Birmingham Six frame-up TH£ discredited Page 7 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 55/NO. 10 MARCH 15, 1991 $1.50 End the occupation of Iraq! Lift the criminal embargo! Washington using occupation, blockade, in drive to establish protectorate in Iraq BY GREG McCART AN ade, and bring as much political pressure to Washington has now entered the fifth stage bear as it can in order to set up a regime in of its war drive against the Iraqi people. The Baghdad that is as close to a protectorate as goal of U.S. imperialism remains what is has possible. been since early August: the establishment U.S. government demands include fulfill­ of a protectorate in Baghdad that can defend ment of United Nations Security Council imperialist interests in the region. resolutions establishing "peace and security The war drive is not over. It continues with in the region," and making Iraq pay enor­ bipartisan support in Washington. Despite mous - and as yet undetermined - war reparations. Bush announced these imperial rights and News Analysis demands following the slaughter of tens of thousands of Iraqi troops during the invasion. Rejecting Hussein's decision to withdraw his some tactical differences, senators and mem­ forces from Kuwait, the administration or­ bers of Congress in the Democratic and Re­ dered the bombing, rocketing, and shooting publican parties have accepted and promoted of the retreating troops. Unable to politically each step toward war since August. sustain such a one-sided bloodbath Bush The first stage of the war drive opened with the initial response by Washington to Continued on Page 8 Children in Baghdad collecting water at spot where their homes once stood intervene with troops in response to the Au­ gust 2 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. This was intertwined with the second stage - pub­ licly announced on November 8, two days Students organize March 16 events after elections for U.S. Congress- when Washington said it was doubling the number of forces sent to the region, including the heaviest armored divisions and substantially to oppose U.S ..war in the Mideast more war planes. Stage three of the war drive began January BY PETER THIERJUNG President George Bush declared a temporary ipant in the conference. Ruby represented the 16 with the day-and-night bombing of Iraqi A Chicago conference of some 500 high halt to the offensive. National Student and Youth Campaign for soldiers and cities. The fourth stage came six school and college students endorsed by ac­ "The discussions at the conference re­ Peace in the Middle East at the conference. weeks later, on February 23, when Washing­ clamation a call for March 16 nationally flected the desire of activists to continue the He is also a leader of the Young Socialist ton ordered the invasion of Iraq. coordinated activities to demand the with­ struggle against Washington's intervention in Alliance. The fifth stage began with the suspension drawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the the Middle East," said Aaron Ruby, a partie- Continued on Page 10 by Washington of the invasion-offensive be­ Middle East. fore it had achieved its goal of replacing the The date had been chosen by meetings of regime of President Saddam Hussein. With the National Campaign for Peace in the Mid­ each stage of the war drive- including Hus­ dle East and the National Student and Youth A BOOK FOR THE FACTS sein's August invasion of Kuwait- terrible Campaign for Peace in the Middle East at ON WASHINGTON'S MIDEAST WAR blows have been dealt to the oppressed and meetings February 23-24. exploited peoples of the region. The March 1-3 Chicago gathering was U.S. Hands Off the Mideast! Cuba Speaks Out at the United Nations, also For the U.S. rulers this final stage is the sponsored by the National Network of Cam­ available in Spanish, is now in its third printing. It is an irreplaceable tool in most difficult one in their seven-month as­ puses Against the War and involved many the fight against the U.S.-Ied war against Iraq. An introduction by Mary-Alice sault. Through it they seek to inflict greater student activists from colleges in the Mid­ Waters outlines the stakes for working people in the imperialist war. The book blows on the Iraqi people, the Palestinian west. Students from as far away as California, contains a useful chronology of the U.S.-Ied war preparations since early people, and other oppressed peoples in the New York, and North Dakota also attended. August and 10 UN resolutions adopted on the Gulf crisis. Mideast. But the imperialists will break their Students from more than a dozen high Featured in the book are statements by Cuban Amba!:\sador to the UN teeth in the attempt to achieve their goals. schools also participated. Ricardo Alarc6n and President Fidel Castro that rebut the pretexts and With full backing from London, Washing­ The meeting began some 48 hours after arguments used by Washington to justify its unilateral acts of aggression. ton has announced it will keep its occupation U.S.-led forces slaughtered retreating Iraqi Unionists, Gls, veterans, reservists, and other workers involved in struggles forces in southern Iraq, continue the block- forces, occupied the south of Iraq, and U.S. against the employers' offensive at home can use the facts and arguments it contains to arm themselves and help convince others to join in campaigning against the slaughter taking place by the same employers, through their U.S. forces control southern Iraq government, in the Mideast. Help distribute this book by getting extra copies to sell to coworkers and others. Use the special discounts for bulk orders. after slaughter of retreating troops $9.95 each. Bundles of 5 or more prepaid, 33% off ($6.50 each). Bundles of 10 or more prepaid, 50% off ($5 each). Shipping charges: $2 for 1-4 books; BY SETH GALINSKY have Saddam Hussein still there, the man that $3 for 5-9 books; $5 for 10 or more. U.S. and British military forces now oc­ wreaked havoc upon his neighbors." cupy a large swath of southern Iraq. A tem­ "I still have a little bit of an unfinished r------------------------------------------------------, porary halt to the invasion offensive opera­ agenda," Bush added. NAME __________________________________ tions was declared by U.S. President George Washington is demanding that the Iraqi Bush after ordering a brutal four-day slaugh­ government release all prisoners of war and ADDRESS _______________________________ ter of tens of thousands of retreating Iraqi Kuwaiti prisoners,·renounce the annexation soldiers. The imperialists are continuing their of Kuwait, and pay reparations to the Kuwaiti CITY ___________ STATE _____ ZIP _________ drive to set up a subservient regime in Bagh­ government. dad. In addition the U.S. president has threat­ Please send: copies of U.S. Hands Off Mter the defeat of Germany in World War ened to prosecute Iraqi President Saddam the Mideast! __ copies of iEE.UU. fuera del Hussein and Iraqi soldiers. "Nobody can be II, tfie United States and its allies imposed Oriente ·Medial Enclosed is $ for the occupation governments on the German peo­ absolved from the responsibilities under in­ ple. "There was a definitive end to that con­ ternational law on the war-crimes aspect," book(s) plus$ shipping, total$ ___. flict," Bush said in a March 1 press confer­ Bush stated. Mail to: Pathfinder, 410 West St., New Vorl<, N.Y. 10014. Ou1Side 1he United States contact Pathfinder bookstores listed on page 12. ence. British officials agree with the U.S. ap­ ____________ _________________________________________ _j But in the case of Iraq, he continued, "We Continued on Page 9 BY JOHN CHARBONNET ical center. Many speakers at the February Robinson Run Mine in Harrison County, January, the brigade was moved to Fort MORGANTOWN, West Virginia­ 21 antiwar protest demanded that money West Virgina, Fraenzl and McBride found Hood. The 256th brigade is one of three Clare Fraenzl and Dick McBride, Socialist spent on the war be used instead to maintain that a number of miners were interested in "round out" brigades that under Pentagon Workers Party candidates for Morgantowp funding for the medical center. discussing the war. plans would be deployed along with active City Council, have centered their campaign In a campaign statement passed out at the One miner, a Vietnam veteran, told Fraenzl army divisions in Saudi Arabia. on getting out the truth about Washington's protest, the socialist candidates explained he supported the war, but urged the socialists According to the February 7 Houston Post, war against Iraq and building opposition to that "along with the war, new attacks are to "keep fighting for what you believe in," the guardsmen complained they had been the U.S. aggression. being prepared on wages, working condi­ adding that "you people are right about most fqrced to undergo unreasonable training. In Clare Fraenzl is an underground coal tions, social services, health, and education," things." addition, the soldiers raised they were not miner and member of the United Mine Work­ as well as "increasing attacks on democratic getting enough food, pointed to inadequate ers of An'lC!rica Local 6159 in southwestern rights." BYJUDYSTRANAHAN medical care, and said they were not allowed Pennsylvania. Dick McBride is a member of Fraenzl and McBride's statement also enough time off for church services. Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers urged those present to help "put a voice of In a letter to the base commanding officer at Fort Hood, Texas, Mary Selvas, Socialist . Sgt. Victor Giglio explained that he was Union Local 347 at Morgan Shirt in Mor­ opposition to U.S.
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