![1907-08-17, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
u THE IRISH STANDARD, SATURDAY. AUGUST 17, 1907. able, w much; so that no work on Rome world. In the year 1672 the llbran,- of Bartolomeo Corsini when Viceory of has ever been written without these li­ Cardinal Antonio Barberini was added Naples added to it the Florentine col­ B,st braries being consulted. In the cele­ to it and the manuscripts it contained lection of Nicola de Rossi. Jonas F. Brown & Co.| ^ Shoes f»t Men and Womti brated history of the Council of Trent increased to the number of 3,000. In 1S84 the Italian Government pur­ FOR SALE BY Established 1S6S by Pallavinco at almost every page During the eighteenth and nineteenth chased the Corsini palace and library Home Trade' manuscripts existing in private libra­ centuries many precioos- books and and presented it to the Acadaniy of the The Irish Standard, WINES and L/QUOBS Shoe Store ries are cited, and in Ranke's "His­ documents were stolen and shortly Lincei This library contains over 216 Nicollet Ave. Botb P hone* 119-JZJ NicoUet tory of the Popes" nearly all the ma­ afterward the entire library was sold 1.500 manuscislpts, many of which are 605 Second Ave• So. Minneapolis, Minn. terial was collected from these librar­ to the Vatican. unique, and besides its collection of We pay the postage or express charges on all orders sent us. ies, as the Vatican archives were then The Barberini Library onntains, historical dc»cuments is large. There closed to the public. among other priceless treaseires, a are theological codices, pontifical Read the List on Sale and Prices Given. Until the eighteenth century many collection of autographs by Cardinal diaries, histories of conclaves, histories Adventures of Mleliacl Dwyer $1.00 £^LRceKenlbla??e- Christine Faber .90 private libraries were still in exist­ Bembo and Galiteo Galilei. ,» Latin of the temporal power of the Holy See, Adventures of a Protestant In Search Sf>eehy, Mrs. Jas. Sadlier 76 of Religion 75 Fifty Reasons « ence. but at present only two remain translation of Plaio. with austograph Alice Sherwln 90 political instructions, letters, reports Rniw?,?6 Mc9arthy. by Lady Morgan l!oo Intact. The libraries of the Aequaviva. All About Knock 1.00 Following of Christ, by Thos A'- MINNEAPOLIS STEAM LAUNDRY notes by the poet Tapso, designs by San pf nuncios and other works innumer­ Ambitious Contest, by Christine Fa- Kempls i ber 75 .60 Alblzi, Bic.hi, Bona, Celsi, Cesi, Fon- Gallo and other celebrated architects, able, wljiich cover the history of Italy Father Ryan's Poems .7.1771171171; 1.50 An Original Girl, bv Christine Faber 1.25 Father Finn's Works— S. H. TOWLER, PROP. taninl, Imperiali. Massimi. Spada, etc., Byzantine miniatures. &c. Th«ere are and of the Popes from the sixteenth Aunt Honors Keep Sake. Mrs. James Sadlier 60 Harry Dee ... .86 have all disappeared. The famous Al- 600 Greek codices and twice as many century up to the preset* day. There Aylmers of. Bally Aylmer, Gerald Tom Playfair 7 7 7 7 ::: 7 7 "" .85 Griffin go Foot Ball Game .85 123 NICOLLET AVENUE tleri library, which contained import­ Latin ones, many of which are palim­ Is also a. very rich collection of rare Etheldred Preston Banim's Works Claude Lightfoot 7 7 7 1 ant documents about the pontificate of psests. of acts and TELEPHONE 76S engravings consistorial Peep O'Day 90 Fercy Wynn .85 Sixtus V. and all the manuscripts be­ Among the Oriental codices there pontifical ceremonies. The Croppy 90 Gerald Barry Mayor of Wind G;ip 90 Glories of Mary 1.00 to Clement X. collected 1.00 longing Pope is the priceless and unique Samaritan Such, were the private libraries of The Bit O- Writtn' 90 Good Reading for Young Girls! 7 7 7 7 7 7 .60 Does the Best Work for Gentlemen, The Boyne Water 90 Irish Rebels In English Prisons... .90 >i.v by his nephew. Cardinal Poaluzzo Al- Pentateuch. There is a complete col­ Rome in time gone by. The Denounced 90 Jane Sinclair of Castle 90 1.00 tieri, has been reduced to only about lection of hooks dealing with the his­ Peter the Legends and Fairy Tales of 'lreland7 7 1.25 Ladies, Hotels and Families. ^-*\ fk Father Connell 90 Life of Robert Emmet , •ix or seven codices. The Ghost Hunter 90 Lily of Israel 1.00 £••'!» tory of Roman architecture, many Tobacco Culture in Ireland. , .60 Life of John Bahim 90 Life of Curran 7 " "" 1.0C The no less famous Albani library manuscripts of celebrated men and Tobacco culture was introduced in Bessie Conway, Mrs. Jas. Sadlier 1.00 Life of O'Connell 7 Bible History. Rev. Jas. O'Leary .. .90 Life of 2.00 was sold in 1857. Some manuscripts writers and all the diplomatic corres­ Father Mathew 777 1.25 Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh during Bibles $1.50. $3.00. $3.50 Life of St. Anthony 1.00 •were bought by Prince Boncompagni, pondence during the pontificate of Burke's Reply to Froude 90 L fe of St. Patrick 7." 1.00, uu the reign of Elizabeth. County Cork Black Baronet, by William Carleton. ...90 Little Lives of Saints i'oo others by the Vatican library, but th« Urban VIII. and the sixteenth century. can boast of being the first part of Black Prophet, by William Carleton .90 Lover's Works— Blakes & Flannagans. Mrs. Jas. Sad­ nd3 ,dy kast Side Business Directory greater part were lost, as they were Since the sale of the Barberini Li­ the country in which the plant was lier 1.25 S?Rory O^.& More 100j 00 purohased by the Prussian Govern­ brary to the Vatican there are only BlanchB chLeslie Treasure Trove 1 nX cultivated. The plant thrived and grew j Hfn d Bt^dii" of iiubitri"!!!!!!! M Poetical Works "" 1'nn ment and the vessel that was carrying two important private libraries in abundantlyabundar-" in the prolific soil of this 1 Blind Agnese .771'.".I!1 !75 Life and Poems of John Boyle s O Reilly 2 00 them to Germany was wrecked. Rome, the Bibilotheca. Chigiana, be­ rm.ntrv §°y .' Own Book 1.00 country for some centuries. Broolcsiana 1.25 Luke Delmege i'oo Both the Boncompagni and the longing to the Chigi family, and the McCarthy More Mrs. Jas. Sadlier7 7 775 During the reign of Charles II. a law Brownson's Essays 1.25 Maidens of Hallowed Names ? •..•a* 1 - . , , Burke s Lectures and Sermons, three s Borghese libraries have been broken Bibliotheca Corsiniana, the property was passed prohibiting the culture of series, each 2.00 Mangan's Poems 1'JX 30I CENTRAL AVE. Mannings Works. 5 books— '' O 60 CAPITAL #100,000 Capital $200,000.00 up. The former was sold mostly abroad once of the Corsini. but now of the tobacco in Ireland. However, in the Catholic 'Malleys Four Great Evils of the Day. 75 Chancellor and His Daughter 75 Does a General Banking Business. Surplus 25,000.00 while the manuscripts of the latter temporal Mission of the Hoiy ' fc- > Itllian State. The decendants of the reign of George III. the act was re­ Chivalrous Deed. Christine Fabor .. .75 Cobbett's History of the Reformation .60 .76 2>\i Interest Paid on Time Deposits Deposits 1,350,000.09 were bought by the Vatican. The col­ old noble families have sold their books pealed. Internal Mission of the ' iioiy FRED E. BARNEY' President Christian Politeness ; .75 Ghost .75 P. E. KENASTON. ISAAC HAZLETT. Vloe lection belonging to Cardinal Balda- and rented their places, and instead But the people had forgotten all Collegians. Gerald. Griffin 90 Sin and Its Consequences .75 3s# Interest Paid On Time Deposits. Columbkille's Prophesies So Vatican Council and— — Definition— ^ 7 7S Pres. HOWARD DYKMAN. Cashier. sarre Boncompagni ts completely lost of old manuscripts and Oriental cod­ about its culture, till some inhabitants Confederate Chieftains. Mrs. James The whole set .7 777"."7"."."**" 3°00 ii V. and no trace of it exists; only a com­ Butler's Lives of Saints, four vols., Mitchell's Jail Journal and Last Con­ ?l :.,' ices their libraries of to-day, if they of Wexford returned from Virginia and per set, four books 4 50 quest, each .30 TRADE WITH US plete catalogue compiled by Narduccl deserve the name, contain only French Calllsta, by Cardinal Newman 30 restored the culture. This state of of May J9(Brooke UU11C Oft Always ft full line ot seasonable goodi Captain the Club (0 Mirror of True Womanhood..'.. i'?k Dr. ALFRED L. LALIBERTC remains to show how great the loss novels and society papers, hound un­ things continued till 1829. In this year Carleton's Works- M.. *•'_¥ My New Curate 1.60 orricci was. A considerable collection of un- iformly in the same color and in Willy Reilly ". 1.00 Nanette's Marriage J"" 0. T. Swett & Son many 1,000 acres were under cultivation in Jane Sinclair 1 00 .60 O'Donnells of Glen Cottage 7 " 1.00 303 CENTRAL AVENUE t sorted manuscripts, among which were cases used only as ornaments. Ireland. The industry is now flourish­ I Emigrants of Ahadarra 100 Old House, by the Boyne Dry Goods. Notions. Millinery, LadiaJ McClutehy iloo .90 Residence—1129 Adams Stre«t. N. E. I of Cardinal Valentine One Hundred Tales for Children.." . and Gents' Furnishing Goods ; the documents Marescotti The Chigi Library will in all proba­ ing in County Meath. Tithe Proctor 1 00 O'Neils and O'Donnells 50 1.25 Also Lumbermen's Supplies. Office Honrs 101012 '• ij and many codes of great value, was The Evil Eye i"oj Original Girl, Christine Faber HUU1& 3 to 4 and 7 10 8 p.
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