September 20, 2020 PASTOR Reverend Michael J. Oenbrink 843-681-6350 x 261 ST. FRANCIS BY THE SEA PAROCHIAL VICAR Est.1984 Fr. Max Tria A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston, SC 843-681-6350 x 256 45 Beach City Road Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 PAROCHIAL VICAR AND DIRECTOR OF HISPANIC MINISTRY PARISH OFFICE HOURS Fr. Jairo Calderon 843-681-6350 x 263 7:30am-4pm DEACONS Deacon Joseph Nazzaro-retired Deacon Gerard Hand Updates have been going out by email. If you have not Deacon Patrick Sheehan Deacon Galo De Jesus Barreto been receiving them, please notify the office. Director of Adult Faith Formation Jennifer McGlynn 843.681.6501 x 266 The church will be open for personal prayer from 8 a.m. 843.900.4303 Director of Administration & Finance until 4 p.m. Please use hand sanitizers provided. If Dion Jenks possible, please limit the use of the restrooms. 843-681-6350 x 231 Admin-Finance Assistant Jennifer Kelly If Last Rites are needed, please call 18439419434 843-681-6350 x 295 Finance Office Assistant Pam Slawson 843-681-6350 X 267 Are you envi- Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Cheryl Duren ous because I 843-681-6350 x 250 Fax 843-689-5502 am generous? Director of Religious Education Deacon Galo De Jesus Barreto Thus the last 843-681-6350 x 248 Communications Coordinator will be first, Parish Safe Environment Coordinator Colleen Rzeczycki and the first 843-681-6350 x 288 SFCS Safe Environment Coordinator will be last. Melissa Markey 843-681-6501 Matt 20 Director of Music Ministries Jonathan Davis 843-540-1232 St. Francis Catholic School Principal Brian Pope 843-681-6501 Youth Ministry Klaudia Rychlicka IMPORTANT NOTICE 843-681-6350 x 236 Daily Mass are celebrated in the church at Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Bryan Goll 8:30am MonSat. & 11:30am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 843-681-6350 x 289 No 11:30 daily Mass on Wednesdays. St. Francis Outreach Ministry 15 Hospital Center Commons, Ste. 100E 843-681-2112 Weekend Masses will be celebrated in the church on Saturday at Diocesan Office of 4pm & 5:30pm and in the family center at 4:15pm in Eng (live Child Protection Services 843-853-2130 x 206 streamed) and in Spanish at 7pm in the church. Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister Sundays at 7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am in the church and 9:45am in Louisa Storen 800-921-8122 the family center. Immigration & Paralegal Support Confessions 15 mns before daily Mass in church, Millie Choy 843-785-2200 Sat. 34pm in family center hallway Welcome Home Ministry for Or by appt. Inactive Catholics Ron Angner 843-686-6037 St. Francis by the Sea Catholic Church, Hilton Head Is SC September 20, 2020 Mass Times and Intenons Readings for September 20-27 9/21 MON – 8:30am. – Church – Eng Jerry Weaver + 20 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME————————— 11:30am – Church – Eng Gene Moore + ——————————————- Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/Mt 20:1-16a 21 Mon Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist——————————— 9/22 TUES– 8:30am–Church-Eng John Geldermann + 11:30am– Church – Eng Robert, Sr., Robert, Jr., ————————————————————- Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13 Lucille & Virginia Planz+ 22 Tue ————————————————-Prv 21:1-6, 10-13/Lk 8:19-21 7pm – Church - Spanish 23 Wed Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest ——————-Prv 30:5-9/Lk 9:1-6 24 Thu———————————————————— Eccl 1:2-11/Lk 9:7-9 9/23 WED– 8:30am – Church – Eng Norm Duour + 25 Fri ———————————————————--Eccl 3:1-11/Lk 9:18-22 9/24 THUR – 8:30am – Church – Eng Marion Parrella + 26 Sat [Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs; BVM] ————————— 11:30am – Church – Eng Barbara Bryan + ———————————————————--Eccl 11:9—12:8/Lk 9:43b-45 27 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ————————— 9/25 FRI – 8:30am– Church – Eng James & Beatrice Halstead + and Fr. James Halstead OSA (int) ————————————-Ez 18:25-28/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32 11:30am – Church – Eng Jerry Weaver + Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16a 9/26 SAT – 8:30am– Church Harriet Geldermann + “Go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just.” 4pm– Vigil–Church Tim Holsinger + 4:15pm-Vigil-Family Center & Live Streamed - Eng - Gospel Teaching All the people of our parish, living and deceased We are familiar with the parable in today’s Gospel. Those who 5:30pm –Church—Eng Ronald Quadt + started work at dawn and agreed on the daily wage were angry 7pm—Vigil—Church—Spanish at the landowner, and envious of those who only worked a little, but received the same amount. The kind and patient landowner 9/27 SUN – 7:30am-Church-Eng John Scarola + provided all with the same reward. 9:30am – Church– Eng Jerry Weaver + God’s grace is also freely provided to all. We should ask for it 9 – F —E on a regular basis and be open to receive it. Feelings of anger :45am amily Center ng Norm Dufour + 11:30am – Church – Eng Tom & Nina McCunniff + and envy will block our ability to receive the gifts that God pro- vides. The landowner dismissed those who grumbled against him by saying “Take what is yours and go”. Do not be among those who are dismissed. Work throughout your life to achieve your heavenly reward, but be joyful that all can receive it, even with those who only worked a little at the end. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone has authorized a second collection to assist those affected by the devastating impact of Hurricane Laura, the California The Catholic bishops of the United States are wildfires, and other natural disasters. Thousands of homes, businesses, and pleased to offer once again to the Catholic churches across the country have been severely damaged or destroyed, and faithful Forming Consciences for Faithful Citi- the impacts will be long-lasting. zenship (en Español), our teaching document We offer our prayers for families who have lost loved ones, homes, and on the political responsibility of Catholics. This businesses. As we often do in these situations, the bishop supports taking up statement represents our guidance for Catho- a voluntary special collection for the humanitarian, long-term recovery, and lics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in church needs arising from these events. our democracy. We urge our pastors, lay and religious faithful, and all people of good will to use this statement to help form A separate basket will be available after Masses on September 19-20. their consciences; to teach those entrusted to their care; to Please make checks payable to St. Francis by the Sea and indicate in contribute to civil and respectful public dialogue; and to shape the memo line "Disaster Relief." If possible, please include your parish- political choices in the coming election in light of Catholic teach- ioner number. ing. The statement lifts up our dual heritage as both faithful Catholics and American citizens with rights and duties as partic- Donations may also be made through our website by clicking on the ipants in the civil order. “Donate” button. O Heavenly Father, we humbly ask you to protect us from the unpredictable elements of nature; keep us safe during hurricane The St. Francis Outreach Ministry is still season. Help us to remain safe in your refuge and be grateful for operating remotely. If you or someone you all you have done for us. know needs financial help, please call 843- In Jesus Name we ask, Amen. 681-2112 to speak with one of the SFO volunteers. All calls are confidential. 2 Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thursday Bible Study Do we ever take the initiative in giving our time, talent The Thursday morning Bible Study session on and treasure, or do we always wait to be asked? September 24th continues the study of The Sermon on the Mount. The Session will be in the Family Center from 9:30 to 10:15 AM. This session will cover Our Father who sees in secret (Matthew 6:1- Weekly Stewardship 21). All are welcome. September 9-14, 2020 RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Becoming Catholic- Weekly Offertory Envelopes $20,418 Loose $1,463 For adults interested in becoming Catholic or for adult Catholics who OnLine Contributions $11,462 wish to prepare to celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucha- Total Offertory $33,343 rist, contact Jennifer McGlynn at 843-681-6350 ext 266 for more information. Weekly Repair & Replacement $313 The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the path to becom- Diocesan Assessment for September ($15,980) ing Catholic, and we typically meet every week during the school year to make that journey together. Envelopes Issued 1165 Envelopes Used 243 If you have questions about God and the Church but don't know if Electronic Giving 157 you're ready to become Catholic, we are happy to hear from you and Percentage of Envelopes & Electronic Givng 34% try to answer any questions you may have! September Charitable Giving News Charitable Giving represents 10% of the planned offertory. Catholic University of America $500 SC Citizens for Life $7,500 Rock Hill Oratory $1,500 The Women of St. Francis St. Francis Outreach $5,350 September Workshop Monday, September 21st at 6:45 pm Please register online for either in-person or Zoom INTERESTED IN DONATING STOCK TO In lieu of a full General Meeting on Sept. 21st (which we had to cancel ST. FRANCIS? due to prohibition against providing food for our traditional Potluck Dinner), we will be holding a workshop for teaching several of our All donations of stock must now be processed through craft ministries for those interested in learning how to do them.
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