FORMULA FORUM THE IF1 JOURNAL JULY/AUGUST 2011 FORMULA FORUM Volume XXI Number 4 IF1 INC. Formula Forum © 2011 EXECUTIVE TOM DEHART International Formula One COMMITTEE Technical Director Pylon Air Racing, Inc. All 5220 Walton Dr. DOUG BODINE rights reserved. Klamath Falls, OR 97603 President 541-882-1589 Formula Forum is the offi cial 6299 East Highway #44 fl yfastfl ylow@fi reserve.net publication of International Rapid City SD 57703 Formula One Pylon Air 605-393-7112 BOB BEMENT Racing, Inc., a Texas non-profi t [email protected] Operations Director corporation. Member of the Air 7320 Old Stage Trail BRIAN REBERRY Kelsey, CA 95667 Racing Council of the United Vice President States. Published bi-monthly. 530-622-1434 4632 W. Garden Court [email protected] Boise, ID 83705-3985 DISCLAIMER Articles appearing herein may 208-724-6841 KIRK MURPHY be edited and are the opinion of [email protected] Pilot Committee Chairperson the authors and not necessarily 6140 Christa Lynn Pl. the opinion of IF1 Inc. DAN PETERS Prescott, AZ 86310 Secretary/Treasurer 928-710-3105 FORUM Send contributions to: 1438 Morningside Dr, [email protected] Longmont, CO 80504 CONTRIBUTIONS Editor, Lista Duren 720-308-1596 JOHN HOUSLEY 3233 Via Alicante #48 [email protected] Technical Rules Committee La Jolla, CA 92037 Chairperson Phone: 858-452-7112 DIRECTORS 1020 Chesterfi eld Forest Dr. Cell: 858-442-1811 Chesterfi eld, MO 63005 E-mail: [email protected] JAY JONES 314-518-8542 All contributions remain Promotions Committee [email protected] Chairperson property of Formula Forum. TOM WATKINS P.O. Box 761 Procedure Rules Committee Buena Vista, CO 81211 MEMBERSHIP Membership in IF1 is open Chairperson 719-661-4484 to pilots, owners, crews and 10120 Brookpark Blvd. #313 [email protected] technical people active in Calgary, Alberta T2W1E1 Formula One Air Racing for *Note corrected email ad- Canada $60/yr. Anyone may join as a dresses for Jack Suierveld 403-607-8457 non-voting Associate Member, and Jay Jones [email protected] $35/yr. Applications available from the secretary or on-line. CONTENTS RULES For IF1 Technical and Procedure rules, check on-line at: 3 State of the Union Executive Board WEBSITE www.if1airracing.com 4 Profi les from PRS 2011 Naomi West Jim Cunningham, Webmaster [email protected] - Lowell Slater (p. 4) COVER PHOTOS - Bill Parodi (p. 5) Top: Brian Reberry prepares rookie Bill Parodi to fl y N-A-Rush. Photo by Naomi West - Stephen Partridge-Hicks (p. 8) Center: IF1’s PRS participants. Photo by Naomi West 4 Calendar Bottom Left: Crew chief Kevin Broughall readies rookie Stephen Partridge Hicks to fl y Miss USA. 6 IF1 at PRS 2011 Brian Reberry Photo by Naomi West. photos: Naomi West and Ken Linde Bottom Right: Instructor Kirk Murphy tours the race course with a PRS student. Photo by Ken Linde 10 IF1 Marketplace 2 FORMULA FORUM, JULY 2011 IF1 State of the Union n the spirit of open communication on the bank account and it is in his Doug Bodine Iand transparency, this article was name only! We have tried through written to give you, the membership, several channels and the account is an idea what has been happening untouchable without that person. This behind the scenes during the past is where the big problem comes in. year.Your current board of directors Your Formula One board, through has been very busy trying to become every possible channel, has not been a smooth running, organized, and able to locate or receive contact back responsible organization. This has that individual. For close to a year been no small task! now, every address, phone number, Photo by Bill Rogers friend of a friend, certifi ed letters, and First, we would like to bring the even ‘in-person’ visits to the bank by Brian Reberry membership up to speed on a few key Smokey with notarized paperwork issues that have escalated into a very have yielded nothing. serious matter. By piecing together all of the available In September of 2010 Dan Peters information, we believe there is close took over as Secretary Treasurer. to $15,000 that is unaccounted for. During the transition, Dan was not given suffi cient documentation in What does this mean for moving order to bring the membership into forward? In accordance with our Photo by Bill Rogers compliance. He was merely provided bylaws, it is your board’s job to protect a box of miscellaneous and outdated and operate in a manner that is best for Dan Peters papers that was relevant a few terms Formula One. Whatever legal action ago. Now this might not seem like we take will be within our bylaws and that big of a deal until you realize that guided by professional legal counsel. there were no meeting minutes, no current membership lists, no fi nancial Moving forward: First, you must reports, no tax info, and no banking understand that Formula One as information. an organization is solvent and will survive. To get through this, like any Let’s look at the seriousness of a few company in lean times, we might have of those items: to tighten our purse strings, volunteer Nurmi Photo by Birgitta more, and be creative. We need No tax information: There are no IRS participation. If you are on the fence tax fi lings for the past few years. As about racing this year, please stop a result fi nes have been assessed! hesitating and join in! Also remember At this time, we are working with that membership dues are an important an accountant and doing our best to aspect of our fi nancial solvency, so resolve the matter. please be sure to pay your dues and Banking: Without fi nancial reports or update your membership account if minutes, there is no way of knowing you have not already done so. Contact exactly how much capital Formula Dan for any information or to make a One should have. Bank statements payment. Every little bit helps! you say? They are missing too! See you in Reno! With that, only one person was put — Your Executive Board FORMULA FORUM, JULY 2011 3 IF1’s PRS 2011 Graduates Interviewed by Naomi West Three students completed PRS with the intention of racing in the Formula One class this September: Lowell Slatter, Bill Parodi, and Stephen Partridge-Hicks. Their profi les appear on pages 4, 5, and 8 of this issue. Additional coverage of current and former IF1 members appears on pages 6 and 7. LOWELL SLATTER oowellwell jjoinedoined EEAAAA aass a tteenagereenager aandnd HHee aattendedttended PPRSRS iinn 22006006 wwhenhen hhee wwasas Lrremembersemembers rreadingeading aaboutbout tthehe llegendsegends bbuildinguilding IIF1F1 rraceracer ##3131 JJ-Gal-Gal, wwhichhich llikeike RRayay CCoteote (SShoestringhoestring)),, BBobob DDownyowny tturnedurned iintonto a 55-year-year pproject.roject. TThathat wwasas (OOlele TTigeriger)),, aandnd BBillill FFalckalck (RRivetsivets)),, wwhilehile tthehe fi rrstst yyearear ooff JJohnohn HHousley’sousley’s ggreatreat ggrowingrowing uupp iinn TTwinwin FFalls,alls, IID.D. ppresentationresentation aandnd LLowellowell ssaysays tthathat iitt hhasas eevolvedvolved ssinceince tthenhen ttoo bbee eevenven bbetter.etter. LLowellowell llearnedearned ttoo fl y iinn 11969.969. HHee wworkedorked SSadly,adly, iinn FFebruaryebruary 22011,011, jjustust aass iitt wwasas 111-years1-years aass a ccroprop ddusteruster iinn IIdaho,daho, aaboutbout rreadyeady ttoo fl yy,, hhisis rraceracer JJ-Gal-Gal wwasas OOregon,regon, WWashington,ashington, aandnd GGeorgia;eorgia; sspentpent ddestroyedestroyed iinn a hhangarangar fi rre.e. 2200 yyearsears iinn tthehe aairlineirline bbusiness;usiness; aandnd ccurrentlyurrently fl iieses a ssingleingle eenginengine aairir ttankeranker SSeveraleveral yyearsears aago,go, LLowellowell hhadad vvisitedisited DDanan ((SEAT)SEAT) fi gghtinghting fi rres.es. BBetweenetween tthehe ccroprop GGilbertilbert wwhoho hhadad lletet hhimim ssitit iinn hhisis nnearlyearly Photo by Naomi West Photo by Naomi ddustingusting aandnd fi rree bbombing,ombing, hhe’se’s uusedsed ttoo fi nnishedished oonene ooff a kkindind rracer.acer. DDanan hhadad fl yyinging aatt llowow aaltitude.ltitude. HHee aalsolso fl eeww tthehe sstartedtarted hhisis pprojectroject aaboutbout ttenen yyearsears aago,go, bbutut BB-29,-29, BB-24,-24, aandnd CC-46-46 fforor tthehe CCAF.AF. hhadad nneverever fl oownwn iit.t. LLowellowell pphonedhoned DDanan ttoo sseeee iiff tthehe aairplaneirplane mmightight bbee fforor ssaleale aandnd iitt IInn 11982,982, hhee fi nnishedished bbuildinguilding hhisis 3300-00- wwas.as. HHPP AAcrodustercroduster TToo,oo, a ttwo-seatwo-seat aaerobaticerobatic bbiplaneiplane wwhichhich hhee sstilltill oownswns aandnd fl iies.es. LLowellowell ppurchasedurchased tthehe nnewew rracer,acer, a DDG-2,G-2, ffromrom DDanan tthreehree wweekseeks bbeforeefore PPRS.RS. HHee LLowellowell nneverever ddidid ggetet ooverver hhisis tteenageeenage hhasas bbeeneen bbusyusy ttinkeringinkering wwithith iit,t, ggettingetting oobsessionbsession fforor airair rracingacing aandnd hhasas bbeeneen aann iitt rreadyeady fforor tthehe aairworthinessirworthiness iinspection.nspection. IIF1F1 mmemberember fforor tthehe ppastast sseveneven yyears.ears. HHee BBeforeefore hhee ccanan rraceace iinn SSeptember,eptember, hhee llivesives iinn BBrookville,rookville, OOHH aandnd oownswns tthehe nneedseeds ttoo fl y tthehe pplanelane fforor tthehe rrequiredequired ttestest BBrookvillerookville AAirport.irport. pperioderiod aandnd ddoo tthehe ccheckheck rrideide fforor tthehe ppilotilot qqualiualifi ccation.ation. HHee fi rrstst ccameame ttoo tthehe RRenoeno NNationalational CChampionshiphampionship AAirir RRacesaces iinn tthehe eearlyarly 770’s0’s TThehe DDG-2G-2
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