Sunday, October I, 1961 THE PRESS Page A-§ Recommended for Viewing wnnT run EiuovmEiiT THOUsnnD DOLLHRS? *v, ' , **°m ' H m m m ? v THE SHADOW of a Comuniit soldier hovers over Richard both an American reporter and a German underground ag­ Kiley and Dina Merrill in a rehearsal scene from "Brandenburg ent, will be presented "live" on Wednesday, Oct- 4, at 10 Gate." The U. S. Steel Hour drama, in which Kiley portrays p. m., via Channel 2. Then Watch KTTV's "SECRET WORD" Contests Celebrating The Arrival Of THE BEST OF GROUCHO (7:30*8:00 PMr Monday-Friday) CHANNEL 11 turns its whole schedule into a gigantic treasure hunt for the SECRET WORD! Watch for Groucho's daytime tips: he'll tell you when to watch Channel 11 that night for SECRET WORD clues. Every week in October a new SECRET WORD worth $1,000 in cash! Complete contest rules are given at the bottom of this page. You'll see clues in your old favorites on THE NEW BREED Leslie Nielsen, Greg Roman, John Clarke and John Beradino itar !n new series of a Metropolitan Squad of policemen in Lot Angeles on ABC-TV, Tuesdays at 9 p. m., Channel 7. Use Press classified ads to buy, rent or sell. Phone HERE ARE SOME RIVERBOAT OVERLAND TRAIL DA 5-1515. NEW CHANNEL 1.1 (Advertisement) PROGRAMS WHERE •^K B House YOU MAY FIND iGets Famed! SECRET WORD Dance Duo Saturdays 6.30730 PM Satiutlays 8 30 9:30 PM CLUES BfiginriiiiR Ortolifi! 7 Rcgmmng Oitohei .H Caret, Glrod te Teach Dancing at Tarranca Sport*. Cantar JOHNNY STACCATO ONE STEP BEYOND LA. JETS..BSBASKETBALL Jerry Gorea and Richard Girod hava jurt been hired by Jerry Homel, General Manager of the f'ii Gable House Bowl, at Hawthorne and Sepulveda, Torrance, to teach PROFESSIONAL DANCING, it I was revealed today by the noted port* man. Goree and Girod, with many * M years of experience, will initnict Wednesdays 8:00 8-10 PM Fridays, 8 00 8 30PM In, Or! ?/. 8.00PM THE INVESTIGATORS, James .patrons interested in learning the On Channel 11 now Begi;iitini> Octolici ?0 lues, Oct 31.8.00PM FOX TROT, Franciscus appears in "Murder CHA CHA. MOMBO, (SWING. WALTZ. MERENGUE. on Order," Thursday at 9 p. IRHUMBA, BOLERO. SAMBA and AN AGE OF KINGS THE BEACHCOMBER LA. BLADES HOCKEY m. on CBS-TV, Channel 2. iTANGO. According to the pair, (NO LARGE COURSES WILL BE Psn classified. Call DA 5-1515 iSOLD. MUCH CUTER than the aver- Studio hours will he from 11 «ge bear is Julie Bennett, the voice of Cindy Bear, Yogi's Are You Looking for a Career? a. m. to P p. m. daily with group girl-friend. The pose: to re­ taught from 7 to 9 p.m. at the VERY IX)W COST OF $1 mind you that Yogi has a TORRANCE BEAUTY COLLEGE birthday Thursday at 7 p.m. PER HOUR. Semi-private lesaoni, couples, at a combin­ over KTTV. two 1o four Fndays'8:3fi 10:00 PM & Saturdays 8:00 R:30 PM I inlay, Oct. 13.8.00PM. AND WOMEN LEARN A WHIR! MIN ed EXTRA LOW PRICE OF $10 Sundays 6:30 8.00 PM Beginning Octohei 14 Wrdne^.iy Nov 1 8.00PM Sunday Monday HIGHLY PAID PROFESSION IN 9 MOS. PER HOUR. Private lessons, tin- jgle or rouple, will go for th« Beginning Nnv 3 & Nnv. 13 other games telecast. Gary Cooper NO AGE LIMIT "THE NAKED EDGE" !AMAZING PRICE OF $5.00 PER R 3-Month Manicuring Court* JHOUR. Alto SECRET WORD CONTEST RULES! YOUR CHANCE TO WIN $1,0001 Georgt Montgomery The dancing Instruction off«r- CLASStS START Moderately All Channel 11 viewer* are «llglble (except mine* winner. If etrllett pottmark ( tied. O "THI ST61L CLAW" WEEKLY. ( Priced Hair Service >d at the GABLE HOUSE BOWL KTTV employee* A their relative*). tie breaker queitlon will be a*ked to deter- (Color) NOW BEINO TAKEN Available te I another progressive step tak­ mine winner. RESERVATIONS ma Public After getting clue* on Chennel il. put the FOR DAY AND en by HOMEL to please the nu- secret word, plu* your name, addre** & Entrle*. to be eligible, must be postmarked Style Dlrtctor Flavin NIOMT CLASSES (Student Work) phone number on n pott card (no latter*, D Tuesday Wednesday Itlenano merous couples and tingles »«ek. before deadline. Deadline* for the four con pleate). One SECRET WORD per pott card. teit* are at follow*. arbara Shelley ing the BEST PROFESSIONAL Mail to: Secret Word. KTTV, Hollywood 21. "THI SHADOW TORRANCE BEAUTY 'INSTRUCTION at rates condu­ California. l*t week: Midnight, Oct. 7, 1H1. I OF THI CAT" FLAVIO COLLEGE cive to budget minded SOUTH Winner* will t>« contacted by telephone ind 2nd week: Midnight. Oct. 14, 1MI. Alto announced over Channel 11. 3rd .week: Midnight. t>ct. tl, H61. NEW LOCATION 1978 W. CARSON, DOWNTOWN TORRANCE RESI­ KTTV BAY AND TORRANCE In cat* of tie*, earlleit postmark deter­ 4th week: Midnight, Oct 28, 1901. Dana Andrawt AIR CONDITIONED DENTS. A "BEYOND A for Information Call FAirfax 0-0404 REASONABLE For adidtional information, DOUBT" NOW REDONDO BEAUTY please contact HOMEL, GOREK U * * OPEN FLAVIO COLLEGE tor GIROD. GAUL E HOUSE DRIVE IN THEATER 2205 RIDONDO BIACH BLVD. FR «VI844 BOWL. HAWTHORNE AT S&j Redondo Beech Blvd. (1 MIL! Wi»T Of HAWTHORN! tlVD ) PULVEDA. TORRANCE. THK( M DA 42664 IS FRoitficr 8-2^05. _^.
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