institut ramon llull barcelona 08008/ diagonal 373 / tel. (+34) 934 67 80 00 / fax (+34) 934 67 80 06 / [email protected] / www.llull.cat RESOLUTION ON THE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR THE AWARDING OF GRANTS, ON THE BASIS OF COMPETITIVE TENDERING, FOR THE TRANSLATION OF ORIGINAL WORKS OF CATALAN AND ARANESE LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY IN 2018 Ref. 02/ L0127 U10 N-CONV_ 2018 Factual Background 1. By virtue of the resolution issued by the Director of the Institut Ramon Llull on 13 July 2018 (Official State Gazette of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC) no. 7667 of 19 July 2018), and its modification dated December 11, 2018 (DOGC No. 7769 of 17 December 2018) the application process was opened for the awarding of grants, on the basis of competitive tendering, for the translation of original works of Catalan and Aranese literature and philosophy in 2018. 2. The assessment committee meets to examine and nominate the applications submitted. 3. On 17 December 2018, the examining body formulated a motion for a provisional resolution on the awarding of the grants, in accordance with the assessment committee's motion. Legal Grounds 1. The General Grants Act (Law 38/2003 of 17 November) and Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July approving the Regulations for said Act. 2. Legislative Decree 3/2002 of 24 December approving the revised text of the Public Finance Act of Catalonia. 3. Government Agreement 85/2016, of 28 June, approving the modification of the model of regulatory rules approved by Government Agreement 110/2014 of 22 July, which approves the model of regulatory rules for procedures regarding grants awarded on the basis of competitive tendering, as processed by the administration of the Government of Catalonia and the corresponding public-sector bodies, and approves the full text of the agreement. 4. Rules 1 and 12.2 of the rules governing the Institut Ramon Llull’s application process for the awarding of grants for the translation of original Catalan works of literature and philosophy. 5. The Institut Ramon Llull has adequate and sufficient funds in its current budget. Article 13.2 (e) of the Statutes of the Institut Ramon Llull empowers the Direction of the Institut Ramon Llull to award grants. institut ramon llull barcelona 08008/ diagonal 373 / tel. (+34) 934 67 80 00 / fax (+34) 934 67 80 06 / [email protected] / www.llull.cat Resolution Accordingly, I resolve 1. To award grants for the stipulated sums and purposes to the applicants specified in the Annex. 2. To establish that the first 50% of the grant will be paid out in advance once said grant has been awarded. 3. To establish that payment of the remaining 50% will be made once the supporting documents for the grant-funded activity and expenditure incurred have been submitted, under the terms specified in the rules. 4. To establish that these grants shall be considered de minimis aid, as governed by Commission Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid (OJEU L352 of 24/12/2013). 5. To establish that the beneficiaries shall agree to provide, whenever requested, any information that may be requested of them in relation to the grant awarded and to undergo any verification procedures that the Institut Ramon Llull, or any other competent body, deems necessary. Admissible Appeals This resolution does not exhaust the administrative channels for appeal and in accordance with Articles 121 and 122 of the Legal Framework for Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure Act (Law 39/2015 of 1 October), an appeal for the matter to be passed to a higher authority may be lodged with the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Institut Ramon Llull within a period of one month starting the day after this resolution has been published. The one-month period shall end on the same day on which publication takes place. Barcelona, 18 December 2018 The Director of the Institut Ramon Llull Manuel Forcano institut ramon llull barcelona 08008/ diagonal 373 / tel. (+34) 934 67 80 00 / fax (+34) 934 67 80 06 / [email protected] / www.llull.cat ANNEX L0127 U10 N-TRD 535/18- 1 Recipient: Raval Edicions SL Dates: December 2018 Activity: translation of the work Al mateix riu d’Heràclit , by Pep Coll, into Spanish Translator: Xavier Rodrigo Zudaire Amount requested: €4,400.00 Amount eligible for grant: €4,400.00 Score awarded: 30 Amount granted: €2,640.00 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by Raval Edicions SL to translate Al mateix riu d’Heràclit , by Pep Coll, into Spanish. The committee rated the overall interest of the proposal favourably, as it is the latest work published by this author. The committee rated the difficulty of the translation, the professional record of the applicant and the international outreach of the translation. The committee rated Xavier Rodrigo Zudaire's lack of experience in translating works of Catalan literature. L0127 U10 N-TRD 536/18- 1 Recipient: Kastaniotis Editions S.A. Dates: March 2019 Activity: translation of the work La plaça del Diamant , by Mercè Rodoreda, into Greek Translator: Evriviadis Sofós Amount requested: €3,200.00 Amount eligible for grant: €3,200.00 Score awarded: 41 Amount granted: €2,624.00 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by Kastaniotis Editions S.A. to translate La plaça del Diamant , by Mercè Rodoreda, into Greek. The committee rated the overall interest of the proposal very favourably, as it proposes to translate a classic work of contemporary Catalan literature, which is a priority category for Institut Ramon Llull. The committee rated very positively the difficulty of the translation. The committee rated positively the professional record of the applicant, which has published works by Joan Perucho and Emili Teixidor, and the international outreach of the translation. The committee rated very positively the professional experience of the translator, Evriviadis Sofós, who has translated works by Sergi Pàmies, Quim Monzó, Jaume Cabré and David Cirici. L0127 U10 N-TRD 537/18- 1 Recipient: Kastaniotis Editions S.A. Dates: April 2019 Activity: translation of the work La Bíblia valenciana , by Rafael Tasis, into Greek Translator: Evriviadis Sofós Amount requested: €2,197.00 Amount eligible for grant: €2,197.00 institut ramon llull barcelona 08008/ diagonal 373 / tel. (+34) 934 67 80 00 / fax (+34) 934 67 80 06 / [email protected] / www.llull.cat Score awarded: 38 Amount granted: €1,669.72 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by Kastaniotis Editions S.A. to translate La Bíblia valenciana , by Rafael Tasis, into Greek. The committee rated the overall interest of the proposal and the difficulty of the translation positively. The committee rated positively the professional record of the applicant, Kastaniotis, which has published works by Joan Perucho and Emili Teixidor, and the international outreach of the translation. The committee rated very positively the professional experience of the translator, Evriviadis Sofós, who has translated works by Sergi Pàmies, Quim Monzó, Jaume Cabré and David Cirici. L0127 U10 N-TRD 543/18- 1 Recipient: Zalozba Zala Mateja Sužnik s.p. Dates: January 2019 Activity: translation of the work Un fill , by Alejandro Palomas, into Slovenian Translator: Veronika Rot Amount requested: €2,200.00 Amount eligible for grant: €2,200.00 Score awarded: 35 Amount granted: €1,540.00 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by Zalozba Zala Mateja Suznik s.p. to translate the work Un fill , by Alejandro Palomas, into Slovenian. The committee rated the overall interest of the proposal positively, given that it proposes to translate a work of literature for children and young adults, which is a priority genre for Institut Ramon Llull. The committee rated positively the difficulty of the translation. The committee rated favourably the professional record of the applicant, which specialises in literature for children and young adults and has previously published a piece by Francesc Puigpelat. The committee rated the international outreach of the translation. The committee rated positively the professional experience of the translator, Veronika Rot, who has translated works by Jaume Cabré, Vicenç Pagès Jordà, Jordi Puntí, Manuel de Pedrolo, Albert Sánchez Piñol and Llucia Ramis, among other authors. L0127 U10 N-TRD 546/18- 1 Recipient: Latvijas Mediji Dates: September 2019 Activity: translation of the work Bon Nadal, estimats monstres! , by Jaume Copons, into Latvian Translator: Dace Meiere Amount requested: €700.00 Amount eligible for grant: €700.00 Score awarded: 31 Amount granted: €700.00 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by Latvijas Mediji to translate Bon Nadal, estimats monstres! , by Jaume Copons, into Latvian. The committee rated the overall interest of the proposal positively, given that it proposes to translate a work of literature for children and young adults, which is a priority genre for Institut Ramon Llull. institut ramon llull barcelona 08008/ diagonal 373 / tel. (+34) 934 67 80 00 / fax (+34) 934 67 80 06 / [email protected] / www.llull.cat The committee rated the difficulty of the translation, the professional record of the applicant and the international outreach of the translation. The committee rated the professional experience of the translator, Dace Meiere, who translated two other works in the same series by Jaume Copons. L0127 U10 N-TRD 548/18- 1 Recipient: ARGO spol. s.r.o. Dates: April 2019 Activity: translation of the work L’abadia del diable , by Josep M. Morreres, into Czech Translator: Jind řch Vacek Amount requested: €2,400.00 Amount eligible for grant: €2,400.00 Score awarded: 31 Amount granted: €1,488.00 The committee has considered the grant application submitted by ARGO spol.
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