PO Box 525 Terrey Hills NSW 2086 P: 02 9457 1170 F: 02 9986 1606 E: [email protected] W: www.carnivalfairs.com.au Carnival Book Fairs - Purchase Reorder List - Updated 12 October 2020. Most of these books are in stock if you wish to order extra prepaid copies. Some may be sold out. Find the more recent list online. Different Curriculum titles for Commission can be ordered online using a school login. Some titles may have SOLD OUT since the last update of this list SALE ISBN DESCRIPTION RRP AUTHOR QTY PRICE 9781743520710 1001 Cool Freaky Facts $10.00 $10.00 9781488951619 1001 Things to Find Princesses $9.99 $9.50 9781743520697 101 Cool Magic Tricks $10.00 $10.00 9781743520680 101 Cool Science Experiments $10.00 $10.00 9781743520833 101 Paper Planes $12.99 $12.50 Dean Mackey 9781913077303 102 Things To Do $22.99 $20.00 Paul Mason 9781760559144 117-Storey Treehouse $14.99 $14.50 Andy Griffiths 9780330404365 13 Storey Treehouse $4.99 $5.00 Andy Griffiths 9781742611273 26 Storey Treehouse $12.99 $12.50 Andy Griffiths 9781782097624 300 Fantastic Facts: Bugs $23.99 $18.00 Camilla de la Bedoyere 9781782097648 300 Fantastic Facts: Earth $23.99 $18.00 Clare Oliver 9781782097655 300 Fantastic Facts: Science $23.99 $18.00 John Farndon 9781743634585 365 Incredible Science Experiments $14.95 $14.50 9781742612379 39-Storey Tree House $12.99 $12.50 Andy Griffiths 9781782440697 3D Copy & Draw Pirates $9.99 $5.00 9781782440703 3D Copy and Draw Princesses $9.95 $5.00 9781742456799 3D Dinosaurs of Australia $19.95 $19.50 Australian Geographic 9781474801935 5000.Facts: About Everything $25.00 $25.00 Discovery Kids 9781742614212 52 Storey Treehouse $12.99 $12.50 Andy Griffiths 9781782443919 555 Sticker Fun: Aliens $9.99 $5.00 Kate Thomson 9781782445166 555 Sticker Fun: Pirate Ship $9.99 $5.00 Susan Mayes 9781743533222 65 Storey Treehouse $14.99 $12.50 Andy Griffiths 9781743535004 78 Storey Treehouse $12.99 $12.50 Andy Griffiths 9781743547458 78 Storey Treehouse Diary 2017 $15.00 $2.00 Andy Griffiths 9781742819426 88 1/2 Science Experiments $16.99 $16.50 Nick Arnold 9781743549926 91 Storey Treehouse Book 7 $14.99 $14.50 Andy Griffiths 9780733319280 ABC Kids Fiction: Run, Kid, Run! $11.95 $6.50 Andrew Daddo 9780733320552 ABC Kids Fiction: The Joke Trap $11.95 $6.50 Richard Glover 9781784458874 Activity Gift Boxes: Balloon Modelling $20.00 $15.00 9781784458898 Activity Gift Boxes: Paint Your Own Dinosaurs $20.00 $15.00 9781787002906 Activity Gift Boxes: Paint Your Own Magical Beasts$20.00 $15.00 9781784458911 Activity Gift Boxes: Paint Your Own Owls $20.00 $15.00 9781925059328 Adorable Alice $14.99 $14.00 Webb,Cassandra 9781743463802 Advance Australia Fair (HB) $14.95 $14.50 Michael Salmon 9781760123215 Adventure Time - Which Way, Dude: Jakes Goes Bananas$14.95 $14.50 Max Brallier 9781742979311 Adventure Time Encyclopaedia $29.95 $26.00 Martin Olsen 9781742978789 Adventure Time Pencil case Tin and Book Set $19.95 $15.00 9781760126568 Adventure Time: 6 Righteous Adventures $19.95 $19.50 9781910235157 Adventurers $8.00 $8.00 Rachel Elliot 9781515818915 Adventures at Hound Hotel Collection $16.99 $14.00 Shelley Swanson Sateren Page 1 of 59 SALE ISBN DESCRIPTION RRP AUTHOR QTY PRICE 9781515800682 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Cool Crosby $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515802228 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Drooling Dudley $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781479559022 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Fearless Freddie $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781479559039 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Growling Gracie $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515800699 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Mighty Murphy $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515802235 Adventures at Hound Hotel: Stinky Stanley $9.99 $9.50 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515815518 Adventures at Tabby Towers: Boxing Bootsie $9.99 $8.00 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515815501 Adventures at Tabby Towers: Disappearing Darcy $9.99 $8.00 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515815525 Adventures at Tabby Towers: Fishing Frankie $9.99 $8.00 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781515815495 Adventures at Tabby Towers: Leaping Lizzie $9.99 $8.00 Shelley Swanson Sateren 9781496579522 Adventures in Makerspace: A Building Mission $12.99 $10.00 Shannon Mcclintock Miller 9781496579546 Adventures in Makerspace: A Photo Journal Mission$12.99 $10.00 Shannon Mcclintock Miller 9781496579539 Adventures in Makerspace: A Recycled-Art Mission$12.99 $10.00 Shannon Mcclintock Miller 9781496579553 Adventures in Makerspace: A Stop-Motion Animation$12.99 Mission$10.00 Shannon Mcclintock Miller 9781876288631 Adventures of Edgar Remington the Third $15.99 $15.50 John Moreton 9781786170026 Aesop's Fables: The Ant and the Grasshopper $14.99 $14.00 Miles Kelly 9781786170002 Aesop's Fables: The Boy Who Cried Wolf $14.99 $14.00 Miles Kelly 9781786170033 Aesop's Fables: The Hare and the Tortoise $14.99 $14.00 Miles Kelly 9781786170040 Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Mouse $14.99 $14.00 Miles Kelly 9781760409500 AFLW Play Like a Girl: Smashing It $12.99 $12.00 Jo Stanley 9781760409494 AFLW Play Like a Girl: Totally Epic $12.99 $12.00 Jo Stanley 9781434264145 After Happily Ever After: Mr Wolf Bounces Back $8.99 $8.50 Tony Bradman 9781406341881 Alex Rider The Graphic Novel: #5 Scorpia $19.99 $19.00 Anthony Horowitz 9781406387476 Alex Rider: #12 Secret Weapon $17.00 $17.00 Anthony Horowitz 9781910851463 Alexander the Great Dane $16.99 $15.00 Chris Capstick 9781921928451 Alice Airy Fairy $12.95 $4.00 Margaret Clark 9781409527954 Alice in Wonderland $14.99 $8.00 Lesley Sims 9781742757599 Alice Miranda In Japan $15.99 $15.50 9781742752884 Alice Miranda in Paris $15.99 $15.50 9781864719840 Alice Miranda on Holiday $16.99 $16.50 9780857982742 Alice Miranda: #12 In the Alps $16.99 $16.50 9780857985224 Alice Miranda: #13 To The Rescue $16.99 $16.50 9780857985200 Alice Miranda: #14 in China $16.99 $16.50 9780143780700 Alice Miranda: #15 Holds the Key $16.99 $16.50 9780143780618 Alice Miranda: #16 In Hollywood $16.99 $16.50 9780857982728 Alice Miranda: At The Palace $16.99 $16.50 9780143786016 Alice-Miranda: In Scotland $16.99 $16.50 Jacqueline Harvey 9781849567305 Alien Invaders Doodle Wars $12.95 $6.00 9781925475630 Alien Zoo ... And You! $15.99 $15.00 Adrian Beck 9781471123290 Aliens in Underpants Save the World $12.99 $9.50 Claire Freedman 9781471120954 Aliens Love Dinopants $16.99 $9.50 Claire Freedman 9781471169540 Aliens Love Dinopants $12.99 $9.50 Claire Freedman 9781471123269 Aliens Love Panta Claus $12.99 $9.50 Claire Freedman 9781471120084 Aliens Love Underpants $12.99 $9.50 Claire Freedman 9780857078728 Aliens Stink $12.95 $12.50 Steve Cole 9781782443513 All aboard the red school bus $15.95 $12.50 Andrea Petrlik 9781742454047 All About Australia: Animal Families $9.99 $9.50 Australian Geographic 9781742452890 All About Australia: Animal Homes $9.99 $8.00 Australian Geographic 9781742454030 All About Australia: Birds $9.99 $9.50 Australian Geographic 9781515768418 All About Fantasy Creatures: Discover Orcs, Boggarts,$12.99 and Other$12.00 NastyA J FantasySautter Creatures 9781408331668 All I Want For Christmas $15.99 $10.00 Rachel Bright 9780733332722 All My Kisses $14.99 $14.00 Kerry Brown 9781742972985 All The Wrong Questions: Shouldn't You Be In School?$16.95 $12.00 Lemony Snicket 9781742972978 All the Wrong Questions: When did you see $17.99 $12.00 Lemony Snicket Page 2 of 59 SALE ISBN DESCRIPTION RRP AUTHOR QTY PRICE 9781742972961 All the Wrong Questions: Who Could That Be at this$17.99 Hour?$12.00 Lemony Snicket 9781742972992 All The Wrong Questions: Why is This Night Different$17.95 from $12.00All OtherLemony Nights? Snicket 9781921928277 Alpbhabet Town $14.95 $14.50 Bryan Evans 9781515839804 Amazing Adventures of Batman!: Blossom Battle! $19.99 $12.00 Laurie S. Sutton 9781515839798 Amazing Adventures of Batman!: Mud Menace! $19.99 $12.00 Laurie S. Sutton 9781515839811 Amazing Adventures of Batman!: Rain of Fear! $19.99 $12.00 Brandon T. Snider 9781515839828 Amazing Adventures of Batman!: Tricks and Treats!$19.99 $12.00 Brandon T. Snider 9781620657263 Amazing Animals (Smithsonian) $12.99 $10.00 Kristen McCurry 9781910684948 Amazing Science Experiments: Forces and Motion$15.99 $10.00 Rob Ives 9781910684931 Amazing Science Experiments: Matter $15.99 $10.00 Rob Ives 9781910684962 Amazing Science Experiments: Mighty Electricity $15.99 $10.00 Rob Ives 9781910684955 Amazing Science Experiments: Playing With Light $15.99 $10.00 Rob Ives 9781784451905 Anansi the Clever Spider $9.99 $9.50 Susie Linn 9781474717311 Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Ancient Egyptian Gods$19.99 and Goddesses$16.00 Christopher Forest 9781474717335 Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Ancient Egyptian Myths$19.99 $16.00 Kristine Carlson Asselin 9780763641269 And Here's To You! $15.95 $12.50 David Elliott 9781782442264 And Nobody noticed the Mouse $15.95 $12.50 Enid Richemont 9780733311918 Angela Anaconda: Duelling Diaries $12.95 $6.00 Kent Redeker 9780733311291 Angela Anaconda: Nanette Manoir's (oh so un-French)$14.95 Guide$6.00 to BeingJent (butt-kissing) Redeker Perfect 9781405268691 Angry Birds Search and Find $9.95 $9.50 9781405273589 Angry Birds Space Search & Find $9.95 $9.50 9781496543127 Animal All-Stars: Ball Hog $9.99 $6.00 Hoss Masterson 9781496543134 Animal All-Stars: Owl Ball $9.99 $6.00 Hoss Masterson 9781496543103 Animal All-Stars: Soccer Sloth $9.99 $6.00 Hoss Masterson 9781496543110 Animal All-Stars: Wild Receiver $9.99 $6.00 Hoss Masterson 9781408354148 Animal Ark, New 1: Kitten Rescue $12.99 $12.50 Lucy Daniels 9781408354162 Animal Ark, New 2: Bunny Trouble
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