ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 18 0 NUMBER 3 * SEPTEMBER 1980 EDITORIAL BOARD LEON H. SCHMIDT, Editor-in-Chief (1985) ROBERT L. HAMILL, Editor (1985) University ofAlabama in Birmingham, Eli Lilly & Company, Inc. Birmingham, Alabama Indianapolis, Indiana HERBERT L. ENNIS, Editor (1982) EDWARD W. HOOK, Editor (1981) Roche Institute ofMolecular Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville Nutley, New Jersey GEORGE A. JACOBY, JR., Editor (1985) JOEL G. FLAKS, Editor (1981) Massachusetts General Hospital University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia Boston, Massachusetts Vincent T. Andriole (1981) Milton Huppert (1980) Ian M. Rolo (1982) John P. Anhalt (1981) George Gee Jackson (1980) Richard Root (1980) Donald Armstrong (1980) George A. Jacoby, Jr. (1982) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1982) Robert Austrian (1980) Thomas Jones (1980) Milton R. J. Salton (1981) Arthur L. Barry (1980) William J. Jusko (1980) Merle Sande (1982) John E. Bennett (1981) Donald Kaye (1982) Jay Sanford (1980) Lawrence E. Bryan (1982) Jerome 0. Klein (1982) Arthur K. Saz (1982) Robert E. Brummitt (1982) Vernon Knight (1980) F. C. Sciavolino (1982) D. Buyske (1980) George S. Kobayashi (1982) Oldrich K. Sebek (1980) Yves Chabbert (1980) Jordan Konisky (1980) William M. Shannon (1980) Royston C. Clowes (1980) Matthew E. Levison (1981) Jerome J. Schentag (1982) C. Glenn Cobbs (1980) Friedrich C. Luft (1981) John C. Sherris (1980) Paul S. Cohen (1980) Joan Lusk (1980) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1982) Naomi Datta (1981) R. Luthy (1980) Robert W. Sidwell (1981) Julian Davies (1980) Gerald L. Mandell (1980) Walter Siegenthaler (1980) Lawrence E. Day (1980) Gerald Medoff (1980) Sigmund S. Socransky (1980) R. Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1980) Barbara Minshew (1982) P. Frederick Sparling (1981) Theodore Eickhoff (1982) S. Mitsuhashi (1980) R. Sutherland (1982) Arthur English (1980) Robert C. Moellering, Jr. (1982) Vera L. Sutter (1981) David S. Feingold (1981) R. B. Morin (1982) Morton N. Swartz (1982) Robert Fekety (1981) Bernard Moss (1981) Richard B. Sykes (1982) Sydney Finegold (1982) John D. Nelson (1980) Alexander Tomasz (1982) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1980) Harold C. Neu (1980) Ralph Tompsett (1982) Anthony J. Glazko (1981) J. F. Niblack (1980) Hamao Umezawa (1981) Irving H. Goldberg (1982) T. J. Perun (1980) Donald Van Harken (1982) Harry Gooder (1982) Charles A. Plate (1982) D. Vazquez (1980) Jack Gwaltney (1980) Burton M. Pogell (1981) Michael Waring (1981) Robert L. Hamill (1982) K. E. Price (1982) John Washington 1 (1981) Maurice W. Harmon (1981) Paul Quie (1980) Pamela Waterworth (1982) Michael Higgins (1980) W. H. G. Richards (1980) Jerry A. Weisbach (1982) Ronald D. Hnsdill (1982) Mark H. Richmond (1982) B. Weisblum (1982) Richard Hornick (1980) R. W. Rickards (1980) Peter G. Welling (1982) L. H. Huang (1982) Richard Roberts (1982) Richard Wenzel (1980) Gisella Pollock, Acting Managing Editor Lorraine Gilbert, Production Editor 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 EX OFFICIO Albert Balows, President (1980-1981) Frederick C. Neidhardt, President-Elect (1980-1981) J. Mehsen Joseph, Secretary Brinton M. Miller, Treasurer Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ISSN 0066- Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. 20006, and at 4804), an interdisciplinary publication ofthe American Society additional mailing offices. for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, is Made in the United States of America. devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all Copyright i 1980, American Society for Microbiology. aspects of antimicrobial agents, anticancer agents, and chemo- All Rights Reserved. therapy. Instructions to Authors are published in the January The code at the top of the first page of an article in this issue each year. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy is journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into the article may be made for personal use, or for personal use two volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, $65 per year. The member subscription price is $16 per year. however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through Single copies are $6. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., P.O. Box 765, Schenec- reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or tady, New York 12301, for copying beyond that permitted by late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833- general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, 9680). for creating new collective works or for resale. j M _; ( Wo. Author Index Baker, S., 369 Judith, Frederick R., 397 Percheson, P. B., 390 Baldwin, Jack E., 465 Prusoff, William H., 433 Barry, Arthur L., 487 Klastersky, J., 437 Biron, Karen K., 443 Kuroda, Kyoichi, 386 Robertson, Richard G., 365 Bollinger, Mitzi, 474 Rosenblum, Eugene D., 424 Brunken, Jan M., 474 Bryan, L. E., 390 Lerman, Stephen J., 474 Lerner, A. Martin, 409 Sakamoto, Hiroshi, 377 Hilton B., 409 Sasahara, Kunihiro, 386 Caplan, Ellis S., 448 Levy, Sawada, Yosuke, 465 Chen, Ming S., 433 Livingston, R., 369 Paul G., 416 Sawaki, Masaru, 386 Coppens, L., 437 Lysko, Schleim, Klaus-Dieter, 397 Shelton, Sharon, 476 Demain, Arnold L., 465 McCracken, George H., Jr., 476 Shiau, George T., 433 McDonough, P., 480 Shimamura, Masayoshi, 386 Edelstein, Paul H., 403 McGuffin, Robert W., 471 Shin, S., 480 Elion; Gertrude B., 443 McGuire, Jeffrey C., 454 Shiota, Faith M., 471 Menday, A. P., 437 Singh, Pushpa D., 465 Meunier-Carpentier, F., 437 Solomon, Nadine A., 465 Fass, Robert J., 483 Meyer, Richard D., 403 Standiford, Harold C., 448 Meyers, Joel D., 471 Stewart, George C., 424 Gatmaitan, Bienvenido G., 409 Migneault, Paula C., 365 Stroshane, Ronald M., 454 Goto, Mitsuyoshi, 372 Miller, Brinton M., 397 Sugata, Toshiaki, 386 Minami, Shinzaburo, 382 Sugiyama, Masatoshi, 372 Haltiner, Rita C., 365 Mitsuhashi, Susumu, 382 Hamilton, Bruce K., 454 Morse, Stephen A., 416 Tatem, Beverly A., 448 Hirose, Toshiharu, 377 Murakawa, Takeo, 377 Taylor, Diane E., 480 Holley, H. Preston, 448 Murillo, Jorge, 448 Thomas, Monica C., 454 Thornsberry, Clyde, 487 Inoue, Matsuhisa, 382 Nakashita, Einosuke, 386 Timoney, J. F., 480 Ishizaki, Takashi, 372 Nelson, John D., 476 Nishida, Minoru, 377 White, Richard J., 454 Jacks, Thomas M., 397 Wise, R., 369 Jones, Benjamin V., 416 Ohkawa, Mitsuo, 386 Jones, Ronald N., 487 Orito, Matsuo, 386 Yotsuji, Akira, 382.
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