Vol. XXIII, No. 7 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] November 11, 1920 New York Endowment Activity Starts Other Districts Dartmouth Administers First Football Defeat of Season Eighteen Alumni Elected in New York State Women's Housing Facilities En- larged This Year ^Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 East State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at ITHACA, NEW YORK. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Webb, Marlow & Vought Executor Trustee INCORPORATED. HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. 37 West 46th St., New York City Investment Securities 37 Wall Street, New York Chartered 1822 ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS Boston Philadelphia Buffalo BUILDERS CONSULTANTS Scranton Albany Syracuse Baltimore Country Estates, Farms and Commer- Jansen Noyes ΊO cial Plants Charles E. Gardner THE FARMERS* LOAN Country Homes Drainage Stanton Grims '10 Farm Buildings Roads Harold C. Strong AND TRUST COMPANY Dairies ΛVater Supplies Country Clubs Operation Clifford Hemphill Golf Courses ManManagemena t Member New York Stock Exchange Tennis Courts Equipment Sewerage Systems Live Stock Nos. 16-22 William Street Buying and Selling Branch: 475'Fifth Ave. Cascadilla School at 41st Street ITHACA GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL New York College Preparatory School TRUST COMPANY A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys Summer School LONDON PARIS July to September, especially for Col- lege and University Entrance Assets Over Examinations Letters of Credit Special Tutoring School Three Million Dollars Private Instruction in Any Subject Foreign Exchange Throughout the Year Cable Transfers Trustees F.C.Cornell Ernest Blaker C.D.Bostwick President Charles E. Treman Admiiiistrat or Guardian Vice-Pres.~Emmons L. Williams Our 1919-20 Catalog will appeal to that Vice-Pres Franklin. C. Cornell schoolboy you are trying to interest in Cornell Member Federal Reserve Bank and New Viee-Pres. and See., W. H. Storms A postal will bring it. York Clearing House Treasurer Sherman Peer The Cascadilla Schools Ithaca, N. Y. ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Drawing Inks WASHINGTON, D. C. ROMEIKE Eternal Writing Ink THEODORE K. BRYANT '97,''98 PRESS CLIPPING Engrossing Ink Master Patent Law '08 > Taurine Mucilage Patents and Trade Marks exclusively SERVICE 310-313 Victor Building Drawing Board Paste is prepared to supply you with Liquid Paste ITHACA, N. Y. current information from the Office Paste GEORGE S. TARBELL newspapers and magazines on Vegetable Glue, Etc. Ithaca Trust Building whatever subject may interest Attorney and Notary Public you. Be it politics, be it busi- Real Estate ARE THE FINEST AND BEST Sold, Rented, and Managed ness, be it science, there is mailed to you daily just what you w.ant INKS AND ADHESIVES NEW YORK CITY to read from HERMAN J. WΈSTWOOD '97 Attorney at Law 3000 newspapers Emancipate yourself 111 Broadway from the use of cor- 1000 magazines rosive and ill-smelling CHARLES A. TAUSSIG inks and adhesives A. B. '02, LL. B., Harvard ;05 PRESS CLIPPINGS are becom- and adopt the Higgins 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Gortland ing more and more a necessary inks and adhesives. General Practice adjunct to progressive business. They will be a revela- tion to you, they are ; MARTIN H. OFFINGER EE. 99 "If it's in the papers so sweet, clean, and VAN WAGONER-LINN CONSTRUCTION CO. well put up and withal Electrical Contractors we get it out" so efficient. Buildings Wired Anything Electrical Anywhere ROMEIKE General Electric Mazda Lamps At Dealers Generally 143 E. 27th Street is synonymous with press clipping FORT WORTH, TEXAS service. Charles M. Higgins & Co., LEE, LOMAX, WREN & SMITH Lawyers General Practice Henry Romeike, Inc. Manufacturers. 506-9 Wheat Building Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Empire Gas & Fuel Co. 271 NINTH ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. C. K. Lee, Cornell 1889-90; P. T. Lomax, New York Branches: CHICAGO, LONDON Texas 1899; F. J. Wren, Texas 1913-14; M. A. Smith, George Wash- ington 1916 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXIII, No. 7 Ithaca, N. Y., November 11, 1920 Price 12 Cents CTING- President Smith, intro nounced orally by Professor Durham. In tations to return to Ithaca to spend troduced as "the ideal Cornell- the intervals there was music by a stu- Saturday, November 13, at the Univer- Aian," was the guest of the Ithaca dent orchestra, singing, playing on the sity, 'to live again for a day7 in the duct of the students on Hallowe'en. In- organ by Professor Quarles, and ath- intimate spirit of Cornell on the cam- stead of a threatened clash in tfce city letic pictures, including several taken at pus. The College of Agriculture wishes streets, such as had disgraced the pre- Antwerp. Throughout the afternoon the to reinforce this invitation to its own ceding Saturday evening, the under cheer leaders had a chance to learn former students, whom it hopes to greet classes met down town, marched to more of their art and the throng got in large numbers on that day. We in- Schoellkopf Field, effervesced (in the late practice in yelling. The townspeople in vite your return not alone for the formal President Adams's phrase) over a game attendance were especially numerous. events announced in the program, the of pushball by floodlight, and had a MRS. WILLIAM BROWN MALONEY, edi- great reception, the luncheon, the Cor- bonfire on Kite Hill. Uncle Pete had tor of The Delineator, visited the De- nell-Columbia game, but quite as much promised the city authorities to do what partment of Home Economics last Fri- for the more personal renewal of friend- he could to prevent an unseemly con- day. She addressed the seniors on the ships and the opportunity to share with flict down town. He appealed to the possibilities of editorial work as a means you our progress since your student days.'; students' loyalty and they responded to superior to both the class and the ex- the appeal. Disclaiming credit for him- tension lecture in reaching large audi- A MEETING of the Board of Trustees, self, he declared that "those who were ences. has been called for .Saturday, November instrumental in the matter were the 13, in Morrill Hall. It will be preceded Student Council and the upperclassmen THE CAMPUS CLUB is planning a gen- eral reception for the entire staff of by a meeting of the Committee on Gen- behind them. The praise belongs _ to eral Administration. Besides transact- them. I should like to congratulate the administration and instruction in the ing routine business the Trustees at this University and the city on having a University. This club is organized "to promote the social interests of women time Λvill receive the reports of admin- bunch of boys like that here—boys who istrative officers for the year 1919-20.. are showing the finest type of man- and of the University in general, to ex- tend a welcome to newcomers, and to hood." THE DEBATE with Dartmouth, at the promote more general acquaintance anl request of the Dartmouth team, has. Two VISITORS of note were guests at friendship." In furtherance of these been postponed until Friday, November Barnes Hall last week. On Thursday aims the club will entertain all officials 19. Cornell will be represented by B. Mr. H. L. Kingman, secretary of Stu- and their families at the Old Armory on H. Smith '21 of Pittsburgh, Pa., and dent Volunteers, was entertained at November 19, beginning at 5.30 o'clock, V. O. "Wehle >23 of Jamaica, N. Y. The dinner by the C. IT. C. A. and invited a kind of gathering successfully held in question is, ''Besolved, that the Sher- athletes. Notable in athletics at Pomona, one or two colleges but not hitherto man Anti-Trust Law should be re- College, California, and later a player attempted for the University as a whole. pealed." The subject for debate with with the New York Americans, Mr. Children are not excluded; for them Amherst on December 9 will have to- Kingman has lately been serving as a there will be supervised play in the do with present industrial relations but volunteer in China, whither, after con- men's Gymnasium, the youngest being Avill not be precisely framed until two ferences with volunteers at several cared for in a temporary nursery. hours before the contest. Both of these American colleges, he will return in a Transportation will be provided for debates will be held in Ithaca. few months. On - Saturday Dr. Philip mothers with babies. The plans include THIS WEEK'S lecture in the course in K. Hitti, of the American College at dinner and music. The committee of the history of civilization is on "Autoc- Beirut, Syria, was the guest of students arrangements is made up of Mrs. Charles racy in Egypt" by Professor Nathaniel from "Western Asia. On Sunday he H. Blood, Mrs. Franklin C. Cornell, Schmidt. On Sunday evening, Novem- spoke at the C. U. C. A. forum on "In- Mrs. David C. Gillespie, Mrs. H. D. ; ber 14, Mr. Jacob Billikopf, head of the ternational Relations in the Near East. ' Hess, Mrs. Albert C. Phelps, Mrs. Al- Philadelphia Jewish Federation and di- THE DEPARTMENT of Music reports bert W. Smith, Mrs. Frank Thilly, and rector of American Jewish War Belief,, that all the seats for the entire series Mrs. Andrew D. White. The Campus who lias lately returned from Eastern of University concerts have been sold Club this year for the first time wel- Europe, will give a public address on. to those who ordered by mail. There comes the men of the University staff "The European Student To-day." will accordingly be no general sale either to its informal meetings held from time for the series or for single concerts.
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