YENÝ AKREP ULUSLARARASI KARÝKATÜR VE MÝZAH DERGÝSÝ (HAZÝRAN 2003) YIL:1 SAYI:11 KARÝKATÜR ALBÜMLERÝ-CARTOON ALBUMS CARTOON BY: TAN ORAL (TURKEY) (YENÝ AKREP) SAYFA-PEAGE:2 YIL-YEAR:1 (JUNE-HAZÝRAN 2003) SAYI-ISSUE:11 TEBEÞÝR MÝZAH DERGÝSÝ PLOIEÞTI CARTOON ALBUM-2002 "EÐÝTÝM VE ÝNSAN" KONULU KARÝKATÜR THEME: "FREEDOM AND JOURNALISM" YARIÞMASI SONUÇLANDI (Türkiye) Çorum Bahçelievler Ýlköðretim Okulu tarafýndan yayýnlanan, Tebeþir Mizah Dergisi'nin düzenlediði öðrencilerarasý karikatür yarýþmasý sonuçlandý... Altan Özeskici, Murat Özmenek, Yüksel Can, Yaþar Babalýk ve Sönmez Yanardað'dan oluþan seçici kurul üyeleri, Türkiye, Azerbaycan ve Kuzey Kýbrýs'taki Ýlköðretim ve Liselerden yarýþmaya eser LUBOMÝR KOTRHA (SLOVAKIA) gönderen 404 genç çizerin 680 karikatürünü deðerlendirerek ödül kazanan çizerleri þu þekilde belirledi: Büyük Ödül: Fatih Hacýoðlu (Sürmene Lisesi-Trabzon)… Özel Ödüller: Elif Teke (Eti Lisesi-Çorum), Ece Gariboðlu (Bahçelievler Ý.Ö.O.-Çorum), Nilgün Kurt (Sürmene Lisesi-Trabzon), Özgün Can Güven (75.Yýl Özel Ý.Ö.O.-Ýzmir), Kübra Temiz (19 Mayýs Lisesi-Samsun), Anýl Þen (Bahçelievler Ý.Ö.O.-Çorum), Utku Onat Koç (Özel Geliþim Ý.Ö.O.-Ýzmir), Yeliz Bayraktar (Sürmene Lisesi-Trabzon), Zarife Tuðçe Uslu (Gazi Ý.Ö.O.-Denizli), Feriye Çekiçoðlu (Yaþar TopçuÝ.Ö.O.- Sinop), Duygu Ýspiroðlu (Sürmene Lisesi- Trabzon) Cansu Kocabýyýk (Bahçelievler Ý.Ö.O.-Çorum), Nuran Gürek (H. Mehmet Ofluoðlu Ý.Ö.O.-Trabzon), Hüseyin Üzüm (Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi-Çorum...) Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler Ekim 2003 tarihinde Çorum'da sergilenecek ve ödül kazananlara ödülleri verilecektir.... Ödül alan ve sergilenmeye deðer görülen karikatürler ise Tebeþir Mizah Dergisi'nin 4. sayýsýnda yayýnlanacaktýr... DENG COY MIEL (SINGAPORE) LEONTE NÂSTASE (ROMANIA) KIBRISLI TÜRK VE RUM RESÝM-KARÝKATÜR SANATÇILARININ 18. "TÜM-KIBRIS" RESÝM-KARÝKATÜR SERGÝSÝ GERÇEKLEÞTÝ (Lefkoþa-Kýbrýs) Kýbrýs Türk sanatçýlarýnýn Kýbrýs'ýn Karikatürcüler Derneði ile Kendi birleþtirilmesi ve iki toplumun Kendini Yetiþtiren Ressamlar birarada yaþamasý için yaptýklarý Birliði'nin (EN-AZ) 1989 yýlýndan mücadeleyi övdü ve Denktaþ Rejimi beridir ortaklaþa düzenledikleri tarafýndan uygulanan engellere ve "Tüm-Kýbrýs Karikatür ve Resim baskýlara yýlmadan göðüs Sergisi" 3 Haziran 2003 tarihinde gerdiklerini belirtti... Lefkoþa'nýn Rum kesimindeki 50'yi aþkýn Kýbrýslý Rum ressamýn "Melina Merkouri Sanat eserlerinin yer aldýðý sergide, 14 Merkezi"nde açýldý... Sergi açýlýþý Kýbrýslý Türk karikatürcünün toplam öncesinde Kýbrýs Cumhuriyeti 90 eseri yer aldý... Sanayi-Ticaret ve Turizm Bakaný 3-8 Haziran 2003 tarihleri arasýnda Yorgos Lillikas, Kýbrýs Türk gerçekleþen "Tüm-Kýbrýs Karikatür Karikatürcüler Derneði Baþkaný ve Resim Sergisi"nde eserleri yer Hüseyin Çakmak ve Kendi Kendini alan Kýbrýslý Türk karikatürcüler yetiþtiren Ressamlar Birliði þöyle: Erdoðan Baybars, Musa Kayra, Baþkaný Apollon Koumides birer Mustafa Tozaký, Hüseyin Çakmak, M. konuþma yaptýlar... Kýbrýs Serhan Gazioðlu, Bertan Soyer, Cumhuriyeti Ticaret ve Turizm Alper Susuzlu, Mehmet Ulubatlý, Bakaný Yorgos Lillikas, sergi açýlýþý Arif A. Albayrak, Cemal Tunceri, öncesinde yaptýðý konuþmada, Celal Deniz, Sevcan Çerkez, Zafer Kýbrýslý Türk karikatür Tutkulu, Zuhal Denizci... (YENÝ AKREP) SAYFA-PEAGE:3 YIL-YEAR:1 (JUNE-HAZÝRAN 2003) SAYI-ISSUE:11 Newspapers Confiscated Because of Political Cartoon PRESS RELEASE/ADVISORY: Then CRN was alerted to another source for to confiscate newspapers or arrest those selling Newspapers confiscated because of political more information on the event: them. This is, of course, arbitrariness. Only if cartoon. From: BBC Monitoring... there is a Originator: Cartoonists Rights Network (CRN) Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 6:54 AM... court verdict can the police confiscate a Date: April 24, 2003. Subject: Tcu-Azeri-Press-Arrest... newspaper. If someone doesn't like a cartoon Country: Azerbaijan. or an article in a newspaper, they should apply Person: Editor Muhammed Arsoy TCU-AZERI-PRESS-ARREST either to the Press Council or to the court. Those Target: The newspaper "Bizim Yol" (Our Way) Cartoon in Azeri paper leads to arrest of news guilty of such arbitrariness must be punished. Source: CASCFEN Network and the BBC. vendors. Text of Tale Asad report by Azerbaijani Type of violation: Paper sellers detained and newspaper Yeni Musavat on 18 April entitled Source: Yeni Musavat, Baku in Azeri 18 Apr 03 questioned, newspapers confiscated. "Police acts as censor" p 5 BBC Mon TCU MD1 Media 230403 cal/eb (CRN/IFEX) - The following is an April 24, 2003 Cartoonists Rights Network condemns the CRN press release: Cartoon precipitates Several vendors of Bizim Yol newspaper were confiscation of newspapers, and the detention confiscation of newspaper in Azerbaijan. arrested near the Neftcilar underground station of legitimate news vendors simply going about by employees of the Nizami district police their business. Acts like these brings into The Cartoonists Rights Network reports this department [of Baku] yesterday [17 April]. In question the Azerbaijani Government's article found on the CASCFEN web site. this connection, we telephoned the police intentions with journalists and its unconvincing CASCFEN is a network of press freedom department. The duty officer answering the commitment to freedom of expression. groups within Central Asia and Southern phone confirmed the We are in the process of obtaining a copy of Caucasus dealing with the problems of arrest, saying that it was connected with the the cartoon for posting on our Regional Web journalists, the press and the mass media. Its "Bizim Kuklalar" [Our Dolls] cartoon published site (see below). mission is to provide assistance to press on the newspaper's back page. freedom groups in obtaining information and to More Information: For further information be actively involved in the region's issues in To clarify the situation, we called the general contact Robert Russell, Executive Director, general. secretary of the Azerbaijani Confederation of Cartoonists Rights Network, 10600 Alison Drive, Journalists, Azar Hasrat. He said he was aware Burke, VA 22015, U.S.A., Tel/Fax:+1 703 250 Police Confiscate Newspaper Posted on of what had happened: "The police have no right 0035, E-mail: [email protected] Tuesday, April 22 @ 12:34:19 CDT CASCFEN-On Sunday, April 20, 2003 policemen in Nizami District of Baku, Azerbaijan KENT GÜRÜLTÜSÜ KARÝKATÜR ALBÜMÜ confiscated copies of the newspaper "Bizim Yol" (Our Way) from the retailers. As told one of the KONU:"KENT GÜRÜLTÜSÜ" sellers on day time of Sunday policemen in the territory of Nizami District begun to stop newspaper sellers and convene them to police station. Some four sellers were stopped and convened to the police station where they were questioned about the newspaper "Bizim Yol." Police asked sellers where did they get copies of the paper, who is behind that etc. Then the copies of "Bizim Yol" were confiscated and sellers set free. No violent behavior was observed during this "clearance"action. Newspaper's editor-in-chief Muhammed Arsoy told to CASCFEN that the case was connected HÝCABÝ DEMÝRCÝ (TURKEY) to the cartoon of the president Heydar Aliyev which was published on the last issue. The cartoon describes Aliyev sitting on donkey and his son, Ilham keeping the tail of the donkey and crying: "Dad, take me too..." But father says: "Your English is not pure. As soon as you learn to speak pure English I'll take you with me". Arsoy said that the authorities are feared of the growing popularity of the newly appeared weekly and "we're waiting other acts of the violation of our rights". Later on Monday, April 21, the confiscation or restriction of distribution of the newspaper continued in other parts of the city. CASCFEN Council Chairman Azer H. Hasret condemned the fact and called on authorities to end with the violation of rights of free media. "In case of continuance of such kind of behaviors we'll show our solidarity and take actions to protect our colleagues," added Hasret. "Bizim Yol" is newly appeared independent weekly very critical to President Heydar Aliyev. HUSEYIN CAKMAK (CYPRUS) ATÝLA ÖZER (TURKEY) (YENÝ AKREP) SAYFA-PEAGE:4 YIL-YEAR:1 (JUNE-HAZÝRAN 2003) SAYI-ISSUE:11 Editor Ali Lmrabet in Jail Because of a Cartoonist's Work euros) and the banning of the two weeklies. Lmrabet was about to fly from Rabat He also requested Lmrabet's immediate airport to Paris on 17 April, two agents from arrest under article 400 of the criminal the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance code and police detained Lmrabet in the (DST) told him he was banned from leaving courtroom for about 10 minutes on 13 May, the country "on the instructions of the until the detention order was revoked as a DST." The ban was lifted the following result of his lawyers' objections. week. Previously, at the beginning of May, the Reporters Without Borders defends owner of the printing works Ecoprint told imprisoned journalists and press freedom Lmrabet that he would have to stop printing throughout the world, as well as the right Lmrabet's two weeklies because of to inform the public and to be informed, in pressure being put on him. He later said it accordance with Article 19 of the Universal was because he disagreed with their Declaration of Human Rights. Reporters content. Without Borders has nine national sections When he began his hunger strike on 6 May, (in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, CARTOON BY: NIKAHANG KOWSAR Lmrabet said he was acting to defend his Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the rights, to stop
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