HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 10-212-70 10-22-70 3 1 at 1436 2 4 at 0730 -.aOURGlASS 2 9 at 1848 VOL 10, No 9029 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS GI's say forced to draft phony award papers WASHINGTON (UPI1--S~x enlisted men have charged that they were ordered to draft "from th~n air" ~maginary acts of combat heroism so an Army general in V~etnam could rece~ve two of the nat~on's highest mil~tary honors In a letter to Chairman Mendel Rivers, D-S C , of the House Armed Servlces Com­ mlttee, and made publ~c today, Spec 4 Roy R. Trent Jr , sa~d his unit was ordered to draw up the necessary papers Oct 4 for the SlIver Star and Dlst~nguished Flyin Cross for Brlg Gen E P Forrester Sort of financial doomsday Trent's letter was slgned by f~ve en­ listed men from the 1st Cavalry D~vi­ arriv s in Ireland after sion's awards and decoratl0ns offlce He was wr~tlng R~vers, Trent said, to banks closed 6 months report a "grave infractl0n of ml1~tary DUBLIN (UPI)--A sort of financial dooms­ pol~cy and an abominable lnsult to the day arrlved today for Irlsh wage earner ~ntegrlty and inte111gence of all lower and businessman alike. The banks reopened grade enlisted personnel " after a Slx-month shutdown durlng whlch According to Trent, the mvards offlce people wrote $8 4 blillon 1n checks wlth­ was ordered to "create reconunendatl0ns" out knowlng lf these were ln the red or for the medals for Forrester "for act- black 10ns ln WhlCh he never partlcipated" Bank offlclals and clerks worked over­ durlng the Cambodlan operatl0n earlier tlme behind closed doors ln the Irish Re­ thlS year. publlC'S 900 banks tackllng the plIes of Accorcjlng to the New York Tlmes, WhlChCOURTROOM SHOOTOUT SUSPECT FOUND-Sought on checks accumulated since the doors were was glven a copy of the Trent letter, murder and kidnaping chdrge~, handcuffed Angela Da­ closed Apnl 30 Forrester recelved the SlIver Star Meda1vls IS led (rIght) from FBI hecldqudrters In New York, The 6,800 members of the Bank Offlclals last Thursday but that plans for pre- where she was ane5ted With Rudolph Pomdextel Jr sentlng the F1Ylng Cross were dropped (left) In a motel A black revolutIOnary, she was wanted Associat10n, a labor unl0n, voted Monday m connectIOn With the Callfornw ('ourtroom shootout to accept a new wage offer by the banks The newspaper quoted an Army offlcer that killed four In< ludlllg Judge H J Haley and go back to work ~n Vletnam as saylng the general had not Bank dlrectors warned the1r customers lt seen the cltat10n and dld not know the would be weeks and maybe even months be­ Clrcumstances of lts preparatlon Timothy Leary granted fore thelr accounts made any sense At the tlme, For1ester was asslstant • The banks said they had $8 4 blll10n 1st Cavalry conunander The Tlmes sald political asylum in Alg ria worth of checks awaitlng handling by Col George Newman, the unit's CbiH"lU~.""'~~"I'i'~ staffs worklng overtlme staff, sald he had ordered the recommen- hlgh prlest of Arnerlcan LSD cu u e datlon of the draft ln a hurry so lt escaped from a Callfornla prison Sept 2, Huge polic dragnet searches could be presented to Forrester before has been granted polltlcal asylum by the he left the dlvls10n for a new asslgn- Algerian government for killers of 5 in CalifornIa ment Frlends ot the former Harvard professor SANTA CRUZ, CALIF (UPI)--Pollce dis- On the nlght of Oct 4, Trent wrote, sald Ledry would work wlth Eldrldge Clea­ closed today they were searchlng for two "we were requlred to prepare a descrip- ver ln the U S Black Panther eXlle head- or three long-haired young people, one a tive narratlve of hlS supposed actlon quarters ln Alglers woman, as suspects ln the mass klillng of of valor, a cltatlon tor these lmaglna- In London, the Youth Internatlonal Par- Dr Vlctor M Ohta and four other persons ry actlons, and to have thlS fraudulent ty (Ylpples) sald Leary and Cleaver Santa Cruz County Sheriff Douglas James document ln such form as to be accept- would hold a news conference tomorrow In sald the suspects, whom he descrlbed as able, and approved by the Awards and Alglers "long-halred people ln their early 20s," Decoratl0ns Board Leary, 50, had been sought by U S po- were seen north of Santa Cruz yesterday Trent sald hlS unlt was glven a dead- llce Slnce he fled the Callfornla state near a statlon wagon taken from Ohta's llne of 8 o'clock on the next mornlng to prlson system's mlnlmum securlty Chlno hliitop manSl0n complete the work "and lt was expected lnstltutlon where he was servlng one-to­ James also dlsclosed that the 47-year­ that we meet thls deadlne lf lt took the 10 years for marlJuana possesslon old eye doctor was shot three tlmes--not entire nlght to do so " Leary's wlfe, who had flnlshed a SlX tWlce as believed earller--wlth a 38-call­ months'sentence for posseSSlon of marl­ ber plstol It al&o was learned the slay­ U.S. to advise doctors to curb Juana at the tlme of hlS escape, arrlved ers killed the famlly cat wlth a shot ln use of tolbutamide for diabetics ln Alpers Wl th hlm Both have been the back of the head granted dsylum In A1ger1a Frlends of The statlon wagon was belleved used to WASHINGTON (UPI)--The government an- the couple sald Leary was worklng w1th escape from the blazlng home Monday night nounced today lt wlll advlse doctors to Cleaver, 35, former lnformatlon m1nlster after Ohta, hlS w1fe Vlrglnla, 41, thelr drastlcally curb use of tolbutamlde, the of the Black Panther party Cleaver set two sons and a secretary were bound, mo~t wlde1y prescrlbed drug for dlabe- up eXlle headquarters 1n Alglers more bllndfolded and shot to death, and left ln tlCS, because of lndlcations lt has llt­ than a year ago He fled the Unlted the sWlmmlng pool as their house was set tIe effect and may be connected wlth an States after a shootout w1th pollce ln aflre lncrease 1n heart dlsease Oa~ldnd, Callf , where Cleaver was wound­ James said the suspects were seen at a The drug lS sold under the trade name ed and Panther Bobby Hutton was kl1led campsite ln the Bonny Doon area, 15 miles Orinase. The manufacturer, the UpJohn Leary ]olned a growlng group of forelgn from the scene of the kililngs, and near Co, of Kalamazoo, M1Ch , estimates it polltlcal fugltlves and eXlles ln Alglers the green and brown Oldsmoblle station wa- lS used by 800,000 dlabetlcs In the Brazillan ant1government ml11tants also gon taken from the Ohta manSlon Unlted States Ilve here They were exchanged for free­ The station wagon was later driven lnto The Food and Drug Admlnlstratl0n sald dom ot a kldnaped German diplomat a rallroad tunnel, set aflre and abandoned lts forthcoming bulletln to doctors was Leary also was convlcted Jan 20, 1968, It remalned hldden there untll a Southern based on a $7 ml1l10n scientiflc study ln Texas of smuggllng marlJuana lnto the Paclflc frelght traln came through the WhlCh concluded that to1butamlde coup- Unlted States from MeX1CO and sentenced tunnel last n~ght and smashed lnto lt led wlth a d1abetlc dlet lS no more ef- to 10 years after U.S. Customs Agents Authorities and volunteers, uSlng dogs fective than the dlet alone sald they found marlJuana ln a snuffbox and horses, searched the rugged, remote The same study concluded that patients carried by Leary's daughter countryslde around the tunnel Redwood taklng tolbutam1de had a greater lnCl- A court in Santa Ana, Callf , passed a forests wlth trees up to 100 feet hlgh co- dence of fatal heart disease than those sentence there to run consecutively with ver most of the area. on a diet alone, or a dlet coupled wlth the Texas sentence, WhlCh was to follow Ohta's two daughters were away at school lnsulln The study's results were flrst Ca1ifornla term because Leary's lawyers at the tlme of the slaYlngs disclosed last sprlng had appealed the Texas conv1ction HOURGLASS Wednesday, October 21, 1970 Sa;I racing assn. party Crossroads bingo The Kwaja1ein Sail Racing Associ­ Bingo at the Crossroads resumes atl0n wl11 sponso~ a party on Sat­ tonight with a $1,500 Jackpot for urday, Nov 7, at the M-Z Club a blackout blngo in 54 numbers dr Dinner, an open bar, and music less Plan to attend blngo at the by a new musical group, The Bro­ Crossroads tonlght at 8 00 p m thers A1l,will be provided M t Don Johnson Trophles for the Cal-20 summer serles and for the Labor Day race Pre-school storyh ur wl11 be presented Tickets are $5 00 per person. Bicycles to be claimed The following bicycles with decal numbers have been recovered or found abandoned. Owners please claim bicycles at the Central Po­ lice Station no later than 1200 hours, Oct.24 All bicycles not claimed by this date wll1 be sold at 1700 hours, Oct 24 at the Cen­ tral Police Station parking lot in accordance with KMR regulations. 0184-R l649-R 2484-R 3206-B 0260-R 1658-R 2503-R 3207-B 03l2-R 1672-R 2525-R 3240-R 0324-R l730-R 2568-R 3259-R 0348-B 1740-R 2602-R 3275-R The Yokwe Yuk Women's Club holds 0417-R l83l-R 263~-R 3299-R a pre-school storyhour four days 062l-R l892-B 2646-R 333l-R each week ln the KwaJaleln Llbrary 0678-R 1964-R 2775-R 3383-R from 9 10 untl1 10 00 a.m Slxteen 0937-R 2l34-R 2808-R 3432-B women of the club share the respon­ 1037-R 2l36-R 2868-R 3506-B slbl11ty of dally readlngs Don Johnson was born and reared ln St Paul, l144-R 2l41-R 2882-R 3526-R On Mondays and Wednesdays the Mlnnesota He attended St Paul publlC schools l194-R 2l67-B 2914-R 353l-R storyhour lS for chlldren two and and obtalned a B A ln mathematlcs at the Unlver­ l256-R 2240-R 2950-R 3762-R three years of age, and on Tuesdays Slty of Mlnnesota ln 1961 and ln 1965 recelved a 1319-B 2303-R 2967-R 3866-B and Thursdays
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