The Great War.1490th Day Germans ave hurrying eastward, leav¬ visions. An officer from one of these working order, and all the Americans ing behind only pockets of machine enemy divisions, which was the 2d had to do was to switch their muzzles gunners, and oven resistance from Guards Reserve, said, however, that his in the opposite direction to that in The Official Statements Comment thcM^ is gradually melting away. division had been in, the fighting for which they had been pointing. A great Military \\ British Are "Cleaning Up" more than a week, and that its effec- supply of ammunition for the guns also BRITISH FRENCH British forces are now tivea would number less than a thou¬ was taken. Soon after their By William L. McPherson Final Strong fight¬ capture the PARIS (NIGHT)..Our infantry Prices £ Season! sand men. In his him¬ LONDON (NIGHT).-After ing their way down the Hindenburg battalion only the lOßs were roaring against their for¬ has crossed the Somme bofore Epen- (Copyrlfht, 10U, by Tlio Tribune ÀMOCiillon) self and of his men had mer owners. on the (The New York Tribüne) line itself and are cleaning it up as twenty-four heavy defeat inflicted enemy nncourt. Further south our troops survived, he declared. He added that German machine are SEDAN DAY fell on Styles involved in the (hey go. Many guns also yesterday our progress on the bnt- a in the this year following groups will serve the German losses had been heavier have gained footing village While the British were fighting their being turned upon the enemy, the Amer¬ tlefront between réronne and the of Ceuvrv cast, of the our Labor Day. It was the splendidly until after the first cool of way further forward well inside the than any they had previously suffered. icans operating them having been given Canal du (Genvry?),200 Sedan days Autumn. Sensce River continued to-day, and 'Nord, taking prisoners. gloomiest Day since 1870 Urocourt-Queant line to-dny, an attack a special course of training prior to East of Noyon wc made new prog¬ for the Germans. On top of the the with our the line j Groups are small, but those who find suitable was launched just to fhe south, where American Artillerists battle, practising guns and troops reached general ress and reached the outskirts of many defeats their armies had suf- choice a ahead ammunition north of the is will the strong British force is driving captured of Yprcs, Beaumctz-les-Cambrai, Ba- Salency. The artillery fighting fered in the preceding six weeks appreciate liberality of the values offered. t.n the northern reaches of the Hinden- Turn Marne. in this Seized Guns ralle, Rumacourt and Lecluse. lively region. came another reverse. The hurg lino proper. Again there has been Just beyond Juvigny during their ad¬ In tile course of the battle yester¬ crushing Hostile rear guards which resist¬ famous line . furious fighting, thousands of prisoners Against the Enemy vance the Americans captured a Ger¬ day between the Ailette and the Quéant-Drocourt and) has (By The Associated Press) man station and several ed the advance of our infantry have work of nearly two years.was over- at have been taken and the enemy dressing Aisne we took 1,200 prisoners. SuitS.Formerly to $85 and run $35 suffered terrific losses. WITH THF AM FRICAN ARMY IN wounded Germans and rescued two been captured or driven back with An enemy raid in the Violu sector by the British for more than $45 The Hun has tasted in tho FRANCK. Ö ..-..).--The Amer¬ wounded Americans. The rescued no results. half of its Ten disaster Sept. (8 p. 1« and heavy casualties were in¬ (the Vosges") brought, length. thousand Drocourt line battle, and now his dis¬ icans in the righting line north of Americans had had little food for two PARIS (DAY). During the night prisoners were lost.the full flicted on the retreating German col¬ strength organized and badly depleted forces Soissons had a quiet day to-day. days and virtually no attention. The there were artillery actions on the of a German division. to $150 at and are working fast to prevent an even There has been considerable aerial Americans did not complain, however, umns by our artillery. Large num¬ front of the Somme and between the GoWnS--Formerly *4ß $65 But this was not the worst of it. greater catastrophe overtaking them activity in the Vesle region and several as the German wounded were not given bers of the enemy retiring in close Oise and the Aisne. Enemy raids General Home's I Are Near Canal du Nord combats in the air. One Gorman ma- much attention either. This was due formation over the ridge northwest along the Veale River and in the operation proved to to the were en¬ again that there is no The British are rapidly approaching chine is reported have been downed confusion of the retreat and the of Kquancourt. successfully Vosges region were without result. longer any! Allied airmen. great numbers of our batteries over open inherent strength or virtue in forti- to $95 .' . at and are close to the ("anal du Nord, by wounded Germans gaged by GERMAN j Frocks.Formerly $28 The usual artillery activity along the who poured into the station as tied lines. They cannot hold unless the territory behind which is even now the sights. BERLIN (DAY).--ARMY GROUPS Vesle is carried out, with the Americans advanced. In his hurried retreat, the armies them are under heavy lire from many British being quantities OF CROWN PRINCE RUPPRECHT defending equal j Germans attention to In this were material of all kinds to the task of cannon. paying particular dressing station found of stores and AND GENERAL VON BOEHN..Be¬ counter attacking the the town of Fismes, which is held by | quantities of French lace were abandoned by the enemy, and when to at The foe knows well that this move¬ curtains, tween Ypres and La Basse there enemy he passes the weakly- CoatS.Formerly $95 $35 and the Americans. which had been cut into for have fallen into our hands. $55 ment contains a grave menace to some strips have been successful infantry en¬ held front zone and thrusts, against of his and orders Fires arc reported to have been seen bandage*-; also crepe used for As a result of a successful opera¬ forces, apparently paper gagements in front of our new posi¬ the deeper battle positions. have been to them out with all during last night south of the Aisne the same purpose. The lace, had been tion this morning south of the Lys, x given get tions. The Germans on all haste. The Canal du Nord, where in the regions of Dhuizel, Barbonval the from French English troops have taken Rich- their retreat out taken by Germans Between the Scarpe and the Somme of the Montdidier salient have to $145 « .d the Germans are retiring, is simply a and Longu<Ntal, territory in the hands homes in various sections, sterilized bourg-St. Vaast and established had WrapS-Formerly *45 the British continue their attacks. $65 of the enemy. Late scout avia- themselves on the line of La Basse«* the of canal under construction and contains to-day and medicated, cut into strips and Southeast, of Arras succeeded advantage many long pre- j tors additional fires. Estaires, they by lines of defence. no water. It is like a railroad tunnel reported rolled the same as regulation bandages. road and between there and putting in strong, superior forces in pared They had with the top off. It is SO feet across During the eastward advance from officers who examined the lace which is in our possession. A num¬ their own first line, established last French thrusting back the infantry line on (or line in the which and 60 feet deer», with its sides for the Juvigny two 105-millimetre guns capt- said that it was unquestionably of ber of prisoner« and a few guns both sides of the Arras-Cambrai April beyond Montdidier and Albert. Siegfried) neigh¬ they attacked on April 9 last. ured the Americans were French make. The. Germans had evi¬ high of most, part granite-walled, sloping by turned by were captured in this attack. road. On the line of the They had next the old salient borhood Beaumefz-les-Cambrai. They have surrendered all the toward the the American artillerists the dently been obliged to use bandages of for¬ Etaing, Noyon of fruits slightly inward bottom. upon this type because of the shortage oí Our posts have been pushed eastern fringe of Dury, east of Cagni- line of 1914-M7, from which Hin- Byng's army, below Home's, is al¬ the second Ludendorff There be as hard here as enemy. The big guns were in the western out¬ offensiv« may fighting perfect material in Germany. ward slightly in court, northwest of Queant and the denburg conducted his most up to the point from which it practically without a blow. there was last year. and east and north "strategical j They skirts of Lens northern fringe of Noreuill we held retreat" a opened the history-making battle for may try to to the Lowlands Are Flooded Bassée. During year ago last spring. On cling ridges south, of Givenchy-Les-La the enemy thrust. Enemy attempts, the front east of Arras they had the Cambrai last November. east and east of Ypres, which the It was in the morning, after a the night we made progress north¬ several times to press early Enemy Defending Hîndenburg Line repeated, Wotan line and some miles be- The Germans are now retiring British patiently and in which a battle of the most east, of Steenwcrck and entered Wul- further over the be¬ then, laboriously night forward heights hind it and everywhere behind the Canal du took in the summer stubborn nature was that the fore and east of paralleling it, the of 1917.
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