Abu-ElUHifa S. A_ and AI-Araby M. A. ISSN 11 10·7219 79 PREVALENCE OF TISSUE PARASITES AMONG SLAUGHTERED ANIMALS IN DAKAHLIA PROVINCE Abu-Elwafa S. A. and AI-Araby M. A . .. Parasitology department. fac-VcLMe,L Mansoura university ABSTRACT The existence oj tissue parasites among slaughtered animals tuns studied in 5 abattoirs in Dokahlfa Province namely Mansoura. Bclql,l:(l.S, SenbeUawlf1e, lJekemes and Sherbeene. A total number oj 2048 eatiCe, 648 buffalO€s and 133 sheep were ex­ amined during the perWd extended Jrom September 2005 (ttl the end oj August 2006. The overall tiSsue paraslles prevalence was 18.2 % in large rumlnants and 22.56 % in small rwnlnants. Five tL<;sue parasites were detected named C. boviS, Hydatid cyst. C. tenufco!!i5. C. ouis and Sarcocystis spp. Examination oj catUe carcasses revealed C. bo­ t..'is (",61%) and Hydatid. cyst (0.15%). Also. Hydatid cysts were detected in 0.15% oj e.xa.mlned buffalos. Morecwer buffalo carCasseS investigation reuealed Sarcocystis spp. cysts (63.7%). SmaU rwninant represented by sheep revealed C. ovis (8.27%) and C. tenuJcoWs (14.2mb). The prevalence and seosOl1u/ prevanatlons oj each parasite tv<lS studied independently in each alx:lttoir in the Investigated area, Key words: HydI1!i.d. cysticercus, Sarcocystis, slaughter, a;~ ~;....-.;. ))4-->"; t...,HJJ.I ..;;..l.;fr.J.l C::~.i"; h.1-":.111 ~~I u~ .,-" C;-" J....I: .;-.,;.. :i.-j~llJ. ..:...~i 'rr J! .uu';1~ 1J""..4 ~j 't,AJ.J~i ~~ T, LA ~ r' .~.r-'! ..r~lj V'.J~I,! 1J"\.ilo i~I":":"""':' 'Y+i.~,11 ~)tlw~ Jl.!,.:.;! J~ oj! .r}L:.:JI...:..o.....:,.Ji .uj," . '\ ~i 41,.;..r--j Y, ,~ ~ ~ 'iJ...;;..J1 .....ull..; ruJ ~~ " w~t.;,.; tryi ~ .b:-!Y ....$- t..r).uI..:.t.,L.-1 JJ) 'rW::l! C::"'!...) n.J!l\..:..;15 ~ i~l..:.tI~1 e:4)"; \A.)Y..::.,;l( ci~l ~ ,~: iJ,r-ll,! 4i)I,,;;,1,i, ~I.:.U ii...Jb ~I,:"!'.... $.:il,! ~-4'u.>'f.1! ~UIIJ"4-NI) ~ll.,..:i.!ll iJ~I..,..) Mansoura. Vet. Med. J, (79·911 Vol. X, No. I. 2008 Abu~Elwqfa S. A. and AI-Araby M. A. 80 .1.t~I~1 ~U, ..,..~J ';"..Ii!'J u..iJ ,( %',) \ 0) 4t~~! .i..,:U, ..,..l,J')'I.l (/fJ '\ \} ~I i~.;!,,~! 4.i."j! ~) ~J.l~ ~I ur,ll i.,.-; ~ rl.;,.;.~1 ~4i ~ .......",..t.,H c!l:l,J>" 'j,Yf/f .) ~t .;..~I';"~J W" , ......",..lJ..f C::~i \r' !, .)\¢') .;..~! IJ" ~ ~)I.)L.:.:.. ~I J....... .:lJ»J ;1.":'.;';'11 J........... 1,,),; "uJ ,!H"lY\ 4J)f.;;1) i;l!ll ii.r.lIJ (j A)'V) ~I .f"""".;z.. JS LI.)J.!! t:"'",.. .t...i4Jl \r' ~ ~ ,~I';;,.JIJ J.:i1.i.:+JIJ ~f .;..t.••• ,;::.i1 J ~l!1I4,j.r.lI: lJWI.,:.;l..J.Q1 INTRODUCTION parasites among animals slaughtered in Oak­ alia province abattoirs. Also, to emphasize the Animal production 1s sUll considering one Important rok of meat InspecUon to offer a of the vital sources of national lncome allover hcalthy meat for hUman consumption, free the world. In egypt. thc rapid Increased hu­ from zoonotic hazards especially parasItic man population requires an incrcased de­ constrains. mand of animal protelns. which In tum based on ralsJng buffaloes, catOe. shcep and goats MATERIAL AND METHODS for meal and milk production. Such animals may suffered from paraslUc constrains that TIlis study was carried out on animals affect their Jives and I or producUon, through slaughtered tn DakahlJa province abattoIrs, either direct or Indirect adverse, Regular weekly visits to abattoirs of !lve ctU('.$ Including MaHsoura. BelQuas. De­ Direct adverse effects of parasitic affections kernes, Senbellawlne and Sherbeen during may cause death. cspeeially In heavy lnfec­ the period extendcd from September 2005 to ttons or untreated animals. Bcsides. dlreet the end of August 2006, A total number of losses durtng mcal inspeclion at slaughtering 2048 call1c. 648 buffaloes and 133 sheep due to either total condemnation or carcasses 'werc examIned at slaughtering for det.ection of {e.g, generaU7"ed sarcocystos!S and cysticercQ­ tissue paraslUc affecUons, Examination of sis I or partial condemnatIon of aITecled or" these animals wa.s adopted in two consequent gans (e.g. hearts in cysUeercosls and I or ways: lungs !n hydatidosis .",,, ... etc,). Also" para-" sltes may Indtrectly affect animal producUvlty A.. During meat inspection, the whole and I or breeding In different ways as abor­ carcasses were systematically examined as Uon. infertlllty. decreased ....-eight gain as well foUow&!- as decreased milk and lor meat production. 1. HearL esophagus, diaphragm. masseter Tissue parasites are incrimInated to affect arld skeletal muscles were examined vis­ both animal health and I Or production be­ ually and Incised for detection of cysti­ side their zoonotic importance, cercI and other paraslUc cysts. Therefore, this study was p1anned to give 2. Lungs and livers were examined grossly an Jdea about the paraSItic existence of tissue and palpated for detection or paraslUe Mansoura. Vet. Moo, J. Vol. X. No.1. 2008 Ablt-Elwqfa S. A. and AI~Araby M. A, 81 cysts {e.g. rtydaUd cyst and Cysticercus 5, Thc suspedcd protozoan eysts were tcnulcoUisJ. squeezed on a dean glass slide usIng a needle and I or forceps. The resultant 3. PertlQneal cavlUes of slaughtered ani­ rontents were spread on a glass slide mals were also inspeeted ror parasitic (s), len to dry. ftxed by absohlle metha­ cysts. nol and stained WIth Glemsa stain for detection of zoites and I or other proto­ 4- Malenal obtained rrom the above men­ zoan stagt"s. Uoned InspeeUons were moved to Para­ sitology department, Faculty of Veteri­ 6, Photos were laken by digltal camera nary Medicine, MansOlJrn. UniverSity for tFuJI A340 F'1nepix 4.0 million pixels} Jaboratory examination. and computerized usIng ACDsee - vcr­ slon 6.0, S. Laboratory eumlnatlol:o. and perma­ nent preparation of the revealed parasites: RESULTS L 1be revealed metacestodes were washed In tap water and kept In a little amount 11)e investigated animals Included 2696 of waler In a refrtgerator either ror few large ruminants and 133 small ruminants hours or overnight to be died (n a re­ (sheep) slaughtered In 5 abattoIrs belonging to laxed condiUon. Dakahl1a province. Namely. Mansoura !2282 large ruminants and l33 small ruminants: 2. Small cysts (e,g. C,bovis) were com­ BclQuas 026 large ruminants): SenbellaWine pressed between two glass slJdes, fixed (106 large rUJnlnarH.si: Dekernes ~ I 14 large In 10% formaldehyde solution fur at ruminants) and SherhCCIl (68 large rumi­ least 24 hou rs. nants}, Small rumlno.nts repre$Cnt('(i by sheep were slaughtered only at Mansoura 3. The compressed specimens were then abattoIr. washed in water to get rid of rormalln remnants and stained ovemlght In Carcass Inspection of large rumlnanL.. acetic add alum cannJne staIn, washed revealed the Infet;t!on wtth {Cystkercos 00- 1n tap water to remove the excess of vis In cattle; Sarcocystis spp. In buffaloes stain. and HydaUd cysl In boUl anImals. The overall prevaience of tissue parasttes 4, Differentiation, when needed. was ear­ among large ruminants In 5 centers was ned out In acid - alcohol (70%0 ethyl al­ found to be 18,2 %. The highest Incidcnce cohol of 4% Hell until reaching the prop­ was recorded in BeJquas {30,9%) roUowed by er staining degree. 11len, dehydrated in Scnbell"-ine (30,2%). Dekerncs (28.9%) and ascending grades of ethanol. passed in Sherbcen (27.9%J. while lhe lowest prevalence xylene and finally mounted in Canada was recorded In MansQura center 06.1%J. balsam. (Table 1) , Mcnsoura. Vet. Me<!, J. Vol, X. No.1. 2008 Abu·Elwqfa S. A. and AI-Araby M, A. 82 " CystiCercus bovls recorded an overall . parasltk incidence was noted durtng Winter incidence of 3.61% In cattle. TIle hIgher Inci­ season (57.2%), which decreased during dence rate was recorded In Sherbeen (7.69%) Spring (38.9%) toward Autumn and Summcr followed by Dekemes {4.62%}. SenbeUawlne seasons 03.2 and 10.5%}. In Sherbeen ceo­ {4%l. Mansoura (3.58%); whlle the lowest was , tei. the highest Incidence rate was recorded In In BeJquas (2.08%), Cysts of Sarcocystis were Summer season (37.5%J, whleh began to de­ revealed from buffalo ca:rcasses t63.7%J: \\1th crease during Autumn f36.4%) toward Winter Its hIghest Jncldence In Mansoura (72.44%1 (28%) to reach Its mInimum Incidence in followed by Dekernes 161.2%;. ScnocUawlne Spring season f! 2.5%) : Table (2). 153.6%), Belquas t48.72%) and finally Sher­ been (32.73%). IndlVldual seasonal fiu('luation of the re­ vealed paraSites was also studied. In Man­ HydaUd cyst were detected only In large ru­ soura center. Inspection of cattle carcasses minants slaughtered at Mansoura abattoir. (Including Hvers and lungs) revealed Hy­ ,"1th its prevalence was higher in buffaloes daUd cyst and C.bovts infection. HydaUd (0.24%) than cattle (0.16 %). Table OJ. cyst In lungs was only recorded during Au­ tumn (0.18%) and Spring (0.69%). C. bovfs Concerning seasonal dynamics of Ussuc Infection was found to decrease during parasItes recorded among large animals In the SprIng (2.78%). which began to Increase dur~ five Centers, the highest total tissue parasiUc Ing Summer (3.2%) and Autumn (3.56%} to prevalence was found during winter {2L7%;. reach Its maximum level In Winter (4.68%), which began to decline In spring (18.4(1A1) and Table 131, summer {15.6%) to be the lowest during au­ tumn season (12.4%1. Table (2). In buffaloes (slaughtered at MansouTa abattoir). Hydatid cyst Infection tn lungs was In Mansoura district center, nearly slmHar only recorded durIng Summer season (0.56%).
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