This Weekend friday Welcome, luke Partly Cloudy 92/70 saTurday Partly Cloudy 92/72 sunday 20% Chance of Rain 90/70 See page 7 carrborocitizen.com june 10, 2010 u locally oWned and operaTed u Volume Iv no. Xiii free county adds $411k to carrboro murder case departments, nonprofits from ’84 solved, police say By susan dicKson $100 of valuation. By KirK ross working with the Carrboro Police De- Staff Writer County Manager Frank Clifton Staff Writer partment. At the Hillsborough hearing presented a budget to the board in on Monday, Fisher, who is serving his The Orange County Board of May that included across-the-board The wait to see justice done in the sentence at Maury Correctional Insti- Commissioners voted unanimously cuts to allocations to county depart- 1984 murder of 7-year old Carrie Ann tute in Green County, was charged with on Tuesday to approve a resolution ments and services, nonprofit agen- Wilkerson may be over. first-degree murder, first-degree kidnap- of intent to adopt a $175.3 million cies and both school districts. Com- For the victim’s family and members ping, first-degree rape and first-degree 2010-11 budget, including changes missioners added about $411,000 of the Carrboro Police Department, the arson. Orange County District Attorney to the proposed budget that would in funding to county departments possibility for closure came Monday, Jim Woodall has not said whether he restore funding to several county and nonprofit agencies to Clifton’s when George Richard Fisher appeared will seek the death penalty in the case. departments and nonprofit agencies. budget. at the Orange County Courthouse and For Jack Shivers, whose wife, Nor- The board won’t officially ap- Board members said they wanted was accused of raping and killing the ma Shivers, was Wilkerson’s step- prove the budget until Tuesday, to add $38,000 in funding to the girl and then setting fire to her mobile mother, Monday’s events brought when commissioners could decide Economic Development Commis- home at Rocky Brook Mobile Home some resolution. to make last-minute changes. sion budget, citing the need to in- Park at the bottom of the hill off South “We’ve had 26 years to heal some- The budget maintains the current crease the county’s sales-tax base. Greensboro Street. what,” he said Wednesday, “but what ad valorem-tax rate of 85.8 cents per The addition would allow the de- Fisher is serving a life sentence we have been looking for was closure.” $100 of valuation and represents partment to continue its marketing plus 50 years for the 1985 murder, Learning that Fisher – a family ac- a $2.3 million decrease from the campaign to attract new businesses kidnapping and sexual assault of quaintance suspected of the crime ever Though not a pollinator, the iridescent dogbane $177.6 million 2009-10 budget and and to advertise the new value-add- 8-year-old Jean Fewel, whose body since he was implicated in the Fewel beetle depends on Indian hemp to survive. an $8.5 million decrease from the ed food processing center, which is was found hanging from a tree near murder – had been charged completed Photo by Ken Moore 2009-10 amended budget. The bud- scheduled to open in Hillsborough Finley Golf Course. the circle, he said. get would also maintain the Chapel in the fall. The charges in the 26-year-old Wilk- Hill-Carrboro City Schools special erson case are based on new DNA tests district-tax rate at 18.84 cents per SEE COUNTy PAGE 3 by the State Bureau of Investigation SEE MURDER CASE PAGE 3 Flora by Ken Moore A very When the White House calls council engaging plant passes budget, have a new favorite plant, Indian hemp, Apocynum can- approves nabinum, sometimes called dogbane because the milky library project sap is poisonous and is un- By KirK ross Isavory to dogs, who usually like Staff Writer chewing anything. I featured it in Flora back in CHAPEL HILL — The Chapel Hill Town June of 2008 after being stopped Council unanimously approved the town’s in my tracks by the beauty of annual budget Monday night then quickly raindrops balanced on the paired pivoted to take up funding for a proposed leaves attached to the red stems. library expansion, approving $20.41 mil- lion in bonds by a 7-2 vote. Indian hemp was of great utili- In its meeting at Town Hall, the tarian value to Native Americans. council approved a bond package that No, they didn’t smoke it; they includes $14.26 million for the library had better sense. They made use expansion, $2.45 million for sidewalks of the strong silky fibers of dried and other improvements and $3.75 mil- stems harvested in the fall to lion for parks and recreation projects. make cordage. Patiently weav- While the council was in general agreement with Town Manager Roger ing those silky threads by hand, Stancil’s $52.6 million budget for fiscal the cordage products ranged year 2010-11, council members Matt from fishing line to strong rope, Czajkowski and Laurin Easthom said garments and moccasins. The they were not willing to move ahead with Marty Rosenbluth in his Southern Coalition for Social Justice office. Photo by AlEx maness dried and powdered roots were financing the library expansion. Czajkowski said that while he was used for a number of medicinal By Taylor sisK the following Monday for a meeting said, “we went up there to say that not opposed to one day expanding the purposes. with White House staffers, repre- that ain’t so.” Staff Writer library, he was worried about adding to Next time you encounter the sentatives of Immigration and Cus- the town’s tax burden. The council, he When Marty Rosenbluth re- toms Enforcement (ICE) and other Word of mouth plant, or rather a stand of the said, is constantly hearing complaints ceived a call summoning him to the offices within the Department of In just a matter of months, Rosen- plant (because, being rhizoma- about taxes. White House, his first reaction was Homeland Security and staff from bluth’s work at the Southern Coali- tous, it makes great colonies), “There are storm clouds on the hori- that it was a friend goofing around. the Department of Justice. tion for Social Justice has gone from gently break off a leaf. you will zon,” he said. “I thought it was a gag,” Rosen- Rosenbluth had been invited along being about 99 percent advocacy and Easthom said she wanted more in- observe a milky-white droplet at bluth said, though he really should with members of other immigration 1 percent representation of clients in formation about the possible effect of the breaking point. be inquisitive have known better. As a staff attor- advocacy groups to talk about a report deportation proceedings to the in- charging non-town residents for using and let a bit of that sap stick to ney with the Durham-based non- released in March by the Government verse. Now 99 percent of his time is the library and said the project was fis- a fingertip; after a few seconds, profit Southern Coalition for Social Accounting Office that indicates that spent in such proceedings. cally irresponsible. She said she was con- Justice, Rosenbluth witnesses first- ICE’s programs to identify and deport “The reason for that is that once touch the fingertip with your cerned that once the library is expanded, hand, every day, the consequences criminal aliens are failing – that, in word got out that we were represent- thumb. Glue-like, it will tend to there won’t be funds to adequately staff of our nation’s immigration policy, fact, individuals picked up for minor ing clients in deportation proceedings hold them together. Make cer- the facility. specifically, the U.S. Immigration offenses are overwhelmingly those pro bono, people came,” Rosenbluth “What I fear we’re looking at is a situa- tain you wash that sticky sub- and Customs Enforcement’s 287(g) who are being sent away. ICE officials said. There are very few, if any, options tion where we’ll have a really, really nice li- stance off and don’t dare taste and Secure Communities programs. argue that the report is inaccurate, in North Carolina for pro bono repre- brary, but we’re not going to be able to have it! Definitely don’t encourage Rosenbluth defends clients in de- that with the implementation of a sentation for those facing deportation it open as much as we’d like to,” she said. children to play with it. portation proceedings. The White new memorandum of understanding under 287(g) or Secure Communi- That sticky, milky sap must hold House staff responsible for immigra- its programs are now operating much ties, he said. tion policy wanted to pick his brain. more effectively. the secret to the strength of those SEE COUNCIL PAGE 4 fine silky fibers that became so It was a Thursday when the call Rosenbluth disagrees. “To put it useful to early Americans. There is came in. He was wanted in D.C. in the most polite possible way,” he SEE ROSENBLUTH PAGE 7 great interest these days in recon- necting to the heritage of cordage; it has become a popular part of undocumented high school students face nature camps and outdoor envi- ronmental education programs. barriers upon graduation Even adults become passionate about it. By Charlie Tyson ment. Yet for many teens lacking a Staff Writer green card, high school graduation SEE FLORA PAGE 10 marks the end of their academic ca- “Call me Esperanza,” she said.
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