Edinburgh Local Development Plan Second Proposed Plan Newcraighall and Brunstane Site Brief Description – "hese sites provide the opportunit# $or ne% housing together %ith new and improved school and local $acilities on the eastern side o$ the Council area. "he sites are well served by bus and rail connections %it the opportunit# $or these to be $urther enhanced. E&isting and enhanced $ootpath and cycle links and green corridor proposals %ill ensure development is %ell connected bet%een sites and to existing communities. Development Principles Newcraighall North (HSG 26) ( vehicular access to be taken $rom )hitehill St * +ewcraighall ,oad at t%o or three points. +o vehicular access to be ta'en $rom -ilberstoun. ( layout should create pedestrian and c#clewa# connections through the site, including one along an east(%est green corridor. ( opportunit# $or retail*commercial units as part o$ street $rontage to )hitehill Street * +ewcraighall ,oad. Newcraighall ast (HSG 27) ( vehicular access to be taken $rom )hitehill St * +ewcraighall ,oad at t%o points. ( site layout should enable a bus route to be $ormed north(south through the site. /t is intended that this connect to 012C across land allocated $or development in East Lothian. 3 bus gate at the site boundary should prevent general vehicular access through this route. ( layout should create pedestrian and c#clewa# connections through the site. ! Planning Committee 12 June 2014 LDP Second Proposed Plan version 1.1 Edinburgh Local Development Plan Second Proposed Plan ( a ne% green corridor should be created along the course o$ the po%er lines running through the site. extending grassland habitat %ith the opportunit# $or connections out%ith the Council area. "his greenspace should be $ronted b# ne% development in order to improve communit# sa$ety and aid placema'ing. ( layout should ma'e provision $or an e&tension o$ +ewcraighall Primary School5s grounds. ( opportunit# $or retail*commercial units as part o$ street $rontage to )hitehill Street * +ewcraighall ,oad. Brunstane HSG 2" ( 6ehicular access to be ta'en $rom 1ilton ,oad East and +e%craighall ,oad, $orming a new vehicular crossing over the East Coast rail%a# line. Potential $or ne% pedestrian*cycle bridge to east o$ the site. ( +o vehicular access to be ta'en $rom -ilberstoun area. ( Site layout must allow bus route to be $ormed linking 1ilton ,oad East %ith +ewcraighall ,oad. ( 7pportunit# to enhance John Muir )a# on the northern boundar# o$ the site including pedestrian crossing %here vehicular access meets the path. ( +ew multi(user path lin's to be $ormed to the /nnocent ,ail%a# Core Path along 8runstane 8urn Core Path and disused rail%a# line to the north o$ +ewcraighall. %ith path connections also to housing at -ilberstoun, +ewcraighall and Brunstane rail%a# stations. ( ,etain open setting to the north and east o$ 8runstane House and Scheduled 3ncient 1onument o$ 8runstane moated site. providing 2 ha public open space to meet large greenspace standard de$iciency to southwest o$ site. ,etain open setting to Scheduled 3ncient 1onument o$ 8runstane enclosure by means o$ 1 ha green space. 1anagement proposals to have regard to historic environment assets. ( Establish statutor# sa$eguards to overhead po%erlines to the north and south o$ the site. Design principles should see' to integrate overhead po%erlines %ith site layout. "o south. allotment provision should compliment consented allotments at +ewcraighall +orth. "o the north, po%erline %ayleave should be designed to provide $or semi natural greenspace and habitat connectivit# %ith in$ormal recreation. ( E&pand grassland habitat :under pylons) and provide %oodland connectivit# across site. ( Streets and open spaces should be designed to bene$it $rom views to the coast to the north, Arthur’s Seat to the west and Pentland Hills to the southwest. ( Landscape $ramework to be provided to boundar# of /nventor# Site and detailed siting and design of dwellings to respect views to Arthur’s Seat from grounds of +ewhailes House. 4 Planning Committee 12 June 2014 LDP Second Proposed Plan version 1.1 Edinburgh Local Development Plan Second Proposed Plan ( 7pportunit# to create a communit# $ocal point including a ne% primar# school and local centre. Ellen’s Glen Road# Site Brief Description – Proposal :9S- 28; to provide ne% housing on the site currentl# occupied by the relocating Scottish National 8lood "rans$usion Service and semi( natural green space ad=acent to Malbet )#nd. "he site currentl# occupied by Liberton Hospital could provide additional housing i$ the site becomes available in the $uture. Development Principles ( Vehicular access to be taken from Ellen’s Glen Road and Malbet Wynd. ( 3 mi& o$ housing t#pes including detached. semi(detached. terraces, ‘colony style’ housing and cottage $lats. ( +ew pedestrian*cycle link on land near to Stenhouse Burn to compensate $or the narrow footway on Ellen’s Glen Road. ( +ew pedestrian*cycle link $rom 1albet )#nd through the site to connect via Ellen’s -len ,oad to the 8urdiehouse Burn 6alley Park Core Path Planning Committee 12 June 2014 LDP Second Proposed Plan version 1.1 .
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