• I " II..No 49, ••:.;] ^^jy^ TEN GENTS •A."." ening s . In the true spirit of CHristmas, many local organisations and in- dividuals' have: contributed, time, effort and donations to make the. ."•'.. Finance Cbmmtssioner Wesley 'N; 3?hilio, who will become holidays brighter for less fortunate families in the township through mayor at the local governing body's, reorganization meeting on, , the annual holiday project'of the Cranford, Welfare Association. -. January 4, announced this week that there will be a, special , "Christmas for most, people is a tiniepf..happiness-and joy, but meeting of the Township^ Cpmrnittee at 8:30 p;m. on ..January . for others it could'be a id 18 to review the financial positron of Craniford and disedss occasion, were it not, for the ^gen- : !—'•' ' •'"" '; the /pireliminary budget. for erosity of our citizenry," Mrs.- Ar- : thur G. tie nnoxi executive secretary 1966.-::;:. "•:r'y-.-r: '\ '•:*••••:;•/.\'\ • of the association,, said hr ah- Wttkrs .Mayor-Elect Philo said mem- , , nouncing the niany. contributions to bers bf the public^ are invited . the Christmas project ><, >., tct^attend this^ ineeting ,and ex- >..• As a result of this generosity, press their views.' This marks the . Mrs>-JLennox reported, 44 fantilieslj first time that the public has been invited' to an open meeting for dis- ' and 121 children .are being remem-' Outgoing letter iize mail for the v hered in sonijB way this season, cussion of - the municipal budget period December 9 through Tues* prior to it* completion and pre- . •with parties, clothing, • gifts ", and day totilfed 687,079, pieces at the CHRISTMAS IN CRANFORD -~: Portion Of. tastefully lighted by the Chamber 'of Commerce is shown, on North Union Ave. as Cr&nford children are keeping ; sentation at a formal public hear- Cranford' Post Office, as compared Christmas decorations provided for the business center of Cranford viewed from North Ave. intersection. ' phqto by Karr Associate* Santa Claus' busy this jChristnlaS The Cranford JLions Club; Jay- with .673,701? pieqes .during the answering aU'theSanfa Claus mail ing. i .cee^ettes, Capt.'N. R. Fiske Post same period in. 1964, or an inerease ^placed in the Chaniber. q£*Com-- The finance commissioner "said 335, VEW, and lota Xi Omega Fra- of 2 percent,- it w$s reported yes- merce Santa mailb,6x! and sent it is expected the 1966 budget and . ternity of Union Junior- College terday by Postmaster Arthur* Bo- NewSuvvqj GOP Leaders to Meet Here through the. Cranford.' Post Office, tax" resolution will be formally in- provided holiday parties: for 90 ertmann. , • ' ; AH letters with fetiirn addresses troduced on either January 25 or children who were;, entertained, Incoming letter size .mail showed are being- answered by two';'Cran- February 1, with the regular pub- • served refreshnients and presented" SiteOn Delegates.to Convention ford Santas played by Mrs. Mary lic hearing to be held.a month ; fan- increase of 3:S .percent, or a| with gifts/by Santa Claus. ' , trital of 1,204,342. piece,s as .com- The Board'of/Education authorized'a survey at a cost not to ex~- A meeting of the executive hoard of the Union County Republican tty'-oii 13 AlgoTlquin pr; and Mrs, later. Employes pf.the New Jersey Bell pared' with last year's figure of ceed $600 of the site ,p.f Cranford, High Schpoi,, in^ conjunction with Committee wilj be held at the Municipal Building here at 8 p.m. Wed- Harriet Payne of 14 Holly, St. ..'. "Mr. Philo previously had ex- pressed a hope that the Township , Telephone Accounting Center pfo-- 1,1,63,045."... ••-••• <.: -.;y •' • K-- }A':< W renovation and^reh^bllitation project in the Cranford public schools. nesday, to endeavor to reaeh accord on the five county GOP delegates liirsl Fry, who answers, the let- ' , vided .food baskets filled with all /The authorization was made on Tuesday night at. a meeting of the to the state constitutional convention ters placed in the Chamber's Santa Committee will be able toehold the Incoming, parcel post totaled line on its municipal purposes ' • the "fixings" for a festive meal lot 12,380 pieces,' as. compared' with board.' Bernard l^itwack, boards-president, explained that previous high . This was announced this we,ek by J. Andrew Stemmer, Union' mailbox in front of the Suburban: 10 underprivileged families. ~ 1 Tjtust Co., has handled 103 letters budget for next year"-and that it las.t gear's. 11,602 pieces, or an in- ' sch'ool site surveys are non-exist- County Republican chairman, who : -*~7—'— may bp able to avoid a^tax- in- - ' X>ther,;-groups donating food ;to .date. The. last pickup for let- crease of 6.7 tier'cent, while Out- ent The new 'stirvey will, set the said United States Senator Clifford [ -m- •* • . ' . f •»-» -m crease because of the. new indus:. baskets :jynclu4ed:. American Le- going parcel post showed a 12.S proper boundaries of the site on fers,-; in',' time to neceive. replies, • gion Auxiliary • (two families), P. Case, Represen^tive Florcnce| {Jfllted JF ttltCI will'ibfe tbnjlght at S'qj'clock. r : trialf ra,tables •in-.town.' :' percent "increase, irorn 13,562 W EEndd PPII . and determinedti , th P. Dw^er, State Senator Nelson'F. • He pointed but, howeyer, .that"; . Newcomers'''Club (two familie^), piece's last year to 15,235 pieces topography of the area; The -sur- Stamler and Assemblymen Frank jMTrs. Fry t^ok on the jjbb ot an- St, Michael's Rosary Society, Alpha 8W.erirtg, letleiis; severai years ago "there is no way to predict what this year. ., '.']•• '"'"'T'•";/'• •'•'• • vey has been requested by Epple X. McDermott and Nicholas S -La- Pi Omega Fraternity of Union Ladies Install ; Attains 95% •when--her employer, ,Dr. Galdon the new tax rate for homeowners The peak figure, for, incoming and Seaman, architects retained by Corte have been invited. ' l ._s Junior College (two families^,' and Hindman; a local optometrist, was will T>e until we ' know what s letter" size mail Was reached- .on the bdard ffltr the renovation prp- Mr. Stemmer and other county ; : changes are proposed in the Board ^Baptist.Church Missionary Society. Of Its Goal president of the Chamber, of Com- r Saturday,' with 158^922 pieces ject. •••.•.;.•,.•-••. v•.',••.•".%*• •'•:-^. chairmen tnet with Webster B. Cub Pack 176 also donated a Officer Slates of Edueatipn, bjidget." • handled, the heaviest amount of Todd, state \GOP chairrrian, last merce. : Mr. Litwack said the" board has The Cranford United Fund has canned food collection for Christr •" . ..-'.' •' • • • . ,J '••;• :• •, • '• . Malcolm S, Pringlei #ho will be • letters, received here on. any one Peter Jf. Malaspina has been been meeting >Vith the architetts to week and a to select a 10- reached a total of $80,500, 6r-ep- Jits. Payne;, mother'df.Mrs. L. • -'mas.;dinners. ' '•;• •'•'.•.••,'.•.•. -: ' - '•:"-.[ . M. Fingerlin^ has penned replies,, seated -.as^a new nleinber; of the.;. day in the last four years, Mfc Review possible renovation plans of dielegate bi-pprtlsa^i slate of dele- proximately $5 percent of its goafr 1 •'•...' Cranford Girt Scouts prepared elected to serve his secpnd term as to 25 letters received at the CJrati^ Township; XOmmittee at the re£(r- Boertmann reported.« internal and external features. An gates for the March', 1 election. of $85,000 for support of the 1966 : i 40 giant Chrisiirnas stbckihgs to? he president of the Cranford First Aid ford Post Office,' adding 9 ^??nal ganizatjon , meeting ancl who is "^hile a peak of 83,650 cancet exploratory meeting is. scheduled The^counfy chairman said peti- activities of 14 charitable, welfare slated to succeed Jtfr. Philo as fi- delivered to the children of needy lationo was reached for Outgoing Sqiiad; i3tlier officers for 1966 with .member*. o#the State Depart- tions for the March 1 election must touch .to e#ieh' letter Both Santas familieSi ami "the"1 Girl Scouts of St. land character-building agencies, it nap.ee chairman, said thai ^'hope-' letter size aiail last WednesclBy, arej Vice-president, Anthbny La- hient of Education next week,, '*[. be filed by 3a.nuary 20.' He sUU is jwas reported this week by Farris ,havepiad[e every effort' to obtain Michael's. Church also , provided retuj?n: addresses wherever possibly, fully, the. ayerage taxpayer may 1 tft figurfigee did noot Vy^ tiii f ; The >6ard' had approved an eky awaiting a ruling on whether each & campaign ' gifts for,\•'•a,' , special.- family, Other .fpt: Rpsa;. recording secretary,', Hugo have to pay only a little more in*' several . ,. , ...... ,. ,.._..,.„... .,,,. pendituire^ of |2pO,,for the sit§ sur- ,of the candidates on the b}-parti~ Mrs. Fry reported,.that .som» ,pf '<•"„ stocking donations were by: Senior s Sti& corresponding;$ecretaryv di&lrrnan. hw letter&ywere sent qttf of state 1966, with ^CKftie actually, piling; ning. unus,uajliy heavy .from ,i>e- vey at a.previous irtBeting.'Vutthe san skte must obtain 60rf signa- i Youth Fellowship and Girl JScout John/;J4;''|3!elaneisr;' Mr. Siwaftlfhamer pointed out to .'ji^tfrfeases. where; ilt^dreh' will les$. •pti;thb^^^s:'.oY- 'ri\^Iua|loh.V ougfr December 18. sum proved inadequate; The "board tures or whether one pctltiph .with that this is the best percentage 1 ; : : : Dop 886. : ''••;;••/•:.:,••:•.'::.•'.•' ,'-,- ward' Rpuvei; ;;;officer, p q Vkiting g^^JixriJthers; .••,.' V', kfigur.cjs*" :.;.. ;. .';v n :-.•'/''•'',' •'''•'.'>V' i :v .Heaviest incoming, paf- 600 signatures would mpkc the en- ucccss as well as the largest dollar jLima -Circle of the Margaret " Williains;' 'historian, John approved aft additipnal ^4DQ, at tic* slate eligible. • Se;yerai local youafest^tt repotted .The following explanatory stat§- ' Cel pbst was received on Tyesday, Tuesday's meeting. The aichltect Otal tho Cranford United JTund, Gree^ Association, of the First with 1,638' pieces hqnjijed,: white Kopf, and chaplain, Duncan Math' '!ITb'^ (delegates elected in the via$S '.^;:St(pta^itt: Us^%f:it; -a»^, meat on 1966 tax b»Hsi was issued (Jliurch presented a has requested that ^n accurate sur- has ever raised in support of its •Mu|apipa|'.'':;Tattdng't:-l^t:) "^tbe^ by Commissioner Pliilo and Mr.
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