Match Report

Match Report

MATCH REPORT MATCHIRELAND VS REPORT SCOTLAND 19 - 12 Saturday, 1 February 2020 IRELAND VS SCOTLAND 19 - 12 Saturday, 1 February 2020 @Copyright StatsPerform 2020. All rights reserved Saturday, 01 February 2020 Aviva Stadium Mathieu Raynal Ireland 19 - 12 Scotland Jonathan Sexton Rory Sutherland Cian Healy J Sexton Tries Fraser Brown Rob Herring Zander Fagerson Tadhg Furlong J Sexton Conversions Scott Cummings Iain Henderson Jonny Gray James Ryan J Sexton (4) Penalty Goals A Hastings (4) James Ritchie CJ Stander Hamish Watson Josh van der Flier Drop Goals Nick Haining Caelan Doris Ali Price Conor MurrayIreland POSSESSION AND TERRITORY Scotland Adam Hastings Jacob Stockdale Blair Kinghorn Bundee Aki Sam Johnson Garry Ringrose Huw Jones 54% 45% 20.8 37:20 46% 55% 18.0 Andrew Conway Sean Maitland Jordan Larmour Stuart Hogg RonanPossession Kelleher % Territory % Attacking Ball In Play Possession % Territory % Attacking Stuart McInally Dave Kilcoyne Minutes Minutes Minutes Allan Dell Andrew Porter 1 0 # 1 0 0 1 WP Nel Devin TonerIreland SNAPSHOT Scotland Ben Toolis John Cooney ATTACK George Horne Ross STARTINGByrne PLAYERS mins 116 Hitups 120 STARTING PLAYERS mins Rory Hutchinson Robbie1 Cian Henshaw Healy 66 749 Metres Gained 702 1 Rory Sutherland 65 Christopher Harris 2 Rob Herring 72 5 Linebreaks 2 2 Fraser Brown 52 Jonathan3 Tadhg SextonFurlong 78 69 Gainline Made % 82 3 Zander Fagerson 72 Rory Sutherland Cian4 HealyIain Henderson 67 21 (519) Kicks (Metres) 16 (494) 4 Scott Cummings 80 Fraser Brown Rob5 HerringJames Ryan 80 148 Passes 140 5 Jonny Gray 65 Zander Fagerson Tadhg6 CJ Furlong Stander 80 12 Turnovers Conceded 14 6 James Ritchie 80 Scott Cummings Iain7 HendersonJosh van der Flier 80 7 Hamish Watson 80 Jonny Gray James8 Caelan Ryan Doris 4 DEFENCE 8 Nick Haining 72 James Ritchie CJ 9StanderConor Murray 60 171 Tackles Made 176 9 Ali Price 65 Hamish Watson Josh10 Jonathanvan der Sexton Flier 72 21 Tackles Missed 12 10 Adam Hastings 80 Nick Haining Caelan11 Jacob Doris Stockdale 80 89 Made Tackle % 94 11 Blair Kinghorn 80 Ali Price Conor12 Bundee Murray Aki 80 12 Sam Johnson 72 Adam Hastings Jacob13 Garry Stockdale Ringrose 40 INFRINGEMENTS 13 Huw Jones 65 Blair Kinghorn Bundee14 Andrew Aki Conway 80 9 Penalties Conceded 14 14 Sean Maitland 80 Sam Johnson Garry15 Jordan Ringrose Larmour 80 1 Free Kicks Conceded 0 15 Stuart Hogg 80 Huw Jones Andrew Conway Sean Maitland JordanRESERVES Larmour mins BREAKDOWN RESERVES mins Stuart Hogg Ronan16 Ronan Kelleher Kelleher 8 108 Rucks 105 16 Stuart McInally 28 Stuart McInally Dave17 DaveKilcoyne Kilcoyne 1 62% Quick Ball % 62% 17 Allan Dell 15 Allan Dell Andrew18 Andrew Porter Porter 14 6 Breakdown Steals 1 18 WP Nel 8 WP Nel Devin19 Devin Toner Toner 13 19 Ben Toolis 15 Ben Toolis Peter20 Peter O'Mahony O'Mahony 76 SET PIECE 20 Cornell du Preez 8 Cornell du Preez John21 JohnCooney Cooney 20 100% Scrum Won % 100% 21 George Horne 15 George Horne Ross22 RossByrne Byrne 8 80% Lineout Won % 78% 22 Rory Hutchinson 7 Rory Hutchinson Robbie23 Robbie Henshaw Henshaw 40 2 Lineout Steals 0 23 Christopher Harris 15 Christopher Harris ©Copyright StatsPerform 2020. All rights reserved. 2 Jonathan Sexton Adam4 Hastings Cian Healy Rory Sutherland Rob Herring Fraser Brown TadhgA Furlong Zander Fagerson Iain Hendersonttack & Defence Scott Cummings JamesA Ryan Jonny Gray CJ1 Stander1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 James Ritchie Josh van derIreland Flier ATTACK Scotland Hamish Watson Caelan Doris Nick Haining Conor Murray Ali Price Jacob Stockdale Blair Kinghorn 43% 27% 31% 87% 63% 18% 18% 91% Bundee Aki Sam Johnson Garry Ringrose Huw Jones AndrewGainline Conway Over % Gainline On % Gainline Lost % Hitup Gainline Over % Gainline On % Gainline Lost % Hitup Sean Maitland Jordan Larmour Efficiency % Efficiency % Stuart Hogg Ronan Kelleher Stuart McInally Dave Kilcoyne TOT TOT TOT TOT Allan Dell Andrew Porter WP Nel Devin Toner Jonathan Sexton Jonathan Sexton Rory Sutherland AdamBen Toolis Hastings PeterTries O'Mahony Scored 1 CianPoints Healy Scored 19 CianTries Healy Scored 0 FraserPoints Brown Scored 12 RoryCornell Sutherland du Preez John Cooney Rob Herring Rob Herring Zander Fagerson FraserGeorge Brown Horne RossJonathan Byrne Sexton 1 Jonathan Sexton 19 Adam Hastings 12 Rory Hutchinson Robbie Henshaw Christopher Harris Cian Healy Rory Sutherland Rob Herring Fraser Brown Tadhg Furlong Zander Fagerson Iain Henderson Scott Cummings James Ryan CJ Stander Jordan Larmour James Ritchie SamJonny Johnson Gray CJBall Stander Carries 123 JordanBall Carry Larmour Metres 749 BundeeBall Carries Aki 125 HamishBall Carry Watson Metres 702 JamesJames Ritchie Ritchie Josh van der Flier Bundee Aki Garry Ringrose Sam Johnson HamishHamish Watson Watson CaelanCJ Stander Doris 17 Jordan Larmour 154 James Ritchie 14 Sam Johnson 96 Nick Haining Conor Murray Ali Price JonathanJordan Larmour Sexton 16 Bundee Aki 90 Hamish Watson 9 James Ritchie 73 Adam Hastings Jacob Stockdale Blair Kinghorn BundeeBundee Aki 12 Garry Ringrose 74 Sam Johnson 9 Hamish Watson 68 Sam Johnson Garry Ringrose Huw Jones Andrew Conway CJ Stander CJ Stander Blair Kinghorn RorySean Sutherland Maitland JordanLine Breaks Larmour 5 JonathanLine Breaks Sexton 1st Phase 2 JacobLine StockdaleBreaks 2 StuartLine McInallyBreaks 1st Phase 0 FraserStuart Brown Hogg Ronan Kelleher Jacob Stockdale Cian Healy Rory Sutherland ZanderStuart McInallyFagerson DaveCJ Stander Kilcoyne 1 CJ Stander 1 Blair Kinghorn 1 Allan Dell Andrew Porter WP Nel DevinJonathan Toner Sexton 1 Jacob Stockdale 1 Stuart McInally 1 Ben Toolis Peter O'Mahony Cornell du Preez JohnJacob Cooney Stockdale 1 George Horne Ross Byrne Rory Hutchinson RobbieTackle BreaksHenshaw 3 TadhgOffloads Furlong 6 BundeeTackle Aki Breaks 8 StuartOffloads Hogg 9 AliChristopher Price Harris CJ Stander JoshGarry van Ringrose der Flier Sam Johnson Huw JonesHuw Jones Tadhg Furlong Jacob Stockdale1 Bundee Aki 2 Stuart Hogg Hamish Watson4 Ali Price JonnyJonny Gray2 Gray CJ Stander 1 Josh van der Flier 1 Sam Johnson 2 Huw Jones 2 Jacob Stockdale 1 Garry Ringrose 1 Hamish Watson 1 Jonny Gray 1 Ireland DEFENCE Scotland 63% 18% 18% 89% 43% 27% 31% 94% Opp Gainline Opp Gainline Opp Gainline Made Tackle % Opp Gainline Opp Gainline Opp Gainline Made Tackle % Over % On % Lost % Over % On % Lost % TOT TOT TOT TOT Josh van der Flier TOP 3 PLAYERS STATS Tackles Made James171 Ryan Tackles Missed 21 IainTackles Henderson Made Jonny176 Gray Tackles Missed Huw12 Jones CJ Stander James Ryan Hamish Watson Fraser Brown James Ryan Tadhg Furlong18 Josh van der Flier 3 Jonny Gray Scott Cummings25 Huw Jones Rory Sutherland4 CJ Stander 18 Iain Henderson 2 Hamish Watson 17 Fraser Brown 2 Tadhg Furlong 15 James Ryan 2 Scott Cummings 16 Rory Sutherland 1 Devin Toner Tackles Attempted James192 Ryan Made Tackle %* 89 PeterTackles O'Mahony Attempted Jonny188 Gray Made Tackle %* Scott Cummings94 CJ Stander John Cooney Hamish Watson Jonny Gray James Ryan Josh van der20 Flier Devin Toner 100 Jonny Gray Rory Sutherland25 Scott Cummings Hamish Watson100 CJ Stander 20 Peter O'Mahony 100 Hamish Watson 17 Jonny Gray 100 Josh van der Flier 17 John Cooney 100 Rory Sutherland 16 Hamish Watson 100 * Minimum 5 tackles attempted * Minimum 5 tackles attempted James Ryan Assist Tackles 27 JamesDominant Ryan Tackles 16 CJAssist Stander Tackles 29 JonnyDominant Gray Tackles Scott Cummings22 Bundee Aki Iain Henderson Rory Sutherland Hamish Watson James Ryan 5 CianJames Healy Ryan 3 Jonny Gray 7 HamishScott CummingsWatson Rory Sutherland4 Bundee Aki 4 CJ Stander 3 Rory Sutherland 4 Hamish Watson 4 Cian Healy 2 Iain Henderson 2 Hamish Watson 3 Rory Sutherland 3 Line Breaks Conceded 2 Tackle Breaks Conceded 8 Line Breaks Conceded 5 Tackle Breaks Conceded 3 Offloads Conceded 9 Carry Metres Conceded 702 Offloads Conceded 6 Carry Metres Conceded 749 ©Copyright StatsPerform 2020. All rights reserved. 3 B reakdown, Kicking & Exits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ireland ATTACK Scotland 97% 6 92% 1 % Breakdown Breakdown % Breakdown Breakdown Retention Steals Retention Steals RUCK SPEED % RUCK SPEED % 0-3 Secs 3-6 Secs >6 Secs 0-3 Secs 3-6 Secs >6 Secs Own Own 62% 31% 7% 62% 22% 16% Ruck Ruck Opposition Opposition 62% 22% 16% 62% 31% 7% Ruck Ruck RUCK CONTRIBUTIONS RUCK CONTRIBUTIONS TOT TOT TOT TOT Josh van der Flier Own Ruck Arrivals James274 Ryan Opp Ruck Arrivals 49 PeterOwn RuckO'Mahony ArrivalsZander Fagerson237 Opp Ruck ArrivalsZander Fagerson75 Tadhg Furlong Iain Henderson Rory Sutherland Nick Haining James Ryan Iain Henderson38 Josh van der Flier 10 Zander Fagerson Hamish Watson27 Zander Fagerson James Ritchie14 Tadhg Furlong 33 Peter O'Mahony 9 Rory Sutherland 25 Nick Haining 13 Iain Henderson 30 Iain Henderson 7 Hamish Watson 25 James Ritchie 11 Caelan Doris Own Ruck - 1st 3 James234 Ryan Opp Ruck - 1st 3 45 ConorOwn Ruck Murray - 1st 3Zander Fagerson212 Opp Ruck - 1st 3Zander Fagerson54 Peter O'Mahony Jacob StockdaleRory Sutherland Nick Haining James Ryan Iain Henderson32 Caelan Doris 10 Zander Fagerson Hamish Watson24 Zander Fagerson James Ritchie14 Peter O'Mahony 27 Conor Murray 9 Rory Sutherland 23 Nick Haining 13 Iain Henderson 26 Jacob Stockdale 7 Hamish Watson 22 James Ritchie 11 CJ Stander Cleanouts James100 Ryan Breakdown Steals 6 IainCleanouts Henderson Hamish Watson108 Breakdown StealsHamish Watson1 Tadhg Furlong Josh van der FlierZander Fagerson Rory Sutherland James Ryan Peter O'Mahony15 CJ Stander 2 Hamish Watson Scott Cummings13 Hamish Watson Fraser Brown1

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