DEBRE BERHAN MUNICIPALITY Urban Sustainability Review of Debre Berhan 2020 THEMATIC AREA: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Table of content Executive Summary 5 1. Introduction 7 2. Background and purpose 8 2.1 Background 8 2.2 Purpose for conducting the Urban Sustainability Review 8 2.3 Project organisation 8 3. Process and methodology 10 3.1 The SymbioCity Approach 10 3.2 Organizing the project and Selection of Thematic Area 11 3.3 Stakeholder Mapping 12 3.4 Developing an overview of the current situation 14 4. The current situation – Debre Berhan 20 4.1 Brief Introduction to The City 20 4.2 Spatial Dimensions 20 4.3 Asset and opportunity 26 4.4 Key Challenges 26 5. The Human City: Socio-Cultural Dimensions 27 5.1 Education Services 27 5.2 Health Services 27 5.3 Sports and Recreation 27 5.4 Security 27 5.5 Information and Communications Technology 27 5.6 NGOs and civil society 27 5.7 Key Assets and Opportunities 28 5.8 Key Challenge 28 5.9 Key Trend 28 6. The Green City: Environmental Dimensions 29 6.1 Current situation 29 6.2 Key Assets and Opportunities 30 6.3 Key Challenges 30 6.4 Key Trends 30 7. The Urban Economy: Economic Dimensions 32 7.1 Current situation 32 7.2 Key Assets and Opportunities 33 7.2 Key Challenges 33 7.3 Key Trends 33 8. Urban Solid Waste Management (thematic focus) 34 8.1 Current situation 34 8.2 Informal Solid Waste Collectors 36 8.3 Solid Waste Collection Efficiency 36 8.4 Solid Waste Burning and Burying 36 8.5 Current waste transporting vehicle park of the municipality 36 8.6 Solid Waste Composting, Reuse and Recycling 36 8.7 Solid Waste Disposal 37 8.8 Existing Institutional, organizational and human capacity 37 8.9 Waste Sector Financing 38 8.10 Solid Waste Management Fee 39 8.11 Key Assets and Opportunities 39 8.12 Key Challenges 39 8.13 Key Trends 39 9. Conclusion: Key Urban Sustainability Issues 40 10. Vision and objectives for a new Solid Waste Management System 41 11. The next steps 46 Overview of vision of how the SWM system in Debre Berhan will work in the future. Executive Summary Ethiopia is one of the most rapidly urbanizing nations in went in the field and observed and (walk-through-evalua- Africa, with an average urbanization rate of more than 5.3 tion) identified areas of the city including slum areas, con- percent per annum. From a low level of urbanization, about dominium housing, market areas, existing informal dump- 21 percent, such rapid urbanization is the driver of a ma- ing sites, to develop a thorough understanding of the spatial jor societal change. Ethiopia holds a national population of and physical dimensions. The views from waste collectors about 110 million people. With a rural-urban migration rate (80% women), city officials and business sector were then of about 4%, close to 4 million people will start a new life triangulated to understand the current systems and collect in Ethiopian cities every year. This puts pressure on urban ideas for improvements. This second step, with a diagnosis managers in terms of providing services, homes, infrastruc- of the current situation and identifying and inviting stake- ture, jobs and utilities for urban dwellers. Urban Ethiopia is holder participation, will be a steppingstone for formulat- going to be a central arena for reduction of poverty as cities ing a vision and objectives for the thematic area (which is will host rural to urban migrants searching for employment. the third step in the approach). The government of Ethiopia’s national plan for develop- Having recorded the input from the stakeholders a wide ment, Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), has em- group participated in creating a vision for solid waste man- braced this reality through its focus on industrialization agement for the city. “Debre Berhan will be an exemplary and urbanization as key vehicles for economic transfor- clean and green city, with more jobs in SWM and greenery, mation and sustainable development. Ethiopia is imple- with a community that is well aware of sanitation and hy- menting a framework called Ethiopian Cities Sustainable giene and are satisfied with the SWM service provision”. The Prosperity Goals (ECSPG). The framework aims at achiev- vision captures the city’s wish to use improved solid waste ing the SDG 11 which emphasizes safe, resilient and clean management to create more sustainable jobs, improve hu- urban development. The SymbioCity approach of sustain- man health, create an understanding of the need to protect able urban development is a tool and process methodology the environment, and deliver reliable service to the citizens. for achieving participatory, people-centred and integrated From the vision the working group identified key goals planning for sustainable city/society building. It fits well and targets of how to achieve improvements and identified with the Ethiopian framework of inclusive, sustainable and how they would like the future system to work. On page 4 economically growing cities. The approach builds on expe- is an illustration of how the municipality of Debre Berhan riences and research from the Swedish context where key would like to organize solid waste management in the city success factors of sustainable city building have been ana- in the future. It includes at household level source separa- lysed and conceptualized. tion of waste in three fractions: 1) Organic 2) Recyclables Following the selection of Shashemene and Debre Ber- 3) Residual waste. The MSE collectors (donkey cart) would han, to pilot the SymbioCity approach project, several activ- still be operating in the residential areas but would drop of ities have been carried out to identify key urban challenges the waste at smaller kebele level transferstations to allow and to diagnose the current situation in the city. This Urban for more efficient transport of waste to the future sanitary Sustainability Review (USR) serves to describe the review landfill and recycling industries. Hotels and large business for Debre Berhan, and the vision the city has developed for would continue to organize collection by themselves to en- improving urban sustainability with focus on solid waste courage private sector involvement. Also industries and management. This review emphasizes on the process used, large institutions have to organize their own collection and the methodology and tools applied and the outcomes so far. transport of waste and they will be charged a gate fee to dis- After having defined and organized the project, the sec- pose of waste in the landfill. An important difference is also ond step of the process involves making a diagnosis of the that the fee for SWM would be bundled with the water bill, current situation of solid waste management and its con- making it easier for the municipality to control the process. nection to other urban systems, structures and goals. The working group also analysed roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders affected by or contributing to the pro- cess. This was made through a participation by waste col- lectors, government officials, business sector and NGOs in the assessment. The stakeholders helped to provide a com- prehensive understanding of how the system was currently working, what its strengths and weaknesses were and how it impacted different groups in the city. The working group 5 6 1. Introduction The city of Debre Berhan is applying the SymbioCity Ap- and Regions (SALAR) and its subsidiary SKL International proach in order to improve urban sustainability and capabili- are implementing the pilot project in Ethiopia. ties to plan for inclusive and sustainable urban development. Debre Berhan city was established in 1454 by Emper- The project in Ethiopia is part of the Global SymbioCity or Zerayaqobe. It is situated in Amhara national regional Approach Programme which is funded by the Swedish In- state and currently, the city has been serving as the seat of ternational Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Debre North Shewa zone, Debre Berhan city administration and Berhan has selected a cross-sectoral working group as well Basonaworana district. The city is located at 130 kilometer as a steering committee of decision-makers and a national north east of Addis Abbeba. The city is also close to other advisory board to oversee the project. The working group larger urban centers of the region, Dessie and Mekelle. meet regularly with an international SymbioCity approach The city is home to close to 150 000 residents and the facilitator as well as a national urban expert. The working population is growing by an average of about 4.5 percent group in Debre Berhan commenced work in April 2018 and per annum. The city is going to be under a strong pressure during the first phase of the project focused on defining and in terms of service demand, jobs and infrastructure. The organizing the project and developing this Urban Sustaina- population of Debre Berhan is young, 60% of the popula- bility Review. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities tion are under 25 years of age. Location map. Source: Urban expansion study 2014. 7 2. Background and purpose 2.1 Background Debre Berhan city is one of two Ethiopian pilot cities app- the city. To provide all stakeholders of the project with an lying the SymbioCity approach in order to improve urban analysis of the present situation and a background for the sustainability and capabilities to plan for inclusive and sus- upcoming strategic planning process as well as a clear ac- tainable development. count for how the analysis was made. The urban sustaina- The project in Ethiopia is part of the Global SymbioCity bility review can also act as a baseline for future follow-up.
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