m4r C!tatalngur -OF- ~niut 3Jn4u~ !i Q!nll.rg.r -FOR THE- Academic Year 1922-1923 ===AND=== ... Prospectus 1923-1924... ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND \ \ f ' '/ :1. / .( I 4 \ 1923. CALENDAR. I 1924. 1 9 2 3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 ....... Opening of Session and Reception of Candidates for Admission.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ....... Examination for conditioned students. i I i[ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 ... College opens for regular work. 11 ! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBBER 20 .... Classes begin recitations. .I ,· \ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 ...... Thanksgiving Day. " I ~ I )i'RIDAY, DECEMBER 21. .....••.. Commencement of Christmas Va.ca- tion. 1924 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 ........... Resumption of College Exerci.sel. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 .......... 8econd Term begins. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 .......... Easter Vacation begins 12 mid- day. WEDNESDAY,_ APRIL 23 .......... Easter Vacation terminates at 7.00 P. M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11. ..........Commencement Day. .\ '! !' I ' cmCUL.AR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 5 ORGANIZATION . The charter of St. John's College was. granted in 1784, and the institution opened in 1789. But under another form and name it had been doing its work during nearly a hundred pre- BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORS. vious years, and is, therefore, one of the oldest colleges in the country. At the city of St. Mary's, then the capital of Mary- land, as early as 1671, the Upper House of the General As- PRESIDENT sembly passed an Act ''for founding and erecting a school or (Under the Charter eZeoted annually.) college for the education of youth in learning and virtue." Hl:s EXOELLENOY, ALBERT C. RIToHIE, This was followed by the Act of 1696, establishing KING Wn.- The Governor of Maryland, LIAM'lil SCHOOL, which was opened 1701. Here were educated Annapolis, Md., 1920. some of the most distinguished sons of Maryland-physicians, lawyers, statesmen, clergymen-and pre-eminent among the brilliant number was William Pinkney, whose learning and l'REsIDENT eloquence have a national fame. KING WILLIAM'S SCHOOL (Pro-tem.) was, in 1784, merged into St. John,'s College, which has thus HoN. ROBERT MOSS, been connected with the State of Maryland from the early Annapolis, Md. times of colonial history. Francis Scott Key, author of our favorite national ode, and Reverdy Johnson, distinguished as a lawyer and a statesman, are among the alumni, and many SEORETARY. others, scarcely less eminent, could be mentioned. L. DORSEY GASSAWAY, ESQ., Annapolis, Md., 1891. LOCATION ,AND ACCESS. (Ea;-Officio.) (Ea;-Offioio.) The. college is pleasantly situated at Annapolis, on the HoN. WM. J. NORRIS, HoN. JOHN P. BRisOOE, banks of the Severn river, a few miles from the Chesapeake President of the Senllite, Judge Court of Appeals, Bay. Nothing in the country surpasses the picturesque beauty Baltimore, Md. Prince Frederick, Md. of its si1mation. The college green is spacious, amply shaded, and most attractive to the eye, while the campus, in the rear, HoN. MILLARD V. TYDINGS, HoN. JOHN R. PATTISON, is admirably adapted for sports. Bordering the grounds, Speaker of the House of Delegates, Judge Court of Appeala, Harford County. ''College Creek,'' a branch of the Severn, affords every fa- Cambridge, Md. cility for swimming and boating. Indeed, the situation com- HoN. A. HUNTER BOYD, HoN. WM. H. THOM.AS, bines every advantage desirable for a college. The buildings Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of Appeals, are large, commodious, and well adapted for purposes of both Cumberland, Md. Westminster, Md. classical and technical education, and accommodate two hun- HON.HENRY STOOKBRIDGE,JR., HoN. WILLIAM H. ADKINS dred and fifty students. · Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of App~ Annapolis has hourly trolley communication with Balti- Baltimore, Md. · Elkton, Md. ' more and Washington, daily steamboat connection with the former city, and telephonic and telegraphic connection with HoN. T. SCOTT OFFUTT, HoN. HAMMOND URNER, Ja., Judge Court of Appeale, every part of the country. Judge Court of Appeals, Towson, Md. Frederick, Md. 6 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 7 BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORS. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF (OONTINUED.) VISITORS AND GOVERNORS OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. L. DORISEY GASSAWAY, JOHN L. CHEW, Annapolis, Md., 1891. Annapolis, Md., 1908. (Announced January 8, 1923.) HON. JOHN G. ROGERS, WILLIAM WOODWARD, BUILDI:NGS AND GROUNDS. Ellieott City, Md., 1894. New York, N. Y., 1910. MESSRS. Moss, Chairman; RoGERS, STEELE, HOPKINS, DAWKINS, WOODWARD, KEMP. JAMES M. MUNOOE, BRUNE·R R. ANDERSON, Annapolis, Md., 1896. Baltimore, Md., 1910. FACULTY AND INS'.DRUOTION. MESSRS. MUNROE, Chairman; CHEW, KEMP, GREEN, RANDALL, HoN. ROBERT MOSS, HoN. EMERSON C. HARRINGTON, NYDEGGER, DAWKINS. Annapolis, Md., 1897. Cambridge, Md., 1912. MILITARY DEPART!MENT AND DISCIPLINE. FRANK H. STOCKETT, DANIEL R. RANDALL, MESSRS. STOCKETT, Chairman; STEELE, FELDMEYER, GASSAWAY, Annapolis, Md., 1897. Annapolis, Md., 1913. WOODWARD, DAWKINS, FECHTIG. JAMES A. FECHTIG, HoN. WALTER I. DAWKINS, FINANCE. New York City, 1899. Baltimore, Md., 1913. MESSRS. HOPKINS, Chairman; STOCKETT' FELDMEYER, WILLIAMS, GOLDSBOROUGH, HARRINGTON, STEELE. CHARLES G. FELDMEYER, W. THOMA'S KEMP, Annapolis, Md., 1899. Baltimore, Md., 1914. DEGREES. M:IBSSRS. GASSAWAY, Chairman; MUNROE, GREEN, ANDERSON, DAWKINS, NICHOLAS H. GRE,EN, JAMES A. NYDEGGER, M.D. CLARK, RANDALL. Annapolis, Md., 1901. Baltimore, Md., 1915. CATALOGUE. HARRY J. HOPKINS, HON. P. L. GOLDSBOROUGH, MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; KEMP, CHEW. Annapolie, Md., 1902. Baltimore, Md., 1918. LIBRARY. STEVENSON A. WILLIAMS, WM. N. WOODWARD, MESSRS. CHEW, Chairman; STEELE, CLARKE. Bel Air, Md., 1904. Annapolis, Md., 1918. ENDOWMENT. LOULS T. CLARK, HERBERT NOBLE, MESSRS. NYDEGllER, Chairman; MUNROE, STOCKETT. Elliciott City, Md., 1905. New York, N. Y., 1919. VACANCIES IN BOARD. NEVET·T STEELE, MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; MUNROE, STEELE. Annapofa1, Md., 1907. PUBLICITY AND SECURING NEW STUDENT.S. MESSRS. GREEN, Chairman; CHEW, NOBLE, FECHTIG, KEMP. ON THE PART OF THE ALUMNI. Jl.mGELY P. MELVIN, Annapolis, Md., Chairman; RICHARD J. DUVAL, Annapolis, Md.; HOWARD A. BATTY, Baltimore, Md.; MERRITT G. RAsIN, Baltimore, Md.; PETER P. BLANCHARD, Baltimore, Md.; JAMES C. MILLER, Baltimore, Md.; HENRY C. RUHL, Baltimore, Md.; REv. JOHN I. YELLOTT, Bel Air, Md.; HOWARD B. MATTHEWS, Cam- bridge, Md.; VERNON S. BRADLEY, Cambridge, Md.; EDWIN H. BROWN, Centreville, Md.; HENRY P. TURNER, Easton, Md.; EDWARD T. CLARKE, Ellicott City, Md.; ARTHUR WILLARD, Frederick, Md.; JOHN s. NEWMANN, Frederick, Md.; J. VINCENT JAMISON, Hagerstown, Md.; A. R. HAGNER, Hagerstown, Md.; JOHN F. MUDD, LaPlata, Md.; BERNARD GWYNN, LaPlata, Md.; WILLIAM STANLEY, Laurel, Md.; AMOS W. WOODCOCK, Balisbury, Md.; NICHOLAS OREM, Upper Marlboro, Md. I''·: 8 cmcuLA.R OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 9 THE FACULTY. BYRON V. OEGIL, M.A., D.Se., (Graduate of 1St. John's College) Professor of Chemistry. WILLIAM L. MARCY, THOMAS F,ELL, M.A., PH.D., LL.D., D.C.L................ •Preaidm (Graduate of the National Institute of Pharmaey, and of the · Pennsylvania; Military College.) Professor of Moral Science. Instructor in Sanitation and ·Hygiene and Assistant in Chemistry. JOHN BROOKW!A.Y RIPPERE, B.A., M.A., L.H.D .•••. Vice-President THOMAS L. GLADDEN, M.A. (Graduate of Wesleyan University.) Asst. Professor in Latin and Mathematics. Professor of Latin. ROSOOE E. GROVE, B.A. JOHN B. WHITE, M.A., L.H.D. (Graduate of St. John's College.) (Graduate of Geneva College.) Assistant Professor in Physics and English. Professor of GTee7a and Latin. JOHN O. FELL, B.8., M.A. BENJAMIN HARRISON WADDELL, M.A., L.H.D. (Graduate of St. John's College.) (Graduate of Washington and Lee University.) Assistant in English and History. Professor of Mathematics. GEORGE HOBAN, B.S. (Graduate of Lehigh University.) REGINALD H. RIDGELY, B..S., M.A., D.Se. Athletic Director. (Graduaite of St. John's College.) Professor of Biology. SARA!H BERRY. Registrar and Secretary for the President. SIDNEY S. HANDY, B.A., M.A. (Graduate ef Columbia University.) Professor of English. HAROLD BRENTON .SCARBOROUGH,, B.A., M.A. ( Graduaite of St. John's College.) Professor of Drawing and Physics. OLA.RENCE WILSON STRYKER, B.A., M.A. (Graduate of Union College and Columbia University.) Professor of History and Political Economy. GROSVENOR L. TOWNSEND, Lt. Col., U. S. A. Professor of Military S·cience and Tactics, and Lecturer on International C1l/l.d Constitutional Law. OARL SCHWINN, Captain, U. S. :Anny Assistant Professor of Military Science and TaoUaB, ERNST O. VON SCHWERDTNER, B.Sc. (Graduate of St. John's Oollege.) Professor of Modern Languages. 10 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 11 student. For special reasons the instructor may grant an ex- tension of the time beyond one week. In all cases a student is held responsible for preparation on omitted work whenever in- GENERAL REGULATIONS. volved in review or examination. Omitted exercises, not allowed or excused (or in any case, if not made up), will be counted as failures in reckoning a student's standing. A copy of the general rules of the college can be obtained upon application at the President's office. COURSES OF STUDY. All students are required to be present promptly on the opening day of the session, but no students except those hav- The College Course embraces three groups of studies for ing special permits from the Faculty will be allowed in the undergraduates, each occupying
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