Research Summary Report African Media Development Initiative Acknowledgements This report could not have been prepared without the generous contributions of many individuals and organisations. The BBC World Service Trust is particularly grateful for the close collaboration with Vivien Marles and Kathy Lines of the Fuse Group. Recognition also goes to the following editors and reviewers for their expertise and guidance: Stephen King, Julia Moffett, Chris Armstrong, Hendrik Bussiek, Linda Coffey, Diane Cross, Steve Godfrey, Yvonne Kramer, Susannah Lear, Sam Mallac, Sheri Margolis, John McCormick, Mary McEntegart, Sina Odugbemi, Lelani Prevost, and Linda Stratmann. The team at Red Stone design also played an important role in this project. A note of thanks goes to those individuals who provided additional background research and support to the project: Valeria Camia, Vivek Chandra, Alice Dashwood, Tim Dubois, Wanyana Lule, Leila Makki, Lisa Nuch Venbrux, Dominic Rustam and Simon Jackson. Credits BBC World Service Trust Research Director: Dr Gerry Power, Director, Research and Learning Research Team: Debbie Glen (Project Manager), Nathalie Goad, Patrick McCurdy, Reena Nakrani, Thane Ryland, Kate Saunders Administration and Finance: Hatul Hindocha, Pareena Khairdin, Laura McQuillan, Alice Mercanti, Helena Merriman, Nitu Panesar, Kevin Wilson Research Officers: Barnaby Smith, Sonia Whitehead The research summary report cover was designed by Samantha McGregor, a student at Rhodes University (South Africa). It was the winning design in a 2006 competition judged by the BBC World Service Trust and Red Stone design. Published by the BBC World Service Trust, 2006 BBC World Service Trust Room 310 NE Bush House PO Box 76 Strand London WC2B 4PH UK Ahmandu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria ISBN 1-906086-17-6 © BBC World Service Trust African Media Development Initiative Introduction Fostering a stronger media in Africa is an indispensable part of tackling poverty, improving development and enabling Africa to attain its development goals. This Research Summary Report of the findings of the African Media Development Initiative (AMDI) provides a unique set of insights showing how donors, investors, media and media development organisations can collaborate in supporting and strengthening Africa’s media sector. The Initiative was the most extensive independent survey of the state of the media across 17 sub-Saharan African countries: Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Copies of the individual country reports are included on the enclosed CD. The study aimed to: assess the key changes and developments in the media sector in Africa over the past five years; to show how training and capacity building activities have contributed to the development of the media; and to identify future actions with the greatest potential impact on the development of the media sector in Africa. Arising from the 2005 Commission for Africa, the project was delivered by Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria), BBC World Service Trust, Rhodes University (South Africa) and a network of researchers from 17 African countries. On behalf of everyone at the BBC World Service Trust, I would like to thank: the members of the AMDI Advisory Group and research team; the project funders, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DfID), the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) and Irish Aid; and all those who participated in this important study. Stephen King Director BBC World Service Trust © BBC World Service Trust Acronyms ABC Audited Bureau of Circulation ACA Advertising and Commercial Association ACHPR African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights AfriMAP Africa Governance, Monitoring and Advocacy Project AIP Association of Independent Publishers AIPPA Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act ALTERCOM Association des Femmes pour la Communication Alternative (Association for Women and Communications) AMARC World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMDI African Media Development Initiative ARDA African Radio Drama Association ART Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications (Telecommunications Regulation Authority) ATV African Together Vision AU Africa Union BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBC WST British Broadcasting Corporation World Service Trust BOCONGO Botswana Council of NGOs CAFEC Exchange Centre for Congolese Law CATIA Catalysing Access of ICTs in Africa CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CMC Cameroon Media Council CNRA Conseil National de Régulation de l’Audiovisuel (National Council for the Regulation of Broadcasting) CORNET Community Radio Network CPI Corruption Perceptions Index CRDA Christian Relief and Development Agency CRTV Cameroon Radio and Television DfID Department for International Development (UK) DRC Democratic Republic of Congo ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EKOWISA E-Knowledge for Women in Southern Africa © BBC World Service Trust FAMEDEV Inter-African Network for Women, Media, Gender and Development FASIC Faculty Institute for Information and Communication Sciences FES Friedrich Ebert Stiftung FXI Freedom of Expression Institute GCIS Government Communication and Information System GDCC Gina Din Corporate Communications GEMSA Gender and Media Southern Africa GJA Ghana Journalists’ Association GRET Groupe de recherché et d’échanges technologiques (Research and Technology Exchange Group) HAM High Authority for Media HIVOS Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries IAJ Institute for the Advancement of Journalism ICS Social Communication Institute ICTs Information and Communication Technologies IFC International Finance Corporation IFJ International Federation of Journalists IPDC Intergovernmental Programme for the Development of Communication IREX International Research and Exchanges Board ITU International Telecommunication Union IUPA Indiana University of Pennsylvania JED Journaliste en Danger (Journalist in Danger) KAS Konrad Adenauer Stiftung MAELEZO Tanzania National Department of Information Services MCK Media Council of Kenya MDDA Media Development and Diversity Agency MDGs Millennium Development Goals MFWA Media Foundation for West Africa MIC Media and Information Commission MISA Media Institute of Southern Africa MMP Media Monitoring Project MMPZ Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe © BBC World Service Trust MMS Media Marketing Services MTN Mobile Telephone Network MWASA Media Workers’ Association of South Africa NBC National Broadcasting Commission NCA National Communications Authority NCC Nigerian Communication Commission NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGE Nigerian Guild of Editors NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NiZA Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa NMC National Media Commission NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NSJ Southern African Media Training Trust NUJ Nigerian Union of Journalists NUSOJ National Union of Somali Journalists OSISA Open Society Institute for Southern Africa OSIWA Open Society Initiative of West Africa OTM Mozambican Workers’ Organisation PAMRO Pan African Media Research PANA Pan-African News Agency PAZA Press Association of Zambia PISA Panos Institute Southern Africa PMSA Print Media South African PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network SAARF South African Advertising Research Foundation SABA Southern African Broadcasting Association SABC South African Broadcasting Corporation SAEF South African Editors’ Forum SAIMED Southern Africa Institute for Media Entrepreneurship Development SAMDEF Southern African Media Development Fund SANEF South African National Editors’ Forum SJC School of Journalism and Communication (Gimlekollen) © BBC World Service Trust SLAJ Sierra Leone Association of Journalists SLBs Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service SMIEIS Nigerian Small and Medium Industries and Equity Investment Scheme SNJ Mozambican Journalists’ Union SOCDA Somali Organisation for Community Development Activities SPI Sol Plaatje Media Leadership Institute STREAM Strengthening African Media SYNPICS Syndicat des professionnels de l’Information et de la Communication du Sénegal (Senegal Union of Information and Communication Professionals) TAMWA Tanzania Media Women’s Association TBN Trinity Broadcasting Network TIWA Technology Initiatives of West Africa TWN Third World Network UJA Uganda Journalists Association UMI Uganda Management Institute UMWA Uganda Media Women’s Association UNDP United National Development Programme UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNILAG University of Lagos UNIC United Nations Information Centre UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNPC Union Nationale de la Presse du Congo (National Union of the Congolese Press) UNSAID United States Agency for International Development URTNA Union of National Radio and Television Organisations of Africa USIU United States International University WAJA West African Journalists’ Association WANAD West African Newsmedia and Development centre WILL Wireless Local Loop ZaCoMeF Zambia Community Media Forum ZAMPS Zimbabwe All Media and Products Survey ZANU-PF Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front © BBC World Service Trust African Media Development Initiative Contents Background and Summary of Findings 8 Summary of Findings 13 General observations 13 Challenges and
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