SHOW TIME RadioClassics (Ch. 148 on SiriusXM) radioclassics.com July 12th - 18th, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid Stan Freberg Show Columbia Workshop Lux Radio Theatre Gunsmoke Father Knows Best 1/17/52 Screen Director's Playhouse Suspense 9pm 12mid Prev Premier Broadcast 7/14/57 Alice and The Echo 12/14/46 Stage Door 2/20/39 Smoking Out The Beedles 11/6/54 Burns & Allen Show 9/14/43 Thelma Jordan 3/15/51 Cat and Mouse 3/30/44 Prev Night Night Second Show 7/21/57 Brucie & Willie 10/12/46 Suspense 1/11/51 Potato Road 5/7/55 Escape 9/6/53 Suspense 10/19/50 Death Flies Blind 5/14/43 Number 3 7/28/57 Slim 3/2/46 Johnny Dollar Fibber McGee & Molly 4/29/47 Dangerous Assignment 4/29/53 Charlie McCarthy Show Duffy's Tavern 2/2/45 Number 4 8/4/57 The Unexpected 5/9/48 Carson Arson Matter 5/4/58 A & C 12/30/48 Assignment In The Islands Guest: Barbara Stanwyck 5/2/43 The Third Man 11pm 2am Damon Runyon Theatre Our Miss Brooks CBS Radio Workshop Sherlock Holmes 1/25/48 Johnny Dollar Gangbusters This Is Your FBI 11pm 2am Prev Old Em's Kentucky Home 4/27/49 New Principal 7/19/48 Fire At Malibu 1/20/57 Michael Shayne 8/27/49 The McCormick Matter 10/3/55 Cincinnati Narcotics Ring 1/1/40 Old Hat 2/15/52 Prev Night Night A Light In France 6/19/51 Crystal Lake Vacation 9/4/55 Cavalcade Of America 4/29/52 Dragnet Mutual Radio Theatre Case of Dwight Beard 11/1/40 Unwelcome Fugitive 2/22/52 Broadway Is My Beat 5/16/53 Gunsmoke 12/15/57 Escape 2/20/49 Big Press 2/8/53 Turnabout 5/9/80 Nickel & Dime Bandits 3/28/41 Draft Dodger 5/25/45 The Lineup 7/22/52 Have Gun, Have Travel 7/10/60 Green Hornet 8/8/44 Big Shot 9/21/52 Case of the Greedy Gunman 11/27/48 The Whistler 12/19/48 1am 4am Suspense Crime Classics 10/14/53 Sam Spade Red Skelton Show Casebook/Gregory Hood 10/14/46 Milton Berle Show Lux Radio Theatre 1am 4am Love's Lovely Counterfeit 1/17/48 Have Gun, Will Travel 4/12/59 Hot Hundred Grand Caper 9/19/48 Taxi Cabs 3/14/44 Frank Race 12/25/49 Salute To Finance 1/20/48 Stage Door 2/20/39 Screen Guild Players Suspense 11/23/50 Dick Foley Caper 9/26/48 Hunting Trip 10/29/50 Rogue's Gallery 11/15/45 Salute To Motoring 4/6/48 Suspense 1/11/51 Johnny Come Lately 2/9/48 Ozzie & Harriet Hail & Farewell Caper 4/27/51 Jack Benny Program 1/22/50 Let George Do It Duffy's Tavern 1/4/43 Johnny Dollar Red Skelton Show 1/15/46 Curiosity 11/21/48 X Minus One 7/25/57 Suspense 11/3/49 Motif Is Murder 3/14/49 A Date With Judy 78/47 Carson Arson Matter 5/4/58 3am 6am Suspense Lux Radio Theatre Father Knows Best 1/17/52 Lux Radio Theatre The Six Shooter 12/27/53 Stan Freberg Show Crime Classics 10/14/53 3am 6am Cat and Mouse 3/30/44 For Whom The Bell Tolls 2/12/45 Burns & Allen Show 9/14/43 Angels With Dirty Faces 5/22/39 Gunsmoke 11/14/53 Premier Broadcast 7/14/57 Have Gun, Will Travel 4/12/59 Death Flies Blind 5/14/43 Jack Benny Program 3/8/53 Escape 9/6/53 Suspense Richard Diamond 3/30/51 Second Show 7/21/57 Suspense 11/23/50 Duffy's Tavern 2/2/45 Duffy's Tavern Dangerous Assignment 4/29/53 No Escape 12/16/48 Broadway Is My Beat Number 3 7/28/57 Ozzie & Harriet The Third Man Guest: Carole Landis 4/11/44 Assignment In The Islands X Minus One 3/13/57 Jane Darnell 8/11/49 Number 4 8/4/57 Curiosity 11/21/48 5am 8am Gangbusters Gunsmoke Family Theatre 6/10/48 Suspense This Is Your FBI WHEN RADIO WAS Sherlock Holmes 1/25/48 5am 8am Cincinnati Narcotics Ring 1/1/40 Smoking Out The Beedles 11/6/54 Family Theatre 1/21/53 Love's Lovely Counterfeit 1/17/48 Old Hat 2/15/52 Archie Andrews 11/27/48 Michael Shayne 8/27/49 Case of Dwight Beard 11/1/40 Potato Road 5/7/55 Alan Young Show 12/13/46 Screen Guild Players Unwelcome Fugitive 2/22/52 Baby Snooks Show 4/16/42 Dragnet Nickel & Dime Bandits 3/28/41 Fibber McGee & Molly 4/29/47 Lum & Abner 5/4/43 Johnny Come Lately 2/9/48 Draft Dodger 5/25/45 CBS Radio Workshop 3/9/56 Big Press 2/8/53 Case of the Greedy Gunman 11/27/48 A & C 12/30/48 Lum & Abner 5/5/43 Red Skelton Show 1/15/46 The Whistler 12/19/48 Richard Diamond 4/26/50 Big Shot 9/21/52 7am 10am Screen Director's Playhouse Dimension X 6/24/50 Milton Berle Show Columbia Workshop CBS Radio Workshop Our Miss Brooks Father Knows Best 1/17/52 7am 10am Thelma Jordan 3/15/51 X-Minus One Salute To Finance 1/20/48 Alice and The Echo 12/14/46 Fire At Malibu 1/20/57 New Principal 7/19/48 Burns & Allen Show 9/14/43 Suspense 10/19/50 Man In The Moon 5/29/55 Salute To Motoring 4/6/48 Brucie & Willie 10/12/46 Cavalcade Of America 4/29/52 Crystal Lake Vacation 9/4/55 Escape 9/6/53 Charlie McCarthy Show Reluctant Heroes 12/19/56 Duffy's Tavern 1/4/43 Slim 3/2/46 Escape 2/20/49 Gunsmoke 12/15/57 Dangerous Assignment 4/29/53 Guest: Barbara Stanwyck 5/2/43 Early Model 7/11/57 A Date With Judy 78/47 The Unexpected 5/9/48 Green Hornet 8/8/44 Have Gun, Have Travel 7/10/60 Assignment In The Islands 9am 12 WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS Gangbusters Damon Runyon Theatre 9am 12 Noon Aldrich Family 4/26/53 Phil Harris & Alice Faye Pt 2 10/16/49 Sherlock Holmes 4/9/45 Fort Laramie 3/25/56 The Falcon 5/27/51 Bugs Moran 10/11/47 Old Em's Kentucky Home 4/27/49 Noon Phil Harris & Alice Faye Pt 1 10/16/49 The Green Hornet 7/18/44 Superman 3/8/48 Lum and Abner 1/21/43 Johnny Dollar 12/7/55 Chicago Tunnel Gang 10/2/48 A Light In France 6/19/51 Let George Do It 1/10/49 Mysterious Traveler 3/16/48 CBS Radio Workshop 3/9/56 Let George Do It 1/10/49 Mysterious Traveler 3/16/48 This Is Your FBI 10/12/51 Broadway Is My Beat 5/16/53 The Chase 3/1/53 Rocky Jordan 3/27/49 Richard Diamond 4/26/50 The Chase 3/1/53 Rocky Jordan 3/27/49 Tales Of Texas Rangers 8/17/52 The Lineup 7/22/52 11am 2pm Red Skelton Show Sherlock Holmes 1/25/48 Johnny Dollar Gangbusters Lux Radio Theatre Lux Radio Theatre Dimension X 6/24/50 11am 2pm Taxi Cabs 3/14/44 Michael Shayne 8/27/49 The McCormick Matter 10/3/55 Bugs Moran 10/11/47 Stage Door 2/20/39 For Whom The Bell Tolls 2/12/45 X-Minus One Hunting Trip 10/29/50 Dragnet Mutual Radio Theatre Chicago Tunnel Gang 10/2/48 Suspense 1/11/51 Jack Benny Program 3/8/53 Man In The Moon 5/29/55 Jack Benny Program 1/22/50 Big Press 2/8/53 Turnabout 5/9/80 This Is Your FBI 10/12/51 Johnny Dollar Duffy's Tavern Reluctant Heroes 12/19/56 Suspense 11/3/49 Big Shot 9/21/52 Tales Of Texas Rangers 8/17/52 Carson Arson Matter 5/4/58 Guest: Carole Landis 4/11/44 Early Model 7/11/57 1pm 4pm Family Theatre 6/10/48 The Six Shooter 12/27/53 This Is Your FBI Damon Runyon Theatre Sam Spade Suspense Columbia Workshop 1pm 4pm Family Theatre 1/21/53 Gunsmoke 11/14/53 Old Hat 2/15/52 Old Em's Kentucky Home 4/27/49 Hot Hundred Grand Caper 9/19/48 Love's Lovely Counterfeit 1/17/48 Alice and The Echo 12/14/46 Alan Young Show 12/13/46 Richard Diamond 3/30/51 Unwelcome Fugitive 2/22/52 A Light In France 6/19/51 Dick Foley Caper 9/26/48 Screen Guild Players Brucie & Willie 10/12/46 Lum & Abner 5/4/43 Broadway Is My Beat Draft Dodger 5/25/45 Broadway Is My Beat 5/16/53 Hail & Farewell Caper 4/27/51 Johnny Come Lately 2/9/48 Slim 3/2/46 Lum & Abner 5/5/43 Jane Darnell 8/11/49 The Whistler 12/19/48 The Lineup 7/22/52 X Minus One 7/25/57 Red Skelton Show 1/15/46 The Unexpected 5/9/48 3pm 6pm Lux Radio Theatre Casebook/Gregory Hood 10/14/46 Screen Director's Playhouse Crime Classics 10/14/53 Inner Sanctum Mysteries Gunsmoke WHEN RADIO WAS 3pm 6pm Angels With Dirty Faces 5/22/39 Frank Race 12/25/49 Thelma Jordan 3/15/51 Have Gun, Will Travel 4/12/59 Creeping Wall 1/8/46 Smoking Out The Beedles 11/6/54 Mercury Summer Theatre 6/1/46 Suspense Rogue's Gallery 11/15/45 Suspense 10/19/50 Suspense 11/23/50 Murder Off The Record 8/3/52 Potato Road 5/7/55 Calling All Detectives 12/30/48 No Escape 12/16/48 Let George Do It Charlie McCarthy Show Ozzie & Harriet Bulldog Drummond 3/2/48 Fibber McGee & Molly 4/29/47 Let George Do It 1/10/49 X Minus One 3/13/57 Motif Is Murder 3/14/49 Guest: Barbara Stanwyck 5/2/43 Curiosity 11/21/48 Suspense 10/26/58 A & C 12/30/48 The Chase 3/1/53 5pm 8pm Milton Berle Show Gangbusters Stan Freberg Show Our Miss Brooks Suspense Family Theatre 6/10/48 Red Skelton Show 5pm 8pm Salute To Finance 1/20/48 Bugs Moran 10/11/47 Premier Broadcast 7/14/57 New Principal 7/19/48 Cat and Mouse 3/30/44 Family Theatre 1/21/53 Taxi Cabs 3/14/44 Salute To Motoring 4/6/48 Chicago Tunnel Gang 10/2/48 Second Show 7/21/57 Crystal Lake Vacation 9/4/55 Death Flies Blind 5/14/43 Alan Young Show 12/13/46 Hunting Trip 10/29/50 Duffy's Tavern 1/4/43 This Is Your FBI 10/12/51 Number 3 7/28/57 Gunsmoke 12/15/57 Duffy's Tavern 2/2/45 Lum & Abner 5/4/43 Jack Benny Program 1/22/50 A Date With Judy 78/47 Tales Of Texas Rangers 8/17/52 Number 4 8/4/57 Have Gun, Have Travel 7/10/60 The Third Man Lum & Abner 5/5/43 Suspense 11/3/49 7pm 10pm Sam Spade Inner Sanctum Mysteries Gangbusters Lux Radio Theatre Dimension X 6/24/50 Lux Radio Theatre Johnny Dollar 7pm 10pm Hot Hundred Grand Caper 9/19/48 Creeping Wall 1/8/46 Cincinnati Narcotics Ring 1/1/40 For Whom The Bell Tolls 2/12/45 X-Minus One Angels With Dirty Faces 5/22/39 The McCormick Matter 10/3/55 Dick Foley Caper 9/26/48 Murder Off The Record 8/3/52 Case of Dwight Beard 11/1/40 Jack Benny Program 3/8/53 Man In The Moon 5/29/55 Suspense Mutual Radio Theatre Hail & Farewell Caper 4/27/51 Bulldog Drummond 3/2/48 Nickel & Dime Bandits 3/28/41 Duffy's Tavern Reluctant Heroes 12/19/56 No Escape 12/16/48 Turnabout 5/9/80 X Minus One 7/25/57 Suspense 10/26/58 Case of the Greedy Gunman 11/27/48 Guest: Carole Landis 4/11/44 Early Model 7/11/57 X Minus One 3/13/57 PST EST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PST EST.
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