Style Definition: BodyText_RDP i Message The formulation of this DRR/CCA- Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt Enhanced RPFP, 2013-2040 is hastened Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt after the region was badly hit by TS Sendong in December 2011. The approval of the Enhancing Capacities on DRRM/CCA Project by the Project Board of the Integrating DRR/CCA Project1 of Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt 2 the NEDA is our concrete contribution Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt to the region in terms of reducing the Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt vulnerability and improving Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt preparedness of its disaster-prone communities. The Enhancing Capacities on DRRM/CCA Project complements the Integrating DRR/CCA project which provides technical assistance in the preparation of the DRR/CCA-Enhanced PDPFPs of its two pilot provinces, Bukidnon and Camiguin. Remarkably, Region X is the only region that comprises all five provinces in the implementation of the Integrating DRR/CCA Project, even with only two pilot provinces (not 2 but 5 in 10). The coverage even extends to the three cities that were severely affected by TS Sendong: Cagayan de Oro, Iligan and Valencia in the preparation of DRR/CCA-Enhanced CLUPs. Further, to have a more holistic and comprehensive perspective of mainstreaming DRR/CCA in development and physical planning, the riverbasinriver basin/watershed approach is adopted in the formulation/updating of the regional physical framework plan. As early as 2005, the National Land Use Committee (NLUC), with the NEDA as the Chairperson has come up with an action agenda on disaster risk management, primarily to strengthen DRR in physical planning. It has developed methodologies as embodied in the Guidelines on Mainstreaming DRR in Land Use/Physical Planning. This project is a starting point for raising the capacity of regions and provinces in DRR, using physical planning as our entry point. There were several milestones on DRR mainstreaming in planning that followed. It was in October 2009 when the Integrating DRR/CCA Project was launched. The project aims to enhance awareness and understanding of climate change and its aggravating effect on existing natural hazards and develop tools for the formulation of physical framework/land use and development plans. Both projects operationalized Administrative Order No. 1 issued by the President of the Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt Republic on September 17, 2010. This AO directsing local government units, particularly provinces, to adopt and use the Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Subnational Development and Land Use/Physical Framework Plans, and NEDA to 1 With fund support from AusAiD, New Zealand Aid Program and UNDP 2 With fund support from AusAiD, New Zealand Aid Program and UNDP ii conduct capability-building activities for planning offices at the local, regional and national levels on the use of the Guidelines. I am proud of the initiatives undertaken by Region X. It went ahead in the preparation of the Disaster Risk Assessment Report (DRAs) and the rest of the DRR/CCA mainstreaming efforts. With the methodologies/tools that were developed, the region undertook several initiatives to enhance the methodologies through the conduct of several experts fora, technical sessions and capacity building with the engagement of local and in-house experts. Now, we are a witness to this major deliverable of the project, the DRR/CCA-Enhanced RPFP, 2013-2040. It aims to significantly contribute to risk reduction efforts and help make communities more resilient to natural hazards and at the same time ensure that development efforts shall not be compromised by these hazards. The plan has five chapters: Chapter I – Introduction; Chapter 2 – The Vision, Major Goals and Objectives, Chapter 3 – The Planning Environment; Chapter 4 – The Plan Proper According to the Four Major Land Use Areas; and Chapter 5 – Plan Implementation. I highly recognize that this RPFP is a concrete result of our passionate and collective efforts in mainstreaming DRR/CCA into the physical/land use plans. It is evident that these are the fruits of hard labor and perseverance of the select pool of regional and provincial project core teams, as well as the RDC and RLUC-members, the LGUs, PSRs/NGOs, academe, among others. We all believe that wise land use planning will reduce the adverse impacts and costs caused by disasters. As I am overwhelmed of the region’s efforts in terms of DRR/CCA mainstreaming, I am more concerned on the utilization or the practical application of all the outputs of the project. This is a major challenge on how we can influence the policy and decision-makers in prioritizing resources particularly on the DRR/CCA strategic options that will be identified and eventually be implemented. On our part at the regional level, we continue to shepherd and capacitate the provinces and highly urbanized cities along DRR/CCA through our continuing and strengthened collaboration among the RLUC member-agencies, as well as with the ODA community to complement the needed resources in reducing the region’s vulnerabilities. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to all of the stakeholders in Region X who continue to support all our development endeavors, especially in serving as our strong and active partners in helping us build disaster-free and resilient communities. I encourage everyone to continue to actively participate in the technical work and in advocating /adopting DRR/CCA in your respective fields and communities. Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt Formatted: Font: 11.5 pt LEON M. DACANAY, JR., CESO III Chairperson, Regional Land Use Committee-X Vice Chairperson, Regional Development Council-X Regional Director, NEDA-X iii Acronyms and Abbreviations 4Ps Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Inc. Program CARP Comprehensive Agrarian Reform A & D Alienable and Disposable Program AACCUP Accrediting Agency of Chartered CATV Cable TV Colleges and Universities in the CBDRM Community-Based Disaster Risk Philippines Reduction and Management AACGR Annual Average Compounded CCA Climate Change Adaptation Growth Rate CCE Crime Clearance Efficiency AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic CCER Crime Clearance Efficiency Rate AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate CENRO Community Environment and ADB Asian Development Bank Natural Resource Officer ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable CEPALCO Cagayan Electric Power and Light Development and Protection Plan Company AGILA Alubijid-Gitagum-Laguindingan CGS Child Growth Standards AHFF Agriculture, Hunting, Fishery and CHD-NM Center for Health and Forestry Development – Northern AMCR Average Monthly Crime Rate Mindanao APEC Asia-Pacific Economic CHED Commission on Higher Education Cooperation CIC Cagayan de Oro-Iligan Corridor ARBs Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries CIDSS Comprehensive and Integrated ARCs Agrarian Reform Communities Delivery of Social Services ARMM Autonomous Region of Muslim CIIF Coconut Industry Investment Mindanao Fund ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian CIS Communal Irrigation System Nations CLRF Contingent Liability and ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Rehabilitation Fund Nations CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian CMP Community Mortgage Program Nation CMTS Cellular Mobile ASTI Advanced Science and Technology Telecommunication Service Institute CMU Central Mindanao University AUSAid Australian Aid COD Center of Development BAI Basura Atbp., Inc. COE Center of Excellence BCIR Butuan-Cagayan de Oro- Iligan COWD Cagayan de Oro Water District Road CPP/ NPA Communist Party of the BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Philippines/New People Army Resources CRMO Coastal Resource Management BHW Barangay Health Worker Organization BnB Botika ng Barangay CSER Crime Solution Efficiency Rate BNS Barangay Nutrition Scholar CSR Cohort Survival Rates BSU Bukidnon State University CU Capitol University BUSECO Bukidnon Second Electric DA-BSWM Department of Agriculture - Cooperative, Inc. Bureau of Soils and Water CAB Civil Aeronautics Board Management CAC Competency Assessment and DBM Department of Budget and Certification Management CADT Certificate of Ancestral Domains DCC Day Care Center Titles DENR Department of Environment and CALT Certificate of Ancestral Land Titles Natural Resources CAMELCO Camiguin Electric Cooperative, DENR-LMB Department of Environment and iv Natural Resources – Lands Institute Management Bureau FP Family Planning DepEd Department of Education FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent DILG Department of Interior and Local FR Forest Reserve Government FRIMP-CDOR Flood Risk Management Project DJF December, January, February for Cagayan de Oro River DOE Department of Energy GDP Gross Domestic Product DOH Department of Health GER Gross Enrollment Ratio DOLE Department of Labor and GHPSC Golden Heritage Polytechnic State Employment College DOST Department of Science and GRDP Gross Regional Domestic Product Technology GVA Gross Value Added DOT Department of Tourism HCNPL Hill Cave Network Protected DOTC Department of Transportation Landscape and Communications HEIs Higher Education Institutions DPWH Department of Public Works and HEP Hydro Electric Power Highways Hh/HH Household DR/CC Disaster Risk/Climate Change HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency DRM Disaster Risk Management Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency DRR Disaster Risk Reduction Syndrome DRR/CCA Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate IBA Important Bird Areas Change Adaptation ICM Integrated Coastal Management DSWD Department of Social Welfare and ICT Information Communication Formatted Table Development Technology DTI Department of Trade and
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