BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: Next Meeting: October 22, 2019 HELLO MEMBERS. Meeting Time: 1:00 PM WE ARE EXPERIENCING A SERIOUS TIME IN MADELON NOHRA THE LIFE OF OUR COUNTRY AS THE Location: THE VFW DAVIS MORAN DEMOCRATS HAVE RAMPED UP THEIR POST 8290, 28000 MAIN STREET, ATTACKS ON OUR PRESIDENT. THEY HAVE SUCH HATRED FOR HIM THAT THEY LACOMBE. LA COMPLETELY IGNORE ALL OF THE GOOD THINGS HE IS DOING. HIS SPEECH AT THE Speakers: Candidates in the November UNITED NATIONS WAS THE BEST GIVEN IN MADELON16th 2019 NOHRAGubernatorial General Election DECADES, HIS SUCCESS IN BRINGING I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT OUR DOWN THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IS NOVEMBERFuture Meetings 27TH MEETING.: November 19, UNBELIEVABLE, AND THE TRADE December 10, January 28, February 18 AGREEMENT WITH CANADA AND MEXICO MADELON NOHRA WILL BE VERY POSITIVE IF THE FUNDRAISER(one week early BY SELLING due to ANDMardi Gras) DEMOCRATS WILL JUST AGREE TO IT. THE PURCHASING TICKETS. GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION IN OUR STATE I IfTRUST you YOUhave WILL not ALLrenewed ENJOY your A BLESSED BLRW IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE FOR ALL THANKSGIVING. CITIZENS. WE MUST GET OUT THE VOTE I MembershipLOOK FORWARD yet, TO an SEEING application YOU AT is OUR FOR A REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR. EARLY NOVEMBERattached above.27TH MEETING. VOTING ACROSS THE STATE IS SHOWING MADELON NOHRA THE DEMOCRATS OUTNUMBERING THE Please continue reading for a complete REPUBLICANS IN VOTER TURNOUT. PLEASE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE YOU HEARlist of FROM candidates THE REPUBLICAN who have SCHOOL qualified for MEET AND KNOW TO VOTE ON OCTOBER BOARDthe October CANDIDATE 12 Election-State FOR OUR AREA, wide and 12THAND VOTE REPUBLICAN!! IF YOU CAN SHELTA RICHARDSON. PLEASE MAKE IT A REACH OUT TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY IN POINTin St. TO Tammany ATTEND ANDand moreINVITE Club OTHERS. and WE OTHER PARTS OF OUR STATE, THAT HAVEElection SCHEDULED Information. OUR GARAGE SALE WOULD BE GREAT. FUNDRAISER FOR OCTOBER 13TH AT WE INTEND TO HAVE CANDIDATES IN THE DONNA VALLETTE’S HOME. GATHER ITEMS NOVEMBER RUNOFF ELECTION TO SPEAK TO SELL AND ASK FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO TO US THIS MONTH. DO THE SAME. WE WILL BE SETTING UP ON I WILL BE REPRESENTING THE BLRW AT FRIDAY THE 12TH AND NEED EVERYONE TO THE FALL LFRW MEETING IN LAKE ASSIST AND WORK THE SALE. CHARLES ON THE 25TH AND 26TH OF I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT OUR OCTOBER. SEPTEMBER 25TH MEETING. I HOPE TO SEE YOU AT OUR OCTOBER 22ND MEETING. MADELON NOHRA MADELON NOHRA !1 BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 CLUB and FEDERATION INFORMATION: The speakers for the BLRW October 22nd meeting: Our club will be inviting Republican candidates running in the November 16th Gubernatorial General Election. Hostesses for the October Meeting are Mary Kay Hamauei and Pat Johnson Future Meetings: November 19, December 10, January 28, February 18 (one week early due to Mardi Gras on February 25) Club Officers: President: Madelon Nohra 1st Vice President: Linda Gibson 2nd Vice President: Dale Neale Recording Secretary: Mary Kay Hamauei Corresponding Secretary: Stella Kemp Treasurer: Patty Cooper Chaplain: Pamela Jones Now is the time to renew your membership for 2020. An application is attached for you to print out. Community Service Initiative to help our local Lacombe Food Bank. We will be collecting non-perishable food items each month to donate to the Food Bank of which Bakey Hoover is the coordinator. Thank you to those who brought food items to previous meetings. LFRW Fall Board Meeting: October 25-26, 2019 in Lake Charles, La. at the Springhill Suites Lake Charles,1551 West Prien Lake Road, 70601 Room Reservations : 337-474-1112 Rate $114.00 plus Tax 15.2% $133.61 Code: LFR Cut Off Date October 10, 2019 Registration Fee: $50.00 for MEMBERS-postmarked by October 16, 2019. Late Registration Fee: $75.00 after October 16, 2019 !2 BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 This should be an interesting and short meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact President Nohra. A Registration Form has been attached. Tentative Schedule of Events: Friday, October 25, 2019 2:00-5:00 Registration 3:00-5:30 Executive Committee Meeting 6:00-7:30 Reception 8:00 Magnolia Club Reception Saturday, October 26, 2019 8:00-11:30 Registration 9:00- 10:30 Presidents Meeting 10:45-11:15 Workshop: Redistricting and The Electoral College. Speaker Kay Katz, Champaign Activities Chair 11:15-11:45 Workshop: TBA 12:00 Luncheon 1:30 Business Session 3:30 Adjourn This should be an interesting and short meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact President Nohra. A Registration Form has been attached. !3 BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 POLITICAL INFORMATION: ELECTION DAY INFORMATION: The next election is Saturday, October 12, 2019. Election Day voting hours are from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The October 12, 2019 Gubernatorial Primary Election candidates: Statewide Governor: Ralph Abraham-R, Oscar Omar” Dantzler-D, Incumbent John Bel Edwards_D, Gary Landriew-I, Patrick “Live Wire” Landry-R, “Eddie” Rispone-R Lt. Governor: Willie Jones-D, Incumbent William “Billy” Nuguesser-R, Secretary of State: Kyle Ardoin-R, “Gwen” Coolins-Greenup-D, Thomas J. Kennedy III-R, Amanda “Jenning” Smith-R Attorney General: Ike “Jackson”, Jr.-D, Incumbent “Jeff” Landry-R Treasurer: Derrick Edwards-D, Theresa Kenny-NP, Incumbent John M. Schroder-R Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Marguerite Green-D,“Charlie” Greer-D, Incumbent Michael G. “Mike” Strain-R, Peter Williams-D, Bradley Zaunbrecher-R Commissioner of Insurance: Incumbent James J.“Jim” Donelon-R, “Tim”Temple-R Associate Justice Supreme Court, 1st District: “Will Crain-R, Richard Ducote-R, Hans Liljeberg-R, Scott Schlegel-R Board of Elementary and Secondary Education District 1: Marion Bonura-I, Incumbent James “Jim” Garvey-R, Lee Price-Barrios-R Board Of Elementary and Secondary Education District 2: Shawon Bernard-D, Incumbent Kira Orange Jones-D, Ashtonta Wyatt-D St. Tammany Parish State Senator: District 1: Incumbent Sharon Hewitt District 11: Daniel Ducote-R, Reid Falconer-R, Patrick McMath-R District 12: Darrell Fairburn-D, Incumbent “Beth Mizell-R St. Tammany Parish State Representative: District 74: “Larry Frieman-R, Cindy Renee Winch-D District 75: Phillip Bedwell-R, Incumbent Malinda Brumfield White-D District 76: S. Michele Blanchard-R, Robert “Bob” Owen-R District 77: Beverly Johnson-D, Incumbent Mark Wright-R !4 BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 District 89: David Ellis-R, vince Liuzza-R, Richard Nelson-R, “Pat” Phillips-R, Erin Feys Powel-D District 90: Heide Alejandro-Smith-L, Incumbent Mary DuBuisson-R, John Raymond-R District 104: Incumbent Paul Hollis-R St Tammany Parish: 22nd Judicial District Court, Division F: Harold Bartholomew Jr. -R, John Keller-R, Julie Miramon Knight-R, Karen S. Kovach-D, Vincent J. “Vinny” Lobello-R, Laurie M. Pennison-R, Kevin S. Vogeltanz-NP Sheriff: “Tim” Lentz-R, Incumbent “Randy” Smith-R, “Nick” Tranchina-R Clerk of Court: Incumbent Melissa Henry-R Assessor: Incumbent Louis Fitzmorris-R Coroner: Incumbent Charles Preston-R Parish President: Patricia “Pat” Brister-R, Karen Champagne-R, Michael”Mike” Cooper-R Council Members: District 1: Incumbent John M Dean-R District 2: Incumbent “Dave” Fitzgerald-R, Glenn Schurr-R District 3: Martha Cazaubon-R, Jerry Coner-NP, “A.J.” Davis-R, John J. Martin-R District 4: Incumbent Michael R. Lorino-R District 5: Terri Lewis Stevens-I, Incumbent Rykert O. Tolendano Jr.-R District 6: Eric Lowe-R, Incumbent Richard Tanner-R District 7: “Jimmie Davis lll-R, Carlo Hernandez-I, Gerrin Narcisse-NP District 8: Incumbent “Chris” Canulette District 9: Jaqueline Carr-D, “Chuck” Lamarche-R, “Jeff” Pittman-R, Peggy H. Seeley-R, Michael Smith-R, Flyod Trascher-R District 10: Incumbent Maureen “Mo” O’Brien-R District 11: James Lyle-R, Incumbent “Steve” Stefancik-R District 12: “Jerry” Binder-R, Belinda Parker-Brown-D, Dennis M. Peyroux-R District 13: Jacob “Jake” Airey-R District 14: Incumbent T.J. Smith-D Lacombe residents lie within Council Districts 7 and 11. City Judge City Court, City of Slidell: Dandrea McMooain Chatman-R, Bryan Haggerty-R, Tracey Turgeau Powell-R !5 BAYOU LACOMBE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OCTOBER 2019 In 2019, four statewide ballot measures were certified to appear on the ballot in Louisiana on October 12, 2019. All four are Legislatively Referred Constitutional Amendments (LRCA). The ballot measures are: CA No. 1 Property Tax Exemption for Stored Materials Routed for Outer Continental Shelf Amendment- Tax-Extends the ad valorem tax exemption for certain property designed for the Outer Continental Shelf. CA No. 2 Education Excellence Fund Uses Amendment-Education-Provides for additional uses of the Education Exellence Fund. CA No. 3 Board of Tax Appeals Jurisdiction Amendment-Government-Allows legislature to expend jurisdiction of Board of Tax appeals to constitutional issues. CA No. 4 New Orleans Affordable Housing Property Tax Exemption Amendment- Tax- Authorizes New Orleans to exempt properties from taxes to incentive affordable housing. November 16, 2019 Gubernatorial General Election: In Person/Mail Registration Deadline: 10/16/19 Geaux Vote Online Registration Deadline: 10/26/19 Deadline to request a Mail in Ballot from Registrar: 11/12/19 Deadline for Registrar to Receive Voted Mail in Ballot: 11/15/19 Early Voting: 11/2-11/9/19 Early voting Locations: Covington: 601 N. Jefferson Ave., St. Tammany Justice Center parking Garage - across from the Justice Center in Downtown Covington. Slidell: 520 Old Spanish Trail - The Towers building - first floor conference center training area. Mandeville: 21490 Koop Drive - Council Chambers - first building on the left Elected Officials contact information: President Trump: whitehouse.gov/contact. OR Write to: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20500.
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