PORTLAND, MAINE, .JULY 1914. I ENTRKKD AS flBCOXD THURSDAY, 9, \ CLASS MAIL MATTElt. at Fire at Peaks time because of his work with the Rebuilding Long Chebeague U. S. Lighthouse Department, is spending some time with Mrs. Ben- WORK OF RECONSTRUCTION PRO- SERIOUS nett and his Automatic CONFLAGRATION NAR- SUMMER SEASON IN FULL family at his home near Florence GRESSING RAPIDLY. ROWLY Central Oil Stoves AVERTED. Mr. SWING NOW. Landing. Bennett has been stationed at Southwest Harbor, New and Better Stores Are Now Firemen Do at Egg Rock Light and at Being Good Work In Preventing Many of Old Residents Saddle- Erected. Coming Back back Light. Spread. Again. The business section of The Sunday school which Long Island Fire which broke out on the after- Mr. and picnic, a is from its Mrs. James P. Boyden of was to have taken last For arising temporary setbaelv noon of the Fourth at place week, Forest City Brookline, who have was with amazing The tire was Mass., spent called off because of the bad rapidity. I-anding, Peaks Island, came near several seasons out when here, are now at weather, and has been scarcely plans for the re- a of the postponed un- "causing repetition Long Island tlveir pretty cottage in the Massachu- til construction of the burned stores were of September, as many of its mem- Cool eonllagration the week before. The setts for the remainder of under way. this time the colony the bers will be away from the island By ground flames broke out about -I o'clock in season. has been cleared until then. away, the founda- I. M. Leavitt's shooting gallery, which tions have been and the Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of New- Mr. laid, frame- was blazing fiercely in a few minutes. Eugene Johnson of this island works are ton, Mass., are Kitchen being erected in a sur- The lire spending the summer has gone to where he spread quickly in the little at a Winthrop, Me., prisingly short time. frame cottage in the Massachusetts will work as cook novelty shop close by and for a in a boarding Forgione and colony, where arrived the Romano, owners of the time it looked as if the big they first house. Mr. Johnson was so-called Ponce .Majestic part of last week. formerly ai property, are to build Skatine Rink and the old Sterling employed for several years in the Mrs. S. F. Webster anl the Misses kitchen at the Hill Crest and the Clare and Olive Webster of West auiiinm riouse. Newton, are at their Mass., cottage Mrs. Arthur Skillings of Freeport Home on the North Road for the summer, is visiting Mrs. B. J. Thompson at having arrived last week. her home here for some time. Mrs. Mr. Harris or Newell is expected to Skillings possesses a fine soprano arrive at the island this week to join voice and has been delighting the Mrs. Newell and the Misses Newell members of the church with her so- at their los at summer cottaee at the East the Sunday services. She re- the End. ceived her training at the Kents Hill The tripod at Stockman's Island, Conservatory. which was blown over last spring, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel of has Shawkey been rebuilt by the Government, Trenton, N. J., who have been the Cottage work having been finished during spending a week at the Bobbins cot- the past fortnight. The tripod, which tage on the North Road, left the is- was formerly of wood, was carried land last week and have gone back to Cut the Fuel Bills for the Summer. away by a violent squall in May, but Trenton. has now been rebuilt of steel and Mr. Solomon Bates of Portland This slove for hours on a cement, so as to withstand all as- bakes gallon of oil. spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. saults,of the weather in future. Antoine borticos, at her cottage here. Think it over. ilr. William F. who Bennett, has Mrs. Henry Howe Robbins o£ Ger- been away from the island for some- (Continued on Page 7.) •peaks Sslanb 1%ax\8t The R. S. Famous Thunder Hole at Bailey Island. &alplj t. Horn?, fRattagcr DAVIS GO. a substantial for three place stores, to house were doomed as COMPLETE be well. Prompt HOMEFURNISHERS ready July 15. What they will do action the (Casrn iflaute e by Peaks Island Fire De- Hay, with the hotel site is still in abeyance. partment, together with the aid of the Cor. and Federal Sis. Bickford's former place will be re- Exchange Portland, Maine ,\'nine Naval Militia and the crews of placed by a one-story structure, 30x40 tlie "Androscoggin" and "Woodbury," NOW ft., which will be used as an ice-cream OPEN F. E. .-iyed these last two and Haskell, President parlor. This is to be in buildings only tempo- ^.auagccl to keep the blaze confined to f.y, Cs.pt. Bl/ikfopd '»£?> "m»ycr ir.-«r> Famous for to it later ou. The tish market will I ye^rs ticipation of possible fires on the also be rebuilt. Clark and the I for ltS Griffin, Fourth, Chief Flaherty had sent down enterprising grocery firm, are extra tempo- pieces of apparatus, and his pre- rarily located in the Pavilion where caution agement, lo- proved to he wisely taken, as supurb they are to wants attending patrons' for considerable time it looked cation as best can tinder very and fine they tremendous much as if the whole row of difficulties. Work is stores, progressing rapid- amusement enterprises, and hotels shore dinners. Ev- ly on their new and will building, they around Forest would soon be City Landing fall better established than before. a to modern. prey the flames. The damage is erything The Casco Bay and lines Harpswell estimated at from $1 ">00 to $2000. is hard at work on the rebuilding of Special orchestra. the burned portion of their wharf, and Accommodates 500. OUTING TROUSERS a large crew of men is being employed in the work. The waiting room was Chebeague Wins First Rates, booklets and In partly burned, and a section of the soft, cool, summery piling and planking nearest the shore floor on DEFEATS PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. plans ap- was destroyed. IN LISTLESS GAME. materials. Fire is a strong remedy, but it seems plication. that in this case, as in many others, it Cooke Cleans Bases with has proved beneficial in the end. Long White and Gray Flannels T riple. In the opening game of the season Peaks Island House at the East End Grounds, Chebeague defeated the Portland Y. M. C. A. by the score of 10 to 5. The game was lssl~r" ASTOR CAPE "Sfr."- $ GUESTS ARRIVING — to DAILY a 1.98 $4.45 FOR slow one and at times rather list- MAINE'S FINEST AND MOST SANITARY SUMMER VACATIONS. RESTAURANT— less. Chebeague won the game in the third inning, when Cooke slashed Finest 25c Dinner Served in This City News of Arrivals and Many Other a long triple to deep center Held with Special White Happen ings. the bases filled and Simon followed Home Cooking, Home Made Pastry, Superba Coffee Serge with a home run drive to the Business is certainly rushing at this same Combination Meals every clay 2."»c. Turkey Dinner Sundnys r>Oc- Handy to all electrics. place after Hall had Beautiful Private Rooms popular house and the establishment gotten a life on Dinini? for Ladies and Gentlemen. Connellan's error. who was seems to be getting off to one of the Mooney, JOHN A. in the box for the home team, OLARITY, Proprietor best starts in its history. All who are pitch- ed good ball and was $3.98 with it will know what effective when acquainted men were on bases, while Munro was this means, and the prospects for one wild and was batted Cheb- of the successful years in its experi- freely. eague fielded and showed ence never were brighter. An unusu- poorly the need of practice ally large number of have very clearly on sev- bookings eral occasions: already come in and many arrivals, The score: both new and old, have put in their appearance. As in former years the CHEBEAGUE. hotel is very popular with organiza- tions who desire a good place to hold AB R H O A E meetings and banquets, and two such Howell, 3b, 4 0 1111 SUMMER VACATION have booked for Wednesday of this Sapiel, c f, 5 110 0 1 week. These are the Daughters of Holly, c 3 1 1 12 1 0 1K12, who will coiup down to the num- Eaton, ss, 3 3 110 2 26-28 Monument Portland If GOODS Sq. ber of twenty or twenty-flve strong, Cooke, 4 2 2 1 0 1 and the Demurrage Committee of the Lambert, rf •401100 New England Railroads, who will hold Hall, lb 4 1 0 8 0 0 You Will Find Our Store Full their annual meeting here at that time Simon, 2b 4 12 12 1 at which several matters of importance .Mooney, p 3 112 3 0 are to be brought up for settlement. of Attractive and Useful hast Friday night a most enjoyable Total, 35 10 10 27 7 6 dance was held in the ball room with Merchandise for Summer Y. .Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Reed acting as M. C. A. mistress of ceremonies. The Wright O Ditson Tennis and Golf Supplies, Souvenir Leather regular AB R H O A E and Goods at 75c and For Tuesday Friday dances which Adams, 3b, 5 50c, $1.00.
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