Established 1914 Volume XIII, Number 158 4th Waning of Tawthalin 1367 ME Wednesday, 21 September, 2005 Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Senior General Than Shwe receives Supreme Commander of Royal Thai Armed Forces YANGON, 20 Sept — Chairman of Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Se- the State Peace and Development nior General Maung Aye, member of the Council of the Union of Myanmar State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Ser- General Thura Shwe Mann of the vices Senior General Than Shwe re- Ministry of Defence, Prime Minister ceived Supreme Commander of Royal General Soe Win, Secretary-1 of the Thai Armed Forces General Chaisit State Peace and Development Council Shinawatra and party at Zeyathiri Adjutant General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Beikman on Konmyinttha here at 3 pm Chief of Military Affairs Security Maj- today. Gen Myint Swe and Deputy Minister Also present at the call were for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu, Thai Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Suphot Development Council Deputy Com- Dhirakaosal and Military Attache Col mander-in-Chief of Defence Services Prissapa Suvanatat. — MNA Senior General Than Shwe and party Senior General Than Shwe pose for a documentary photo cordially greets Supreme together with Thai Supreme Commander of Royal Thai Armed Commander General Chaisit Forces General Chaisit Shinawatra and party. — MNA Shinawatra. — MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 21 September, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Wednesday, 21 September, 2005 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Put energies into all * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy nation-building work Now is the time when the government, Minister for Mines inspects preparations for enlisting the united strength of the entire na- tional races of Myanmar, is striving for peace opening of Myanma Gems and Jewellery shop and development of the nation and taking nec- essary measures for harmonious progress of all the regions across the Union. At such a time like this, the national brethren are re- quired to lend themselves actively and enthu- siastically to the endeavours aimed at mod- ernizing the nation. The Union Solidarity and Development Association is a national force that came into being to serve the best interests of the nation and the people. Those who belong to the asso- ciation are those who love the nation and the people, those who wish to further consolidate national unity, those who are in favour of the rule of law and community peace and those Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint inspects who would like to preserve the national cul- arrangements for opening Myanma Gems & ture. Jewellery Shops.—MNA To be able to make a concentrated ef- fort on national development, the government worked steadfastly for national reconso- YANGON, 20 Sept — Minister for Mines Brig- Gen Ohn Myint inspected the preparations for open- lidation. As a result, armed insurgencies have ing of the Myanma Gems and Jewellery shop at the come to an end, peace is now prevailing all ground floor of the Myanma Gems Museum on Kaba- over the nation and the momentum of national Aye Pagoda Road here this afternoon. development work can be accelerated. Decent Also present were Deputy Minister for Mines living, security of life and property, health and U Myint Thein, Managing-Director of No 2 Mining education are the fundamental rights the peo- Enterprise U Hla Thein, Managing-Director of Gold coins are on sale at the Myanma Gems & ple of a nation should fully enjoy. Myanma Gems Enterprise U Thein Swe, patrons of Jewellery Shop of the Ministry of Mines. — MNA For the people to be able to fully enjoy Myanmar Gold Entrepreneurs Federation, president, these rights, national economic development and chairman of Myanmar Gold Entrepreneurs As- is necessary. Therefore, the government is sociation (Mandalay) and CEC members. using various ways and means to achieve it. After inspecting the preparations for the sale In the social sector, the government is centre, Brig-Gen Ohn Myint gave instructions to the officials. Afterwards, he viewed around the sale working for eternal existence of the nation and centre at the ground floor. the people as well as for uplift of national pres- Starting today, the sale centre sells 1 tical of tige and integrity while preserving and safe- gold for K 300,000. Arrangements are being made guarding national character at the same time. to sell gold coins of different weights as well as It is with the intention of creating a favour- ready-made jade and jewellery at the sale centre. able environment for the nation’s future that The sale centre will be opening at a ceremony the government is making every endeavour in on 21 September 2005. Gold coins weighing a tical, half a tical, and every way. MNA one-fourth tical. — MNA We would like to call on new generation youths of the Union Solidarity and Develop- Am¥a;®pv\q¨qir˙irn\ Aqiep; NOi;eSa\K¥k\ Road ment Association to put their energies into all 1" eZ;k∑k\m¥a;t∑c\ erac\;K¥eneqa eAak\ePa\®ppå {Aa;eS;}m¥a;m˙a ®mn\maNuic\cMt∑c\ construction the nation-building work with genuine national m˙t\puMtc\Ta;®Kc\; (mr˙i)eqa eS;wå;m¥a;®Ps\påeÂkac\;N˙c\. m˙t\puMtc\Ta;®Kc\;mr˙ieqa eS;wå;m¥a;m˙a spirit, following the correct leadership of the Arv\Aeq∑;AamKMK¥k\ mr˙ipåeÂkac\; Aqiep;Ap\påqv\" discussed government. YANGON, 20 Sept sU\ eS;Amv\ Tut\lup\qv\.kumπ%^Amv\ Niuc\cM — Director-General U 1 Vitamin B Complex Rota Laboratories Co., Ltd. Thailand Myo Myint of Develop- Hole-in-one 2 Cycovit 25 Chalermchai Ltd Thailand ment Affairs Department (Vitamin B12 25mcg) Partnership under the Ministry for YANGON, 20 Sept— U Tun Tun of Honma Progress of Border Areas F vita Capsule Medicine Supply Co., Ltd Thailand Golf scored an ace from 130 yards at the 2nd hole 3 and National Races and at Pondy Golf Course on 12-9-2005 while playing (Multivitamin) Development Affairs ad- with golf ball Twin Marks (1) Honma using club 53 4 Vitamin ADE Capsule Hua Sheng Pharmaceuticals Taiwan dressed the meeting to Lob Wedge Tour World Honma. The partners at the (100% Pure Vitamin) Ltd build district-to-district time were U Yan Naing, U Sai Saing Leaing, U (Vitamin A 60,000 IU, roads in Mandalay Divi- Kyaw Swa Lin and U Zaw Min. sion. NLM Vitamin D 6,000 IU, The Director of Vitamin E 400 IU) Mandalay Division DAD reported on progress of 2" Am¥a;®pv\q¨m¥a;qv\ ®mn\maNuic\cMt∑c\ m˙t\puMtc\Ta;®Kc\;mr˙ieqa eS;wå;m¥a;kui wy\y¨quM;s∑´®Kc\; All this needs to be known work and officials on m‘pÂkrn\N˙c\. ®mn\maNuic\cMt∑c\ m˙t\puMtc\Ta;eqa eS;wå;m¥a;kuiqa s¨;sm\; wy\y¨ quM;s∑´rn\ work being carried out in NOi;eSa\Ap\påqv\" the respective sectors. * Do not be frightened whenever 3" eS;wå;tc\q∑c\;®Pn\≥®Pø;qv\. kumπ%^' eS;wå;erac\;K¥qv\. eS;Suic\m¥a;qv\ ®mn\maNuic\cMt∑c\ intimidated m˙t\puMtc\Ta;®Kc\;mr˙ieqa eS;wå;m¥a;' eS;wå;Atu' sMmv^eS;wå;m¥a; tc\q∑c\;®Pn\≥®Pø;erac\;K¥®Kc\; The meeting came to a close with conclud- * Do not be bolstered whenever flattered luM;wm‘plup\rn\N˙c\. luik\naeSac\r∑k\®Kc\;mr˙ipåk qk\Suic\raAa%apuic\AP∑´>Asv\;k tv\S´ ing remarks by the direc- * Do not be softened whenever appeased UpedAr Aer;y¨ mv\®Ps\eÂkac\; qtiep;Ap\påqv\" k¥n\;maer;wn\”k^;@an tor-general. MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 21 September, 2005 3 £ ¤£ ¦£ ©£ ¤ ¡ ¢¡ ¥§ ¨¢¡ UK forces storm Iraq jail to free undercover soldiers BAGHDAD, 20 Sept—British forces using tanks have broken down the walls of the central jail in the southern city of Basra to free two Britons. The captives were allegedly under- “The situation in Basra is currently cover commandos, who had been ar- calmer after a day of disturbances. At rested on charges of shooting two Iraqi this stage it is not possible to be certain policemen. why these disturbances began.” Witnesses said about 150 Iraqi pris- Earlier during the day, British forces British soldiers take up positions near a white car which Iraq says was oners fled the jail as well.
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