plants Article Three New Alien Taxa for Europe and a Chorological Update on the Alien Vascular Flora of Calabria (Southern Italy) 1, 1, , 2 Valentina Lucia Astrid Laface y , Carmelo Maria Musarella * y , Ana Cano Ortiz , Ricardo Quinto Canas 3,4 , Serafino Cannavò 1 and Giovanni Spampinato 1 1 Department of AGRARIA, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Loc. Feo di Vito snc, 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy; [email protected] (V.L.A.L.); serafi[email protected] (S.C.); [email protected] (G.S.) 2 Department of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Section of Botany, University of Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain; [email protected] 3 Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal; [email protected] 4 Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), University of Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal * Correspondence: [email protected] These authors contributed equally to the work. y Received: 27 June 2020; Accepted: 8 September 2020; Published: 11 September 2020 Abstract: Knowledge on alien species is needed nowadays to protect natural habitats and prevent ecological damage. The presence of new alien plant species in Italy is increasing every day. Calabria, its southernmost region, is not yet well known with regard to this aspect. Thanks to fieldwork, sampling, and observing many exotic plants in Calabria, here, we report new data on 34 alien taxa. In particular, we found three new taxa for Europe (Cascabela thevetia, Ipomoea setosa subsp. pavonii, and Tecoma stans), three new for Italy (Brugmansia aurea, Narcissus ‘Cotinga’, and Narcissus ‘Erlicheer’), one new one for the Italian Peninsula (Luffa aegyptiaca), and 21 new taxa for Calabria (Allium cepa, Asparagus setaceus, Bassia scoparia, Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, Bidens formosa, Casuarina equisetifolia, Cedrus atlantica, Chlorophytum comosum, Cucurbita maxima subsp. maxima, Dolichandra unguis-cati, Fagopyrum esculentum, Freesia alba, Juglans regia, Kalanchoë delagoënsis, Passiflora caerulea, Portulaca grandiflora, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus dulcis, Solanum tuberosum, Tradescantia sillamontana, and Washingtonia filifera). Furthermore, we provide the first geolocalized record of Araujia sericifera, the confirmation of Oxalis stricta, and propose a change of status for four taxa (Cenchrus setaceus, Salpichroa origanifolia, Sesbania punicea, and Nothoscordum gracile) for Calabria. The updated knowledge on the presence of new alien species in Calabria, in Italy and in Europe could allow for the prevention of other new entries and to eliminate this potential ecological threat to natural habitats. Keywords: biodiversity; check-list; exotic plant; herbarium specimens; invasiveness; new floristic records; plant diversity 1. Introduction The increase in alien plant invasion represents a very significant ecological problem for native flora [1]. This produces several impacts around the world such as the reduction of native and endemic species and habitats, but also damage to socio-economic and human health [2–6]. For example, R. pseudocacia L. has several effects on the endangered lichen species Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. (loss of diversity, among others) that are also due to climate change [7–9]. Thanks to a recent work, several invasive alien species were assessed in Italian regions [10]: in Toscana, Carpobrotus acinaciformis (L.) Plants 2020, 9, 1181; doi:10.3390/plants9091181 www.mdpi.com/journal/plants Plants 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 31 Plants 2020, 9, 1181 2 of 31 of diversity, among others) that are also due to climate change [7–9]. Thanks to a recent work, several invasive alien species were assessed in Italian regions [10]: in Toscana, Carpobrotus acinaciformis (L.) L.L. Bolus Bolus produces produces a areduction reduction in in native native biodiversi biodiversityty and and habitat habitat degradation degradation in in the the habitat habitat of of 1240, 1240, whereaswhereas in in Lombardia, Lombardia, LagarosiphonLagarosiphon major major (Ridl.)(Ridl.) Moss Moss produces produces primar primaryy production production alteration alteration and and modificationmodification of of natural natural benthic benthic communities communities in in the the habitats habitats of of 3140 3140 and and 3150, 3150, respectively. respectively. AlthoughAlthough Calabria Calabria has has been been the the object of interestinterest byby numerousnumerous scholarsscholars since since 1800 1800 [ 11[11–15],–15], only only in inrecent recent decades decades has has there there been been a significant a significant increase increase in botanical in botanical studies thatstudies have that affected have its affected territory its in territoryvarious investigationin various fields:investigation such as floristicfields: [such16–22 ],as phytosociological floristic [16–22], [23 phytosociological–28], ethnobotanical [23–28], [29–35 ], ethnobotanicaland many others [29–35], [36–42 and]. However, many others these [36–42]. works onlyHowe inver, part these provided works data only on in the part alien provided flora present data onin the the alien Calabrian flora present territory. in the Calabrian territory. AccordingAccording to to Bartolucci etet al.al. [ 43[43],], Calabrian Calabrian vascular vascular flora flora amounts amounts to 2799 to 2799 taxa includingtaxa including native, native,cryptogenic, cryptogenic, and alien and taxa. alien As taxa. for theseAs for latter, these Galasso latter, etGalasso al. [1] recorded,et al. [1] recorded, for this region, for this “only” region, 267 “only”alien taxa;267 alien therefore, taxa; therefore, Calabria seemsCalabria to seems be one to of be the one Italian of the regionsItalian regions with the with fewest the fewest exotic taxaexotic in taxaa spontaneous in a spontaneous state! According state! According to Musarella to Musarella et al. [44], et this al. is[44], probably this is due probably to a lack due of knowledgeto a lack of of knowledgevascular flora of vascular in the most flora anthropized in the most areas. anthropize However,d areas. many However, contributions many were contributions later added were to [1 later] and addedhave increasedto [1] and the have knowledge increased on the the knowledge invasive alien on flora the invasive in Calabria alien [44 –flora52]. Ain recentCalabria work [44–52]. estimates A recentthat Calabrian work estimates alien vascular that Calabrian flora amounts alien vascular to 336 taxa flora [53 amounts]. Subsequently, to 336 taxa another [53]. eightSubsequently, taxa have anotherbeen reported eight taxa as newhave to been Calabria reported by Galasso as new etto al.Calabria [54]. by Galasso et al. [54]. ThisThis paper paper aims aims to to document document new new records records (collected (collected specimens specimens and and observations) observations) of of alien alien plant plant taxataxa for for Calabria Calabria (Figure (Figure 1).1). For For each each taxon, taxon, rele relevantvant information information about about the the ecology ecology and and distribution distribution andand a acareful careful assessment assessment of of the the naturalization naturalization status status is is also also provided. provided. FigureFigure 1. 1. DistributionDistribution of of the the 34 34 alien alien taxa taxa recorded recorded for for the the flora flora of of Cala Calabriabria (Southern (Southern Italy, Italy, Europe). Europe). CalabrianCalabrian provinces: provinces: CS CS = Cosenza,= Cosenza, CZ CZ= Catanzar= Catanzaro,o, KR = KR Crotone,= Crotone, RC = RCReggio= Reggio Calabria, Calabria, VV = Vibo VV = Valentia.Vibo Valentia. 2.2. Results Results InIn this this research research work, work, we we report report 34 34 alien alien taxa taxa reco recordedrded in in several several places places of of Calabria Calabria with with different different statusstatus of of invasiveness invasiveness (Figure (Figure 2;2 ;Table Table 11;; AppendixAppendixA A).). AmongAmong these,these, threethree taxataxa areare newnew forfor EuropeEurope Plants 2020, 9, 1181 3 of 31 (Cascabela thevetia, Ipomoea setosa subsp. pavonii, and Tecoma stans), three are new for Italy (Brugmansia aurea,Plants 2020 Narcissus, 8, x FOR‘Cotinga PEER REVIEW’, and Narcissus ‘Erlicheer’), one is new for the Italian Peninsula (Luffa aegyptiaca3 of 31), and 21 are new for Calabria (Allium cepa, Asparagus setaceus, Bassia scoparia, Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, Bidens(Cascabela formosa thevetia, Casuarina, Ipomoea equisetifolia setosa subsp., Cedrus pavonii atlantica, and Tecoma, Chlorophytum stans), three comosum are new, Cucurbita for Italy maxima (Brugmansiasubsp. maximaaurea, Narcissus, Dolichandra ‘Cotinga unguis-cati’, and, FagopyrumNarcissus ‘ esculentumErlicheer’), , oneFreesia is albanew, Juglansfor the regia Italian, Kalanchoë Peninsula delagoënsis (Luffa, Passifloraaegyptiaca caerulea), and 21, Portulaca are new grandiflorafor Calabria, Prunus (Allium armeniaca cepa, Asparagus, Prunus dulcis setaceus, Solanum, Bassia tuberosum scoparia, ,BetaTradescantia vulgaris sillamontanasubsp. vulgaris, and, BidensWashingtonia formosa filifera, Casuarina). Furthermore, equisetifolia we, provide,Cedrus foratlantica Calabria,, Chlorophytum the first geolocalized comosum, recordCucurbita of Araujia maxima sericifera subsp. ,maxima the confirmation, Dolichandra of Oxalis unguis-cati stricta,, Fagopyrum and propose esculentum a change of, Freesia status alba for Cenchrus, Juglans setaceusregia, Kalanchoë, Salpichroa delagoënsis origanifolia, Passiflora, and Sesbania caerulea punicea, Portulacafrom naturalizedgrandiflora,
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