410 ROMSEY. HAMPSHIRE. (KELLY's Tarrant & Le Queme, grocers & confectioners, The Hun­ or rail i terms moderate; & coal merchant, dred; & millers (water), Abbey miJ Palmen;ton street. See advertisement Taylor Frank Askwith, surgeon, & medical officer & pub­ Wnterman Frede-rick Charles, boot ma. The Hundred lic va.ccinator, Nos. 2 & 5 districts of union, & certify­ ·webb Tom, cattle dealer, Broadwater ing fa,ctory surgeon, Church street Webb Wallace, butcher, La1timea- street Taylor .Tohn Bradford, farmer, Ashfield Webb William, butcher, 29 Bell street Test Valley Iron Works Co. mlllwrlghts, en­ Weeks Frederick, boot .& shoe maker, 43 Middle :nudge st gineers, iron & brass founders, agricultural Weeks Silvanus (Mrs.), farmer, Great Bridge Implement makers & agents, The Hundred \Y est on Eliza (Mrs.), Hunters inn, W oodley Tibble Andrew .& Henry. furniture removers,Horsefair Wheeler George & Sons, builders, Por,er's Bridge ~treet Tibble .Andrew, carrier & restaurant, r Station road Wheeler, Son & Coombs, saw mills, Middle Bridge st Tibble Henry, The Star Commercial Hotel & carrier, \Yhite Robert, parish clerk, Cherville street Horsefair White William, shopkeeper, 8 Cherville street Cfoomer 'Villiam, farmer, Wade fa.rm. \Ybitlock Elizh. (Mrs.), Three Tuns P .H. :\iiJdle llm1ge st Town Hall (George Summers, keeper) Whitma.rlsh Oharles, brick maker, Tootlb.ill Townsend Herbert, cycle agent, 69 Winchester road \Yilliams & Williams, auctioneers. Market place Tubb James, farmer, Warren farm Williams Charles David, beer retailer, 6 Bell street 'Tuck John, watch maker, r8 Market place Wilts &. Dorset Banking Co. Limited (branch) 'Tylee & Mortimer, solicitors, 2 Porters Bridge street (Thos. Alfd. Flooks, man.), Malt'ket pi. ; draw on Lon­ Vandyke William Rendall, photographer, Market place don & Westminster Bank Limited, London E C Viney Samuel (late Kirby ), family baker; wedding & Withers Fanny (Miss), apartments, ·Winchester road birthday cakes &c. 62 & 64 The Hundred Withers Richard, farmer, Toothill Vints Thomas, general dealer, Cupernham Woodford A~bert, shoe maker, Church road Volunteer Battalion (rst) 'Ham.pohire Regiment (D Co. Woodford Albert, smith, Station road H~m. Major G. F. W. Mortimer, commanding), Head­ Woolley .John F.S.I., F.A.I, auctioneer, valuer & quarters & drill hall, Oorn exchange land agent (late Chlgnell), Church streeti & '\Yaller Arthur, provision dealer, 18 Latimer street at Salisbury Ward Alfred, carman, delivery agent to the L. & Wrid.e & Co. chemists & druggists, Church st. Market pl S. 1V. Railway Oo. ; household removals by road Young William, lodging house keeper, Ma.in$tone • :ROPLEY, with a stoation I! miles north-we>Sit fTom the hunting visitors. The principal part of the parish is in village, on the London and South Western railway, 4 the manor of Bishop's Sutton, of which the Ecclesiastical miles east from New Alre.sford, II east-by-north from Commissioners are the lords. The manor of Ropley, com­ \Yinchester and 54 from London, is a large ecclesiastical prising part of the parish only, belong:;r, to Winchester parish, containring several small scattered hamlets, of College. The prmcipal landowners are Winchester Col· which Lyeway, The Soke, Charlwood and Monkwood are lege, Magdalen College, Oxford, Miss Hagen, H. G. ll.olt, the principal; in the East~rn division of the oounty, A. J. Scott, B. Bond and J. Lailey esqrs. the Rev. John hundred of Bishop's Sutt'()n, Alresford union, .Alresford Wynne M . .A. rector of Warnford, Mr. D. Darvill and Miss di&trict of the Winche-ster pet'ty rSegsionaa division, 1Vin- Helen Tanner, of Easthampton Lodge, Shobdon, Here­ c'hester county court district, rural deanery of AJresford fordshire. The soil is generally light;_ subsoil chalk. Th9 and archdoo.oonry and dioces'e of 'Vinchester. Previous J chief crops are wheat, oats and green crops. The area is to July, I882, Rtopley was annexed to Bishop's Sutton 1\4,684 acres; rateable value, £3,6ro; the population iD for ecclesiast<ical purpos£s, but by an Order in Council r89r was 866 . .August, r882, is is now a separate civil parish. The Sexton, George Keale. church of St. Peter is an ancient structure of flint, con- _ . i>isting of chancel, nave of four bays, north ajsle and south Post & M. q_: ~·· S. B. & Annmt! & Insurance Office.- transept, and a wooden tower containing 5 bells: it was George 1-"hlllia.IJ?S• sub-postmaster. Le!tters throu¥h repaired and enlarged in r848, and again restored in r897 Alresford, recruved at 8.45 a.m. & 2.45 p.m.; dis- rat a cost of [2,500: there are 320 sittings. The register patdhed aot ID.55 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; o~ sund1_1ys ~t dates from the year rs38. The living is a vicarage, net II.25 a.m. ~·e neare!rtr te1~gmph offi?e lS wt Blsho.p s year:y value £r55, with 4 acres of glebe and residence, in Sutton for dehvery, the Thl.d.lmJ.y sta.tiiJOn for collection the gift of Miss Helen Tanner, and held since 1891 by the of teJ.egrams Rev. Wm. Hy. Leak, Df St. Aidan's. Miss Hagen estab- Wall Letter Box, Anchor P.H. cleared at II.Io a.m. & 7·I5 lished coffee and reading rooms in January, r878, and in p.m.; sunday I2 noon x883 ereeted new and spacious rooms in the principal street Church of Engliand Sc-hool, built in r86g, fDT II2 chil- .of the village, for the use of the working men of the dren, to which a. spacious class-ro.om, to hold 6o more parish. The kennels ()f the H.H. hounds are situated children, was added in I888 by the late vicar and his here, Frederick Coryton esq. of Liss, and Col. Knox, friends, at a cost of £.2oo; average attendance, 130; masters; new stables have been erected on the Peters- Regiooldi C. Turner, ma.ster; Mrs. L. H. Turner &i field road, near the kennels, at a cost of about [r,5oo. Miss Oopp, assistant mistresses Alt-on, .Alresf.ord and Winchester are convenient places for Railway Station, James .A.nderson, sintion master (Marked thus t receive their letters Childs James William, boot maker Kneller Geo. beer retlr. Ropley Soke through Medstead, Alresford.) Darvill Daniel, landowner & farmer Lailey James, farmer & landowner, tAdams William, Four ::\larks (Jsph. Darvill,res.mgr.),Soane's frm Lyewood house & Town Street farm Barnard Lasham, Homeland Ford Frank, assistant overseer Land Company, Ropley Hall Es- Ilond Bernard, Hall place Ford Waiter, plumber & registrar of tate; & at 67 & 68 Cheapside, Lon- Deacon Henry William,Ropley cottage births & deaths for Ropley sub-dist don E 0 Hrugen Miss, Ropley house Guy Albert, huntsman to the H.H. Lewlis Robert, farm~r, Monkwood Holt H .. G1sborne, Ropley grove Hounds, The Kennels Long William, shoe maker, Gilbert st Leak Rev. William Henry (vicar) Hale George, blacksmith Norris .Albert Henry, grocer, draper & Startin Capt. .Tames R.N. Vicarage Hale .Tames, wheelwright, carpenter insurance agent Turner Reginald C. Elm cottage & undertak£>r Privett Eliza.beth (Mrs.), beer ntafler Abraham Thomas, farmer, Kitwood Hall Jameg. Earnard, builder, Ham la Read Bros. grocers, bakers & drapers, Bailey Jas.stud groom toH.H. hound.s Har:ock A. farmer, Lyeway Gilbert street Earnard William, timber merchant & Ings William, farmer, Dean f11rm Wild Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper steam s:aw mill prop.Hook saw mills tJeffery George, carpenter & builder, Wild John Thomas, TheChequers P.H Eentley Benjmn. cowkeepr.Charlwo()d Station. view Williams George, tailor, Post offic& Bentley Edward, farmer, :\[onkwoodl JDyce Henry, farmer, Malthouse farm Willis George,Anchor P.H.Ropley dean .COffee & Reading Room (William Keene Robt.Morgan,farmer,Manor frm IfWyeth Alfred, caxpenter, Four Marks Rayment, sec) Kennett George, cowkeeper Wy-eth Wheeler, farmer, Monkwood :ROTHERW:ICK js a. small village and parish, through tower of brick, containing a clock and 5 bells: in the side which a tributary of the Loddon flows, 2! miles north- chapel, built in r876, is a hand~me monument to west frDm Hook station on the main line of the London Frederick Tylney esq. of Tylney Hall, who died !2nd and South Western railway and 7 north-eastJby-ea.s.t from October, I725 : there a.re ISO sitbings. The regifter J3asingsooke, in the Northem division of the county, dates from the year r56o. The :flving is a rectory, o()diham hundTed and petty sessional division, Bas!ing- net yearly value £140, including 6 acres of glebe, with stoke oounty court d~strict, Hartley Win.tney union~ residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Winchester, and held Tnral deanery of SilchesteT and archdeaco.n.ry and diDcese since I89fi by the Rev. Gilbert Stapleton M . .A. of Oriel oQf Winchester. The chureh (dedioo.t~on unknown) is an College, Oxford. Tylney Hall, rebuilt in r879 :in the Tudor ancient structure of flint and stone, in the Early EngUsh style, stands on a. commanding eminence ()Verlooking the ~tyle, Clonsisting of chancel, nave, chapel and a western village, cJose to the site of the old Hall, and i& the sea• .
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