REGISTERED NO. D-(D) -73 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 35] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1981 (BHADRA 7, 1903) Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation [ PART I—SECTION 4 ] [Notifications regarding Appointments, Promotions, Leave etc. of Officers issued by the Ministry of Defence] (1153) 1—214GI/81 1154 1155 1156 115} U58 1159 1160 1161 2—2HGI/81 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 116 8 1169 1170 1171 1X72 1173 1174 PART I—SEC. 4] THE GAZETTE ,0F INDIA, AUGUST 29, 1981 (BHADRA 7, 1903) 1175 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Scientists 'C (SSO-I) in the same establishment wef 1st July, 1980 (F/N) :— New Delhi, the 29th August 1981 Shri V. K. VENDGOPAL No. 1752, dated ?9th July 1981.—The President is p!eased Shri M. B. AYYAVARI.U to make the following promotion :— Tne undermentioned Scientists 'B' (SSO-JJ), Defamce Metallurgical Research laboratory, Hyderabad, to be offg OFFICE OF THE CAO Scientists 'C' (SSO-I) in the same establishment wef ths dates shown against their names :— Shri S. S, L. Mathur, pint ACSO to be offg CSO on local basis from 22nd Jun 1981 to 19th Jul 1981 and in AFHQ Shri G. S, BHATTACHARJEE—wef 10th July 1980 Civil Service wef 20th Jul 1981 until further orders vice Shri (FN). W. N. Kapur, offg CSO proceeded on leave. Shri K. MALLIKHARJUNA RAO—wef 14th July 1980 (FN). DULI CHANDRA, ACAO. Shri B. V. RAO—wef 2nd July, 1980 (FN). The undermentioned Scientists 'B1 (SSO-II), Electronics & Kadar Development Establishment, Bangalore to be offg DEFENCE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Scientists 'C (SSO-I) in the same establishment wef the date ORGANISATION • hown against their names :—• - No. 1753. dnfd 22nd Juiv 1981.—The President is pleased Shri RAM NARAIN—14th July 1980 (FN). to mrvke the following promot:ons :— Shri M. C: KRISHNASWAMY— 3rd July 1980 (FN). Shri C. NARASIMHA REDDY—7th July 1980 (FN). DEFENCE PFS & DEV SERVICE No. 1754, dated 22nd July 1981.—Consequent on reversion f st,,j j> r- CVJY.V ABOT>T~V. SMen '<* 'TV CSSO-TT), T>fence fro^i Cnbinet Secrptnriat, Aviation Reseaxh Otitre. N-w t! Delhi Shri R. C. CHAKRABORTY. Scientist 'B' (SSO-H) Fi-ctr-.nWAn""''!< on'i T Mvvfitorv. D°Va D"n to h» nffg 1 (!/, .w '<-• CSSC-T) in ths same e-tabliffcmcnt v.-f 4th May, irnjuip- duties in Defpnce Fiectroh'cs Annlications Labora- n tory, Dehra Dun wef 4th May, 1981 (F/N). 1981 (F/N). No 1755. dated 22nd Ju'v 1981.—Cnrt^nvnt on attr-in'ng Th- vn^^monfon^ c^ti^ 'B' ^co^T^ D-*-nc« -Re- the age. of superannuation Shri K L WHORA, Administ'-ative search & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad to b> offg 1176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, AUCUST 29, 1981 (BHADRA *l, 1903) [PART I—SEC. 4 Officer, Terminal Ballistics Research Laboartory, CHANDI- .Shri U K JAIN, offg SSO II, Controllerate of Inspection GARH retired from service and transferred to pension esta- (Instruments) Dchra Dun to- be offg SSO I (on ad hos basis) blishment wef 31st Mar 1981 (AN). in the same establishment for a period of six uonths or till the post is filled on regular basis whichever if earlier, 24th No. 1756, dated 6th June 1981.—Consequent on dismissal Cct 1980 (FN). from Government* service Dr R C TYAGI, Scientist 'D\ IAT, PUNE is struck off strength from Defence Research & Shri M C TYAGI, ofis SCO II. Controllerate of Inspection Development Organisation wef 23rd May 1981. (Instruments) Dekra Dun to be o*Tg SSO I (on id hoc basis) in the same establishment for a period of six rionths or till CORRIGENDUM the post is filled on regular basis whichever i1 earlier, 01st No. 1757. dated 22nd July 1981—In Min of Def Gazette Dec 1980 (FN). Notn No. 259 dated 7th Feb 1981 published in Part I Sect-'on D. M. L. MALHOTRA, Under Secy. IV of G of I delete the name of Shri S P SETHI appearing at serial No. 3. T, P. SUNDARARAJAN, Under S:cy. NATIONAL CADET CORPS No. 1759. dated 29th July 1981.—The Presk' mt is pleased to make the following promotions :— Srn:nr Division (Army Wing) Capts to be Majors Defence Quality Assurance Service Bihar Shri P P NAGARKAR, tempy SSO G.ie T CPmi SSO Gde Devendra Misbra (NCC/3636), 1st Dec 197P. ' II) Controllerate* of Inspection (Ammunition} Kirkee to be offe PScO in the ^arne estnb'ishm~nt on probri for a raeriod. Haryana of two years, 17th Dec 1980 (FN). Na-ssh Chander (NCC/10554, 10th Jan 19!= 1. \ Shri M G TAMBOLI. temny. SSO Gde KPmt SSO II) Ctontroileratfi of Inaction (Ammunition) Kirke° to b" offg Karnataka PSsO ("on arl hoc basis) in the «am" f»»tablishment from 26th Sop 1980 (FN) to 28th Oct 1980 (AN). B S Akki (NCC/7259, 1st Sep 1980. V C Somasundram (NCC/7389), 3rd Sep 1530. Shri M G TAMBOLJ. off" P?oO (Ad boci (Pint SSO II) Pnn'i-o'lera<"e of Tnsr>ec*;on (Ammunition) Kirkee, to b<* offe D S Anand (NCC/7297), 13th May 1981. PScO in th" iarae estab'^hmfnt on probation for a period of two years, 29th Oct 1980 (FN). Shri G D PALKAR, tempy SSO I (Pmt SSO II), Inspec- R V Pillai (NCC/7912). 8th Mar 1981. torate of Military Explosive, Derm Road, to be offg PScO in T G Sebastian (NCC/7959), 30th Mar 1981. the same establishment, on probation for a period of two >e:in:, 5ia Nov 1980 (FN). Rajasthan . Shri T G BOBADE, tempy, PScO (Pmt SSO ^.-Inspecto- D D Kulhari (NCC/9376), 16th Jan 1981. rate of General Stores (West India) Bombay to be offg DCSO ,ad hoc) in the same establishment for a period of six Tamil Nadu months, or till the nost is filled on regular basis whichever is earlier, 24th July 1980 (FN). M Francis (NCC/1616), 30th Mar 1981. Shri R R RAO, QP SSO I, Controilerate of Inspection TSV) Ultar Pradesh Dehu Road to be offg PScO (on ad hoc basis), Confrollerate of Inspection (Special Vehicles) D»hu Road for the period R C Sharma (NCC/13705), 30th July 1980. from 20th May 1980 (FN) to 28th Oct 1980 (AN). G Singh (NCC/5200), 29th Jan 3981. Shri R P. RAO, off- PScO (Ad h<?tr Ba"is) (QP SSO I). A B S;nih (NCC/5193), 30th Mar 1981. Controllerate of Inspection (Special Vehicles) Dehu E.oad to be offg PScO in the samp estabH^hmeht on probn for a period IJeuts to be Capts of two years, 29th Oct 1980 (FN). Bihar Shri P S WATKER. tcmr>y SSO I (Pmt SSO II), Controlle- tate of Inspection (Electronics), Bangalore 'n be ort« PScO S ". C T.ivedi (NCC/3887), 8th Aug 1979. (on ad hoc basis) in the same establishment for a period of six months or till the post is filled on regular basis whichever Haryana h earlier, 24th Sep 1980 (FN). Dharamvir Singh (NCC/10586), 25th June K80. Shri N RAMACHANDRAN, tempy, SSO I (Pmt SSO II), Controllerate of Inspection (Electronics) Bangalore to be oflg K S Suhag (NCC/10603), 4th Sep 1980. PScO (on ad hoc basis) in the same establishment for a period of six months or till the post is filled on regular. bas;<; Karnataka whichever k earlier, 24th Sep 1980 (FNH. S Patil (NCC/7545), 5th Dec 1980. Shri D C VATS, tempy, SSO I (Pmt SSO IT), Con-rone- f K Alumkara (NCC/14506), 1st June 1981. rat? of Inspection (Elect"onics) Bnnralor» to bs off;; PScO1 (OP. nd hoc bads) in the same establishment for a period of Maharashtra six months or till the post i" fil1ed on regular basis whichever is earlier, 24th Scp 1980 (FN). S N Yaduwamhi (NCC/962), 7th Fcb 1981. Madhya Pradesh Shri L SUB*> AMANTAN. +.mw SSO T' (Pmt SSO II), Controllerate of Inspection (Wa-ct>iD Equipment) B~-noilore. DPS Yncfav (NCC/130S5), Wh Feb 1981 to bo offg PScO (on ad hoc basir) Controllerate of Inspec- tion (Electronics) Banea'ore for a period of six months or Tamil Nadu till the post is filled on regular basis whichever is earlier, 4th Qct 1980 (FN), M C Baip.subramanian (NCC/14142). 6th JEI 198t. - PART I—SEC. 4] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, AUGUST 29, 1981 (BHADRA 7, L903) 1177 Uttar Fradeih No. 1761. dated 7th August 1981.—The undermentioned is granted the hony rank of Col in the NCC and is appointed as S R Singh (NCC/5497), 16th Sep 1979. Honorary Colonel Commandant NCC in Kashmir University, N Singh (NCC/13613), 6th Feb 1980. Srinagar for the period of his appointment as Vicc-Chancel- lor : — R S Knshinwar (NCC/13681), S K Snxemi (NCC/13606J, U S Upndhya (NCC/13679) and A S Khan (NCC/13703), Prof WAH1D-UDD1N MALTK, Vice-Chancellor, Kashmir 4th Sep 1980. University, SRTNAGAR—06th Apr 1981. S D Painuli (NCC/13655), 5th Dec 1980. R. N. DF., Director (Tig & Cer) 2/Lieuts to be Lleuts Goa DEFENCE LANDS AND CANTONMENTS SERVICE T S Budkuley (NCC/1027), 1st Apr 1981. No, 1762, dated 6lh August 1981.—The President is pleased Gujarat to continue the nd-hoc promotion of Shri H Nagabhushnam from Senior scale of Group 'A' to the Junior Administrative R N Vyas fNCC/15536), 16th Oct 1980. Gdc of the Service for a further period of 6 months wef 3rd July, 1981 or till the post is filled on regular basis, which- Haryana ever is earlier.
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