Editorial But They Can Really Talk! Gtonttfrttntt latly (Eamtms (See page 2) Clear and very Cold 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' VOLUMf CXII Complete UP1 Wire Service STORRS. CONNECTICUT. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1958 Offices in Student Union Building No. 54 Russia Issues Tart Statement; Jorgensens Rocket Historian Willy Ley Warns West In Berlin Crisis To Host Tea Berlin, Germany, Dec. 11 — attack on East Germany and troops get out of Berlin. It For senate | pre(Jicts Man's Space Flight <UPI» —Moscow spoke of Ber- the Warsaw pact members." said that nothing remains for TheHie annual Administration ^^ Russia to do but to end the oc- Studentident Senate Tea will be held -■- ^-^ lin and war in one breath today. Russia is a member of the Willy Ley. the world's top rank- by Professor Hermann oberti, The Soviet Union declared in pact, which Is roughly the cupation unilaterally if the this afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. Communist answer to Nato. West wHl not negotiate In wh.it in the HUB reception lounge. ing rocket historian took a look in 1923 and became Interested an official statement that any into the future Wednesday in the theoretical woik being attempt to break through to The declaration apparently it called a "businesslike man- Dr. and Mrs. Jorgensen will act ner." as the host and hostess for this night and forecasted the lust done on rockets and ipa i West Berlin by force will be came in response to aulhoria- navel. In 1926. he published considered an act of war. tive Western reports last Sat- IT IS THE FIRST official ■vent manned flight into space in two urday that the United States Russian declaration on Berlin The informal tea was origin or three yean. "Trip Into Space, wlticli Wl An authorized declaration by imil wiui rocket ships. the official Tass news agency nearly sent tanks to tree a U.S. since the original notes of two ated about eight years ago. In Addressing a student-faculty itated bluntly that Soviet troops Arny truck convoy held up by weeks ago. Those proposed ne- order that the student senators audicn .• ol 200 persona at the ile iormed a pioneering rack- are not in East Berlin to show East German authorities last gotiations to end the Berlin could meet with the admmistra University of Connecticut, the et research organization, the the West the road to "Berlin. month. occupation within six months lion ofiicials with whom thc> noted author-lecturer said, the torerunner ol the present day THE STATEMENT Mini n. The Russian statement also . creation ol a demilitarized wouil work during the year. man-carrying satellite will prob- German Rocket Society, In co- and we quote, "any attempt to attacked the West for delaying lOCalM "fret city'' of Wast i lministration and the Stu- ably circle the earth a feu operation with other experi- break through to Berlin with on Russian proposals that Brit- Berlin . and giving the con- dent Senate alternately sponsor times and the nreturn to terra menters in the group, he helped tanks would be considered an ish. French and American trol of access to West Berlin the tea; this year the admnus- firma. to build Instruments and to to the Baal Germans. nation will act as sponsor. Mr. Ley, who once served as launch them. He introduced to Today's statement also said A TOTAL OF about sixty a tutor lo top Arms Missile the organization Wernher von the U.S.S.R. will not take pan people are expected to attend scientist Wernher von Braun, Braun, who later headed the in any four-power talks on re- this event. The President of the also piedicted flights lo the project thai created the tier IFC Tea To Honor moon in about five or six years man V - rocket and who today unlfj ing Germany through free University, Dr. Albert N. Jorg- Ions, It said such a notion ensen. will head the list of ad- and the (list manned flight to heads the Army project at Is, — quote — "meiely dema- ministration officials who will another planet in less than two Huntsvllle, Alabama. Ley was goguery." The statement said meet with the 36 student sena- decade. his first tutor in rocket n Counselors Sunday unification can come only "It is a bit difficult to say search tors. where we ttard now." lie said, through agreement of the two Al Hajjar, President of the As vice president of the Ger- Fraternity residence counsel- inception was the problem that Geramnies. "because we don't stand at the man Rocket Society, Les built ors are to'be honored Sunday every fraternity house gave a. Associated Student Government same place In the various commented, "On behalf of the ■ lie organization membership by a formal tea, sponsored by tea for its residence counselor. sciences necessary for space lrom a small number of people the Inter-fraternity Council. The This practice was, according to Uconn Hockey Team Associated Student Government I ravel. Students interested in form- We certainly appreciate the lo an aggregate of more than tea will last from 4 to 6 in the William Katz, Chairman of the "AS FAK AS space medicine 1,0011 individuals, operating a afternoon, and will be held in IFC resident counselor tea com- ing a Uconn hockey team have chance to meet with the Presi- been asked to contact Greg Baz dent and the administration of- is concerned we're ready to proving field on the outskirts HUB L'OS. mittee, becoming an imposition send a man up into orbit now. of Benin and employing a full- Each resident counselor is to on tile house mothers. Katz amazian at extension 332 be- ficials, to discuss student prob- fore leaving lor the Christmas lems. Through these discus- In fact space medicine is now time staff ot engineers and. be escorted by two fraternity further commented. This is the further advanced than engineer- mechanics, Able to ■peak and men, and will receive a corsage first time that resident counsel- vacation. sions, possibly a lot of miscon- If enough students show in- ceptions between students and ing, in tins regard, ii is my write English, French, Latin. when she arrives at the tea. ors have been jointly honored own opinion that the very near Dutch, Russian and Italian ai Members of Administration, by the IFC. I think that this terest in such a team, games administration officials may be will be scheduled with informal ironed out and thereby create future will bring a lot of ex- well as German, Ley, maintain- Deans of Colleges and senior tea is a fine Idea and hope that ploration by satellites." ed a correspondence wilh rock- members of the Panhellenle it will continue in future years student hockey teams from oth- an air of mutual understanding er universities. between the two groups." On the question of .Soviet vs. et pioneers throughout Europe Council, have also been invited as a IFC tradition. American pi ogress in the satel- and America so thai the Ger- to this event. lite field. Mr. Ley pointed out man society served as 111 - - THIS IS THE first IFC spon- lhat it is quite possible that 10 world center for news and in- sored tea. The reason for its Willy Ley. world's ranking rocket historian, took a look formation on rockets. JOO-lb satellites are more valu- into the luture Wednesday night and forcasted man's first WSGC Decides To Shelve able than one 1,0001b Sputnik. manned space flight, in Z or J years. Mr. Ley spoke before a in 1935, Ley came to the Only One Paper He explained this by saying gathering of about 200 in the HUB. (Campus Photo Copy) United States and became an New fork City, Dec. 11 — the ability of a satellite to American citizen in 1944. In (UPI) — Only one major news- carry 1,000 pounds of scientific well as the atmosphere," he aie hised on a background of America, Ley wrote articles in paper was published today in Motion Concerning Bylaws equipment doesn't necessarily explained. scientific research of over more Hie field of Zoology and Other the world's largest city. The mean all the apparatus can be If Midi a motor is developed. than 30 years. He studied al branches of science for such New York Daily Mirror was By MERRI PRESSEY may be taken Sunday through closest to the situation and used effectively. he predicted that it would prob- tlie Universities of Berlin and magazines as Coronet, Esquire, the only newspaper available to Thursday nights. This motion could anticipate reactions to any DIFFERENT TYPES of data ably have to be lifted 10 miles Konigsberg in East Prussia, Fauna and Natural History. news-starved New Yorkers and Staft Writer At Wednesdays WSGC meet- will be voted on and implement- rulings drawn up. are usually available in differ- in the air by conventional rock- concentrating on palentology, During World War II the even It was limited by only ations of the system will be The procedure for electing a ent orbits, he said. Thus several et or liquid fuels before being astronomy and physics. He was, U. S. Government called on over-the-counter sales. Eight ing a metion was made and Junior Social Chairman was tabled to revise Section II.. Ar- discussed after Christmas vaca- smaller satellites will obtain in- launched. from his early high school days Willy Ley for consultation, par- other newspapers suspended tion. Before any action is taken discussed and it was decided to formation while traveling in "IT WILL AUGMENT but fascinated both by all aspects ticularly after the first V-2 publication when rank and file ticle A.
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