WELCOME! Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 2640 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 www.abvmpasadena.org Pastor: Fr. Michael Ume Pastoral Associate: Sr. Susan Slater, SHCJ Visiting Priest: Fr. Alan Phillip, C.P. Business Manager: Kathy Tracy School Principal: Rose Navarro Mass Schedule All public Masses have been cancelled until further notice. Live stream on Facebook Sunday 10:00AM Weekdays 8:15AM Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish - Pasa- dena, CA Confessions: Discontinued except in extreme circumstances. Please call the parish office. Office Hours: Monday-Friday By Phone Only 9:00AM-Noon & 1:00-4:00PM (626)792-1343 (626)792-0052 (Fax) Page Two WELCOME TO ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY CHURCH May 31, 2020 How to Contact Us Respect Life Mary Kay Gates [email protected] www.abvmpasadena.org Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Pastor: (626)792-1343 Sr. Susan Slater, SHCJ-(626)792-1343 x508 [email protected] Fr. Michael Ume Seniors Pastoral Associate (626)792-1343 x508 Brynn Fisher, (626) 795-3673, [email protected] Sr. Susan Slater, SHCJ Scheduling of Ministers for Mass Parish Staff: (626)792-1343 Liz Oberreiter, (626) 290-2126, [email protected] Katherine Tracy, Parish Business Manager The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, [email protected] Assumption BVM-Conference: Mary Parra, Secretary, Robert Wyatt, President [email protected] Hotline for Assistance: (626)657-0836 Chandra Persad, Secretary, For free pick-up of large donations like [email protected] appliances, furniture & vehicles Linda Mennis, Bulletin, Call: (800)974-3571 or (323)224-6280 [email protected] Ushers Assumption School (626)793-2089 Head Usher-Eddie Robledo, (626) 791-2222 Assistant Head Usher-Kyle Kveton, (213) 300-7357 Rose Navarro, Principal [email protected] Mother Mary Visitation Ministry Lorna Willard - (626)533-7655 Religious Education Coordinator Pre-School to Teen (626)792-6844 Women’s Carmelite Retreat Cheryl Harlow - (626)794-7813, [email protected] Cheli Valdez, Young Adult Ministry [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Coordinator Manny Soriano - [email protected] (626)792-1343 x508 Sr. Susan Slater, SHCJ, Join Us In Worship [email protected] Devotions: Rosary & Divine Mercy after the 8:15AM daily Mass To Participate in Our Ministries Contact Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help on Bible Study Saturdays after the 8:15AM Mass Debbie Pelch - [email protected]. Meditation Chant Service Environment Committee First Wednesday of the Month Frances Inafuku - (626)584-9430 Eucharistic Ministers Prepare for the Sacraments Anne Au - [email protected] Baptisms: Liz Oberreiter - (626) 290-2126, [email protected] Baptisms take place on the third Saturday of each month Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick at 10:00AM. Please contact the office to schedule an ap- Chandra Persad - [email protected] pointment to meet with the pastor. Please go to our web- Kristen Holtzen site for important preparatory information: abvmpasadena.org/sacraments Friends In Deed (Interfaith Council) Ed Vidimos - (626)355-0530 friendsindeedpas.org. Marriages: Engaged couples: Six months of preparation is required Gregorian Chant Group by the Catholic Church. Please phone the office to sched- Timothy O’Brien - (626)449-3486 ule an appointment 6 months prior to the proposed wed- Habitat for Humanity ding date. Available wedding times are on Saturdays: Terri Lauerman (626)201-3806 10AM, 12-Noon, and 2:00PM. Intercessory Prayer Group Cri Hubbard - (626)794-4744 or [email protected] Welcome to Our Parish Knights of Columbus Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to Ed Vidimos - (626)355-0530 be a part of a Catholic community and a commitment to Lectors the life of the parish family. Being a registered parishion- er makes things easier when it is time for infant baptism, Phil Pirrone [email protected] school registration, weddings, funerals, affidavits and Marriage Encounter when asked to be a baptismal or confirmation sponsor. Michael & Veronica Sasaki - (626)755-0244 We can only do this if you are a registered, active and [email protected] contributing member in the parish. Please call, visit the office or go online to our website to register. Pentecost Sunday Page Three Father Mike’s Presentations for Mary’s Month The topics of Fr. Mike’s talks were taken from the beautiful prayer, “The Divine Praises,” represent- ed in the stained glass windows in our church. “Blessed Be the Great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.” (Mother of God) “Blessed Be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.” (Immaculate Conception) “Blessed Be her Glorious Assumption.” (Assumption) “Blessed Be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.” (Virgin and Mother) The Dogma of MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD. One of the titles of Mary is “Mother of God” (Theotokos). On Friday May 8, 2020, we discussed the origin and the process the Church went through to arrive at that title. In the 4th and 5th Centuries, the central question in the Christian world was this: is Mary Mother of God (Theotokos) or Mother of Christ (Christotokos)? While Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria said that Mary is Theotokos, Patriarch Nestorius of Constantino- ple said that Mary is Christotokos. The argument went on for a long time. The issue was somehow resolved in 431 by the third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in favor of Mary Mother of God. Mary is not the source of the existence of the divine nature of Jesus, who existed with the Father from all eternity, or of her Son's divinity. An unknown author puts it this way, “Mother of God has not been understood, nor been intended to be understood, as referring to Mary as Mother of God from eternity — that is, as Mother of God the Father — but only with reference to the birth of Jesus, that is, the Incarnation.” We celebrate this feast on January 1. We also celebrate it in hymns and prayers. The Dogma of MARY, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. This is another title of Mary. We discussed the evolution of this title on Fri- day, May 15. This has to do with Mary and Original Sin, it was proposed by St. Augustine and accepted by the Church. The belief is that we are all born with Original Sin. Was Mary born with Original Sin? Everyone said, no. Monk Pelagius said no, for a different reason. He denied the existence of Original Sin. In 1431, the Council of Florence declared Mary's Immaculate Conception a "pious opinion" consistent with faith and scripture. In 1830, St. Catherine La- bouré had a vision of Mary as the Immaculate Conception. In 1849, Pope Pius IX asked the bishops of the church for their views on whether the doctrine should be defined as dogma. Ninety percent of those who responded were supportive. In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the Immac- ulate Conception of Mary a dogma through the papal bull “Ineffabilis Deus.” He said; “We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of Original Sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constant- ly by all the faithful.” Four years later, Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes in southern France, to an- nounce that she was the Immaculate Conception. We celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Con- ception of Mary on December 8. We also celebrate it in our songs and prayers. God bless you. Stay safe, Fr. Mike Ume. Page Four WELCOME TO ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY CHURCH May 31, 2020 Accommodations for This Trying Time Mass: Public celebration of Mass is suspended. The dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass remains in place, - Assumption Sunday Mass - at 10:00AM on ABVM’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/abvmparishpasadena/ You do not have to join Facebook to see the Mass. Also Zoom and YouTube. - Morning Prayer: 7:45AM Zoom & Facebook - Daily Mass - 8:15AM Zoom & Facebook - Free E-Missalette; http://www.livingwithchrist.us/e-resources/ Church: Parish churches, chapels, centers, and missions are closed until further notice. Parish Office: Church offices are closed to the public. The phone line is open to you from 9 a.m to 4 pm. Mary will answer all your calls and respond to your needs. Meetings: All Ministry meetings, Scout meetings, and Religious Education and Confirmation Classes are cancelled until further notice. Confession: Confessions can be heard. Please call the Parish for an appointment. Baptisms: Unless there is an emergency, the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is to be postponed. Weddings: The celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony is to be postponed. Anointing of the Sick: Will continue. Please call the parish office. Funerals: Funerals may take place only in the form of “The Rite of Committal with Final Commendation” (also known as the “graveside”). If desired by the family, a memorial Mass can be scheduled appropriately at a later date. What You Can Do Donate: We still need your weekly donations to continue to pay our bills. Please use the addressed envelopes in your packets, or send your donations to us at 2640 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107. You may donate online from your bank account or use Faith Direct. Connect: If you would like to receive the parish newsletter send your name and email address to Fr. Mike at [email protected]. “...we hear them speaking in DID YOU KNOW? our own tongues of the mighty Teach children how to explain inappropriate acts of God.” behavior (Acts 2:11) Statistics show that children may tell their story of abuse to adults as many as nine times before Help your community know Jesus.
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