Anthropology Botany Cell Biology Chemistry Earth Science Ecology Engineering Environmental Science Mathematics Microbiology and Molecular Biology Physics & Astronomy Plant Systematics and Biodiversity Science Education Zoology and Entomology Final Program 134th Annual Academy Meeting J.W. Marriott, Indianapolis Saturday, March 30, 2019 Indianapolis, Indiana TheThe IndianaThe Indiana Indiana Academy Academy Academy of ofScience of Science Science has has has been been been an an an important important important voicevoice voice of of Indiana Indiana TheTheTheThe IndianaIndiana IndianaIndiana AcademyAcademy AcademyAcademy ofof ofof ScienceScience ScienceScience hashas hashas beenbeen beenbeen anan anan importantimportant importantimportant voicevoice voicevoicevoice ofof ofofof IndianaIndiana IndianaIndianaIndiana TheThe IndianaTheThe Indiana Indiana Indiana Academy Academy AcademyAcademysciencescience ofsciencescience Science of of sinceof Science Science sinceScience sincesince hasits its itsinceptionhas its been hasinceptionhas inceptioninception been been beenan importantan inan anin importantin1885.in important 1885.important 1885.1885. voice voice voice voice of Indiana of of of Indiana Indiana Indiana TheThe IndianaTheTheThe IndianaIndiana IndianaIndiana Academy Academy AcademyAcademy Academy of Science ofscience science of scienceofscienceScience ScienceScience of continues Science continues since since continues sincecontinuessince to itsits itstoenjoyhasits to toinceptionenjoyinception inception enjoyinceptionenjoy beena ahigh ahigha highhigh anprofessional professional inin professional inimportantprofessionalin 1885.1885. 1885.1885. stature stature staturestature voice withwith withwith of a amembershipaIndiana membershipmembership The Indiana Academysciencescience scienceofscience Science since since since continuessince its inceptionits its its toinception inception inceptionenjoy ain high 1885. in in professionalin 1885. 1885. 1885. stature with a membership that includesthatTheThethatthatThe includes Indiana Indiana includesIndianaincludes manyThe AcademymanyAcademy Academy many ofmanyIndiana the of of of thestates’ of of theofthe Science states’Science Academy Science states’states’ leading leading continues continues leadingleadingcontinues scientists of scientists scientists scientists Science toto to enjoyenjoy enjoyfrom from from afroma aindustry highhashigh industryhigh industryindustry professionalprofessionalbeen professional and and and and anacademia, academia, academia,academia,important staturestature stature science with with sciencewithscience avoicea a membership membership educators,educators,membership educators,educators, TheThe IndianaThethatTheThe Indiana Indiana Indiana includes IndianaAcademy Academy Academy Academy Academymany of Science of ofscience ofthe ofScience Science Sciencestates’of continues Science continues sinceleadingcontinues continues to enjoy itsscientistshas to to toenjoyinception a enjoy beenenjoy high afrom a highprofessionala high anhigh industry professional in importantprofessional professional 1885. and stature academia, stature stature voice staturewith witha with sciencemembershipwithof a Indianaa membershipa membership membership educators, and scienceandthatthatandandthat science includes includes scienceincludesscience graduate graduate many graduatemany graduatemany and ofof of and the the undergraduateandtheand states’undergraduatestates’ states’ undergraduateundergraduate leadingleading leading students. scientistsscientistsstudents. scientists students.students. 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