WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2014 NEWS // Freshmen class estimated A&E // Porch Profile writer reflects OPINIONS // No excuse to not be in- SPORTS // Linebacker unit poised to VOL. 62 NO. 1 biggest, most diverse, pg. 2. on the significance of porches, pg. 9. formed, pg. 10. make impact, pg.16. FLYER NEWS RISE 2015 Red Scare point system revoked canceled JIM VOGEL student purchases men’s basketball ing for them. Overwhelmingly, we incentive for spirit points,” Phil- ALISE JARMUSZ Staff Writer tickets, they will be granted a tick- heard that the spirit point system lips said. “Obviously there is some Asst. News Editor et to the student section. Students was cumbersome and that it pre- level of negative pushback with any will be able to stand in line before vented students from supporting major change but we are confident Red Scare is introducing major games and fill the student section the men’s basketball team because that this is the best way to enable RISE, the world’s largest student changes to student ticket distribu- on a first-come, first-serve basis,” they didn’t have time to attend fall students to support all of the UD investment conference, sponsored tion for men’s basketball games. Phillips said. sports season events,” Phillips said. athletic teams.” annually by the University of Ryan Phillips, Red Scare presi- The Red Scare executive board After spending the summer fi- Phillips stated that the new sys- Dayton and drawing the partici- dent and junior sports manage- and UD Athletics began evaluating nalizing the new mechanics behind tem of student ticket distribution pation of over 150 universities, ment major, said the old Red Scare the spirit point system for assign- Red Scare, each of the 20 members is consistent with other major uni- will not be held this year. student ID card swipe system that ing men’s basketball seats during of the executive board signed off on versities with comparable men’s Each year, the Redefining In- tracked attendance at UD home the last men’s basketball season. all the changes, Phillips said. basketball programs. vestment Strategy Education con- sporting events as a way to deter- The joint effort was an attempt to In response to concerns that Red According to Adrienne Ross ference brought world-renowned mine the quality of seats for men’s make the basketball games more Scare’s move away from the spirit Green, advisor of Red Scare, gen- professionals from corporate basketball games has been elimi- accessible to students, said Phillips point system will deter students eral admission tickets include sec- America, Wall Street, government nated completely. “The Red Scare executive board from attending other sporting tions 100 and 200. Once those are and financial media to the UD Under the new system, swipes turned over with its new members events, Phillips said he is confident filled with student fans, the remain- arena. will not be collected from students in March and we were immediately the momentum that Red Scare has ing students will be assigned to the RISE’14, last year’s conference, during the fall sports season. charged with talking to students built over the years for all of the UD 300 and 400 sections. had a speaker lineup that includ- “Student seating to men’s bas- across campus about Red Scare. sporting teams is strong and based “The sooner you get to the are- ed notable names such as Federal ketball games will be determined We talked to students of all grade on a lot more than spirit points. na, the closer you will be,” Phillips Reserve Bank President Sandra on a first-come, first serve basis. levels and of various levels of en- “We really think that students said. Pianalto, Olympic snowboarder Student tickets will no longer be gagement in Red Scare and asked will still come out to support their Louie Vito, and Jim Cramer, host numbered for specific seats. If a them how Red Scare was work- favorite sports teams without the of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” accord- ing to RISE’s website. Paul Bobrowski, Dean of the School of Business Administra- tion, said RISE will not be con- tinued this year in order to give faculty time to plan events for the future. “We are looking to enhance the value that goes to our students. We would like to have [RISE] be sus- tainable by having it be attached to the faculty…We want them to take ownership of what it is that we are going to go forward with,” said Bobrowski. Bobrowski would like the fac- ulty to “come up with alternative options”, which will include keep- ing parts of the current RISE in addition to making modifications. He said the main idea of this “pause” is to allow faculty to “have a conversation as well as bring about options and alternatives that we would like to pursue.” Bobrowski said he felt RISE was primarily focused on non-UD stu- dents. Current senior Pat Kaindl leads Red Scare March to Baujan Field Sept. 6, 2013. Chris Santucci/Photo Editor See RISE, pg. 4 FOLLOW @FLYERNEWS ON TWITTER FOR MORE UPDATES ON CAMPUS, LOCAL, NATIONAL AND WORLD NEWS 2 NEWS NEWS 3 Online at flyernews.com Wednesday, August 27, 2014 Wednesday, August 27, 2014 Online at flyernews.com CAMPUS Class of 2018 breaks records TIM’S STRUCK BY LIGHTNING UP THE ORGS ON FRIDAY out-of-state than in-state students tick in enrollment can be explained BYRON HOSKINSON Timothy’s Bar & Grill experienced a Up the Orgs, held annually to show- moved in over the weekend, con- by several factors, including ex- News Editor power outage over move-in weekend case the various organizations stu- tinuing a larger trend that shows panded recruitment efforts, a new when a power line behind the build- dents can participate in at UD, will be UD transitioning from a local to a tuition plan and the increased vis- ing was struck by lightning, caus- held Friday, Aug. 29, from 4-6 p.m. This year’s incoming class, regional to a national university. ibility that came from the men’s Develop skills, serve your com- ing a blackout. There was no last- graduating in 2018, will set uni- More than half of the incoming basketball team’s Elite 8 run. ing damage and the bar reopened versity records in terms of size, class - about 1,200 students - came The class of 2017 will be the for business the following day. STUDENTS ENJOY NEW diversity and standardized testing from out of state, with 200 travel- first to participate in the new tu- OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT scores. ing overseas to start their univer- ition plan, which guarantees that munity and build your resumé The class of 2,205 students was sity experience. The number of scholarships and grants will in- UD NAMES ALUMNI TO The construction of an outdoor bas- selected from among 16,918 appli- incoming African-American and crease proportionally in order BOARD OF TRUSTEES ketball court, completed over the cations, breaking records for both Hispanic students is also expected to offset tuition increases. The with Flyer News. UD named three prominent alumni summer, has drawn the attention number of applicants and number to be significantly higher than pre- university also offers incoming leaders to its board of trustees last of many newly arrived students. The of students who chose to attend. vious years. students $1,000 annually for text- week: Larry D. Harris, a construc- court is located by the Recplex and Last year the university had Sundar Kumarasamy, vice pres- books, a procedure that was first tion law attorney; Mary Jo Scalzo, Evanston Street. 15,797 applicants and 1,765 new ident of enrollment management implemented two years ago. an educational consultant; and Da- first-year students. This fresh- and marketing, said the new class Kumarasamy also said the uni- vid P. Yeager, CEO of HubGroup, Inc. man class is almost 25 percent demonstrates the appeal a UD ed- versity is guaranteeing the incom- Freshmen move into their new homes in Marycrest, all unpacking from the same mini-van. Chris Santucci/Photo Editor larger than last year’s, according ucation presents to students from ing class on-campus housing for to statistics published by the office all over the world, in a udayton. four years. of the registrar. edu May 2014 news release. “We want our students to gradu- NATION LOCAL Approximately 59 percent of “We are exceptionally pleased ate in four years, experience our applicants were accepted, mak- with the quality and the size of distinctive highly residential cam- QUAKE ROCKS CALIFORNIA GREAT WHITE SHARK SPOTTED MICHAEL BROWN’S FUNERAL BOEING TO INVEST IN DAYTON PLANET SMOOTHIE CLOSES ing this year’s class the third most the incoming class,” Kumarasa- pus and study abroad because all IN MASSACHUSETTS DRAWS THOUSANDS selective in UD history after the my said. He called the records graduates need to be exposed to A quake registering a 6.0 on the Richter Aviation giant Boeing Co. is in talks Planet Smoothie on Brown Street closed freshmen of 2013 and 2012, respec- in application and admission “a global issues and cultures,” Ku- Contact Editor-in-Chief CC scale hit several regions of California’s Swimmers fled from the water at a Crowds of people lined up in the summer with the Saudi Arabian government Aug. 15 because of “business reasons.” tively. resounding endorsement of the marasamy said. “It’s part of our Hutten at cc.hutten@gmail. wine country, causing over 100 injuries Massachusetts beach Monday after heat Monday morning to bid goodbye to for a $2 billion contract to upgrade Owner Rhonda Everritt told Dayton Daily The incoming class also boasts academic quality and value of a Catholic, Marianist mission to pre- com to get involved.
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