Index to Academy Oral Histories Hans J. Salter

Index to Academy Oral Histories Hans J. Salter

Index to Academy Oral Histories Hans J. Salter Hans Salter (Composer) Call number: OH114 Abbott and Costello, 96 ABENTEUR AM LIDO, 51 Academy Awards, 79-81, 108, 139-140, 158-159 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 80-81 Adler, Guido, 5 AGAINST ALL FLAGS, 152 American Federation of Musicians (Local 47, AFL), 113-114, 126-127, 148 American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), 65, 115-116, 129, 137 Amfitheatrof, Daniele, 122-123 The Andrews Sisters, 96-97 APACHE DRUMS, 93, 135-137 AUTUMN LEAVES, 141 "Autumn Leaves" (song), 141 Bakaleinikoff, Constantin, 123 BEAU GESTE (1966), 156-157 Becce, Giuseppe, 36-37, 42 BEDTIME STORY, 157 BEND OF THE RIVER, 135 Berg, Alban, 7, 10-11, 22-23, 87 Berg, Bengt, 44-45 Berlin State Opera, 20-21 Berman, Bert, 120 Bernhardt, Curt, 53 Bernstein, Elmer, 139 BLACK FRIDAY, 91-92, 94 THE BLUE ANGEL, 41 Bodansky, Rudolf, 30, 31 Borzage, Frank, 112 Brecht, Bertholt, 102 Bressart, Felix, 49-50 THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, 87 Brown, B. B., 88 Brown, Johnny Mack, 108 Cain, Ted, 113, 124 CAN'T HELP SINGING, 84-85 Capitol (Berlin movie theater), 20, 21 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY, 47, 68, 83-84 Coates, Albert, 29 THE COBWEB, 139 COME SEPTEMBER, 142 Conreid, Hans, 133 Copland, Aaron, 105 COUNTESS MARITZA (operetta), 20 THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, 134, 150 DER BLAUE ENGEL, 41 DER MANN, DER DEN MORD BEGING, 34, 38-39 Dessau, Paul, 102-103 DIE BLONDE NACHTIGALL, 42, 45-46 DIE FRAU IM MOND, 27, 31 Directors Guild of America, 130 "Do Not Forsake Me" (song), 138 DRAGNET (radio program), 123 Durbin, Deanna, 53, 72-79, 81-85 THE DYBBUK (opera), 113 Eisler, Hans, 41 Elster, Elsa, 45 Fairchild, Edgar, 85, 106-107 THE FAR HORIZONS, 152 "Faro-La, Faro-Li" (song), 99 Finston, Nathaniel, 81 FIRST LOVE, 58-59, 74-75 THE 5,000 FINGERS OF DR. T, 133-134 FLESH AND FURY, 131, 137, 152 FOLLOW THAT DREAM, 142-143 FRANKENSTEIN (1931), 87 FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN, 99-100, 119 Freed, Oscar, 12 Freed, Ralph, 58 FRUEJAHRS PARADE, 76 Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 29 Gaal, Francisca, 50-51 Gal, Hans, 5-6 Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 30 Gershenson, Joseph, 60-61, 125, 129-130, 144 Gershwin, George, 24 THE GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN, 97-98, 118-121 Glazunov, Alexander, 22 Gloria Palast (Berlin movie theater), 42-43 GLORIA, 47-48 Graunke, Kurt, 143-144 THE GREAT COMMANDMENT, 59 Green, John, 128-129 Greene, Milo, 53 Henderson, Charles, 59-60, 70-71 Herrick, Margaret, 80 Heymann, Werner, 36-37 HIGH NOON, 138-139 Hindemith, Paul, 23-24 HIS BUTLER'S SISTER, 81-83 Hitchcock, Alfred, 78 HITLER (1962), 142-144 HOLD THAT GHOST, 96-97 Hollander, Frederick, 41, 133 Hopper, Hal, 156 horror films, 86-102, 106-108, 118-119 HORROR ISLAND, 95 "The Horst Wessel Song" (song), 143-144 HOUSE OF DRACULA, 106-107 HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN, 102, 118-121 Hudson, Rock, 97 A HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL, 53 HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY, 46 "I Love to Whistle" (song), 56 THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS, 90-91 IT STARTED WITH EVE, 77-79 Jackson, Felix, 50, 69, 81-82 Jannings, Emil, 33 THE JAZZ SINGER (1927), 24-25 JONNY SPIELT AUF (opera), 24 Jurmann, Walter, 59 Kaiser, Ludwig, 28-29 Kaiser Music School (Vienna), 10 Kalman, Emeric, 20 Kenton, Earl C., 97-98 Kern, Jerome, 84-85 Kleiber, Carlos, 23 Kleiber, Erich, 23 KLEINE MUTTI, 50 Klemperer, Otto, 30 Komische Oper (opera theater), 20 Koster, Henry, 38-39, 50, 53, 69, 72-73, 78, 92, 158 Kreneck, Ernst, 24 Krolloper (opera theater), 20 Kuznetzoff, Adia, 99 labor unions, 113-114, 126, 148 Lang, Fritz, 27-28, 31, 110-111 Lava, William, 71, 130 THE LAW AND MR. JONES (television program), 145-146 Lee, Rowland, 90 Lewton, Val, 135-137 LIEBLING DER GÖTTER, 33, 46-47 Litvak, Anatole, 55 LOST IN SPACE (television program), 146 Lubin, Arthur, 91 McCrea, Joel, 145 MAD ABOUT MUSIC, 55-56 MAGNIFICENT DOLL, 97, 111-112, 121-122 Mahler, Gustav, 12, 17 THE MAN IN THE NET, 154 MAN MADE MONSTER, 94 MAN WITHOUT A STAR, 140 Mancini, Henry, 60, 130-131, 139, 151-152, 159 Mann, Anthony, 135-136 Manning, Bruce, 85, 121 Marco Polo Records, 118-121 May, Joe, 90 MAYA (television program), 145, 152 Mayer, Carl, 39 MEIN FREUND, DER MILLIONÄR, 48 "Men of Harlech" (song), 93, 136 MENSCHEN AM SONNTAG, 90-91 THE MERRY MONAHANS, 109-110 Metropoletheatre (operetta theater), 20-21 Metropolitan Opera (New York), 30 Meyer, Abe, 126 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM (opera), 9-10 MIRACLE ON MAIN STREET, 59 Moran, Peggy, 92 Morgan, John, 118 Moross, Jerome, 144 Morton, Arthur, 153 Mozartsaal (Berlin movie theater), 19-20, 21-22 THE MUMMY'S HAND, 92-93 Murphy, Martin, 69 music editing, 36, 57, 88-89 music, film -- and classical music, 107 music, film -- click track, 57-58, 64 music, film -- collaboration between composers, 60, 91 music, film -- composition and orchestration, 32-33, 36-38, 56, 60-66, 86-88, 94-95, 98-99, 100-101, 103-106, 119, 158-160 music, film -- conducting, 13-17, 19-28, 33, 56-57, 65-67, 83-84 music, film -- copying of parts, 64-66 music, film -- for horror films, 86-102, 106-108 music, film -- and jazz, 131, 139 music, film -- music library, 65-66, 69-70 music, film -- orchestras, 37-38, 66-68, 147-148 music, film -- performed as concert music, 103-106 music, film -- prerecording, 66, 72-74, 77 music, film -- playbacks, 78, 110 music, film -- recording and dubbing, 33-34, 37-38, 40, 56-58, 65-68, 88 music, film -- rights and publishing, 121, 48, 65, 115-117, 125 music, film -- royalties, 48, 115-117 music, film -- screen credit, 60-61, 130 music, film -- and serial music, 139 music, film -- and songs, 47-48, 109, 137-139, 142 music, film -- soundtrack recordings of, 118-119, 137-138 music, film -- spotting, 57, 61 music, film -- streamers and punches, 57, 64 music, film -- taught at universities, 157-158 music, film -- time pressures, 60-62, 95, 151-152 music, film -- tracking, 95-96, 134-135 music, film -- working with directors, 39, 61, 139, 141-142, 158 music, film -- working with singers, 13-17, 97 music for silent films, 9, 13-17, 18-22, 21, 25-27, 42-46 music, television, 138, 144-147 Music Corporation of America (MCA), 125-126 Music Science Institute (Vienna), 5, 8-9 Newman, Alfred, 61 NICE GIRL, 77 Nielsen, Asta, 9 Nikisch, Arthur, 30 North, Alex, 139 novachord (musical instrument), 98-99 Nuzzi, Nicholas, 70 Oberon, Merle, 110 Ondes Martenot (musical instrument), 98-99 operetta -- on film, 13-17 operetta -- on stage, 6, 9-10, 12 Ophuls, Max, 141-142 Parrish, George, 71, 100-101 Pasternak, Joseph, 50, 52-53, 69 PEOPLE ON SUNDAY, 90-91 Piccaver, Alfred, 51 PLEASE BELIEVE ME, 136 Pommer, Erich, 36, 40-41 Powell, William, 157 Presley, Elvis, 142 previews, 35, 68 Previn, Charles, 55, 56, 59-61, 66, 69-70, 73, 124 Radio City Music Hall, 124 THE RAGE OF PARIS, 56-57 Raksin, David, 71 THE RECKLESS MOMENT, 141-142 Reinhardt, Max, 51 RETURN OF THE GUNFIGHTER (television movie), 146-147 Ritter, Tex, 139 Roemheld, Heinz, 133 Rogers, Ginger, 97 "Rosa, Reizende Rosa" (song), 47-48 Rosen, Milton, 130 Rosenman, Leonard, 139 Rotter, Fritz, 55 Rozsa, Miklos, 103-105, 117-118, 123-124, 137, 155, 157, 159 Ryan, Frank, 85 Sakall, S. Z., 76 Salter, Hans J. -- early life of, 5-7 Salter, Hans J. -- family of, 5-8, 51-52 Salter, Hans J. -- education of, 5-8 Salter, Hans J. -- musical studies of, 5-12, 18, 28-30 Salter, Hans J. -- serves in World War I, 6 Salter, Hans J. -- as operetta conductor, 6, 9-18, 20-21 Salter, Hans J. -- conducts in movie theaters, 13-17, 19-28 Salter, Hans J. -- works at UFA studios, 31-41 Salter, Hans J. -- impressions of early sound film, 24-25 Salter, Hans J. -- film appearances of, 33, 47, 84 Salter, Hans J. -- radio program of, 45 Salter, Hans J. -- emigrates to United States, 53-54 Salter, Hans J. -- gets first Hollywood assignment, 56-57 Salter, Hans J. -- put under contract by Universal, 59-60 Salter, Hans J. -- becomes U.S. citizen, 113 Salter, Hans J. -- Academy Award nominations of, 79-81 Salter, Hans J. -- work habits of, 63, 71, 151-152 Salter, Hans J. -- as freelance composer, 125-129, 140-157 Salter, Hans J. -- secures rights to own music, 116-117 Salter, Hans J. -- visits Europe, 103 Salter, Hans J. -- works in television, 144-147 Salter, Hans J. -- retires, 149 Salter, Hans J. -- favorite film scores, 159 Salter, Hans J. -- on twentieth century music, 159-160 Salter, Hans J. -- on future of film music, 160 Salter, Norbert, 28-31 Savalas, Telly, 156-157 SCARLET STREET, 110-111 Scharf, Walter, 122 Schmidt-Gentner, Willy, 20, 25-26, 27, 32, 35, 46 Schmuan, Walter, 123 Schoenberg, Arnold, 7, 11, 12, 27, 104, 160 Schreker, Franz, 5, 6-7 Schufftan, Eugen, 91 Schwarzwald, Milton, 60, 124-125 science fiction and fantasy films, 132-134 Screen Composers Association, 114-117, 127 Seguerola, Andre de, 73-74, 85 THE SIGN OF THE RAM, 153 Siodmak, Curt, 90-91, 93 Siodmak, Robert, 90-91 Skinner, Frank, 60, 70, 89-90, 91, 113, 131-132, 159 Skirball, Jack, 121 Universal Pictures -- Society for the Preservation of Film Music, 117 SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, 60, 89-90 sound -- transition to, 24-25, 32-40 sound -- recording and dubbing, 67-68, 88, 138 SPELLBOUND, 123, 155 "Spring in My Heart" (song), 58-59, 74-75 SPRING PARADE, 76 STANDARD SYMPONY HOUR (radio program), 121-122 Stein, Herman, 60, 130 Steiner, Max, 61, 71, 116 Stevens, Leith, 122 Stewart, James, 135-136 Stokowski, Leopold, 55 Stoloff, Morris, 141 Stolz, Robert, 76 Strauss, Johann, 58-59, 74-75 Strauss, Richard, 29 Stravinsky, Igor, 104 SUNRISE, 21 Szell, George, 52 Tamkin, David, 101, 112-113, 123 Taylor, Elizabeth, 56 television, 86, 138 THAT'S MY MAN, 112 Theater an der Wien (opera theater), 30 theremin (musical instrument), 98-99, 155-156 THIS LOVE OF OURS, 110 Thomas, Tony, 118 THREE

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