COPY*J«T, 1890, BY TlIK THESrOHTINQ LlFB FVBLIBHIHQ Oft. SPORTING LIFEAT PHI LA. POST Ornci AS SECOND CLAM MATTE* VOLUME 14, NO. 17. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JANUARY 29, 1890. PRICE, FIVE OENT S Low«11 B^cnrpd Day from Detroit it agreed to release cellar and onr-honees of the place where be res del, him to that club at the mi) of tbe Mason, ajid both weie flllod with empty beer ke>;s and txiitles. It was re season of seventy game*, to make running ex* clubs lay claim to his services. en-es, or in other w-jrds twenty-five hnndrrd people . LATE a ilay's job for tlie new tenant to clear off the many ..ve g. t lo NEWS. NOT )ass thionxb tl.e gates at 60 cent* a brad, YET SETTLED. evuhnces of heavy draughts of the amber. While TWO BIG MEETS. o each and every You, Too, HanlonY the Cincinnati Club <Mettlvrs were haunting beer game. Is there a sane man on top joints f this grsen earth that thinks it can be done? To a THE INTER-LEAGUE Special to SPORTING Liri. laat summer, trying to catch this player in the man up a tree" ROW THE INTERNATIONAL CIR­ act of blowing one off, he was taking matters easy at SUPREME COURT OF BASE it looks a:id is simply prepos'er»ui. TArTsviLLi, Conn.. Jan. 25 The friends of Mana­ home, and saving shoe-leather be only way it C'iuld be done would bw for the (bi­ gers Hanlon, of the Pittsburg Players' League team, and fines, buying ngo PUier-1 League Club to huy up all the b.is<- hall UNSETTLED. will CUIT STILL INCOMPLETE. German tea by the wholesale, and many a quiet BALL bf surprised to learn that he has fallen a victim package this player TO CONVENE. tubs in Clirist"utto<n, establish an absolute corner 111 to Cnrid's wiles and that he will soon lead a .voting carried on the Cincinnati lot. ase ball and play with thrmselvos. lady of Ibis city to the altar. Such ia the fact and the ODDS AXD ENDS. Details wedding will take place withiu a week. FLORIDA NF.WS. of the Atlantic Meeting Efforts to Reorganize on an Grave Questions to be Consid­ Ko« Barnes, the veteran, who spent the hollilayi News and Gossip of Local and General er» with hi< mother and brothers, has returned to The New England League All Right. hicago. Uoss, Releases and Engagements Eight-club Basis Meet- Interest. when hero, «as quite oii[lm<iaetio SjK'cinl to SPORT-ISO Lira. ered The League's Recon­ ver tlie success of the Brotherhood aud had quite an JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. * of Players General News. Nnw YORK. JHH. 25. The Board of Arbitration has 21. Editor SPORT- dea of taking some stock in tho ventnie, but the an'h<>iize(! Secretary Hyrne to forward to the New Ing Work. ISO LIFE: Manager Seavey, of the Ponce De vened Meeting. mayor's veto of the down-town ball park Rcitema England L-aeu«formal pipers for application to pro­ Lton, has engaged Ed Fielding, of this city, hilled hie zeal to an al.-iNning extent. Rots still tection undt-r the Nation*! Agreement. Mr. fiyrue to take charge of the magnificent ball park in wns stock in the Chicago League Club, although ha THE ATLANTIC MEETING. mailed The nd SpaMing "do not sneak as tlt^y pa-s i*y." the documents ia-t nipht. directors of the International L*»se met ^t. Augustine. He made a wise selection, as The meeting of the National League, which at the Gene.-ee Hotel, in Buffalo, llu :li Ntcol alB» put iu ihe holidays here wilh his No Settlement of the Trouble With the Jan. 23, pur- Kd is thoroughly posted in ball matters, and was to hare been held next week Tuesday, the an-Ms and brothers. Hugh, who Condensed Despatches. enant to the call is in the pink of New EnglHiul Clubs Referred to the of President M. B. Mills, of will give the "Ancient Cily" a first-class teum. 2Sth inst., has been postponed until the follow­ ondition, has returned to his Kansas Citv h»me, con- Special to SPORTING Lire. Detroit, with a view of repairing .lent that Board of Arbitration TV limingtou Ad­ the damage re­ From tho experience of tbe last few days I ing day (Wednesday) at 12 o'clock noon. Cincinnati will win t'.e pennant. Ilia D»n Uiuuoban has re-iigned vltb the Minneapolis sulting tany friend* are pleawd to st-e him bat-k mitted, Etc. frop the inroads of tho Brotherhood and presume the Players' League will let American Chairman Young, of the Board of Arbitration, in the; Club. American Association. eagiif, as be Is a great favorite with the Chicago Plecml to t-PORTlNO Tiirt. The PitUborg riayera' Club was Association plavers al<>n« in the future. I hope to has called a special meeting of the board to be a 1-going [ubllo. granted a charter The delegates in attendance see everyone NEW YORK, Jan. 25. According to arrange­ Sa:urday. wete: Detroit, of those contract-jumpeis punhhed, and held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York City, Uau O'Lrary, the ex-player, ex-umpire snd ex- President, M. B. Mills and Manager R. H. if 1 am not mistaken they will get a warm reception iftnager. was here a few days ments with Mepsrc. Day and Byrne, of the Manager ITarrlngton has ligned Sharp, of lait year's iri<m the next Wednesday morning, the 29th inst., at 10 aiuce "ahead" of the Leadley; Hamilton, James Dison and "bleachera" this summer. Il beuin-i to Mrs. Ceo. Knlillt Co." It wai lucky f Board of Arbitration, and at their suggestion, Cautoua, for Evaugvllle. Manager look 1 ke there -is no o'clock. r Dan that a Abner Powell; London, President such * word u "gratitude" in e waa ahead of tlie show, for the "company is sllll Bpecial meeting of the Atlantic Association waa Georce Ailamt, a N>» York amateur, will be given T. S. Hobbs; ljuse bull parlance. It was not intended to have a meeting of the a trial at first babe by You der Abe. Toronto, President M. McConnell; •hind him they never came. Dan is all Brother- held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday, with Buffalo, 1 received a letter last week from a certain League Board of Arbitration until March, but President .od. An effort will likely be rai.de by President Voltz to "Deacon" White. Secretary C. D. White, of manager nuking ini]ulrios In regard to George a view to smoothing out tho tangle between the put Interstate Phelps, of the American Association, has asked Ben Tuthill, ex-manager of the MIunear>>dls team Le.iguo clubs in Willmnisport aud Utioa, was also present. Syracuse, Toledo and Slaliings, who caught tor Oakland (Onl.) la>t season. ICH iu '81. wai likewise here Association and the cluba which had eeceded to York, Pa. Geurge for an immediate meeting in most urgent terms. reci*nily as manager of Rochester, the ?c :cding clubs, is too good a man to be in a minor league, Said 1'astia" Opera Co. Since leaving here they, organize the New England League. It is quite likely tbat diJ not send rep­ and 1 hope to »ee him iu oue of the larger leagues The League people are somewhat puzzled over the Cincinnati b»ttery, Dnr- resentatives. Toledo and Rochester had pre­ K>, have hail to "succumb to the inevitabie." Sorry The meeting, however, instead of being a TfaanJ Kernan, will aien witli tho Plavcr"' I.eunup, next season. Brsides being a No. 1 catcher he is a this urgency, and suspect that the Association ir Ben, as he is tbe p, iuce tf eood viously resigned and were goo'l fellows. general conference of all the clubs Duryea goiuK to Btooklyu, aud Koenan to Uost(>u. not expected to send hitter and one of the fastest base-runners in the has some grievance to ventilate, or perhaps de­ There are quite a number cf 1. cal players here dis- implicated in delegates, but Syracuse had business. the -uddle between the Atlantic Association Martin Salli^an la said to bo «auted in Denver given no official mand to make in connection with the status of tigagt.1. Billy Murphy, pitcher and outfielder; Manager Sefley ia aiMiujr a^ apent for his Denver notice of intention 1 soe some of the "winpacres" are poking fun at Cutey' Roberts, who lias covered mid .tie receutlT fanned New England League, to leive and should have Cleveland the Baltimore and Washington clubs. At any cecund bttse the friend in securing tbe fonuer loft fiehler of tbe Cbi- lor signing Cl.ark'y Parsons, jteforo tne ast two seasons for rVoria; G«o. O'lJrien, ohort stop, imply resolved lisulf into A meeting of the cluba been represented. sea-win Is half over you will see tho-e strnn rate, Chairman Young deemed it wise to heed which remain loyal to tha Atlantic ca>2< B. people net KO'ison wilh Terre Haute, and Frank Snyder, Association, aa A MICHIGAN DELEGATE. praising his work. If fsraona g^ts fie rkht kind of the request of the Association and accordingly atcher; all good men neither Ilurtford, Worcester nor Lowell, tlie BoceJiug The nojt meetlntr of the directors of the New York support for any minor lea^tiH. anil PeniiHylviiuia A. T.
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