AN AMATEUR LITERARY SCIENCE FICTION PUBLICATION COVER By SCHUG CEDlUATzCN ’ ...................... .... 3 PERSPECTI YE_ ________________________Page3 EDITORIAL.. * • .................................. 4 IN OUR NEXT ISSUE- ...................................27 . — DEDICATE— DFPARTMKIT t x to Doctor Lubowe Tv- Literary Conner...... .................23 the General Science' teacher that intro­ duced me to Science Fiction years ago. A^JIGLES^ - „„ .'cience Fiction and Now York............ 1'3 by Harvey Segal to Peter Schug Hook Club, Bewarel............................ 7 a fan whp renewed my Interest’in Sci­ by Anonymous ence Fiction, and suggested the title EIUiXONa # -, "Perspective” for this fanzine. • ybr. Trap, a snort story............ by Sol Garner to Fandora’ s Box a fanzine review'column in Imagination, .he locket Books of 1954............... wherein I first heard of fanzines. ARTWORK?- - _o to Lee Riddle Cartoons, by Lubin and owei oK.. .1^ editor of "Peon", who was the first ed~* Art Bago, by Peter Schug.......... _. .17 itor of a fanzine to correspond with me, •13 Portrait of the Editor, by PALIN to Maurice Lubin Managing Editor: c^N^rr,., - who features my column in his fanzine, hh.iV EY SEGAL PER Ji j. UWE The Actifari, and whose fanzine convin­ Aft ?;■*rectors APRIL 1955, NO. 1 ced me that I must put" out one myself. rd*r"ER 3 CHUG Published by Pox— A s s o c. a a t ess spective Public?.— B. Jav CRONIN tions, 2105 Naiton and to ABRAHAM PALIN ADFAHAM PALIN Aver, New York 51, a fan I introduced to fandom, and with C Ji t o"J — "L3Mt S • BIMONTHLY J 10<Z per whom I spend many pleasant hours each kRT SPIF/JWI4N issue, 502 a year. week discussing Science Fiction, fan­ . 1 ERN W EI I 3, IAN Advertisements: i.l dom, and varied, Interesting topics. '.?ut H.butor s; per page, - 25/ • SE1AL Classified Ads at .1 >L B * Q/33SER 3/ per- line, or to ^A^vl.Ch LUM subscribers, free. X3CMI I? .>.30 PERSPECTIVE Pc geC Page 4 PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL, cont... We will continue to feature at least one or two stories per issue. We require stories*of not more than eight hundred words, contain­ ing a twist ending or unusual idea. Also wan­ After a year and a half of planning to put ted are*cartoons, fan humor, and poems. Much out a fanzine, I and my staff have finally of this will be appearing in 'Spec in future come out with PERSPECTIVE, "the Lit or airy - issues e Amateur Science-Fiction Publication. »»e Letters from our readers are welcome.. Wo es­ Plan to make this fanzine differrent from pecially want letters criticizing the maga­ any other in this field, both in editori­ zine and olfering suggestions about contents al’ policy and format. or editorial policy. Every fan who sends in This magazine will remain a nimeographc., a letter will receive free, a beautiful fan­ half-sized publication until the circula­ tasy print with his next issue. Also requir­ ed are letters dealing with ’SPECulattons in tion increases enough to put it out science and plot forms, to be published in a photo—offset process. Until then, .u., ..ilu- special column beginning next issuet Each feature some printing by press, and color pictures by a new duplication process, to fan whose letter we print will receive the next issue of ‘Spec free as well as a free, begin In the next issue. If wc revive- a nicture we deem good enough, iJ Will app­ beautiful fantasy print. ear on our cover in photo-offset. The price of PERSPECTIVE will remain at ten All the articles appearing in this maga­ cents per issue, and each issue will certain zine will be about Science Fiction; arti­ from 26 to 42 pages, depending at the amount cles about fandom will rarely be included. of material we have at the time. If the ! mag All material in PERSPECTIVE will be from goes well it will be changed to a monthly. a literary point of view. Articles will be about books, authors and writing; Columns Much advertising will appear in future Issu­ will contain hows and views of the publi­ es offering the readers a chance to obtain shers world; and useful indexes of boolcs any item they need. All subscribers will be and other features will appear in all iss­ entitled to a free ad in the classified col ues. Other features will be added as tne umn, not exceeding five lines. magazine progresses. PERSPECTIVE Page6 PERSPECTIVE ___________________________ PageZ FEATURE ARTICLE *** by AnOnymuog EDITORIAL, concl.... Since I have been quite active in the fan 1 BOOKCLU3. BEWARE’ field, I have lined up many top names to * A revolution is now in the making in write for PERSPECTIVE. Issues are being the SclencepFantasy field, a revolution of sent gratis to many,top professional auth­ bound-book publishers against Book-Club ed­ ors and leading fan personalities in the itions. Since the Science-Fiction Book-Club hope of getting material from them. Fans has been issueing books for cne dollar each- from England have been contacted and are the same books that sell for prices ranging writing worthwhile articles for future is­ from $2.50 to £4.00 in original publishers sues of ’Spec. editions—the bookdealers have slowly been The major aim of PERSPECTIVE is to be of. crowing angry enough to revolt. The oooks great value to the Science Fiction world. put out by the Club are supposed to be prin­ The articles and indexes we feature should ted on cheaper paper, with cheaper binding, help the fan to learn more about his field and in most cases they are. However, some and have information about each topic com­ books offerred to club members at the low plete at his disposal. The advertisements price of £1.00 aren't cheaper editions, but will help the fan to locate anything need­ the same book stores are selling for as ed by him in the way of STF. The columns much'aT'U.00. Take "Across the Space Fron­ will keep him informed about the very lat­ tier". for example. The book club is somehow est happenings., and the stories and humor able to offer this book to its members for will keep him well entertained. This mag­ one dollar, even though the dealers have to azine is for your benefit—please support pay £2^35 for this book, and sell It for it by sending in subscriptions, letters, £3,95. The edition the club offers is the material, etc. And please recomment It to same one as the dealers have to buy. Others other, fans you might know. such as "Double Jeopardy , House of Many Worlds", "West of the Sun", and especially As our followers grow, PERSPECTIVE will books published by Doubleday, are sold in expand, and be able to bring you more, and, their original editions at a price cheaper better material about the "Literary aspe­ than the dealer has to pay. cts" of Science Fiction, a subject th a t As a result, many books have been re­ there has been a great lack of material on duced from their former prices, ranging from in the amateur magazines. And as PERSPEC- £2.50 to £5.00, down to the price of v1.00 TZVE' grows, so will your knowledge, enjoy r to compete with the Club and the huge quah titles of paperbacks now being distributed. Normally/ books are reduced in price because they come out in paper covered editions, or they were poor novels and didn PERSPECTIVE______________________________ZageS perspective _--------- ------- --------—, BOOK*CLUB, BEWARE, cont.. BOOK-CLUB, B&v'AREl , cont---- A few months later, the book is reduced, Exampt les o-fp t+hviep 1f ormmesrr ars n Space On My and the collector loses money. If this happens repeatedly, the avid collector re­ "““Jr thaA YOU Think" , "The House that solves never to buy new science fiction -T t, ?mi" and "The Mislaid Chara". books again, unless he is assured that it Nov tc^boois as "Who Goes There’;'Man W won’t be reduced. Srld the Moon”, "Robots Have No Tales , The average reader doesn’t care and many others such as these that sold a what type of edition the book is in, so 7-eat quantity of copies, have been redu- long as he gets to read it, so he joins Sd to *1. Also, books that have appeared the book club and receives their select­ in book-club editions such as "Children of ions. After a few months he finds those Wonder", "The Mixed Men", and Player Pi~ books out in 25d paper editions. He has ano" have been reduced to *1., and some lost money. If he is willing to spend a have been reduced to price., even o^loW. dollar f5r an inferior Club edition, he The books listed above are only a lew ex­ might as well get the paper edition. The amples of books so reduced. Others sucn issueing of rarer editions in many cases as "Best From Startling Stori^ , book­ doesn’t affect the collector who paid a ing Forward", "judgement Nig - XT large sum for the good bound edition—he Ballantine books as popular a. coJf wanted the good, permanent edition anyway chants" have been reduced. Latest ngures Such Club selections as "The Lights in’ show that over 100 books ka’wheen thus the Sky are Stars", "CostigarJs Needle , > reduced, and many more will follow. "The Altered Ego", "Ring Around the Sun, and others have come out in pocket-book Nowthen, who benefits from the Science- form. Fiction Book Club? The Book Club bene­ V.’hen now books come out, the de­ fits and the Readers, Collectors, Deal al er buys them and stocks them to sell to ers (and perhaps Authors;) lose.
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