THE FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2011 No: 6081 www.churchnewspaper.com PRICE £1.25 1,50j US$1.80 CHURCH OF ENGLAND THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN 1828 NEWSPAPER Inside Britain’s leading evangelical newspaper this week... A new Anglican CAN THE POLICE Mission Richard Bewes HELP OLDER PEOPLE? says it should be welcomed A startling new proposal p14 p12 New guidelines for evangelism issued New Anglican Society By Matt Cresswell GUIDELINES FOR Christian witness in a multi-religious world splits evangelicals have been published. The project, which began in 2005, was By Matt Cresswell borough a request has been Bishop Michael initiated because of made to the Archbishop of Nazir-Ali, one of tensions between A NEW society designed to Canterbury that one of the the bishops on Christians and an support orthodox Anglicans flying bishops is a conserva- the steering increasingly diverse within the Church of Eng- tive evangelical. We are wait- committee of religious world. land has been met with a ing for his response and will the new Society Produced by the mixed response this week. be delighted if he agrees.” World Council of Fulcrum, which repre- Charles Raven – who Churches (WCC), the sents the evangelical middle broke fellowship with his Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue and ground in England, said that bishop in 2002 and runs his the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), the docu- the Anglican Mission in Eng- own self-funded mission con- ment was launched in Geneva on Tuesday. land (AMIE) reflects break- gregation outside the official It is the first time ever that the three groups have away movements in the USA structures of the Church of jointly agreed on a text. Combined, they represent and that the new society is England in Wyre Forest, nearly two billion Christians, equivalent to 90 per not simply about mission but Worcestershire – believes cent of world Christianity. has a strong political agenda. AMIE could be the Church’s Speaking to The Church of England Newspaper, the AMIE’s purpose is to pro- only hope. Rev Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of World vide a structure that would “The deeply disingenuous Council of Churches, said: “The strength of this doc- allow Anglicans opposed to compromise by which the ument is to encourage a self-critical approach. That developments such as Church of England has you are not pointing at somebody saying, ‘you do women bishops and gay accepted that clergy in Civil something wrong here’ or ‘you do something wrong priests to remain in the But Fulcrum, which is sup- agreed with some of AMIE’s Partnerships (which mimic there.’ But we have to reflect whether we are really Church of England. It con- ported by the former Bishop aims such as continuing to marriage and are legally following these standards ourselves. This is a more sists of a steering committee of Durham Tom Wright, said provide pressure for main- understood to be same-sex effective way of getting change where change is and a panel of bishops that they had “very serious con- taining the Anglican Commu- sexual unions) can be bish- needed, rather than pushing someone into a more includes Michael Nazir-Ali, cerns” about the launch of nion’s conservative view on ops as long as they are celi- defensive position of defending their methods.” John Ball, Colin Bazley, Wal- AMIE. sexuality and the desire to bate is just one more sign of Tveit (pictured) has worked extensively in the lace Benn and John Ellison. It said that the new soci- find appropriate Church of the Church of England’s Middle East. He said: “In general the questions from A statement from the Pri- ety’s name clearly echoes the England processes for epis- slow death and its chronic our general churches in the Middle East have had mates read: “The AMIE is breakaway Anglican Mission copal oversight for particular tendency to surrender bibli- an impression on this document. determined to remain within in America (AMiA) and that parishes. cal truth to the prevailing “The churches in the Middle East experienced the Church of England. The the creation of a panel of AMIE’s supporters, never- culture. more than others that if there is an improper way of desire of those who identify bishops signalled the inten- theless, remain committed to “Receiving the AMIE as doing Christian mission it backfires on other with the society is to have an tion of offering alternative the new society. Chris Sug- the new wineskin of global churches and other Christians as well.” effective structure that oversight without collaborat- den, Director of Anglican Anglicanism could very well In the guidance, Christians are called to “act justly enables them to remain in ing with senior leaders of the Mainstream and the coordi- be its last chance ‘to wake and to love tenderly” as written in the Old Testament the Church of England and Church of England. nator of the GAFCON con- up, and strengthen what book of Micah. It calls for a rejection of violence, work as closely as possible Fulcrum labelled AMIE as ference, said that the remains and is about to die’.” freedom of religion and respect for all people. with its institutions. the latest in a number of ini- Anglican Church needed to Richard Bewes, p14 One recommendation states: “Christians are to “Churches or individuals tiatives by the “same group realise that people’s needs acknowledge that changing one’s religion is a deci- may join or affiliate them- of conservative evangeli- “were real”. sive step that must be accompanied by sufficient selves with the AMIE for a cals”; this group, they He said: “We have been time for adequate reflection and preparation, variety of reasons. Some may argued, were behind the having discussions for the ISSN 0964-816X through a process ensuring full personal freedom.” be churches in impaired Covenant for the Church of last four-and-a-half years 26 Commenting on the document, Dr Geoff Tunni- communion with their dioce- England (2006), the with senior evangelical cliffe, chief executive officer and secretary general san bishop who require over- GAFCON conference, which clergy about this. This is of the WEA, said: “In the past five years we have sight. Others may be in good met in Jerusalem in 2008, not precipitate.” been building a new bridge.” He said: “The docu- relations with their bishop FCAUK (2009) and the St Dr Sugden went on to ment is a major achievement.” but wish to identify with and Augustine Society in 2010. say: “Following the vacan- John Baxter Brown, p13 support others.” However, Fulcrum said it cies at Ebbsfleet and Rich- 9 770964 816085 LETTERS 10 • COMMENT 11 • JAMES CATFORD 11 • CROSSWORD 13 • PAUL RICHARDSON 15 • ANDREW CAREY 15 • CATHERINE FOX 22 2 www.churchnewspaper.com Friday July 1, 2011 News Inside... Britain’ s leading evangelical newspaper Christians urged to enter politics By Maryam Naioom to rather narrow moral issues. What I so welcome is that more and more Christians A LEADING MP and former Minister has are seeing how the economy, housing, urged Christians to get involved in politics. development and tackling poverty can be as Stephen Timms MP was speaking at St much of concern for believers as – say – Paul’s Church in St Albans diocese last euthanasia or abortion. weekend when he said: “We need people “There is no shortage of examples from who are following Jesus to take what we our history to encourage us. Most famous- read and sing here this morning, and apply ly, Britain abolished the slave trade some them in school governors’ meetings, council 200 years ago as a result of a great campaign chambers, in party discussions and in Par- involving a vast number of people from the liament.” churches, led by William Wilberforce the News . 1-8 He added: “We need people who believe MP for Hull. It was the first great, popular, Your Church . 2 that God will keep them safe in the rough democratic political campaign in the world – and tumble of party politics – who believe and it set the pattern for great democratic UK News . 1-5 that God is big enough for that. People like campaigns ever since. The progressive cur- World News . 6-8 that have transformed Britain’s politics in rent in Britain has been substantially shaped the past. and influenced by people with a starting Comment “And Britain’s politics needs to be trans- point of faith. Letters . .10 formed again today. I wonder if there are group had gone on a mission to East Lon- “Sometimes people give the impression Leader . 11 some here who are being called to play their don and this changed his entire attitude that the churches don’t make much differ- James Catford . .11 part in that task? It isn’t an easy calling. But towards the Christian faith. His involvement ence any more. But it isn’t true.” it isn’t an impossible one either. And if began after that experience. Following Timms’ speech, Canon Tony The Record believers in Jesus won’t do it, then who Last May Mr Timms was the victim of a Hurle stated: “It was good to see Stephen Care for the Elderly . 12 will?” knife attack in East London by a Muslim again and to hear his encouragement to Christian witness . 13 Mr Timms’ passion for the Christian faith woman who attacked him in regards to the Christians to get involved in politics and Anglican Life . 14 began during his studies at Emmanuel Col- War on Terror. working for the common good. Paul Richardson . .15 lege, Cambridge, with St Paul’s Vicar, He told the congregation: “There is a ten- “The Christian gospel is not just about Andrew Carey .
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