1 11 1 m "V V-->5"*.J"^; • _ TT«"~* ":, "F •'T""""T * " " """ -Y—R~^*"*"** .niiiT- iiu.I—i I ^7*^- >*r>-rrtf-r-. f'/»v THE CATHOLIC BULLETIN, MARCH 20, 1915.1 to the Ursuline Academy to complete Sir David Beatty, of the home fleet, her studies and it was while there Vice Admiral Sackville Hamilton Gar­ OLDEST BANK IN MI IOTA 7c^ tcHk^ that she received the gift of faith. She den, who is in command of the Franco- was baptized Christmas day, 1878, British fleet operating against the Dar­ and three years later joined the Order. danelles, is an Irishman. He was THE FIRST NAT'L BANK OF ST. PAUL! For thirty-four years she was a mem­ born at Templemore, in the County CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $5,000,000 ber of the Ursuline Community in Tipperary, in 1857. ;< OFFICERS: *m£fi Cleveland. LOUIS W. HIM,. Chairman* EVERETT H BAILBY, President. OTTO M. NELSON, Vler-PrMllcat 5??!?. ?OTl',_Ai»l«t««t CubMb Rome's New Art Gallery.—The new CYRUS I*. BROWN, VictTPrPsldcllt. ' ^'TfARTjfi'Q W MlIf'KI 1<* V raHhl** HENRY B. HOUSE, Aut. Cull« Parochial School Penny Lunch.— Pinacothica Gallery in the Vatican, EDWARD O. lUCE, Vlee-Frexldent. CHARIiES H. MUCKLKV, Canbler CHARLES E. GALL, Aut CaakiWb schools which are supported entirely opened in 1909, and to which over 150 DIRECTORS! HEW WORLD ITEMS. St. Nicholas's parochial school, Pas­ JAMES J. HILL, Great Northern Railway Company. ALBERT N. ROSE, Jos. Ullman. by the Indians out of their tribal saic, N. J., has joined the penny lunch works of art were brought from the LOUIS W. HILL, President Great Northern Railway ALBERT L. ORDEAN, President First National Bank. funds. .•> movement and the children in need Lateran Picture Gallery, is' probably Company. Duluth, Minn. Seventy-five Years a Religious.— EDWARD N. SAUNDERS, JR., President Northwester* RICHARD A. JACKSON, Vice-President Qreat North­ are now receiving good, substantial in point of superiority, the finest in Fuel Company. ern Railway Company. Mother Gertrude of St. Joseph's Con­ Bishop Fallon Gives Retreat.— the world. CHAS. W. AMES, President "West Publishing Company. DAVID ,C. SHEPARD II, Finch, Van Slyck & McCon- vent of ^lt. Carmel in Dubuque, Iowa, food at the school each noon. * EVERETT H. KAILEY, 1'resiclent. \ ville. Right Reverend M. F. Fallon, Bishop CYRUS P. BROWN, Vice-President. JOHN J. TOOMET, Vice-President Northwestern Trust recently observed her seventy-fifth an­ of London, Ont., conducted a Lenten THEO. A. SCITULZE, President Foot, Schulze 4b Co. Company. niversary as a member of the order of Bequests for Religion.—For the pur­ Jesuit Assistants Re-appointed.—The CHAS. W. GORDON, President Gordon & Ferguson. GEORGE T. SLADE, Vice-President Northern Paciflo retreat for men in St. Francis de Sales pose of enlarging St. John's Collegiate present Assistants of the Society of WATSON P. DAVIDSON, Capitalist. Railway Co. the Sisters of Charity. WALTER BUTLER, Butler Brothers, Contractors. JAMES T. CLARK, Vice-President C., St. P., 11. Church, Toledo, Ohio, during the week Jesus in Great Britian, Italy, France Ry. Co. A O. * * Church, Omaha, $40,000 is left to WILLIAM B. DEAN, Nicola, Dean & Gregg. * • beginning March 7. under the auspices Creighton University by the will of and Spain are confirmed in their ap­ JULE M. HANNAFORD, President Northern Paciflo HALE 1IOLDEN, President Chicago, Burlington * < • First American Conference.—St. Railway Company. Quinry R. R. Co. ~ of the Knights of Columbus. the late Mrs. Margaret Cuming, who pointments. Father Oppenraij has Louis was the first city in the United PIERCE L. HOWE, President Imperial Elevator Com'* OTIS EVERETT, President Northwestern Trust C«L was the wife of Nebraska's second been selected as Assistant for Ger­ pany, Minneapolis. MARTIN R. BROWN, Great Northern Railway Co. States to establish an organization of Bishop's Residence Damaged.—The governor and at the time of her death many in succession to the new Gen­ SV£% INTEREST PAID ON TI5IK DEPOSITS the St. Vincent de Paul society, its home of Right Reverend Bishop Dowl- one of the state's wealthiest women. eral of the Society. conference being founded in 1845, just ing of Des Moines, Iowa, was partially Bequests of $2,500 each are made to twelve years later than the origin of servants, and a school teacher, he destroyed by fire two weeks ago. The St. James' Orphanage and to Bishop Prayerbook For German Prisoners. the St. Vincent de Paul Society in leaves his vestments, altar plate and fire was caused from a defective flue. Scannell toward the completion of St. The excellent German prayerbook 5% TRUST CERTIFICATES 5% FARM MORTGAGE BONDS Paris, I 1833. linen, books and $3,000 in cash to the In any Amount, $10 and over ^ $100, $500 and $1000 D Fortunately the fire was confined to Cecilia's Cathedral. = which, under the title "Fuhrer zum the rear of the house, no damage Archbishop of Liverpool. To the Heile," was prepared by the Rev. Dr. Bishop of Salford goes two-thirds of CHOICE FARM MORTGAGES AND Austro-Hungarian Colony.—A Cath­ being done to the front of the house Gift to Hospital—A generous lady Hohn, St. Bede's College, Manchester, MORTGAGES ON CITY PROPERTY olic colony of thirty Austro-Hungarian either by fire or water. The loss is the residue of the estate and the re­ whose name is withheld for the pres­ Eng., with the approbation of the version of a sum of $17,500 set aside families has been established near La about $1,500. ent, has given to St. Mary's Hospital, Bishop of Salford, for the use of Ger­ Junta, Colo., under the auspices of the for annuities. To the Bishop of Men- FARM MORTGAGE BOND COMPANY Orange, N. J., a sum sufficient to equip man prisoners, and which has been evia goes the reversion of a sum of Catholic Colonization Society: Fifteen K. of C. Retreat and Lecture.—The a much-needed maternity ward, along distributed free, has been so much ap­ 1002 New York Life Building, St. Paul, Minn. hundred acres have been taken over $12,500 to pay other annuities, while Knights of Columbus of Iowa City with a diet kitchen for the benefit of preciated that the author has just DIRECTORS by the society for this colony. the remaining third of the estate is hove secured Rev. J. F. Nugent, pastor the patients in that section. Sixty brought out a second edition. divided between the Catholic Benevo­ Otto Bremer W. S. McCordy Walter Butler of the Church of the Visitation of Des beds were installed recently. Six pri­ H. H. Bigelow Louis W. Hill Jesse A. Gregg lent Society of Liverpool and Father F. L. Lynch William Hutler Louis Betz Ursuline Sister Dead.—Mother M. Moines, to conduct a retreat for them, vate rooms and four semi-private Foreign Colleges in Rome.—In Rome Berry's Glomes, as they used to be E. S. Warner Wm. B. Joyce Pierce Butler Paul Nagle, for forty-one years a mem­ the 10th, 11th and 12th. The Knights rooms are included in the outfit. are the following foreign theological called. ber of the Ursuline community in have also secured Peter W. Collins, to colleges: The French, German, North Springfield, 111., and for the last three give a lecture in Iowa •City on March Catholic Appraiser Named.—John T. American, South American, Belgian, years superior, died recently at the 15. Ryan, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been Canadian, English, Scotch, Spanish, age of sixty-six years. named by President Wilson appraiser Greek, Polish, Maronite, Irish, Bohe­ A PLEASING PRODUCT FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE VACATION INSURANCE 8ixteen Nationalltiea—Where, ? out­ of that port. mian and Beda College. Anti-Catholic Editor Arrested.— side the Catholic Church, could one Every worker, whether teacher, mechanic, carpenter Noted Jesuit Dead,—By the death Scotch Bishop's Jubilee.—Bishop Robert J. lx>ng, editor and publisher find a charitable institution housing or clerk, can insure for himself a care-free vacation by of "The American Citizen,'' an anti- not more than 165 inmates, yet having of Father Michael Martin, S. J., on Smith, of Argyll and the Isles, Scot­ Catholic weekly, published in Roches­ in that small number representatives February 23, St. Louis University lost land, has just celebrated the fiftieth CRESCENT saving a part of his earnings, and depositing in a large ter, N. Y., was arrested the other day of sixteen different nationalities? one of its ablest theological professors, anniversary of his ordination to the strong savings bank. No matter whether the vacation on a charge of criminal libel &t the re­ Such is the distinction of St. Joseph's Father Martin's reputation as a priesthood. The occasion was marked • PASTEURIZED be voluntary or enforced, the frugal one can enjoy hia quest of the Boston police. Orphanage, Winnipeg, Manitoba, moralist was international. He was of by the presentation of a chalice and leisure—but the price is steady and persistent saving. where . there are boys of Belgian, assistance to Father Slater, S. J., in various articles of altar furniture. The Bishop was born in 1840, ordained Parish Woodyard.—In Providence, Italian, Austrian, Galician, French, compiling his "well-known work on A in 1864, and consecrated Bishop in THE STATE SAVINGS BANK R. I., the St. Vincent de Paul Society Polish, Bohemian, English, Breton, moral theology. In addition to this, he composed a work of his own on the 1893. ICE CREAM is operating a parish woodyard for the Irish. Scotch, German, half-breed, Ca­ 93 East Fourth Street poor. nadian, Negro and American parent­ same subject. Its publication however age.
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