Meetings && Conferences of thethe AMSAMS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MEETINGS PROGRAMS: AMS Sectional Meeting programs do not appear in the print version of the Notices. However, comprehensive and continually updated meeting and program information with links to the abstract for each talk can be found on the AMS website. See http://www.ams.org/meetings/. Final programs for Sectional Meetings will be archived on the AMS website accessible from the stated URL and in an electronic issue of the Notices as noted below for each meeting. Shelly Harvey, Rice University, 4-dimensional equiva- Winston-Salem, lence relations on knots. Allen Knutson, Cornell University, Modern develop- North Carolina ments in Schubert calculus. Seth M. Sullivant, North Carolina State University, Wake Forest University Algebraic statistics. September 24–25, 2011 Special Sessions Saturday – Sunday Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Matroids, Hoda Bidkhori, Alex Fink, and Seth Sullivant, North Carolina Meeting #1073 State University. Southeastern Section Applications of Difference and Differential Equations to Associate secretary: Matthew Miller Biology, Anna Mummert, Marshall University, and Richard Announcement issue of Notices: June 2011 C. Schugart, Western Kentucky University. Program first available on AMS website: August 11, 2011 Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, W. Frank Moore, Program issue of electronic Notices: September 2011 Wake Forest University and Cornell University, and Allen Issue of Abstracts: Volume 32, Issue 4 Knutson, Cornell University. Deadlines Extremal Combinatorics, Tao Jiang, Miami University, and Linyuan Lu, University of South Carolina. For organizers: Expired Geometric Knot Theory and its Applications, Yuanan For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- sions: Expired Diao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Jason For abstracts: Expired Parsley, Wake Forest University, and Eric Rawdon, Uni- versity of St. Thomas. The scientific information listed below may be dated. Low-Dimensional Topology and Geometry, Shelly Har- For the latest information, see www.ams.org/amsmtgs/ vey, Rice University, and John Etnyre, Georgia Institute sectional.html. of Technology. Modular Forms, Elliptic Curves, and Related Topics, Mat- Invited Addresses thew Boylan, University of South Carolina, and Jeremy Benjamin B. Brubaker, Massachusetts Institute of Rouse, Wake Forest University. Technology, Square ice, symmetric functions, and their New Developments in Graph Theory, Joshua Cooper connections to automorphic forms. and Kevin Milans, University of South Carolina, and Carlos 1348 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 58, NUMBER 9 Meetings & Conferences Nicolas and Clifford Smyth, University of North Carolina Special Sessions at Greensboro. Algebraic Geometry and Graded Commutative Alge- Noncommutative Algebra, Ellen E. Kirkman and James bra, Susan Cooper and Brian Harbourne, University of J. Kuzmanovich, Wake Forest University. Nebraska-Lincoln. Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, Maya Chhetri, Algorithmic and Geometric Properties of Groups and University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Stephen Semigroups, Susan Hermiller and John Meakin, University B. Robinson, Wake Forest University. of Nebraska-Lincoln. Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Sarah Raynor, Wake Association Schemes and Related Topics, Sung Y. Song, Forest University, Jeremy Marzuola, University of North Iowa State University, and , University of Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Gideon Simpson, University Paul Terwilliger of Toronto. Wisconsin Madison. Recent Advances in Infectious Disease Modeling, Fred Asymptotic Behavior and Regularity for Nonlinear Chen and Miaohua Jiang, Wake Forest University. Evolution Equations, Petronela Radu and Lorena Bociu, Set Theoretic Topology, Peter Nyikos, University of University of Nebraska-Lincoln. South Carolina. Coding Theory, Christine Kelley and Judy Walker, Symmetric Functions, Symmetric Group Characters, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. and Their Generalizations, Sarah Mason, Wake Forest Commutative Algebra, Christina Eubanks-Turner, Uni- University, Aaron Lauve, Loyola University-Chicago, and versity of Louisiana at Lafayette, and Aihua Li, Montclair Ed Allen, Wake Forest University. State University. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Ludwig Ko- haupt, Beuth University of Technology Berlin, Germany, Lincoln, Nebraska and Yan Wu, Georgia Southern University. Continuous and Numerical Analysis in the Control of University of Nebraska-Lincoln PDE’s, George Avalos, Mohammad Rammaha, and Daniel October 14–16, 2011 Toundykov, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Discrete Methods and Models in Biomathematics, Dora Friday – Sunday Matache and Jim Rogers, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Meeting #1074 and Alan Veliz-Cuba, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Central Section Dynamic Systems on Time Scales with Applications, Associate secretary: Georgia Benkart Lynn Erbe and Allan Peterson, University of Nebraska- Announcement issue of Notices: August 2011 Lincoln. Program first available on AMS website: September 1, 2011 Dynamical Systems and Operator Algebras, Lewis Program issue of electronic Notices: October 2011 Bowen, Texas A&M University, and David Kerr, Texas A&M Issue of Abstracts: Volume 32, Issue 4 University at Galveston. Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Stephen Deadlines Hartke and Jamie Radcliffe, University of Nebraska- For organizers: Expired Lincoln. For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- Invariants in Knot Theory and Low-dimensional Topol- sions: Expired ogy, Mark Brittenham, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and For abstracts: Expired Robert Todd, University of Nebraska-Omaha. Local Commutative Algebra, H. Ananthnarayan, Uni- The scientific information listed below may be dated. versity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Inês B. Henriques, University For the latest information, see www.ams.org/amsmtgs/ of California Riverside, and Hamid Rahmati, Syracuse sectional.html. University. Invited Addresses Matrices and Graphs, In-Jae Kim, Minnesota State Uni- versity, Adam Berliner, St. Olaf College, Leslie Hogben, Lewis P. Bowen, Texas A&M University, Entropy theory Iowa State University, and Bryan Shader, University of for actions of sofic groups. Emmanuel Candes, Stanford University, Recovering the Wyoming. unseen: Some recent advances in low-rank matrix recon- Quantum Groups and Representation Theory, Jonathan struction (Erdo˝s Memorial Lecture). Kujawa, University of Oklahoma, and Natasha Rozhkovs- Alina Cojocaru, University of Illinois at Chicago and kaya, Kansas State University. Mathematics Institute of the Romanian Academy, Ques- Recent Directions in Number Theory, Alina Cojocaru, tions about the reductions modulo primes of an elliptic University of Illinois at Chicago, and Michael Zieve, Uni- curve. versity of Michigan. Michael Zieve, University of Michigan, The happy mar- Recent Progress in Operator Algebras, Allan P. Donsig riage between arithmetic geometry and dynamical systems. and David R. Pitts, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. OCTOBER 2011 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1349 Meetings & Conferences Geometric, Combinatorial, and Computational Group Salt Lake City, Utah Theory, Eric Freden, Southern Utah University, and Eric Swenson, Brigham Young University. University of Utah Harmonic Analysis and Dispersive Partial Differential October 22–23, 2011 Equations, Xiaoyi Zhang, University of Iowa, and Monica Visan and Betsy Stovall, University of California Los Saturday – Sunday Angeles. Meeting #1075 Hypergeometric Functions and Differential Equations, Western Section Laura F. Matusevich, Texas A&M University, and Christine Associate secretary: Michel L. Lapidus Berkesch, Stockholm University. Announcement issue of Notices: August 2011 Inverse Problems and Homogenization, Elena Cherkaev Program first available on AMS website: September 8, 2011 and Fernando Guevara Vasquez, University of Utah. Program issue of electronic Notices: October 2011 Noncommutative Geometry and Algebra, Kenneth R. Issue of Abstracts: Volume 32, Issue 4 Goodearl, University of California Santa Barbara, and Milen Yakimov, Louisiana State University. Deadlines Nonlinear Waves, Zhi-Qiang Wang and Nghiem Nguyen, For organizers: Expired Utah State University. For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- Recent Progress in Numerical Partial Differential Equa- sions: Expired tions, Jichun Li, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and For abstracts: Expired Shue-Sum Chow, Brigham Young University. Reductive Groups and Hecke Algebras, Dan Ciubotaru, The scientific information listed below may be dated. For the latest information, see www.ams.org/amsmtgs/ University of Utah, Cathy Kriloff, Idaho State University, sectional.html. and Peter Trapa, University of Utah. Understanding Bio-fluids via Modeling, Simulation and Invited Addresses Analysis, Christel Hohenegger, University of Utah. Graeme Milton, University of Utah, Metamaterials: High contrast composites with unusual properties. Lei Ni, University of California San Diego, Gap theorems Port Elizabeth, on Kähler manifolds. Igor Pak, University of California Los Angeles, The future of combinatorial bijections. Republic of South Monica Visan, University of California Los Angeles, Dis- persive partial differential equations at critical regularity. Africa Special Sessions Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Algebraic Geometry, Tommaso de Fernex and Chris- November 29 – December 3, 2011 topher Hacon, University of Utah. Applied Analysis, Marian Bocea, North Dakota State Tuesday – Saturday University, and Mihai
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