Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME C PASSAIC, N.J., APRIL 20, 2011 NUMBER 4936 Prayerful Best Wishes for a Joyous Easter Season to All Our Members and Friends May the Risen Lord breathe on our minds and open our eyes that we may know Him in the breaking of bread and follow him in His risen life! This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia! Radostné a požehnané vel’konočné sviatky všetkým našim členom a priateľom! PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, APRIL 20, 2011 American Slovak Club, 2915 by the Slovak Catholic Federa- Broadway Ave., Lorain, Oh. 3-7 tion at St. Vincent Archabbey, From the Desk of the Supreme President Sokol p.m., music dancing and re- Latrobe, Pa. beginning with de- freshments, donation $5.00 at votions at 11 a.m., luncheon at Pre-Convention Committee Appointments Calendar the door. 12 noon;devotions and confes- It is my pleasure to announce the follow- Q Group 5 semi-annual meet- sions, concluding with Pontifi cal ing Slovak Catholic Sokol members that have SAT.APRIL 30 ing at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Mass in the Archabbey Crypt at been appointed by the Supreme President, Larry Q Meeting of the Group 2 con- Center, 888 West Hopocan Ave. 4 p.m.; call Dolores M. Evanko M. Glugosh to serve our society on the Pre- vention delegates at Holy Name beginning at 12:30 p.m.;Track & (570)454-5547. Convention Committees for our upcoming 31st of Jesus School meeting room, Field Meet and eliminations fol- SAT.SEPT. 17 Quadrennial Convention, which is scheduled for 1950 Barnum Ave., Stratford, low at Barberton High School, Q Group 4 Centennial celebra- July 30 - August 3, 2011 at the Radisson Ho- Conn. beginning at 2 p.m. 555 Barber Rd., Barberton, Oh. tion at the Camelot Banquet hall, tel Pittsburgh Greentree. Both committees will SUN.MAY 1 beginning at 2 p.m. 8624 - West 95th St., Hickory meet at the Home Offi ce in Passaic N.J. on Fri- Q 5th annual Singles Bowling MAY 20-22 Hills, Ill. beginning at 12 noon day, May 6th with support from our Supreme Tournament hosted by Assem- Q 65th International Bowling following the annual meeting. Secretary, General Counsel and Supreme President. bly 78 at the National Sokol Tournament at Bowl-O-Rama Bowling Lanes, 613 Hillside with participants housed at The Group 5 to host meeting Bylaws Committee Ave., Bethlehem, Pa., show up Inn at Reading, Reading, Pa. and Slet eliminations Albert J. Suess Jr., Chairperson, Assembly 16, Pittsburgh, PA time 12 noon, competition be- SUN.MAY 22 Group 5 “Jan Holly” will host Eileen S. Wilson, Wreath 1, Bridgeport, CT gins at 1 p.m., call Fran Blanar Q 8th Annual Anniversary Ban- two important events on Sunday, Joanne E. Spisak, Wreath 14, Johnstown, PA (610)866-8381. quet of the Kent-Dudince Sister May 15 in Barberton, Oh. Its semi- Peter C. Eagler, Assembly 162, Clifton NJ MON.MAY 2 City Association at the Kent Elks annual meeting will be held at the J. Kevin Conway, Assembly 28, Douglas, MA Q Wreath 22 meeting at the Slo- Lodge Hall, Elks Lane, State Slovak Catholic Sokol Center lo- vak Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 Route 59, beginning with re- cated at 888 West Hopocan Avenue New Motions Committee ception at l p.m. followed by East Carson St., South Side, Pitts- beginning at 12:30 p.m. All Group Joseph A. Harak, Chairperson, Assembly 261, Reading. PA burgh, Pa. beginning at 7 p.m. dinner at 2 p.m. with cultural 5 lodges need to be represented at SAT.MAY 7 program at 3 p.m., $15.00 this meeting. Stephen A. Roman, Assembly 72, Catasauqua, PA Q Group 14 Night at the Races per person, call Rudy Bachna Beginning at 2 p.m., Group 5 Paul J. Hackash, Assembly 188, Lansford, PA benefi t at the Slovak Catholic (330)673-3255. will host its traditonal Track & Lisa M. Hoeck, Wreath 93, Milwaukee, WI Sokol Club, 2912 East Carson SUN.JUNE 5 Field Meet and Slet eliminations at Julie A. Dobbs, Wreath 93, Milwaukee, WI St. South Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Q Wreath 81 meeting in the Sa- the Barberton High School located beginning at 7 p.m. cred Heart Rose Room, 1723 at 555 Barber Road. The meet will Q Join Hands Day - a day of LaPorte Ave., Whiting, Ind. be- be held on the school’s Jeep Davis NEW BUSINESS SUBMITTED IN MARCH service and outreach hosted by ginning at 1 p.m., refreshments Track. The track meet is the quali- America’s fraternal benefi t soci- will be served. fi er for the upcoming 45th Interna- RECOMMENDERS CITY/STATE CERTIFICATES VOLUME POINTS eties. SAT.JUNE 18 tional Slet at Kutztown Univesity in Joseph A. Harak Reading, PA 1 $10,000 102 MON.MAY 9 Q Simply Slavic Festival in Kutztown, Pa. scheduled for July. George W. Hizny Port Griffith, PA 1 5,000 55 Q Wreath 93 meeting at the downtown Youngstown, Oh. Those planning to compete at the Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic Wilkes-Barre, PA 2 10,000 98 Mayfair North Tower meeting from 12 noon to 8 p.m. check Slet need to attend the meet and James G. Jerek Youngstown, OH 2 30,000 247 room in Wauwatosa, Wis. from website: www.simplyslavic.org. qualify for events. Dolores Kramer Chicago, IL 1 10,000 87 6-8 p.m. JUNE 24-26 Please call Steve Underation for Michael T. Matras Perryopolis PA 4 20,000 230 Q Wreath 111 meeting and Moth- Q 24th Slovak Catholic Sokol In- details of both events at tel. (330) Tony L. Scuglik Kenosha, WI 1 10,000 86 ers Day Tea at the American Slo- ternational Softball Tournament, 753-1616 or email at underation@ Rebecca Sichler Clifton, NJ 1 35,000 56 vak Club, 2915 Broadway, Lorain, Nichols & Mullholland Fields, aol.com. I look forward to seeing Mary E. Spengler Greensboro, PA 2 70,000 474 Oh. beginning at 6:30 p.m. Uniontown, Pa. hosted by everyone at both the Sokol Center Eric C. Topczij Clifton, NJ 7 35,000 399 MAY 13-15 Group 6., call Edward D. Moeller for the meeting and at the track for Dolores Yonkoski Dunlo, PA 1 5,000 55 Q 55th annual Pittsburgh Folk (412)881-3506, moellerref@aol. the qualifi er. Totals 23 $210,000 1,889 Festival at the Monroeville Con- com. Zdar Boh! vention Center; tickets $8.00 SUN. JULY 10 Steve Underation Q ANNUITIES advance and $10.00 at the door; Slovak Day of the Diocese Group 5 Physical Director children age 12 and younger, of Gary, hosted by the Gary RECOMMENDERS CITY/STATE CERTIFICATES VOLUME POINTS free of charge. Diocesan Midwest Slovak Cul- OUR NEXT ISSUE Rose Ann Crawford Pittsburgh, PA 1 $10,000 75 SUN.MAY 15 tural Society at the Salvatorian Joseph M. Dulla Ansonia, CT 1 5,269 26 Q 100th anniversary of the Slo- Shrine, 5755 Pennsylvania St., IS MAY 4 Home Office Passaic, NJ 1 55,000 vak Catholic Federation begin- Merrillville, Ind. beginning with In keeping with our bi- Stephen A. Roman Catasauqua, PA 1 25,000 125 ning with a 2:30 p.m. Pontifi cal Slovak Mass at 10:30 a.m. week ly publishing sched ule, Albert J. Suess Jr. Pittsburgh, PA 1 6,933 35 concelebrated Mass at the Ca- AUG. 19-21 the next is sue of the Slovak thedral of St. Peter, 300 Wyo- Q 56th International Golf Tour- Cath o lic Fal con will be that Totals 5 $102,202 261 ming Ave., Scranton, Pa. recep- nament at Peen N Peak Golf of Wednes day, May 4th. tion and banquet to follow at the Resorts, Clymer, N.Y. Dead line for all pho tos and in for ma tion for this is sue will Clarion Hotel. SAT.SEPT. 10 Any member interested Q Spring Polka Dance at the Q Pilgrimage of Faith sponsored be Thurs day, April 28th. View e-Falcon on our in subscribing to E-falcon, website: www.slovakcatho- kindly forward your e-mail ATTENTION ALL licsokol.org. address to: Louie@slovak- SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL MEMBERS Thank ing you for your catholicsokol.org. Instead con tin ued co op er a tion in this of mailing our offi cial pub- The 31st Quadrennial Convention of our orga- mat ter, I remain lication, the Slovak Catho- nization will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Zdar Boh! lic Falcon, members will be able to view it online. from July 30 to August 3, 2011. Daniel F. Tanzone The Bylaws and New Motions Committee will Editor Editor be selected after the Verifi cation and Eligibility Committee meets in April, 2011. “ALL” suggested and recommended changes to be considered by these committees, whether they are a Bylaw change or a New Motion, must be sub- EARN 3.5% mitted in writing and mailed to the Home Offi ce and received by April 25, 2011. OPENASLOVAKCATHOLIC SOKOLANNUITY NO FAXED COPIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!! • Competitive current interest rates • Liquidity/Withdrawal features Zdar Boh! • Guaranteed never to earn less than • Flexible retirement income options 3% APY • Avoids Probate Larry M. Glugosh Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. • Tax-deferred earnings • No sales charges or fees Supreme President Supreme Secretary ForadditionalinformationcontacttheHomeOfficeat800Ͳ886Ͳ7656 ortheSalesofficeat8ϴϴͲϯϴϭͲ5431 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, APRIL 20, 2011 PAGE 3 Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown From our Supreme Chaplain Lodge Jottings 2011 Easter Message A Joyous Easter to All BRIDGEPORT, CONN.
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