ISSN 0819-5633 VOL. 93, NO. 4 February 6, 1988 Page 12 RECORD EDITORIAL Official Paper of the South Pacific Just Call Me Jim Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Editor James Coffin ever a week goes by but I receive at changed dramatically. Most people 40 Associate Editor Gary Krause Nleast one letter from someone la- years of age and younger use titles only Assistant Editor Joy Totenhofer menting that things aren't what they when they feel a sense of distance from Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall used to be. another person. We live in the era of first Copy Editor Graeme Brown names. And, after all, isn't the first name Graphic Designer Wayne Louk The church has changed. The minis- Senior Consulting Editor A. H. Tolhurst ters have changed. Their sermons have called the "Christian name"? Consulting Editors changed. Their emphasis has changed. Few "under-40s" would feel that refer- Correspondents R. H. Baird, J. T. Adventist institutions have changed. ring to fellow church member Ginger Banks, R. L. Coombe, M. Darius, A. Kabu, N. K. Peatey, L. Solomon, P. B. Weekes The RECORD has changed. Even the Smith as "Sister Smith" is as intimate as Regional Reporters D. D. Blanch, R. K. way we address each other has simply calling her "Ginger." In today's Brown, R. G. Douglas, G. W. W. Drinkall, changed. society there's a tremendous need to be- L. J. Laredo, M. R. Potts, L. R. Rice, G. M. Smith, E. I. Totenhofer, R. W. Townend, A. And speaking of how we address each long and be accepted. And in the minds R. Walshe other, why don't we say "Brother" and of most younger Adventists, first names Local Reporters Church Communication "Sister" as we did in the good old days indicate closeness; titles indicate an Secretaries Subscriptions South Pacific Division, before all this change set in? arm's-length relationship. $A25.00 $NZ28.75. All other regions, Now, let me make it absolutely clear Although younger Adventists $A48.25 $NZ55.50. Air mail postage rates to those who favour the use of such terms wouldn't deny the theology behind on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victona 3799, that I'm 100 per cent on your side. And "Brother" and "Sister," most would Australia. let me make it absolutely clear to those probably feel that the theological benefit Manuscripts All copy for the paper of using such terms isn't sufficient com- should be sent to The Editor, RECORD, who prefer not to use them that I'm 100 Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, per cent on your side, too. But isn't that pensation for the lost sense of intimacy Victoria 3799; phone (059) 66 5781. playing politics? that titles create. Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. Let's go back 100 years to when the Furthermore, since it's almost exclus- ively older Adventists who use such Directory of the South Pacific Division of Adventist Church was still in its infancy. the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 148 It was customary in most social situ- titles, younger Adventists have come to Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076; ations to refer to people by their sur- view their use as old-fashioned. Thus, in phone (02) 489 7122 names, prefaced by a title. Rarely were situations where they definitely feel a President Walter Scragg people referred to by first names. And title is necessary, they inevitably prefer Secretary A. H. Tolhurst Treasurer W. T. Andrews almost never would a younger person to use the more universal "Mr" "Mrs" or Associate Secretary V. B. Parmenter refer to an older person by a first name. "Miss." It just comes more naturally. Associate Treasurers 0. S. Mason, W. H. Stokes But church members had a sense of Being under 40 myself, I fully appreci- Field Secretary A. J. Ferch Administration Projects Director M. G. oneness, a sense of family, a sense ofinti- ate their viewpoint on this topic. That's Townend macy that needed to be expressed in why I can also say I agree with them 100 Archivist and Statistician R. E. Clitl'ord some manner. So, Adventists adopted per cent. Auditor G. J. Bland Associate Auditors E. N. Hokin, M. E. the already common Christian practice Maybe there are parallels here to the Mitchell, E. J. Moffitt, N. F. Sawert, K. E. Watts of using "Brother" and "Sister" with the kind of situation the Apostle Paul ad- Church Ministries A. E. Birch (Director), A. B. surname, in place of "Mr," "Mrs" or dressed in Romans 14 concerning meat Gane (Youth), R. L. Hodgkinson (Sabbath School), B. K. Craig (Family Life), P. R. Jack "Miss." (Personal Ministries), L. R. Chester (Sabbath Not only did this help them to feel School) The church has Communication, Public Affairs and Religious closer to each other by giving them a set Liberty R. L. Coombe of titles for fellow church members dif- changed. Education G. F. Clifford (Director), L. D. ferent to those they used for non- Devine, B. A. Hill, J. I. Howie, R. A. Spoor Health Food E. W. Grosser members, it also was a constant re- that had been offered to idols. Those Adventist Health D. E. Bain (Director), H. J. minder of a major theological truth. The who choose to use such titles are doing it Stanton Bible tell us that God is our Father, to show respect to their fellow Ministerial Association A. D. C. Currie Publishing J. T. Knopper Christ is our Brother, and therefore we're Adventists, to show their acceptance of Trust Services all brothers and sisters, and thus equal them, and to show their brotherhood ADRA G. A. Laxton (Director), W. P. Truscott before God. and sisterhood with them. Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing Impaired E. C. Lemke This is the context in which many On the other hand, those who choose Adventists today view the terms not to use such titles haven't rejected the Cover: Eleven-year-old Anthony "Brother" and "Sister." They have great theology of God as Father and Christ as Jensen sponsors a Sri Lankan meaning. And this is why I say I support Brother. They simply feel that close re- (inset) by delivering newspapers. them 100 per cent. But now to the other lationships, family relationships, are Photo by Leader Associated News- side. more meaningful when not encumbered papers. In the years that have elapsed since by titles. our church was founded, society has James Coffin. 2 RECORD February 6, 1988 LETTERS Commitment to Christ Swinging Door Double Standards Pastor Parr is right when he suggests Regarding "The Back-door Syn- The answer to "The Back-door Syn- that commitment is the answer to "The drome" (November 21, 28): drome" (November 21 and 28) does not Back-door Syndrome" (November 21 In my opinion the back door swings lie in outside influences. Young people and 28). But if the commitment he is for the following reasons: are swift to see hypocrisy—and double talking about is first and foremost to the 1. We live in a world dominated by standards abound. I could cite many ex- church and its rules and regulations, both good and evil. amples. then not only is he wrong, he is adding to 2. People are free to choose to leave When young and old can view the the problem. the church just as they are free to join it. image of Christ in the people around Commitment to the church won't last 3. The church does not always speak them, then the back door will shut with a unless there is loving commitment to with relevance. We often "scratch where bang! Stephen M. Saunders, Qld. Christ—and that's where our problem it does not itch." (For example, our lies. Adventist evangelism tends to con- discussions/arguments about esoteric Wrong Terminology vert people to the church, to a new set of theology that do not meet the needs of The editorial "Cradle-Rolling" (No- propositions, but not to Christ. In re- most people.) vember 21) uses the term "senior div- ality, Christ has a very low profile in our 4. Piety, sanctity and reverence are ision." This suggests that those who meet church. often presented in old-fashioned ways so in the sanctuary on Sabbath mornings If readers doubt this, then "listen in that frequently the church appears as an are retired or about to retire. on" typical post-service discussions next anachronism to the educated mind. The Sabbath school manual (page 26) Sabbath. I would be surprised if you hear 5. Many of the answers given do not suggests the "adult division" is for per- the name of Christ mentioned at all. And "hold" when put to the test. Simplistic, sons approximately 19 years of age and how long has it been since you heard authoritarian, exaggerated answers given older. your minister tell from the pulpit how to children (and adults) later break The correct nomenclature "adult div- much Christ means to him, and how his down, causing a loss of faith. (For some ision" could help young adults identify relationship with Christ helps him meet reason Adventists feel that they should with comfort to the adult program and and beat the challenges of the day? be able to give a total package when it lesson in the Sabbath school. This is the kind of food Adventists are comes to answers.) Alice Lowe, NSW. starving for—or should be. 6. Perfectionistic/judgmental atti- Bryce Jones, New Zealand. tudes by fellow members brings despair Views expressed in Letters to the Editor do not and alienation.
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