Howard Churchill Howard Park. Courtesy of Rob Orrison Rob of Courtesy Park. statue at Manassas National Battlefield Battlefield National Manassas at statue Courtesy of of Courtesy troops, in chg: Topl. Dept., A.N. Va., March 23rd 1864. (detail) Library of Congress of Library (detail) 1864. 23rd March Va., A.N. Dept., Topl. chg: in troops, General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson Jackson "Stonewall" Thomas General from early 1863 to the war's end. end. war's the to 1863 early from Copied by J. Paul Hoffman, Topl. Office, A.N. Va. Approved S. Howell Brown, 1st Lt. Engs: Engs: Lt. 1st Brown, Howell S. Approved Va. A.N. Office, Topl. Hoffman, Paul J. by Copied The Yellow Hospital in Manassas, Virginia, July 1862 (detail) 1862 July Virginia, Manassas, in Hospital Yellow The Courtesy of the Library of Congress of Library the of Courtesy Background: [Northern Virginia with adjacent parts of Maryland and West Virginia]. Virginia]. West and Maryland of parts adjacent with Virginia [Northern Background: Partisan Rangers Rangers Partisan of John Singleton Mosby's Mosby's Singleton John of raids by elements elements by raids were still subject to repeated to subject still were lines in the county county the in lines major battles, Union supply supply Union battles, major other other any see not war. While Prince William did did William Prince While war. Historic Preservation Division. Division. Preservation Historic campaign of the the of campaign Virginia's last major offensive major last Virginia's the Prince William County Department of Public Works Works Public of Department County William Prince the of Northern Northern of 1863, effectively ended the Army Army the ended effectively 1863, 1860 the Prince William County Historical Commission and and Commission Historical County William Prince the on October 19, 19, October on the associated "Buckland Races" "Buckland associated the William Cavalry, Cavalry, William County/Manassas Convention & Visitors Bureau, Bureau, Visitors & Convention County/Manassas . Trails markers Trails Printing of this brochure is funded by the Prince William William Prince the by funded is brochure this of Printing of the Prince Prince the of engagement and and engagement repulse at Bristoe Station. This Station. Bristoe at repulse Thomas Williams Williams Thomas suffered a bloody bloody a suffered army under General A.P. Hill Hill A.P. General under army and Civil War War Civil and Private John John Private Lee's of part 1863, 14, October On Gettysburg. to historic sites historic depriving Lee of critical intelligence on his march march his on intelligence critical of Lee depriving 150th commemoration of the Civil War. Civil the of commemoration 150th area museums, museums, area Federals, Federals, and were forced to divert around the around divert to forced were and organizations that will participate in the the in participate will that organizations Stuart's cavalry met Union forces at Haymarket Haymarket at forces Union met cavalry Stuart's representatives of many local historical historical local many of representatives and Guide to to Guide and Burnside at Fredericksburg. In late June 1863, 1863, June late In Fredericksburg. at Burnside Committee. The Committee is composed of of composed is Committee The Committee. Your Free Map Map Free Your December of 1862 while Lee confronted confronted Lee while 1862 of December Manassas Park Civil War Sesquicentennial Sesquicentennial War Civil Park Manassas William County / City of Manassas / City of of City / Manassas of City / County William cavalry incursions into Prince William in in William Prince into incursions cavalry This brochure is the product of the Prince Prince the of product the is brochure This Wade Hampton and J.E.B. Stuart led major led Stuart J.E.B. and Hampton Wade the Second Battle of Manassas, August 29-30. August Manassas, of Battle Second the In this battle Confederate Confederate battle this In defeat of General John Pope's Union army in in army Union Pope's John General of defeat 18, resulted in a decisive victory for the South. South. the for victory decisive a in resulted 18, wings of his army which ultimately led to the the to led ultimately which army his of wings by a smaller affair at Blackburn's Ford on July July on Ford Blackburn's at affair smaller a by August 28 enabled Lee to reunite the two two the reunite to Lee enabled 28 August http://www.vacivilwar.org/ http://www.vacivilwar.org/ Manassas (Bull Run) on July 21, 1861, preceded preceded 1861, 21, July on Run) (Bull Manassas small engagement at Thoroughfare Gap on on Gap Thoroughfare at engagement small 800-432-1792. at Bureau Visitors and www.pwcgov.org/historicsites place in Prince William. The First Battle of of Battle First The William. Prince in place at Bull Run Bridge near Union Mills. Another Another Mills. Union near Bridge Run Bull at William County/Manassas Convention Convention County/Manassas William HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIVISION PRESERVATION HISTORIC The first major confrontation of the war took took war the of confrontation major first The Kettle Run) and repulsed a New Jersey brigade brigade Jersey New a repulsed and Run) Kettle Virginia, visit Virginia, dining information, call the Prince Prince the call information, dining DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WORKS PUBLIC OF DEPARTMENT a rear guard action at Bristoe Station (Battle of of (Battle Station Bristoe at action guard rear a For accommodations, attractions and and attractions accommodations, For William and throughout throughout and William PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY COUNTY WILLIAM PRINCE Kincheloe's Company, Partisan Rangers). Partisan Company, Kincheloe's Junction on August 27, Jackson's forces fought fought forces Jackson's 27, August on Junction (Brawner's/ Rangers Chincapin the and Cavalry) news and events in Prince Prince in events and news Manassas at depot supply Union a capturing After www.mosbyheritagearea.org Mosby's Rangers (43d Battalion, Virginia Virginia Battalion, (43d Rangers Mosby's County. County. behind Union lines into Prince William Prince into lines Union behind Civil War Sesquicentennial Sesquicentennial War Civil MOSBY HERITAGE AREA ASSOCIATION AREA HERITAGE MOSBY Rifles (Lowry's Company, Virginia Lt. Artillery), Artillery), Lt. Virginia Company, (Lowry's Rifles Jackson Jackson divided his army, sending Stonewall Stonewall sending army, his divided City of Manassas of City To learn more about about more learn To Centreville Infantry), Virginia 49th B, (Company www.manassasmuseum.org boldly Lee E. Robert General 1862, August late In www.visitpwc.com , 49th Virginia Infantry), Quantico Guards Guards Quantico Infantry), Virginia 49th , A MANASSAS MUSEUM SYSTEM SYSTEM MUSEUM MANASSAS Prince William County William Prince 17th Virginia Infantry), Ewell Guards (Company (Company Guards Ewell Infantry), Virginia 17th the war was far from over in Prince William. Prince in over from far was war the anniversary of the Civil War. War. Civil the of anniversary www.hallowedground.org Infantry), Prince William Rifles (Company F, F, (Company Rifles William Prince Infantry), soon occupied the area without opposition but but opposition without area the occupied soon www.civilwartrails.org to commemorate the 150th 150th the commemorate to JOURNEY THROUGH HALLOWED GROUND HALLOWED THROUGH JOURNEY Champe Rifles (Company D, 8th Virginia Virginia 8th D, (Company Rifles Champe stretched lines closer to Richmond. Union forces forces Union Richmond. to closer lines stretched Heritage Trail Heritage VIRGINIA CIVIL WAR TRAILS WAR CIVIL VIRGINIA Guards (Company C, 8th Virginia Infantry), Infantry), Virginia 8th C, (Company Guards on March 8, 1862 to consolidate his thinly thinly his consolidate to 1862 8, March on events and exhibitions exhibitions and events www.historicprincewilliam.org Rangers/Evergreen Run Bull Cavalry), Virginia 4th the Confederate army from Northern Virginia Virginia Northern from army Confederate the www.pwhpf.org HISTORIC PRINCE WILLIAM PRINCE HISTORIC wide range of programs, programs, of range wide local units: Prince William Cavalry (Company A, A, (Company Cavalry William Prince units: local Joseph E. Johnston ordered the withdrawal of of withdrawal the ordered Johnston E. Joseph PRESERVATION FOUNDATION PRESERVATION and museums will offer a a offer will museums and follow. Volunteers eagerly joined the following following the joined eagerly Volunteers follow. the Union Navy's Potomac Flotilla. General General Flotilla. Potomac Navy's Union the Civil War War Civil HISTORIC WILLIAM PRINCE www.bucklandva.org BUCKLAND PRESERVATION SOCIETY PRESERVATION BUCKLAND little realizing the devastation and suffering to to suffering and devastation the realizing little impeding northern shipping and challenging challenging and shipping northern impeding Prince William historic sites sites historic William Prince www.pwcgov.org residents voted overwhelmingly for secession secession for overwhelmingly voted residents mid-October 1861 to early March of 1862, 1862, of March early to 1861 mid-October HISTORICAL COMMISSION HISTORICAL http://bullruncwrt.org Historic Happenings Historic iam iam Will Prince Local History Organizations History Local iam Will Prince in War James M. Peters fled Prince Will iam Stories from his Prince William master and enlisted in the The Civil War affected every man, woman and child 1st U.S. Colored Infantry. in Prince William. People of every age, race and Their Manassas home After the war he returned class were somehow touched by events on the having been under fire in to Prince
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