RECORDING THE HAMMOND ORGAN 7,1 i . i , . - ° 4," # r "Si ( r . P . aay PusTp-E7. tryra So-. March, 1960 35c FREE foreign language course when you buy any WEBCOR Tape Recorder! Learn a language faster-and better- .70 with a wonderful Webcor Learn °. _ Learn Spanish-French- S -.P %Sfl - _ in Record T Time _ a ' P E. lID ' German-Italian ,_ -...~ ----- Comvtere tngp prepared by Institute QS-.ja,-ror;<,,. G;;. -.r,,., o(' ,, --. ` - for Language Study .,, --- ----_-----i/ A You listen lb the lesson on your language records- then practice with your Webcor Tape Recorder I-- Dozens of other ways to enjoy your `j ` s-+--,'1 Webcor Tape Recorder 9- TO RECORD AND PLAY BACK- Children's voices Family and party fun The student simply follows his text and their foreign language studies. Concerts and jazz sessions listens to his "Record Time" lessons on Never before has it been so important Dramatic performances phonograph records. He reads the lessons for Americans to learn a foreign lan- TV and radio programs his Favorite phonograph records back into Webcor Tape Recorder and guage. With world travel so easily avail- "Talking letter" correspondence listens to his own voice on the tape. He able to everyone today, all of us are To play pre-recorded tapes then compares his pronounciation with constantly coming in contact with people -and many other uses that on the records. -either at home or abroad-who do not In this connection, more and more speak English. Hurry! This offer good for elementary schools are teaching foreign In fact, the need for a vastly increased limited time only! languages, and they are using the easy number of Americans able to speak one "listen -and -imitate" way to do it. No or more languages was emphasized last longer need a child wait till high school. year when Congress passed the National And the elementary school student who Defense Education Act. learns a language this way finds that So it is fortunate that these new Span- language study in high school and col- ish, German, Italian, or French courses lege is greatly facilitated. make learning languages easier than And, of course, advanced students- ever before-especially when you have in high school and college-are finding a Webcor Tape Recorder. Webcor Tape this new method a tremendous aid in Recorders from $139.95. º \ Shown above: h.: 1 Webcor Regent High -Fidelity Tape Recorder -1¿1 : SEE YOUR WEBCOR ,AN 111: DEALER TODAY FOR DEMONSTRATION ky. AND DETAILS Webcor Royalite Webcor Regent Coronet Webcor Royalite High -Fidelity Tape Recorder Stereo High -Fidelity Tape Recorder Stereo High-FidelityTapeRecorder Prices slightly higher South and West. o r . 41 ,. + r = pr 1c e.. J 'i- ''/ Il , s i., 111rrPep.' o , F zit3& _f-(5,,.. - ` 1 ,4 y' c-, " } ,r l G Li at 1. d ' i Why Emory Cook records his "sound safaris" on tough, long-lasting tapes of MYLAR® "The tapes I use really take a beat- " `Mylar' isn't affected by heat or ing," says high-fidelity pioneer humidity. It doesn't dry out or get Emory Cook, who has recorded many brittle with age. And I've never had exotic sounds for Cook records. a tape of `Mylar' stretch...or break, "My tapes have to stand up in the either." heat of a West Indies jungle or the Before you buy your next reel of freezing cold of Mount Washington. tape, think about the exclusive ad- From calypso festival to mountain vantages of tapes of "Mylar"* poly- thunderstorm, I need recording tapes ester film. Then, like Emory Cook, I can always rely on. That's why I get a reel of your favorite brand, insist on tapes of `Mylar'. made with "Mylar". *"14ylar" is Do Pont's registered trademark for its brand of polyester film. Du Pont manufactures "Mylar" not finished magnetic recording tape. All manufacturers make tapes of "Mylar". _.. "There's more tape, more playing time on a reel with t apts of Mylar'. Tha t helps me travel light, U saves on storage space back in the lab." POO ac U. s. n.r ore Bert=;r Tni-gs 'or Better living ... throua6 Chemistry BE SURE OF SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE...LOOK FOR THE NAME "MYLAR" CN THE BOX 3 (?oua k "p4 a/t tape recorder P. A. system portable TV set hand tools TAPE RECORDING FROM YOUR CAR, Boat or Plane! with VOL. 7 NO. 4 MARCH 1960 ATR MARK MOONEY, JR. INVERTERS Editor and Publisher JOHN 1. ALLEN JEAN COVER Assistant Editor p `v Circulation Manager ROBERT W. LAPHAM JAMES H. MILLS, SR. t Art Director Technical Consultant for changing your storage battery to current ANTHONY J. MORIN, JR. A.C. HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICITY Manager Anywhere , , . in your own cart National Advertising 274 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. b1 - OPERATES PORTABLE TV SET directly from your car! IN THIS ISSUE Mooney, 18 RECORDING THE HAMMOND ORGAN Mark Jr. OPERATES 22 RADIOS WOW AND FLUTTER RECORD PLAYERS MIXMASTERS, ETC. directly Iron, your tor! TODD -AD SOUND AND TAPE Richard A. Enger 24 MAKE YOUR CAR, BOAT OR PLANE Bart Pierson 27 us ROLLING OFFICE!" ADD SOUND TO YOUR 8mm FILMS OPERATES IDENTIFYING TAPE Jean Cover 30 tz, TAPE RECORDERS DICTATING 6 MACHINES NEW TAPES PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS ELECTRIC SHAVERS 12 directly born your cart CROSSTALK NEW PRODUCTS 13 14 CLUB NEWS moor led out TAPE IN EDUCATION Robert C. Snyder 15 of sight under dash or in trunk QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 16 comportment UNIVERSAL FEEDBACK 17 INVERTERS NEW PRODUCT REPORT: TURNER 200 MICROPHONES 33 Especially designed to change 6 or 12 volt D.C. to 1 10 volt A.C. 60 cycles. Cover illustration courtesy Hammond Organ Company 'or... EXECUTIVES POLICEMEN SALESMEN REPORTERS OUTDOOR MEN FIREMEN PUBLIC OFFICIALS MODELS 6U-RHG (6 colts) 25 to 150 watts. Ship- ping weight 27 lbs. List price $99.50 DEALER t!ET PRICE $66.34 12U-RHG ('7 volt,) 150 to 175 watts. Shipping weight 27 lbs. List price .. 599 50 DEALER NET PRICE 566.34 Write for literature on other Sines and Models of AIR INVERTERS. priced as low as 511.95 fist. SEE TOUR JOBBER OR WRITE FACTORY VNEW MODELS VNEW DESIGNS 1/NEW LITERATURE HI -F1 TAPE RECORDING is published monthly by Mooney -Rowan Públications, Inc.. Severna as second class matter January 7, 1954 at the Postoffice Severna . "A" Battery Eliminators DC -AC Inverters Auto Radio Vibrators Park. Md. (Severna Park 548). Entered Park. Md.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. National Advertising Representative: J. V. Associates, 274 16, N. Y. (ORegon 9-0030). Subscriptions, U. S. and Possessions. Canada AMERICAN TELEVISION & RADIO CO. Madison Ave., New York and Mexico. 53.75 for one year. all others add 51.00 a year. Two years $7.00. Contents copyrighted 2aatcty P adwera Sa.nee 193/ by Mooney -Rowan Publications. Inc.. 1960. Printed in U. S. A. POSTMASTER-Send all address labels clipped from .indeliverable copies with Form 3579 to SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA, U. S. A. Hi -Fi Tape Recording, Severna Park, Md. 4 o O.NLYHd IeL . - , r ., RECORD / ` -- _ .71 1 sink- T w o ADD ------__4 m,L A.Y QUgR gTRACK- /QUARTERT E R --- , HALF TRACKg STEREO : STEREO - . 4 '3 THE MOST PRACTICAL, THE MOST USEABLE, THE MOST UNUSUAL FEATURE ANY TOP TAPE RECORDER HAS TO OFFER! SEE -HEAR -COMPARE THE ALL -NEW V -M 'tope-o-matic'" PLAYS ALL STEREOPHONIC TAPES (2 -track. t -track FOUR -TRACK STEREO -PLAY TAPE RECORDER-MODEL 720 either stacked or staggered) RECORDS AND PLAYS -PACK MONOPHONICALLY CATHOPTIC TUNING EYE FOR Amazing new "Add-A--I'ack" Permits you to record on PROFESSIONAL - QUALITY RECORDING RESULTS one track, add musical accompaniment or additional HIGH -QUALITY, HIGH-FIDELITY MICROPHONE (in- voices on the second track while listening to the first cluded ) recording and on playback you hear both tracks simul- BLttE-GRAY LEATHFI(EITF CASE-COMPLETELY PORTABI F ONLY S225.00 taneously! This exclusive V -M feature has unlimited listt MODEL 166 MATCHING AUXILIARY -AMPLIFIER applications in education... in business... in industry. in SPEAKER CONIPLETES YOUR STEREO SYSTEM addition its to appeal for pure -home entertainment'! S75.00 listt ?S :YI, h u r ae We.t the oice M . of uslC® V -M CORPORATION BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN WORLD FAMOUS FOR THE FINEST IN RECORD CHANGERS, PHONOGRAPHS AND TAPE RECORDERS S NEW TAPES *-Fair **-Good ***-Very Good ****-Excellent CLASSICAL phony No. I in C Major; Tchaikovsky, from soon be passing your way music -appreciative Capriccio Italien; Bizet, from Carmen friends. Suite; Berlioz, Rakoczy March As Music its title implies, this recording is de- o , , **** .z',..,, AUDIOTAPE signed to lift your spirits and the well chosen Performance **** 2 or 4 track stereo, or dual -track monaural, works selected for this exclusive tape are in- 71/2 ips clined to do just that. They run the gamut Fidelity **** from the light elegance of Fledermaus Waltz Audio Devices, Inc., is offering this tape Stereo Effect **** to the vigorous, fiery Rakoczy March. Yet of glittering classics in a special bonus pack- there is never an imbalance in sound tex- age, together with a 7" reel of Audiotape on ture. HIGH SPIRITS a 11/2 mil acetate base, for which you pay Again, just as with Audiotape's Blood and Strauss, Frisch ins Feld; Strauss, from only the price of the two boxes of Audio- Thunder classics, we find no indication as Fledermaus Waltz; Beethoven, from Sym- tape, plus 51. And a better deal may not to the performing orchestra on this tape. It is, however, thoroughly competent and plays with a surety apparently bred from lengthy orchestral experience.
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