTRE DAME 10,0.UOO 0 COLGATE UNIVERSITY 867.940 1979-85 0 OBERLIN COLLEGE 21.000.000 1080-88 1 COLLEGEOF THE ATLANTIC HA 1983 1 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 11.050,000 1978-85 0 COLORADOCOLLEGE MA 1988 S OAIO UNIVERSITY 600000 198 1978 0 COLORADO.UNIVERSITY OF HA 197905 0 OHIO WESLEYANUNIVERSITY 850,000 1985 0 COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY 31,700,000 1986 O OKLAHOMA, UNIVERSITYOF HA 1985 0 CONNECTICUTCOLLEGE 6.000.000 0 PACE UNIVRSITY 40,000 190 1986-88 0 CONNECTICUT.UNIVERSITY OF 427,000 198 O PENNSYLVANIA.UMIVERSITY OF goo,000 19832: I COOPER UNION NA A PENNSYLVANIASTATE 1970-86 10031985 UNIVERSITY 700000 A CORNELLCOLLEGE NA 0 PITTSBURGH,UNIVARSITY OF 7.0 0.000 1961-86 O CORNELL UNIVERSITY 12.233.013 0 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY 295,000 1088 1 OALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY(CANADA) 2,000.A00 1986 0 REED COLLEGE NA 0 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 2.000.000 1985 0 RENSSELAER POLYTECHINSTITUTE NA 198 I DELTA COLLEGE 123,000 its, I RHODE ISLANDFOUNDATION. UNIV. OF 868,000 1987 2 DENISON UNIVERSITY 3,000000 1979-85 0 RIDER COLLEGE 200,000 0 DREW UNIVERSITY 50,000 1 ROCHESTER.UNIVERSITY OF 20-25,000,000 1988 U DUKE UNIVERSITY 12.00.000 1984 0 ROLLINS COLLEGE 415,887 1985 U EARLHAS COLLEGE 500000 1980 S RUTGERS UNIVERSITY 14.S00,000 1980-116 0 EASTERNMICHIA UNIVERSITY 2,500,000 2 ST. AUGUSTINE'SCOLLEGE NA 1985 1 EVERGREENSTATE COLLEGE NA 1985 0 ST. LOUIS ABISO FOUNDATION 25.000,000 1986 2 FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY 4.000.000 985 0 ST. OLAF'S COLLEGE 19861 NA I FLORIDAATLANTIC UNIVERSITY NA I SAN FRANCISCO.UNIVERSITY OF 2,300.000 1985 0 FLORIDASTATE UNVERSITY 2,000.000 1985 1 SARAH LAWRENCECOLLEGE 050.000 1905 1985 1000 0 FRANKLINAol MARSHALLCOLLEGE 1.000 0 I SEATTLE UNIVERSITY 2.500.000 106 0 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY NA 1986 0 SIMONS COLLEGE MA 1 GEORGETOWNUNIVERSITY 28.001000 1g86 I SMITH COLLEGE 60.247.728 1977-87 1987 1986 1 GEORGIASTATE UNIVERSITY 0,000.,21 0 SOUTHERNCALIFORNIA. UHV. OF 35.000.000 1985 I GEORGIATECH UNIVERSITY 500000 1985-87 I SOUTHERNILLINOIS UNIV. FOUNDATION 200:00. 1007 0 GRINNELLCOLLEGE 9.800.000 I SPELMAN COLLEGE 1.000 000 1306 I HAMPSHIRECOLLEGE 40.000 1977 0 STANFORD UNIVERSITY 350000 198 I HARTFORDSEMINARY 5.000.000 1070-81985 1 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 47.600.000 0 HARVARDUNIVERSITY 204.700,000 a SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY NA 985 1982-87 0 HAVERFORDCOLLEGE I2.650,00 1986 1 TEACHERS' COLLEGE ,000.000 OARS1985 1 HAWAII.UNIVERSITY OF 2.300,000 1986 I TEMPLE DNIVERSITY 2.494.000 0 HEBREW UNION THEOLOGICALSEMINARY NA 1005 A TENESEE, UNIVERSITYOF 570,000 1985 1986-87 0 HOBARTA WILLIAMSMITH 1.350.000 1985 0 THAYER ACADEMY NA 10900 985 0 HOLY CROSS HA 19780000 O TORONTO.UNIVERSITY OF (CANADA) NA 1985 I HOWARD UNIVERSITY 8000.000 1967 0 TRINITY COLLEGE 600.000 197198 5 O ILLINIOS.UNIVERSITY OF 3.300.000 0 TUFTSUNIVERSITY 100.000 1978-86 190-8 I INDIANA. UNIVERSITYOF 543.000 I9S 0 UNIONTEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 8,10.682 1986 0 bOWA, UNIVERSITYOF 2,250,000 1985 O VANDEROILT 1.000,000 1978 1 IOA STATE UNIVERSITY 250.000 U VASSARCOLLEGE 6.500,000 1000 1985-86 0 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 3,000,000 0 VERMONT,UNIVERSITY OF 8.500900 19861000 0 KANSAS UNIVERSITY NA 0 VIRGINIA.UNIVERSITY OF 400,000 1097 11986985 I KENTECKY,UNIVERSITY OF 1.500.000 1979-O5 S WASHINGTON.UNIVERSITY OF 11.700.00 1985-861905 U KNOX COLLEGE 400.000 19851900 1 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY NA 1984 0 LAKE FOREST COLLEGE 200,000 0 WELLESLEYCOLLEGE 2,900.000 1979-85 1 986 0 LAWRENCEUNIVERSITY 52.500 1986 I WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY 200,000 1983 1 LINCOLNUNIVERSITY 664.400 1983 0 WESTERNMICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 200.000 1985 0 LOUISVILLEPRESB THEOL SEMINARY Sh 1 WESTERNWASHINGTON UNIVERSITY NA 1980-S5 I LOUISVILLE,UNIVERSITY OF 9.000,00 1981 0 WESLEYANUNIVERSITY 1,117.000 1984 0 LUTHERANSCHOOL OF THEOLOGY NA 0 WHITAN COLLEGE 000.000 197 I MAINE.UNIVERSITY OF 3,000.0 1901 0 VULLAMETTEUNIVERSITY 38,000 1 MAINE FOUNDATION,UNIV. OF NA 1985 0 WILLIAMS COLLEGE 2.372,000 19311-88 0 MARYLAND.UNIVERSITY OF 7,00 1977 1 VISCOSIS. UHIVERSITYOF 11.000.00 1 MASSACHUSETTS,UNIVERSITY OF 600,000 1982-T 0 ROOSTERCULLEGE A 1 McGILLUNIVERSITY (CANADA) 34,200.000 S HYiIIOG, UIVERSITY OF 1,450.000 1005 0 MIAMI. UNIVERSITVOF 17.000,000 1 DAVIESUI VERSITY NA 1979-84 0 TOLDUOIVERSITY S,700,000 KEY TOTALS 2: TOTALDIVESTMENT of securities (stocks, bonds) In companies 2 3 schools 14,200,000 that have ownership. licensing, fronchisin0 or distrlbution 1 51 schools 4,491,782.8%0 agrements 'n SouthAfrica. 0 1 schools 714,724,19.100 1: OIVESTMENTof securitiIn copanies that have ownership In South Africa. do not comply 1S5 schools 719.240,881,96 PARTIAL le 6IVESTMENT.typically of companies who with The Statment of Princlples (formerly know as The Sullivan Principles). Dllar figure Is for amount affected,as In sam cases divestent may not be completed. Copyright1988 The Africa Fund August 1988 As a result of a number of companies, such as IBM, General Motors and Coca Cola, ending their ownership in South Africa but continuing to do business in there, the following "Guidelines for Divestment" were adopted by five national anti-apartheid organizations in January, 1987. Guidelines for Divestment We support an end to all corporate involvement in or with S uth Africa and Namibia. A corporation is doing business in or with the Republic of South Africa or Namibia if it, its parent, or its subsidiaries: 1) have direct investments in South Africa or Namibia, or have entered into franchise, licensing or management agreements with or for any entity in those countries; or 2) are financial institutions that have not prohibited new investments, loans, credits or related services, or the renewal of existing financial agreements, including those for the purpose of trade, with any entity in those countries; or 3) have more than 5% of their common stock beneficially owned or controlled by a South African entity. A company in South Africa or Namibia for the sole purpose of reporting the news shall not be considered doing business in those countries. American Committee on Africa American Friends Service Committee Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility TransAfrica Washington Office on Africa Information presented on this list is drawn from a wide variety of sources, including the media and responses from the institutions themselves. In some cases clarifying details are not readily available. The Africa Fund regularly updates this list. Any comments, corrections or updates are appreciated. S(Associated with The American Commee on Africa) 198 Broadway 9 New York NY 10038.
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