The bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region, lowland eastern central Madagascar Steven M. Goodman1,2, Mercia Rasoanoro2,3, atsinanana. The most important finding is evidence Mahefatiana Ralisata3,4 & Beza of female Myzopoda aurita in the region; this species Ramasindrazana3,5 was previously locally known only by the capture of 1Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 South Lake close to 100 males. Shore Drive, Chicago, IL, 60605, USA Madagascar, Kianjavato, Vatovavy, bats, E-mail: [email protected] Key words: 2Association Vahatra, BP 3972, Antananarivo 101, inventories, species richness Madagascar Email: [email protected] Résumé détaillé 3Département de Biologie Animale, Université La connaissance de la faune chiroptérologique d’Antananarivo, BP 906, Antananarivo 101, malgache ne cesse de s’améliorer grâce aux Madagascar Email: [email protected] travaux d’inventaires récemment entrepris. En effet, 4Madagasikara Voakajy, Lot II F 14 P Bis A Andraisoro, de nombreux sites auparavant peu connus ont pu Antananarivo 101, Madagascar être inventoriés dans la partie orientale de l’île, par Email: [email protected] exemple, les stations forestières d’Ivoloina et de 5Centre de Recherche et de Veille sur les maladies Tampolo, la région de Tolagnaro, notamment Sainte- émergentes dans l’Océan Indien, 2 rue Maxime Rivière, Luce et Mandena ou encore l’île Sainte-Marie. Pour 97490 Sainte Clotilde, La Réunion, France étoffer les informations sur la distribution et l’écologie des chauves-souris, un inventaire a été fait dans la région de Kianjavato-Vatovavy du mois de janvier Abstract au mois de février 2014. Cette zone présente une In early 2014, we conducted a survey of the bats of topographie assez complexe avec une succession the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region of lowland eastern de nombreuses collines séparées par des vallées central Madagascar. In general, few faunal surveys hébergeant des petits ruisseaux et des rivières. Outre have been published on the bats of this part of the les vestiges de formation autochtone, la végétation island. The Kianjavato-Vatovavy region is a zone y est dominée par des formations secondaires ou where the chiropteran fauna has been surveyed on « savoka » avec une prépondérance des Ravenala several occasions over the past 25 years and certain madagascariensis, des bambous et des plantations. species, specifically Myzopoda aurita, have been Les travaux d’échantillonnage ont été divisés en the focus of ecological studies. The general area is deux parties. Pendant le jour, des prospections de composed of some relatively intact natural forests, gîtes, aussi bien les grottes et les abris sous-roches secondary forests, mixed forest-agricultural areas, que les constructions synanthropiques, ont été faites. gallery forests, and open degraded marshlands Les chauves-souris y ont été capturées à l’aide d’un modified for rice paddy and savannah (savoka). Some filet à papillons. Pendant la nuit, plusieurs sites ont important areas of exposed bedrock hold caves and été échantillonnés en utilisant des filets japonais et rock-shelters of varying size. Field techniques during un piège harpe afin de capturer les chauves-souris the early 2014 surveys involved visits to diurnal pendant la phase de la recherche de leur nourriture. roost sites (buildings, caves, and rock shelters) and Afin de présenter des informations fiables, extensive nocturnal capture with mist nets and harp les résultats des travaux antérieurs non publiés traps. In total, 14 species are known from the site, entrepris dans la région ont été inclus dans ce based on different collections and recent fieldwork. manuscrit, notamment ceux de Louise Emmons Compared to other sites in the eastern lowland portion et G. Ken Creighton en 1987, de G. Ken Creighton of the island, the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region has a et Jim Ryan en 1988, de F. H. Ratrimomanarivo relatively high species richness. The present study et E. N. Rakotonandrasana en 2005, et de F. H. provides new distributional information for several Ratrimomanarivo et S. M. Goodman en 2005. species: Pteropus rufus, Eidolon dupreanum, Myotis Au total, 14 espèces de chauves-souris ont été goudoti, Neoromicia matroka, and Chaerephon répertoriées dans la région de Kianjavato-Vatovavy Goodman, S. M., Rasoanoro, M., Ralisata,M. & Ramasindrazana, B. 2014. The bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region, lowland eastern central Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 8: 89-102. 90 Goodman et al.: The bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region dont trois espèces frugivores : Pteropus rufus, around the local forestry station and the Vatovavy Eidolon dupreanum et Rousettus madagascariensis Massif (Figure 1). et 11 espèces insectivores : Hipposideros The Kianjavato Forestry Station, which is under commersoni, Paremballonura atrata, Myzopoda the direction of FOFIFA (“Foibe Fihofanana momba aurita, Chaerephon atsinanana, Mops leucostigma, ny Fambolena” or The National Center for Applied Mormopterus jugularis, Pipistrellus raceyi, Research on Rural Development), has been the site Neoromicia matroka, Myotis goudoti, Scotophilus of considerable work on the local chiropteran fauna, robustus et Miniopterus egeri. Le présent travail ranging from several different collection surveys a permis de constater que la région de Kianjavato- from 1987, 1988, and 2005, as well as ecological Vatovavy présente une diversité chiroptérologique studies specifically focusing on the sucker-footed plus importante par rapport aux divers sites de la bat Myzopoda aurita (Andriamboavonjy, 2009; région orientale de basse altitude. En outre, de Ralisata et al., 2010; Riskin & Racey, 2010). Different nouvelles distributions ont été également définies systematic revisions concerning Malagasy bats and recently described species have also been published pour Pteropus rufus, Eidolon dupreanum, Myotis including specimens obtained from this zone (Bates goudoti et Neoromicia matroka. Pendant ce travail, et al., 2006; Goodman et al., 2011). The purpose of deux individus femelles de Myzopoda aurita ont this paper is to summarize information on the bat été également capturés à proximité des zones de fauna of Kianjavato and neighboring areas including recherches antérieures. Davantage de recherches portions of the Vatovavy Massif, based on previous seraient encore nécessaires pour mieux apprécier la studies, different museum collections as well as new biologie et l’écologie des chauves-souris de la région fieldwork, and to document certain ecological aspects de Kianjavato-Vatovavy. of the locally occurring species. Mots clés : Madagascar, Kianjavato, Vatovavy, chauves-souris, inventaire, richesse spécifique Material and Methods Previously made museum collections Introduction From 9 to 12 August 1987, Louise Emmons and G. Ken Creighton visited the Kianjavato-Vatovavy area Over the past decade, a considerable amount of and collected bats at a site “0.5 km N Kianjavato”, new information has been gathered on the bats of 47.8667°E, 21.3833°S. The following year G. Madagascar. These advances include the description Ken Creighton returned to the same general zone of a number of new species and even genera to accompanied by Jim Ryan and collected bats on 28 science (Goodman, 2011; Goodman et al., 2012), to 31 July 1988 at “Vatovavy, 9 km ESE Kianjavato”, and different ecological aspects of a previously 47.95°E, 21.40°S and on 3 August 1988 at “4 km poorly known fauna. While there has been a notable by road, E Kianjavato,” 47.90°E, 21.38°S. These concentration of work in the sedimentary rock specimens are housed in The National Museum of areas of the western half of the island, associated Natural History (USNM), Washington, D.C. with concentrations of bats in caves (Goodman et Additional collections were made by Fanja H. al., 2005; Cardiff, 2006; Andriafidison et al., 2007; Ratrimomanarivo and Eddy Rakotonandrasana Rakotoarivelo et al., 2007), little has been published from 22 to 24 May 2005 at different sites around on the chiropteran fauna occurring at sites in the Kianjavato, including animals using synanthropic day lowland humid forest zones of the east. There are a roosts within the village, as well as in local caves and few exceptions, such as the littoral and lowland forest rock shelters. Fanja H. Ratrimomanarivo returned near Tolagnaro in the extreme southeast (Jenkins to the area on 25 September 2005 with Steven M. et al., 2007; Goodman, 1999); the Ivoloina Forestry Goodman for a night of bat netting at the Kianjavato Station, north of Toamasina (Ramasindrazana, Forestry Station. Specimens from these field surveys 2008, 2009); the Tampolo Forestry Station, north are housed in the Département de Biologie Animale of Fénérive-Est (Ifticène et al., 2005); and the (UADBA), Université d’Antananarivo, Antananarivo, bats of the offshore island of Ile Sainte-Marie and The Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH), (Rakotonandrasana & Goodman, 2007). One site that Chicago. has been previously surveyed, but certain faunistic From 10 January to 5 February 2014, a field data unpublished is the region of Kianjavato, to the team composed of Beza Ramasindrazana, Mercia west of Manankara-Mananjary, specifically the zone Rasoanoro, and Steven M. Goodman conducted Goodman et al.: The bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region 91 Map of the general Kianjavato-Vatovavy region, with the principal national road, rivers and sites mentioned in text. Map of the general Kianjavato-Vatovavy Figure 1. 92 Goodman et al.: The bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy region fieldwork on the bats of the Kianjavato-Vatovavy
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